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Updated after a few months of playing! The original review stands, but I've added a paragraph at the bottom :DFirst off, component quality is excellent; The cards are durable linen finish and the artwork is beautiful. For such a small box, you get an awful lot of game too. A brief overview; each player is dealt a card at the beginning of the game to decide their secret identity; either a loyal knight or a wicked traitor. The traitors know who the other traitors are, but the loyalists know nothing. Each round, the group as a whole must pick 2-5 people (depending on player numbers) to send on a quest. Then, those people each decide to either help or sabotage the quest in secret, by playing a card face-down.The cards are shuffled, and if any sabotages are revealed the mission fails, and if not it succeeds. The team with the most rounds in their favour (ie failures for traitors, successes for loyalists) wins the game after 5 rounds.Simple! Except of course you don't know who the traitors are, or how anyone voted, and everyone swears blind it wasn't them. Or perhaps you are a traitor, flinging wild accusations around to divert attention. This is a game that doesn't happen on the table, or on a board, it all happens in the interaction between players, and it's tense, fun, and ever so satisfying because when you do well, you didn't roll a good die or spot something first; you got into your friends heads. And messed with them.Now, that is just the base game from the previous version, and can be played with the components in this box. On that basis alone, it's a fantastic game if you like interaction, lying, logical thinking, or shouting "Traitor!" at your friends. But even better, Avalon comes with special role cards to add more depth and backstabbing to the game. Merlin for instance, who knows who all the traitors are, but if they guess who he is at the end of the game, they win.The box says it's suitable for ages 13+, but I'd say you could go lower quite easily. 30 minutes play time is possible once you get the hang of it but might be optimistic if you get entrenched in the "He's a traitor!", "No I'm not" discussion (which you will). I gave this 3 stars for educational value since I'd say it teaches critical & logical thinking, as well as social interaction much better than your average boardgame. It also teaches parents exactly how well their kids can lie, which is valuable information ;)The only downside I can think of to the game is that you need at least 5 players. For me, this is fine but it may be worth considering. You can play it in a living room easily enough though, so long as you have even a small coffee table or similar for the main board (and someone to manage it). It probably isn't for you if you dislike interaction-heavy games, uncertainty and bluffing.Updated: Well I've had this for over 4 months now and it still often comes out at games night. I play with different combinations of one group, so we all have a good idea about each others tells and strategy now, but the game is still fun and interesting. We now always play with Merlin and the Assassin, but haven't really used the other roles. We have had a few games with the lady of the lake too, another variation that adds more information, and more opportunities for flat-out LIES. I've had more than my moneys worth out of this one and I can't think of a game I'd more comfortably recommend.
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I've played this game countless times with other people's copy. The ultimate social deduction game that I cannot get enough of. I finally got this, played it, and now I am reviewing this.The base game is the resistence, which follows the paradigm of the "good" guys figuring out who the "bad" guys are. Bad guys control the information at the beginning of the game (as they identify each other at the beginning of the game) but lack in numbers. While the good guys control the board by having the majority, but with no information to begin with.This is the reimplementation of the "vanilla" resistence above, where it adds special characters like Merlin, who identifies the bad guys, but has to remain hidden.Mordred who stays hidden from Merlin. Percival, who identifies Merlin (the good guy who knows all the bad guys except Mordred) and Morgana (a bad guy) but unaware of which one is which! And the assassin, who has the chance to assassinate Merlin at the end of the game.Based on the crowd, I have mixed and matched the characters - depending on their ability to perform social deduction. Ranging from adding no special characters, and just playing with the base game to all the special characters, (plus more!) 9 out of 10 times, I was able to teach and play in less than 10 minutes, for the rest of the night. With the special characters, it is incredibly easy to balance the game also.Must-have for anyone who is interested in social deception games. Easy to learn, exciting board game for everyone (also happens to be one of my favourite board games of all time.) Easiest 5 stars I have given.
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A well-produced game of bluff and deception that we play infrequently as it requires at least 5 players, and preferably more (about 7 is good, I'd say). It is based on the game Resistance but is (obviously) themed around the King Arthur and Mordred story, and it has additional mechanics (e.g., via the addition of Merlin - more of him later). Artwork is excellent and the entire package is not too large and so is easily transported.Players receive a character card (kept secret) that will be either allied to Arthur (good) or to Mordred (evil). Some of these characters have a special ability. Each round a player acts as king and chooses who goes on a mission. Arthur's side want the missions to succeed,Mordred's want them to fail. And that's basically it. 3 success and the good guys win, 3 fails and the bad guys win...The game play is interesting - there's plenty of opportunity to deceive and the game is fast and fun and intriguing from the very start; if you're good you don't know who to trust - unless you're Merlin, who knows exactly who the evil players are but who must not give away his own identity as, if the evil players correctly identify him, they win the game).Given that the game lasts around 30 mins, it's good that players are never eliminated - everyone plays throughout. This is a family game that genuinely engages all ages - even my 7 year old son enjoys it; the game mechanics are simple and the layers of sophistication/complexity lie with the players and their bluffing/deducing.A great game!
