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Morrowind is truly the greatest RPG ever!The concept behind Morrowind is brilliant:You can choose to change the world with your brave and heroic deeds, or change the world with your assasinations, killings and robbings. You can choose to be the worlds most powerful swordsman, or you can be the worlds best mage or archer. You can make potions and sell them for a high price, or you can be a pilgrim or a gypsy; never stopping at a place for a long time. You can choose to make your own potions, or to buy readymade ones. You can repair your own weapons, or buy new ones once your current weapon is too worn to be used. You can be the master of all spells, and go around enchanting rings and hitting people with fireballs and flamethrowers.You can choose to be a assasin, warrior, guard, creature, scavenger, traitor to the king or loyal servant to the king. When you start off you can choose to be any of the 10 classes that are given: these are Argonians, reptilian warriors from marshy areas,Bretons, natural born spellcasters, dark elfs which are, you guessed it, dark elves, high elves, which are proud and golden skinned and very intelligent, imperials, which are people from the civilized areas, Khajits, which are often thieves because of their agility and acrobatics, nords, which are tall and fair-haired people, who lare strong, willful and hardy. Orcs are a beast race; they have unshakible courage and power. The redguards are the race with the most natural ability and power. Finally the wood elves are nimble and quick and are good scouts and agents.The graphics and physics of Morrowind are great:When you jump off a guard tower, you do not land unscathed; if your aerobatics skill is high, you will live, but if it is low; you die! If you try to walk up a waterfall, you will be knocked back and will not be able to get up,The graphics of morrowind, together with the huge graphical capacities of the Xbox make Morrowind even more stunning than before. (and Morrowind was absolutely earthshattering on the PC!)The skeletal-based characters certainly are increadibly realistic; nothing looks out of place and everything looks as though you really are inside the game! All the creatures, characters and places look good. The world of morrowind is huge: it takes over 200 hours or longer (seriously) to tour the entire world on foot. If you want to finish all the quests and visit all the places, it will take over 600 hours to do!The freeness of morrowind is increadible; you can choose to follow the main storyline, or you don't have to; you can make up your own storyline and become the most wanted criminal in the entire Vvardenfell (the land of Morrowind)!Morrowind is for people who like to be free, and for people who are creative and who do not want to follow a certain storyline and have the game end the moment the storyline is finished.The additions of Solstheim (the nothernmost island) and Mournhold (a very useful city to be in) only makes the original morrowind better!In Solstheim you can steal great armour that lies in crates on the top floor of the Fort Frostmoth guard towers; then you can help lead settlers to a good place to build their town, help them build it, then manage it, or if you want to be evil, you can lead settlers there, help them build it, then kill the settlers, or you can even help them build the town then purpously get bitten by a werewolf, and turn all the settlers and children into werewolves too! It is your choice.In Mournhold,you can go to the huge Mournhold temple, or go to the great bazaar, a place full of shops and stalls. You can go to the palace, or go to the Plaza Brindisi Dorom, a grassy area with a statue of two people fighting.Morrowind GOTY is a great game: The two expansion packs: Mournhold and Solstheim (packed into one disk) make the game even longer-lived (around 700-750 hours now!)Morrowind takes the RPG business to a new level; nothing can beat it!
