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The Orange Box (TOB) is the second of Valve's three episodes for the seminal half life 2, and while we may have had low expectations after the not-so-awesome episode 1, and we've had to wait a long, long time to play TOB, cast aside your worries and concerns: TOB is one of the best games of the year.There are five games here, three of which are new. The new games are Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2. The older games are Half Life 2 and Episode 1. This means you're literally buying two games you already own, but that's really not a big deal given the overall price and quality of the package, and if you're fortunate enough to not own Half Life 2, then this is astounding value.Episode 2 is probably the weakest of the three games,but to say it's also utterly awesome perhaps puts the overall quality of this package in perspective. The story picks up exactly where episode 1 left off. You're immediately thrown into a series of long and winding tunnels, utterly linear, with some simple physics puzzles here and there. The gunplay doesn't start proper until about an hour in, when you get to a small human camp. It's a great set piece involving turrets, friendly AI and a hell of a lot of antlions.The game goes on like this, alternating between rather mediocre linear run n gunning with occasional physics puzzles which are simple, but serve as a pleasant distraction, and then the game throws a simply wonderful set piece at you. I don't want to go into details about them, they are best experienced without prior knowledge. But suffice it to say that while episode 2 is not the greatest of games, it is a worthy addition to the Half Life universe, and a game anyone fond of HL2 should play. It clocks in at about five to six hours, making it slightly longer than episode 1.The second game in the collection is Portal, and for those of you not familiar with what portal is: you're in for a treat. It's a first person puzzle game where you can fire portals into walls, a blue and an orange, then step through one and out of the other. It's difficult to simply do the game justice with its basic description. The puzzles begin easy, with things like firing a portal across one side of a chasm, and another on your side to easily pass through. But an hour later you'll be pushing your brain and your finger to their limits.The whole game is only around three and a half hours long, but it's an utter pleasure to experience from start to finish, it has a wonderfully dark sense of humour (and is probably the funniest game of the year) as you're guided by an unworldly computerised voice that is... eccentric. Without spoiling anything, the game also has a simply perfect ending.Team Fortress 2 is the final original game in the package, and for anyone who even vaguely enjoys multiplayer FPS games, it's the highlight of TOB. It is in essence an objective-based class-based team multiplayer FPS. You'll select a class (each of which has strengths and weaknesses, and has to work effectively with the other classes to function properly), choose your team and jump straight into the game.One of the greatest strengths of TF2 is that the individual focus of the player is not merely on kills and deaths, but uses a points based system which also factors in kill assists, headshots, dominations (awarded for killing the same person several times), revenge kills (killing someone who is dominating you) and various other things. This means you won't be preoccupied with your simple ability to kill the enemy, but will be more focused on helping your team as best you can.Visually, the game is a pleasure to experience - it looks more like a cartoon than a computer game, and does wonderful things with the source engine. Another great thing about this game is it's really not all about twitch reaction ability to score headshots at 200 yards. People who don't enjoy counter-strike and the like will definitely find something to enjoy in TF2, with its variety of classes, each of which is unique, its wonderful visual style, its focus on the team over the individual and the sheer fun of it all, TF2 is the greatest multiplayer FPS I have ever played.Also featured in the package is Half Life 2 and episode 1, its first expansion. HL2 is one of the greatest games of all time, period. It puts the player in a variety of situations and scenarios and transcends the `run n gun' mentality most FPS games have. One moment you're speeding down a road in a mad max style buggy, the next you're in your very own version of the movie tremors, the next you're leading a team of giant insectoid monsters on a prison raid. Really, the depth of gameplay is rather limited, but the breadth is so amazing, words scarcely do it justice. If you've never played Half Life 2, start here.Episode 1 is the weakest part of TOB, but still well worth playing. It only clocks in at around four hours long, and it only has a few of the awesome set pieces that make HL2 such a wonderful game, but it is certainly well worth playing.Five games, three new. TOB features some of the finest games of the year as well as one of the finest games of all time. If you've never played Half Life 2 before, you simply must buy this. You simply must. And if you're a HL2 veteran but don't own this wonderful package yet - I have one question, what are you waiting for?
