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For Tamiya British Tank Challenger 2 (35274), 29 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.9.

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Well done Tamiya armor kit that goes together well. Detail, with exception of no anti slip on tank body is great. Extra rear fuel have a lot of fine small parts. Rubber tracks okay (that join with regular plastic cement). However, since tracks are covered by side skirts, not much point in buying metal parts. I am waiting for pe grills and another set of details including a replacement barrel and more fine detail. Main complaint is lack of sponsons especially visible at rear of tank body above drive sprockets. Fixable with styrene but Tamiya could have added this in build. Not sure what square holes on top of rear turret are for since you can see thru to base of turret. Paint interior black or use spare pe grills.Other than these picks the whole thing is should look fine when complete. Choice of decals good. I chose the 7th armored brigade with a neat little british flag on the barrel mantlet and the insignia copied from of ww2 desert rats. Clear periscope windows must be cut from clear styrene. (Instructions have template for size of cutouts.)Overall well done rated 4 our out of 5 for modeler out of box with a few kits while more advanced builder will want tofix small issues mentioned and go to town with photo etch and èven adding anti slip paste
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Usual Tamiya offering, with a kit that almost builds itself. But, no photo etch (you can buy a Tamiya set for the grilles), barrel is two piece - so seam line removal required, bits of string for the two cables (sigh) and you have to cut out panels from a clear sheet for the cupola - no moulded clear parts for it. Overall, it is a good kit, but slightly marred by the collection of cheap short cuts I have listed. Also, as good as Tamiya's paints are, if you follow the recommendations in the kit's instructions, you'll not get anything like the actual colour of the tank in real life. To achieve that, I'd recommend using AK Interactive British Sand Yellow - it requires a lot of thinning to airbrush,but is incredibly accurate for this vehicle - oh, paint area below the side skirt's reactive armour in Tamiya Buff. Gripes aside, still a good kit and in my opinion, currently the best Challenger 2 kit around - not that there's s lot of competition on that front.
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The Tamiya Challenger 2 simply sets the bar for all others to reach, you cannot fault the quality of manufacture. No flash, can't see injection points, superb fit, nice clear parts for the sights and vision blocks. The kit has well laid out simple to understand diagram instructions.But note this the Operation Telic (Desert Storm in US parlance) Challenger, it has the Chobham side armour and dust skirts and reactive armour on the bow. The colour scheme is only for the desert and so are the decals. I've searched the web to find the BAOR/UK divisional camo & regimental markings. Tamiya do a photo etch upgrade kit for the engine compartment but I wish they made a plastic upgrade kit so you could create the latest Chally with the new bow and turret Chobham armour packages,bar armour for the rear/sides and the remote weapon station.Overall worth every penny!
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This is an excellent model kit. Highly detailed, very realistic and goes together very well. It uses parts other than plastic mouldings, such as nylon cord and sheet plastic for certain parts, which adds to the challenge. It also uses rubber tracks which as anyone who builds these things knows, is a bonus. I am not certain that I would recommend this kit to an absolute beginner as it is a large project, but it is great for those with some experience. Highly recommended.


Superb quality model with a very fast delivery rate form Model Hobbies. The tank will look great in any diorama or standing on its own. The kit is straightforward to put together for those who may be a beginner but still leaves enough challenge for the more experienced modeller. I found the kit can be lit up with a little bit of tweaking here and there but would only suggest this for the more experience since some drilling and cutting may be required.


These Tamiya models are always good quality. Box is approx. 39x25 cm and the kit is accompanied by a 15 page construction guide. Decals all included, but you’ll need to provide your own glue, a suitably sharp craft knife and paints, to bring it to life!Very good kit.Recommended.


These Tamiya models are always good quality. Box is approx. 39x25 cm and the kit is accompanied by a 15 page construction guide. Decals all included, but you’ll need to provide your own glue, a suitably sharp craft knife and paints, to bring it to life!Very good kit.Recommended.


The only reason I give this 4 stars is due to the lack of detail on the back end of the turret. There is suppose to be more detail on that part of the tank. Other than that everything fits nice, and that issue I had was resolved with simple contour putty.


Ive made a few 1:35 size tanks and i love the building aspect and honestly had so much fun building this i had no issues everything was painless and sized perfectly. The instructions were clear and easy to follow i would recommend this easily


Great quality gift for the model enthusiast. I purchased it as a gift for my step-father as he used to make models. He also use to drive the Chally 2 when he was in the army, perfect gift!. His eyes sparkled as he was opening it!


A very good kit with excellent detail and value for money. My only observation regarding a negative is no ariels were enclosed and I had to manufacture my own.


The model got me you want peace I enjoy building it fantastic product would suggest anybody else it's a very good model to build


Excellent kit, good detail and time consuming, really enjoyed this and would look forward to my next project good, big of kit


This is an excellent model. t is of the usual Tamiya high standards and was delivered quickly without any troubles.


This is a very good model with lots of detail i have enjoyed making and painting it is now part of my collection

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