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I just read a couple of reviews for Fable and somebody had praised it for having a sense of freedom... I felt i had to write my piece here to say that Fable feels like a prison in comparison to the grand scale and depth of the magnificent Morrowind. I found Fable a linear, rather dull experience compared to the fun you can have wandering around the massive and open environment of Vvardenfell. Console RPGs tend to be scaled down and restricted in terms of the player's ability to make decisions and play everything in their own order, at their own pace. This is not so with Morrowind, you can follow the main quest however you choose to, possibly spending days investigating towns and sidequests.There are so many locations on the map and so many ways of reaching your destination that you truly do feel that sense of freedom and autonomy so lacking in most games.If you're looking for straightforward rpg action with a little bit of depth and around a 15 hour completion time then Jade Empire is your game. Morrowind is what you turn to when you want to spend literally hundreds of hours investigating, fighting, spellmaking, exploring, stealing, brewing potions etc etc the list goes on! Morrowind has a living breathing environment. Seasons change, weather is temperamental and varied, plants grow and ash flies from the ominous Red Mountain at the centre of the map. While the graphics may be considered a little dated by some people, I think there is a real beauty in the environment and of course in the wonderfully atmospheric sound accompanying the visuals.Morrowind is a deep game, and you should expect to spend many many hours playing it. The sheer amount of options available, both in terms of items to collect and character creation and attributes is really quite staggering. This is what makes the game such a joy to play as you know that your character is entirely your own and not predefined completely by the game developers. Despite its depth, the quests are easy to keep track of via a chronologically ordered journal and an index of topics, which I found to be indispensible.There are very real consequences to your actions in Morrowind. Hit somebody unprovoked in a town and the Imperial Guards will catch up with you and either lock you up (also taking your stolen goods), take you on in combat or demand that you pay a hefty fine (again this results in you losing your hard-stolen property). Whilst in prison, your skills decrease, making it a very undesirable thing to do indeed... The way you talk to people affects how much they like you which is important considering that people sell you items and lead you to quests. If you make a bad impression they will not even enter a conversation with you. Of course, bribery and flattery can go a long way...Morrowind is a game for people who love proper RPGs and who are willing to embrace the all-consuming experience that it will surely give them. The loading times are fairly long, but to me this is an insignificant criticism and will only bother you if you just don't like the game at all. Once you get past the initial loading, the in-game loading is barely noticeable and fairly infrequent.This game is so cheap now that it would be a sin not to add it to your xbox collection. Buy it now or forever be sad that you missed out on one of the best experiences on xbox...Roll on Oblivion!
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Well, there's not really much I can add to what's already been said about this game. It is hands down the most open ended game I've ever come across. Whatever character you want to play you can and if you don't see the character class you want on the list you can create your own.I've just finished playing the main quest with a Nordic Mage who wears armour and carries a sword and now I'm moving on to the expansions Bloodmoon and Tribunal. This game could make you forget you have any other games, it's that huge.However it's not perfect (but then what is?). The graphics are now somewhat dated and don't really animate at all naturally, however this is easilly forgotten after a few hours.The landscape varies in quality. The grassy plains tend to look painted onto polygons but the cities can, even now, take your breath away. A big glitch, however is that very occaisionally the game will forget to load a building and you'll see a big space where it used to be. This is easily remedied by reloading the game, but when that initial first loading screen takes about a minute and a half, you're probably better off just playing on as long as it's not a building you need to enter. Honestly though I've been playing non-stop for months and this has only happened 2 or 3 times. I've heard many rumors of the game constantly freezing or locking up but this has never happened to me and may only be the case with US versions of the game.I started out playing japanese RPGs like Final Fantasy, but as the level of customization has been phased out in favour of big budget cutscenes and linear storylines I've started to lose interest. Morrowind has brought all of it back and then some with the level of freedom it gives you. Yes there is an epic storyline to engage in (And it is well worth doing so) but it's up to you. You need never touch it. For that it deserves high praise indeed.However it should be noted that deep down it is still an RPG and a pretty hardcore one at that. Every time you swing your sword there's essentially a dice roll determining whether or not it hits, and at early levels that won't be often. So if you don't like RPGs you may still want to try before you buy. If you find it cheap, however, give it a go, it may convert you. I got my copy 2nd hand for £15 and I certainly can't complain about the amount of game you get for that price given that I've played it pretty much constantly since then pausing only for a couple of weeks to rip through Baldur's Gate (what can I say, I like older games).So after that incredibly dis-jointed review I'll finish by saying that anyone who loves RPGs should check this out. The only reason I didn't give it five is because of the few bugs present. And if you don't like RPGs you may want to give this a go anyway, as you'll never find a game that allows you more freedom. Not even it's sequel, Oblivion.