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The Orange Box- 5 games in one box: Half-life 2, Episode 1, Episode 2, Portal & Team Fortress 2.Half-life 2 released back in 2004 scooped up dozens of awards including game of the year and rightly so. A decade or so has past since the events of the original, earth is now under the rule of the combine, a vicious alien race who deal with humans as they see fit, the few remaining humans who aren't firmly under the foot of the oppressors are struggling with little effect to regain control, Gordon Freeman (protagonist) is literally dumped into this world and it doesn't take long for the combine to come after him fortunately he is saved by Alyx a freedom fighter and you head off to take down leader of the city Dr.Breen.Half-life 2 covers ever corner of the FPS world from the zombie- infested streets of Ravenholm to sprawling city buildings, it maintains a relentless pace mixing pulse pounding shoot-outs with increasingly powerful weapons to gravity defying puzzles. The game constantly changes moving from shootings to high-speed vehicles sections in which you are being pursued by enemy choppers & of course the now famous gravity gun, turning nearly all items around you into a weapon. You don't have to have played the first to enjoy this as you find yourself swept into the story as it goes along. While technically it may not have quite the impact it had at its release its still remains an immersing world, a benchmark for FPS to follow and one of the greatest games of all time.Episode 1 picks up directly after the end of Half-life 2 rescued from the rubble of the citadel Freeman & Alyx aim to escape the city before the main reactor explodes, which means navigating through the collapsing citadel, tunnels teaming with the undead then to the train station to evacuate the remaining citizens and get out of dodge themselves.Episode 1 while a good game is probably the weakest of the package coming in at 3 hours long, revisiting some old locations and lacking standout set pieces. However it does have a fair few good points navigating the darkens tunnels with only a small flashlight as the undead pop out at you is genuinely unnerving and a shooting frenzy in a hospital is a glorious bloodbath and a great action sequence. It still sticks to the same half-life formula puzzles using the gravity gun, traversing air ducts and lots of head crabs, the ending taking on a lone strider to beat the game seems anticlimactic and then even more so after the ending of episode 2 still dam good game though.Episode 2 carries on from episode 1 emerging from the train wreck you head off to white forest a resistance fortified camp to deliver important Intel which is the only thing that can stop the opening of a portal to the combine world. Episode 2 is great, full of heart pounding set pieces such as repelling and army of Ant-lions with a little help form your friends which makes you gasp at the shear number of things happening on screen as bullets spray from every direction or driving at break neck speeds to escape attack helicopters and worse or the final defence of the resistance base against a dozen striders, its non-stop adrenaline thrill that's twice as long as the previous entry and leaves you begging for the story's conclusion in episode 3.Portal is a unique little puzzle game. You play as an android tasked with completing increasingly difficult mind bending puzzles in the interests of science and at the compilation of you tasks you are promised cake (no really) however cryptic messages in hidden rooms and an increasingly unstable AI bot guiding you begin to make things seem as they should be. Portal basic premise is you fire one portal then fire a second portal across the room walking thorough the first portal will bring you out the second on the other side of the room. Things start up easy enough but by the end the tasks border on impossible and will require fully mastered portal skills to complete. Its a pretty short game about 3 hours but is a unique experience and entertaining while it lasts.Team fortress 2 is an online game, which means no offline play with your mates unfortunately. It is addictively fun, characters feel like they are from a Pixar movie lively and animated each has their advantages and disadvantages and you're in for a treat on a hectic 16-player match.So the PS3 version has been under fire for somewhat of a sloppy conversion but these things have been exaggerated by some. The slowdown that occurs when playing is non existent is half-life 2 and portal, there's a lit bit in the more hectic scenes of episode 1 & 2 but its very rare that it effects game play, loading time are about 9 or 10 seconds longer than the 360 version but its something you can live with just don't try to die to often.A value package the likes of which you've never seen five full games in one box for the price of one, and not just any five games, five brilliant immersing quality games that will take up a fair few weekends. The Orange Box is a must own and if you don't already get it in quick time.
