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For Synology DiskStation DS418play, 13 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.8.

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Who needs their own NAS drive at home? Not me I thought, and not at that price. But when I asked around the family “Do you have backups” the answer I received was a universal “No”. So no backups of college work, no backups of school projects, no backups of tax documents, letters, photographs (25,000 of them) or music (1,100 albums). OK, time to act.I looked at Synology first because we have the Synology RT2600ac wi-fi router in the house which is, without a word of a lie, excellent. In our opinion, their approach to customer support is unique – once you have bought a Synology product you get access to a whole ecosystem of additional free apps, plus regular software updates.So they were an obvious choice for a NAS. We chose the DS418play 4-bay drive, and packed it with 4x4TB new drives (2 Seagate and 2 Western Digital). All in, it cost nearly £900 – quite an investment.Setup was a piece of cake. The unit automatically set up the 4 drives using Synology Hybrid RAID, which guarantees data availability. If ever a drive is to fail, it can be hot-swapped without loss of data. Imagine that. What took a few days to figure out was how to enable secure authorized access to data so that each family member has private storage (the default option bizarrely was open access to all, and a trawl of the forums was needed to figure out how to change it). But with that done, each family member now has their own space.We’ve only just touched on the full capabilities of this drive, as there are more apps and features available than you can shake a stick at. The dual 1GB Ethernet ports are a nice feature, we use one for storage and the other for streaming. The web UI (called DSM) is simple to use and has more features that we will probably ever need. The drive itself is almost silent and it blends in nicely on a book shelf where it now lives.For network access there are so many options available, but the simplest ones we have found are NFS from Linux (mount the NAS as a drive on Linux) and simply mapping the drive onto Windows (and using ROBOCOPY as you might use rsync on Linux). It took a couple of weeks to copy everything across, but we’ve ended up using just 4% (400GB) of total capacity. I think you’ll agree that this is definitely an investment in the future.
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Wow. This baby does it all. Seamless synchronisation of files from nearly any device from anywhere (to nearly anywhere else; more on this later), a full "Netflix" like media interface experience, photo and music server, upgradable disk storage that's basically plug-and-play..... it's fantastic.Here's how I'm using this bad boy:- Photos and files: My local PC has a Synology software client installed. When I save something locally, it auto copies it to the NAS. Thus giving me a full local backup of my files..... but check this out..... the NAS itself has a client (in fact a ton of software) that when something changes on a selected folder, it in-turn also copies the files to where-ever--you-like....Dropbox,GoogleDrive, OneDrive or even another Synology box (maybe at another office location).But What About Security? No problem.... folders can be locally encrypted (which again is seamless) and thus anything copied to the cloud/offsite is already encrypted. Local save, to a local NAS backup, to a Dropbox backup, to another world location, all encrypted and all automatic.Films: basically, whatever you copy onto the NAS, from anywhere, in whatever format (I''ve yet to find one it doesn't support) can be played from another device using a Netflix style client. Ripped your entire DvD collection, download something from somewhere, want to watch those old home movies and they are all in different formats? Who cares, coz this NAS plays 'em. iPad, ROKU, XBOX it 'just works'. But it gets even better... the NAS will go out onto the web and find details of the films (year released, file descriptions, images, often subtitles; all the media information is just right there, in the client)Music: same as the above, but for music.Storage: so many features. multiple users with separate access rights, home directors and application access. Upgrade-able to 40Tb!Built-in free auto-updating Anti virus and self checking, with email and SMS notification if something isn't right. Plus a strong filewall.Just buy it :)
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The DS418Play has become my central black box for lots of things. First and foremost the UI is intuitive and very easy for a newbie to get to grips with managing a NAS. I previously owned a 416J and the upgrade process couldn't be more simple, just follow the wizard and you're away.The DS418Play has two main advantages over inferior models - the processor is able to transcode and the memory can be upgraded. I've recently upgraded mine to 16GB RAM and it's seriously snappy now.In terms of what I use it for - Plex (including on the fly transcoding), Download Station, Surveillance Station (connected to and recording 2 outdoor cameras), TVMosaic (connected to a HDHomerun which sends Freeview around my network),Lidarr (managing music collection). Despite so much going on, it still soldiers on and I've never had a fail. I have a UPS hooked up just in case I get a power cut.The package centre is good and you can add third party sources to unlock a lot more. I recently found that although not in the package centre, Docker does run but you have to manually install via their website download. If you have trouble running the package, temporarily disable your VPN, run the package and then start your VPN again. Almost lost my hair figuring this out.Overall I'm so happy with this NAS and I can see this being part of my setup for many years to come - just might need some HDD upgrades!