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I got morrowind and then this years ago. It works on the 360 but now the graphics are rather poor.. They were great at the time though.. its weird!.. The game is still in the top 5 all time greats though. I still have not done everything in it; If you do just the main quest you miss out on a lot. It is better than Oblivion, mainly because there's more freedom. You can enchant items a lot easier (I paid a NPC to enchant a ruby so that it could open just about every locked door/chest etc in the game). You can fly as fast as you can run, and by the time I got to Bloodmoon, I could run faster than a werewolf.At the start of the game I found it difficult killing a rat, which would put a lot of people off.I persevered though since this was the 1st RPG I'd ever played, and after some training, finding some armour and a decent blade, I was off. It still took about 2 years to get through but I was at the stage of being quite confident I could take any enemy.Once I got up North though, I got a really tough fight off a spriggand and a polar bear.. I think you need to be quite good before you venture onto the island.. Its this sort of thing however that makes it a great game. You can get over confident and then beaten up. The Bloodmoon part was my favourite; the atmosphere is pretty good and its a decent challenge.So basically it seems some people hate the game and others think its the best thing ever. On the 360 at the moment, the emulation isn't spot on (I think) because it takes longer to load etc than the original xbox. The graphics (on the 360 anyway) look really dated too and this would put off a lot of people. So too does the fact that you start off with no skills.. thats a bit like life though, you need to learn/practice something to become good at it. After playing this it made me more open minded about RPG's - some of them are good! If I hadn't played this I wouldn't have played KOTOR or Mass Effect (both are good, but KOTOR's better).I'm not writing off Oblivion- I got that on the back of this game (actually before I even had a 360!) and I still have it. I've finished it, but not all the side quests. It too is a good game and most people would say, more 'accessable' than Morrowind but if you've played through the latter, you will find Oblivion to be.. missing.. something..
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An outstanding game that is away ahead of its time. Morrowind is a RPG that led to the sequels Oblivion and Skyrim and followed on from earlier PC versions. This game was ground breaking at the time and while the graphics are now outdated it is still a superb game play experience.You could define Morrowind as a sandbox game given the breadth and depth of what you can do. Basically any action that you can carry out in the game has an equivalent skill paramater, the more you perform that action the quicker you level up, though this takes a long time. Therefore when you start the game your tailored character is very weak and slow physically and in terms of magical capability, and further more they have no cash.Abilities can be leveled up by performing them and money can be raised by gathering and selling herbs from the countryside, hunting, tomb raiding or simply completing quests. Once your character has a reasonable degree of skill the fun starts, however this can take a good number of hours so patience is required. At this point you have the option to pursue the main quest or simply do what you want and complete any side quests. I say side quests here but this implies a degree of plot enforcement that does not exist in the game, you are free to choose them when and if required.The freedom to roam the map as you see fit without time constraints is what makes this game special. There are weeks of game play not hours in this game! Throw in the included expansion packs and you have a great vale product!One piece of advice, save often as you can expect to die a lot early on!A wonderful game that though long in the tooth graphically is still a great game!The one down side is that late on in the game it seemed to crash frequently when I had maximum loot so avoid this if you can. If this presents a problem try the PC version
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you'll see other people reviewing this game saying it's not good, but these people are the goldfish of the gaming world, they want a game which can be completed in one sitting and with this game, i'll give you all my money if you can do that.The thing is, most people are turned off by the fighting part, which is to start with, very humdrum.PERSEVERANCE!!!When you start out, your a pleb, just outta jail, not a bean to your name... THAT'S THE POINT! Your weak, new character MUST EVOLVE. (no wonder you can't hit anything, your levels are at the lowest they can be)Here's a tip: Find a spell-salesman who sells SOUL_TRAP and FORTIFY LONG SWORD, (or fortify ANYTHING) and combine the spells together.So that's Soultrap ON TARGET, and fortify Longsword 10pts for 1 sec.have a look at your long sword stats, then cast your new spell on an inanimate object. Look at your Long Sword Level and smile!!cast spell repeatedly and change the fortify to any skill or ability (making sure your enchant, conjuring and intelligence gets the same treatment or the spell will fail)I wont spoil it for you, but this will help ALL NEW characters to become a bit more ferocious early on, only finding Chrysamere or the Umbra sword will make you relatively invincible.