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if you own a ps3 you must own this game.if you havent ever played half life 2 like me this will be an even better deal as ive never heard of half life 2 so i had 5 games to play.half life 2 is brillaint it took ages to complete and although load times our a tiny bit long the gameplay is excellent.i cant think of enough superlatives to throw at this. although it isnt without its problems at times it lags although after a few seconds it fixes so it isnt a big issue. again load times but i didnt mind them.a big problem and this may just be mine but at one specific point it froze completely. i reset and loaded up several times with it freezing up every time with no prevail.this was the bit in our benifactors when there tons of combine at end of hallway and a striders thingy. so i restarted the previous chapter follow freeman and did that all over again taking 2 hours and got to same bit saving before dog makes the hole which i suggest. and got to same bit annd it worked flawlessy for rest of game. i finished it happy with me defeating the baddy ( i wont say what happens cus i dont want to ruin).episode 1 ive just finished and i a welcome edition with you escaping city 17 and the beggining and eend is really good and there were no problems whatsoever with this but agian slightly long load time s but not too long. episode 2 ive jsut started and so far so good with no problems and so far it been really fun.portal was the first thing i played when i loaded up disc for first time and finished it in about 3 hours and it was breathtakingly good no flaws no problems jsut stunning. it wasnt to short to make it pointless and wsnt too long to become boring. and honestly im glad it was short because it allowed me to do the stunning last level and listen to the hilarious song at the end.team fortress 2 is great and as sonn as i finish epsiode 2 this is the game ill be playing as im usually an engineer. there no problems ive encountered with this and it runs on ea online and not steam thankfully as what ive heard of steam is not good.overall 5 stars ad the only reason i gave it 4 was because i was annyoed at going back a chapter because it froze although it was quite fun.put simply !BUY THIS GAME YOU WONT REGRET IT! especially if your like me and have never played half life 2.ps you dont need to of played half life to play this ive never and still picked up what went on in the first with references to balck mesa and it look likes theres going to be a half life 3 rejoice. hope it released on ps3 as if there is a half life 3 that woud be the top of any game list id have due to this game, stunning if you dont get you only have yourself to blame.
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I bought this collection for around £15, the price for a new version has seemingly sky rocketed since then, but I'd still say its worth it, as you essentially get 5 games worth over a £100 separately when they were new (probably) including one of the best games of all time!Half Life 2 is simply one of the best games ever made, and all those reviews reflect that. It is colossal, I don't know how much video game miles I've covered by foot, hovercraft or car, but the time spent on one run through this game is a lot!Crucially, its the gameplay that sets this game apart from the rest and even manages to shame games released in its wake (looking at you COD, Battlefield clones etc ad infinity).Although the game is linear, and there is only one path through the various levels, you can choose how you get there. You can go all Rambo and run and gun everything in sight, or you can take a more cerebral approach, solve puzzles or use the environment to your advantage. For example; there is one street section that is full of zombie / head crab things, you can either pick them off one by one, which, depletes the not limitless amounts of ammo on offer, or you can trap them in a make do blast furnace / flame pit and burn them to a crisp in one fell swoop!Although this game is pretty much a straight up shooter, there are a lot strong survival horror elements to it. I've lost count of the times I've jumped up in my seat when ducking down through a hole or into somewhere claustrophobic and been scared witless by one of those face-grabber things, or when sneaking down a seemingly abandoned area, hearing a strange, heavy breathing sound and suddenly confronted by another horrific creature! It's very unnerving stuff and has more thrills that a Resident Evil game.The graphics are great, and although the game many years ago, it still holds up to today's trend setters, although you can tell at times it isn't brand new it in no way looks poor or detracts from the gaming experience.Both expansion packs are pretty much the same game but take place after the original games, with Episode 2 easily the better.Portal is great, much shorter by comparison and inferior to Portal 2, but still a cracking game.Team Fortress 2 is one of the most fun and uniquely animated FPS online-shooters you can get, and has real unique character and humour that is lacking in other, more well known franchise.Overall, one of the best gaming purchases I've ever made. Bargains this good are rare but shop around as the current prices are steep, but still, its worth every penny!Worth the price to get Half Life 2 alone!