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Prepare for an enthralling evening of deduction, bluffing, backstabbing, and optional role-playing. Same dynamic as the original Resistance, but the addition of specific roles with different abilities really adds interest and complexity to game play. Merlin knows the identities of some of the spies and wants to help Arthur's servants, but if the spies deduce his identity, then he is killed and the game is lost! Percival knows that one player is Merlin and another is Morgana, but needs to figure out which is which so that he can take advantage of Merlin's knowledge - and deflect the spies' attention to himself. Mordred is hidden from Merlin and an excellent secret weapon to save for the mid- or endgame.Oberon wants to help the spies, but they do not know him and he does not know them, so his participation could end up blowing their cover. The rest of the players are loyal servants of Arthur who are just trying to figure out whom they can trust in time to stop the spies from sabotaging enough quests. Occasionally frustrating but always fun, and sometimes the post-mortem is the best part of all. Highly recommended!
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I bought this game after already playing it during game night at a friends house, we had enjoyed it so much that we knew we wanted it for the next game night which we would host. Procrastination meant I'd not bought when the day arrived but fortunately it was available from Amazon Prime Now so arrived shortly after our guests!The gameplay is easy to pick up, the challenge is reading your fellow players and finding ways of communicating to your in game colleagues without your opposite numbers figuring things out. This game can really suprise you with your friends and family's ability to lie!The length of play can vary dependant on your group, the numbers playing and which cards you are using.The smaller the numbers you should use the basic cards and it will generally be quicker, unless you have some major chatterbox in the group.This game is a key favourite for the kids when we are having family game time but is equally loved during adults only game night. This is one of the lowest price options out there and will give hours of game time so I would recommend it as an additional to any game collection.
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This is one of the best family board games I have played. It is simple to learn, has no complicated details, encourages a lot of interaction, and moves along quickly. The only disadvantage is that it works best with a large group. You can play with 5 but 7-10 is better.The game is a variant on Are You a Werewolf, but with several twists that makes it more involved. I won't describe the exact rules as so many reviewers have already done so, but in outline you are dealt cards which determine your role and which of two teams you belong to. Different people have different information about who is in their team. There are two aims - to sabotage or complete missions and to find out, or avoid being found out,who is in which team. Missions are notional - nothing actually happens. The game is about determining who forms the team for each mission, as the success depends on which side the members are on. This leads to a delicious mixture of strategy, bluff and double bluff, lying and lie detection. I can't recommend is too highly.
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The only downside to this game is that you need at least 5 people to play it, everything else I love. Avalon is the sister game to the resistance and in essence plays in the same way. The group is split down the middle into the bad guys (mordred's followers) and the good guys (knights of Arthur) All the bad guys know who each other are but the good guys don't know who anyone is, oh except the the person who gets merlin. He knows who everyone is but if he reveals himself he gets assassinated and the good guys lose. This is part of the hidden roles genre and requires bluffing on the behalf of the baddies who need to sabotage a certain number of "quests" to win the game.This may sound a littlecomplicated but I really do urge you to buy this game is you can realistically get 5 people together (7 seems to be the sweetspot). It really encourages and produces the results of which all modern greta board/card games aspire to and that is to have great fun in a social setting with your friends and family.
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I had stopped playing boardgames with my family as we all get too competitive and some are too thick to understand the rules, this would lead to everyone relying on me to be the rules lawyer and understand/play the game for them. Basically , those two things led to everyone getting frustrated and it wasn't fun.Thought I'd try one last time with Avalon, the rules are simple for everyone, the games are short enough to keep everyone's attention, though we played at least 5 in a row the first time we played. Everyone is too busy concentrating on their roles to really get competitive, even when you lose,no one cares as it's the little moments of subterfuge or the discussion after about the turning points in the game that matter.I've played this in large groups where I barely knew anyone and now with family and it's always great fun. Has to be my favourite party game.
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I have ben playing a lot of avalon, this game is good, actualy its great. I have played with 5, 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 and 10, I prefere games with 6 to 8 people. Veary easy to teach, and to play, its a truly fun game, where is a deduction game to the good guys and a bluff game to the bad, i think only a realy shy group would only be the ones that didn't enjoy this, I play with all kinds of people but there is always people that like to expose there ideas, it a taking game, the mecanics are veary cleaver, and you can add the several characters for extra complexity. Hours and hours of fun is to be found in this box, totaly worth it.