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Software is amazing and I love that I can jump on my machine from anywhere and access my files while acting like an integrated harddrive when I’m at home. I’ve had this for a little less than a year and I can’t imagine life without it, and I’ve only scratched the surface of DSM...For anyone like me who’s a creative and you need a lot of space for designs, photography/media etc then a NAS box is a must and you won’t get better than Synology...The apps are amazing too like Synology Chat which is basically slack but hosted on your network allowing for unlimited file uploads unlike slack itself where you have to pay monthly...I hate the idea of multiple cloud services paying per month for different ones so this was the viable option for me and I’ve not looked back since.Apart from my software on my SSD all my files go on my NAS and I never have to worry about HD space or my machine slowing down due to cluttered hard drives. And like I’ve said the added extra apps you get with the DSM are just bonus and they are really well made which I never expected. It’s my first NAS so I can’t comment on the competition but they’d have to be pretty extraordinary to compete with Synology.
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Brilliant bit of hardware! I'm running it with 3x3Tb and a spare bay that will become used as I gradually move up to 4 or 6Tb drives. The OS makes everything easy and the performance and integrity seem very robust.The killer appp for me has been ActiveBackup (not all Synology NAS boxes have this service). Once I had it set and running it's been left to its own devices and has taken bare-metal backups of all the family machines (six of them) without any fuss and with excellent efficiency it terms of both speed and space used. Better still, when recovery has been required, that too has been no fuss once it's been set in motion - and it Works.The media server ability to our DNLA-compliant blu-rayplayer has been the icing on the cake.Buying this was definately one of my better ideas!
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Disclaimer: Non-Technical ReviewI don't know why I didn't do this years ago; yes I remember now, my kids needed food and clothing.In these data heavy times we live in with smart TVs and wireless this and that, a NAS with the right hard disk options is the perfect solution for having access to all your data. I love the fact that I no longer need my laptop on to gain access to documents or media. I can even access them all from another country.I know I am not going to use even 70% of the functionality but I has still brought joy to my life. I will take take to learn more and more about the features and functionality but so far so good.The Diskstation Software used to manage it is easy to use andthe mobile as are just the same.
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Mainly used as a centralised backup for phone photos it performs perfectly. As with other reviews, I upgraded the RAM (which was very straightforward) to give it a bit more breathing room. The fans are acceptable and not too loud. The sound of the hard drives and vibration will probably be more of a concern than the fans. The system feels solidly build and haven't had any problems so far. Deciding between this and QNAP I went with Synology. I think you get slightly better specs for a similarly priced QNAP but the operating system of the Synology won me over in the end.


So far have only placed two drives in the NAS but have plans to replace these with four much larger drives. I am very confident having read the excellent documentation that the disk drive upgrade process will be a smooth one. The software is excellent also. I am using the NAS to replace an old Windows server which will cease to be supported by MS in January 2020. The NAS will act as the main storage device, suitably backed up of course.


This is an upgrade from an old DS410. Everything has been improved since I bought that. I love the apps - audio player, video player and surveillance station are what I use most and they are excellent. Having your own "cloud " storage is great and it is fairly simple to access all your data from anywhere. Its brilliant as a plex server too and here are some great and flexible backup apps. Superb device.


This is my second Synology NAS and I’d be a big fan of the hardware and especially the software.I’m deducting 1 star for this purchase as the Seagate HDD’s that it’s shipped with are very loud, quite annoying especially when it’s waking up initially.


Excellent! Simple to set up. Good software bundle. Reliable digital backup tool. Just what I was looking for.

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