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Incredible value for money. Half Life 2 is one of the best shooters ever made, this package also includes Episodes 1 & 2, along with puzzler Portal and online shooter Team Fortress 2.For someone who has never played Half Life 2, this is an essential purchase. Even on a repeat play its still gripping and lots of fun.Half Life games have a tradition of redefining what makes a shooter great. With the originals release in 1998, the focus on narrative was completely new. The game did away with cut scenes and everything was viewed through the eyes of central character, Gordon Freeman. This tradition continues with Half Life 2, but Valve has also placed great focus on physics and the way objects react within its world.As it was first released in 2004,these aspects are slightly showing their age; but no game has done it better. This is helped in no small part by the Gravity Gun. A superb innovation that never gets boring, and makes lethal weapons out of everyday objects.Episode 1 is a solid if forgettable expansion pack, which picks up the story from Half Life 2's dramatic conclusion. Yet sadly, only the level 'Lowlife' provides any real excitement.Luckily Episode 2 serves up an electrifyng change of pace, switching locations from the urban squalour of City 17 to the more rural 'White Forest'. Theres also a new vehicle to drive, in addition to previously unseen weapons and enemies. Unfortunately the Half Life saga is left on yet another cliffhanger, as Episode 3 is still some way from completion. It needs to arrive soon, as the Source Engine is already looking dated when compared to the likes of Bioshock or Call of Duty 4. There are some nice HD effects, but its disappointing more hasnt been done to update the visuals.Portal is truly unique and has to be played to understand what its about. Team Fortress 2 is a deep, rewarding shooter, and quite a change from the standard online shooter fare. As the name suggests, TF2 requires teamwork to achieve victory. The cartoony visual style seperates this massively from the others in the package.Of the versions available, PS3 loses out, which shouldnt be the case.Having played this on a friends 360, the load times are shorter and the annoying slowdown when too much happens on screen is non existent. This is completely unacceptable.But The Orange Box is still great. Put simply, theres truly something for every shooter addict. Be it obscure, epic or online.
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For those of you who do not know, this game is old and therefore is in some respects dated. However, for the age of the title both the graphics and the AI are very good. The game also has some of the best physics ever seen in a game (including those today).The whole game revolves around Gordon Freeman who was the hero of the first half life instalments. Although in this chapter instead of spending the majority of the time running through a lab you will be shooting grunts in a few different environments including a city and a swamp. I will not give any spoilers in this review as I believe it is unfair to anyone wishing to play this game.Team Fortress 2 is the online multiplayer game for this title and the only phrase which can describe this game is "seriously good fun".Everything here is made to be as fun as possible from each of the different classes and their abilities (solider, pyro, spy, engineer, heavy and demo)to the very cartoony look and feel to the game. The maps are great with different hiding places and plenty of room for all out murderings a plenty.Portal is for me the main attraction to this title, at the time this was the cleverest and most original puzzle game ever created. With the use of a single gun which fires two different portals onto walls in order to get past obstacles. BRILLIANT!!!Bad points about this title are:-Game is linear compared to some newer titles-No aiming down the scope of guns-Graphics for those who care more about this than game play and storyGood points:-Great and timeless story-Some of the best AI ever seen in a FPS-Online mode is amazing fun (hard to get frustrated with)-A lot of hours of game play-PORTAL!!!Separate scores and reasons why:-Graphics - 6 - This score is given compared to new games, if i was to give a score for graphics for this game during it's year of release and the 2 years to follow it would have been a 10. Some squaryness and slow frame rate at times but nothing serious at all.-Game play - 9 - Will always be a great title to play. Has something for everyone. Good and easy controls.-Sound - 7 - Dated but still very good voice acting and atmospheric music when it plays.-Last-ability - 10 - Will take hours to finish everything. Portal and Team Fortress will be played more than once.