This and Secret Hitler vie for the title of our favourite social game but this edges it for me. Easy enough to pick up that my mum and my 8 year old can play, with so many layers to it. This is an amazing party game. It takes maybe one play through to get the hang of it, and it's best to play with the base characters first. Once you get going, it is very addictive. We've found it helpful to download a free Avalon narrator app from the Play Store as setting up the game with all the roles can get very complex for the person running the game so it is easier to let the app take control of that.


One of the best games we've purchased. The only down side is ensuring that you have enough players to make a game of it. The game comes with a good range of variations to ensure that more players can be accommodated.The game is an excellent blend of lying and working together. A good game to play to get to know people as you're going to need to talk to other players. It is also a good game as, unlike Mafia (a pseudo equivalent), no one is eliminated and people are always involved in the game.The art work is good. Don't hesitate - just give it a go.


Avalon is a fun game to play with 6-8 people (with less or more it never worked for our group). The game knows several characters and you work in teams of 2; the good and bad. The good people don't know who is on their team and therefore it is fun and inquisitive. It is guaranteed to bring out the most shy people into a conversation and this game will steer the weirdest but most fun conversations ever. Easy to play with relative strangers and friends.Recommended is to have 1 person playing who has played the game before to move things along.


You need at least 5 people to play this game, its easy to learn but difficult to master. No outright winner as you are either on the side of good (Arthur) or Evil (Mordred) but you wont necessarily know who favours which faction so you need to find out by careful strategy. paying attention to who does what during each round and storing that information in your head so concentration is needed here. We thoroughly enjoyed the game and it will be played time and time again. In fact I can see a whole series of "Avalon nights" being arranged.


One of the best games I've ever played - very similar to it's sister 'The Resistance' (Standard version). The sweet spot seems to be around 7 or 8 people, so better for larger groups, though it can be played with as few as 5 and is still enjoyable. The artwork on the cards is gorgeous. I recommend getting some card sleeves/protectors for the cards, though, as any minor scuffs or damage to the cards can give away who is who if people know which cards have which marks, and they'll extend the life of the game, so win-win.


My favourite board or card game of all time. You really want 7+ players though, for a great game. Also, it's worth investing in some clear plastic card sleeves, as they tend to pick up little scuff marks etc, and you don't want the other players to identify your character card by any markings on the back of it! Also, the cardboard tokens can quickly become a little worn, so I have those in little plastic sleeves too. Those minor niggles in no way detract from the absolute awesomeness of this game. Highly recommended!!

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