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We had never played a role playing game before and purchased the original game on a whim. From the moment we put it on we couldn't put it down!!The content, graphics, playability of the game are fantastic. With so much to see and do and so many character variations that no two games are the same and if you do finish the game you can go back, change your character and your affiliations and open new challenges so you never get bored. The game is challenging enough in places but varies constantly with each quest and is also highly amusing in places.On finishing the main Morrowind quests we couldn't wait and were so excited that there was an expansion.The game of the year edition is the main Morrowind title plus both expansion games so if you are considering Morrowind(which you absolutely must buy)then buy this title rather than the original or you will just end up buying this one later anyway and wasting money.We have been playing for months and have never found a game that is such value for money and is so great to play.We are just praying now that they release more expansions for this title!!!
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Let's get one thing straight- this game is not for everyone. I think if I lent it to most of my friends they would only have the patience for about 10 minutes, giving up because of the initial slow pace, and "rubbish" combat system. Those with more patience will get past the initial bewilderment (there are stats galore) and enjoy an incredibally involving game, with total freedom to explore the huge world, and take your own career path. There are literally hundreds of hours of gameplay and the detail is fantastic. The combat system is very simplistic, but that's just not the point. You can enchant items, create potions, and increase the abilities of your character. There is a definite feeling of doing what you want,when you want, in fact it is the least linear game I have ever played. I give it five stars, but deduct four if your favourite games are Resident Evil and FIFA.
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When I first purchased this game,I have to say I found one or two things irritating. ie the frame rate can slow down because of the amount going on during gameplay.But the main annoyance was the combat system,it was a bit infuriating at first because of the almost constant miss ratio...but after giving it time and constant expenditure of money the character I chose became quite formidable and no longer kept missing with attacks unless he was exhausted.The game is very in depth with beautiful backdrops and sceneries,endless amounts of spells and enchantments,which you can customise to suit your own needs so my final verdict is its very well worth the cash....come on give it a go you won't regretit if you give it some time.
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Though it throws you in at the deep end, you float to the top quite quickly, though I have only played on it for 2 days the gameplay is exceelent, however the same can't be said for 3rd person and combat, however most of my combat skills haven't reached 30 yet, the surprising thing is the merchants, if your skill is good enough you can get items like med. armor for 150 instead of 200, don't take my word for it try it out yourself and be amazed.Unlike other games their is no good or bad points, only rank, reputation and bounty, you gain a rank in each guild you join, and this increases as you perform duties. gd luck choosing your game


I bought this game after reading all the good reviews it's got. This is definitely the biggest rpg game ive ever played and there is an unlimited things to do, but the graphics arent half as great as everyone says they are, especially for xbox. The first person view and controls are rather frustrating at first but after a while it becomes easier and smoother to play as your own skills increase along with your character's.This is definitely not ideal game for a light hearted gamer and can be disappointing, but if your prepared to put in the hours it can be very rewarding.


This game is fantastic.Lasts for as long as you want to play it,totally open ended with an immense number of main and side quests for you to get involved in.Thousands of characters and a world that is utterly huge.Forget star wars kotor or fable, this is the definitive RPG and if you want value for your money then buy it now.You can even carry your character over from the old xbox version to the new one.Face it,in what other rpg have you ever been able to take on monsters with a fork???Or enchant magic on to your own weapons and armour.BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT


I have never played a game which has grabbed my attention as much as Morrowind does, I have played on the PC but find it much better on the XBOX. From the very beginning where you create your own character the game is so versatile, I always create my own class so I can be good with weapons and magic. This is a game I will never get bored of playing.


A titan of an rpg game! Each new title seems to be offering less in terms of factions, skills etc. Too much emphasis on graphics and sales/marketing and not enough on rpg elements. This is the best of the elder scroll titles imo, and is still more entertaining than any offerings since. If you have the patience this game will keep on giving.


This is a great open world game, ok the fighting mechanic is dire but if you can look past that then it should become clear as to why so many people enjoy it. Watch out for the boot of blinding speed!Game arrived in good condition with all maps included, seller was very attentive and replied within hours.

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