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Didn't buy this on release because of the bad review that appeared on a couple of websites. The review stated that 'framerate' problems made the game 'unplayable'. With Uncharted and Call of Duty 4 also competing for my money, I mistakenly listened to the reviews. After completing Uncharted I traded it for the Orange Box...... and instantly regretted not buying it on release.I'm an hour into Half-Life 2 and not a sign of framerate problems... at least none that I could notice. I'm willing to entertain that it may may be a smoother game on PC, but I've never played the PC version so I wouldn't be able to tell anyway. Great story that really draws you in. I'm loving this game. My only gripe,and one I've now adjusted to, the loading times feel a little long. I counted about 16 secs. They occur as you move from one part of the map to another. (After the seamless playthrough of uncharted, loading screens seen old fashioned and out of place on the PS3) That said, if you can't wait around for 16 secs then maybe you don't have time to play such an absorbing adventure as Half-Life 2.Portal is brilliant. Great puzzles, funny humor and absolutely no problems at all. I've heard that it's short but cannot comment as only just started playing.Team Fortress 2 is a welcome diversion from the seriousness of Call of Duty 4. Had a blast of a time as the Spy sneaking into the enemy base and waiting for the enemy to stupidly turn their back on me. Medic is great for easy points, hanging back healing teamates while they take the flak you share in their scores. Pyro is good for beginners, set the enemy on fire and run away while they burn. Engineer can set up gun turrets that will automatically shoot the enemy for you, although you'll need to stay close by to repair. Great fun online.In summary, the orange box is far from broken. Don't let your decision be made by perfectionist websites who seem happier putting together an entertaining review rather than a review aimed at the average gamer. 5 games, just £40.00. Puzzle, FPS adventure and Cartoon online, multiplayer mayhem. If you're still in doubt, then borrow or rent first, but trust me, you will want to own this set. Great value that hopefully will set a benchmark for other ports to the PS3.
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I decided to buy TOB today from Tesco of al places because frankly i was so bored and didn't cherish the idea of a saturday without some ps3ing.I've had my eye on TOB for a while now, Portal seemed like too cool a game not to play, so i made the plunge and bought it.Firstly the good.Portal is incredible!! Pure gaming genius, i honestly feel words alone cannot truly explain just how amazing this game is.YOU NEED TO PLAY IT!Team Foretress 2 is pretty decent too, i thought from screenshots online that it was aimed more at kids, however in play the graphics strangly work.I've only played TF2 for a little while but i think i might start to really like it.As if this wasn't enough you also have Half Life 2 which according to some is the finest PC game of all time,and the HL2 episodes 1+2 .5 games for the price of one, can't beat that.OK, so the bad.Well firstly, this makes every other game look outrageously overpriced, the sheer value and playability is just staggering.Graphics problems.I'll probably be assaulted here, but i'll giv eyou my appraisal on the issues people have been complaining about.First, it must be said i have only really looked at portal in detail, so i cannot say whether the following holds true for the other games, or indeed on your system.Certain levels of Portal i found extremely slow, graphics taking time to render etc, framerate issues, and a kind of bleeding (with high contrast subjects)For those curious im using one of the new 40gb ps3's + a new sony bravia 37" via HDMI.I discount the PS3 + BRAVIA for these errors purely because Burnout Paradise (and others) run so incredibly smoothly, + these are issues people have reported.Ok, but moment of truth time, these issues are not THAT SERIOUS, give me Portal graphics on a SNES and it will still be a phenomenal game.All in all i can't rate it higher, i wish the graphics problems i mentioned earlier were not there but its not enough to cripple this classic in the making5*'s
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'Half-Life 2' was one of the best games of the previous generation of consoles and it now returns in the most complete set available yet.'The Orange Box' includes a selection of 5 of the most recent games from Valve/Steam including the classic Half-Life 2, which has been re-vamped in glorious HD; Half-Life 2's two add-ons, Episodes One and Two, which adds a bit more to the story; Portal, which is a puzzle-based first-person shooter; and finally Team Fortress 2 which is an Playstation Network multiplayer game.Half-Life 2 aside, Episodes One and Two give you an additional 12 levels (5 in Ep One, 7 in Ep Two) to HL2's 14 levels, and the story is pretty good for an add-on.There's plenty of challenge and the games do take a fair few hours to get through. No vehicles in Episode One though is a bit of a let-down, but not the end of the world.Portal is similar to Half-Life but is more puzzle-based and doesn't really have a storyline. You must get through a series of levels using HL2's gravity gun to pass objects through various portals. A very clever and entertaining game that has a lot of thinking involved.Team Fortress 2 is a multiplayer-only game that can be played over PS Network or System Link only. Shame there's no split screen option. The game is less realistic than the Half-Life games, using more cartoon-like graphics and over-the-top weapons and leaps etc.My only disappointment with the whole package is that it doesn't include Episode Three, which is due out in 2008, as this would have made the whole Half-Life 2 experience complete. Other than that you can't get much better value for money on your PS3 than this. 5 games for the price of 1 and where the quality is as good as it is, you're laughing! A must buy for any fan of the first-person shooter genre and anyone who wants to play a classic. I've played this on the Xbox 360 and cannot wait for it to come out on the PS3 now.
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I've already given a review for this game but i felt compelled to give another review after playing team fortress 2.I JUST LOVE THIS GAME!But i feel i should say why.First and foremost it's a team game, not another pointless FPS multiplayer where the sole purpose is just to rack up kills or gang up on one player.It is this team natured aspect which make TF2 so formidable, working as a collective unit to secure the mission goals is thoroughly rewarding, it allows you to quite literally take one for the team.Another aspect of this game which is exceptional is the graphics.Alot of people, myself included would be initially turned of the game due to these quirky graphics,however i have now come to think of them as one of the most important and clever aspects of the game.In the past i have always avoided FPS online due to 2 main reasons.1> I take it too seriously2> Sometimes there is a bullying routine where one player is picked upon more than any other.So far i have never felt any discomfort from playing tf2, i attribute this in part due to the quirky graphics, the graphics are so cartoon like in appearance that it's almost impossible to get annoyed even when you see yourself explode lol, Very clever of Valve.As this is a team game your buddies are always around to help you and protect you in order to get the teams mission objectives completed, this practically removes the petty rivalry that typically goes on between individual players in your run of the mill fps.Everything about this game is just so incredibly well worked out, i still get a tingle everytime i treat myself to a game.£39.99 is great value for Team Fortress 2 alone! With half life 2 + HL2 Episodes 1+2 and also the phenomenal portal (stayed awake till 5am finishing that one!) it is undoubtably one of the best titles i have ever owned on any platform.100% recommended on TF2 alone.
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I'm a newcomer to the Half Life series, and picked it up Saturday just gone when I got the Orange box. I found the first few levels interesting, but not brilliant; they seemed like they were showing you the ropes and showing off the physics. However, about 3 hours in it really grabbed me and wouldn't let me go. The Ravens-thingy level is awesome; the hopelessness and desolation of the atmosphere of the world is incredible; it's almost depressing to play! Another person wrote about being genuinely panicky and frightened in the Ravens level, and I have to say I've never found myself screaming, screaming with laughter (due to panic) as a result of single player action. Normally that's split screen Sega Rally,but there you go...! Brilliant fun.Really looking forwards to progressing further; can't stop thinking about it; and very much can't wait to see episodes 1 and 2.Portal is great looking on a HD panel and believe everything else you've read about it. Haven't got round to Team Fortress yet, but based on Half Life alone, I paid £20 trade in for this box, but would still pay £40 for it. Incredible experience. I think, outside of San Andreas, HL2 may be the best I've ever player.With regards to framerate issues; I've seen it once. Massive slowdown with not a lot happening, lasted about a minute until I left a building. Only the once in about 5 hours though- irritating but not massively intrusive overall. Visuals look great; a little dated in some places, but others look as next-gen as you like.Reccommend to anyone.Hope this helps.
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Lots of people still think to do this day, is it still worth it buying an orange box. Or maybe you console gamers wanna see a good old PC game!Well I can answer both of yours questions, its still worth buying and for the price its should be in everyones shelf. Console gamers buy this so you can get a slice of life from a pc classic.Half-life 2 one of the most well known, best valve game that changed pc gaming for ever! The brilliant mind of Gabe created this.With addicting gameplay, intriguing characters and amazing story!TF2 is my 3rd fave game (on pc) of ALL time! But on console TF2 is just dead. I mean online isn't a thing anymore and there are no updates. TF2 is near 200 updates now,but its still a blast with friends! Likeable characters, addicting gameplay, cartoon awesome graphics and did I mention the characters are so damn likeable!? like seriouslyPortal is a challenging puzzle game, its my fave on the orange boss. Pretty alright graphics for today standards but gameplay that most triple A games can only dream of capturing. If you like portal one than get 2! Its the same but bigger and better. Portal will leave you scratching your head, wether you just look online for the answer or solve it the good old way portal is a game you will be begging your friends to play just so you can talk about it!Im not good with reviews and probably only said 50% of whats good with the orange box, but just get it! Its just a classic everyone has. So why haven't you?
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To the person reviewed below... You've openly admited you read about the issues and haven't bought the game... I read these same comments, grew concerned, and then chose to ignore them! Since then i have been 100% hooked to this gaming masterpiece, killing every spare moment and straingin my eyes and senses to TRY and find any hint of these WAY OVER EXAGERATED problems.Team Fortress 2 and Half Life 2 are the main two killing my time, TF2 is better than i expected as i was concerned by the cartoony screenshots, i'm also surprised how many are playing it considering the game was only released 3 days ago.As for HL2 itself, i'm sure its better looking than it is when it was originally released on the PC,the comment made by my wife passing the screen says it all "I thought you said this game was old, it looks brand new and better than half your other games" I'm on chapter 11 of 14 on HL2 and have encountered NO slow down at all, the same situation reported by the majority who have bought this fabulous product.This game also demonstrates that they did infact make decent length games a few years back. HL2 on its own is 4 or 5 times longer than Resistance: Fall of Man and then you also have to consider than you've got Episodes 1, 2 and Portal thrown in aswell.Your not likely to get this much value for money for an enormously long period of time... long live the days of Gordon Freeman on Playstation 3
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The game itself is fantastic. I have played both Portal and Half Life 2 on computer, and the gameplay on the the PS3 is exactly the same. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves puzzles, shooters and complex story lines. Portal has a lot of re-playability, and Half Life 2 is a long and exciting game with more than enough content to keep you interested.The only problem I have with this version in particular is the quality of it. At the time of making, Valve did not like Sony and their PS3, and so did not develop the PS3 version in-house. Instead, they sold the game off to EA, who made a spectacularly awful port. Loading times are horrendous - PC and xbox load save files,quicksaves and levels in a couple of seconds. The PS3 version takes between 15 and 20 for each load, sometimes loading things twice (you get used to waiting for it to load. Unless you die a lot.)! There is also the occasional judder, when the screen is filled with complex graphics, e.g. sunbursts and lots of shooting with water reflections. The texture quality is also low, and the resolution is 720p. Of course, anyone who has played other PS3 games knows full well that none of these problems need exist, as the PS3 is more than capable of delivering brilliant gameplay.So yes, I am thoroughly disappointed with the PlayStation version, yet I love playing it so much that I cannot rate it lower than 5 :)
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This box set is truly brillient, Contained inside are 5 Games:Half Life 2; An Excellent game with a great storyline to match. although it wont keep you busy as long as the first, the game still has challenges to keep you busy for the time being.Half Life 2: Episode 1; Continuing from Half Life 2 with very much the same gameplay with a little added storyline, but does give a challengeHalf Life 2: Episdoe 2; Again a continuation from Episdoe 1, with a more challenging depth to the game than Episode 1, in terms of new enemys longer levels and new weapon tactics.Portal; A Masterpiece, this game is a must. This game is a first person puzzle,based on opening portals (shoot one wall then shoot another with secondery fire and pass through the first to the second). The game can be pretty challenging and at first does not seem to have any storyline, but as the game develops their opens a rather bizzare storyline but pretty stright forward.Team Fortress 2; A great Mass Multiplayer game if ever I saw one, I would describe this game as fun, fast and funny. The game is a first person shooter with many classes to pick from to play as, such as: The Demo Man (Explosives Expert), The Doc (The Healer of the game), Spy (Disguise as the enemy). Use the classes wisley using their abilitys and the game will be yours to win.
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