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This has been installed a couple of weeks now and it has been well worth the money.I decided to fully install it myself and just about managed with hand tools on a UPVC door, so if you aren't at all handy then you would best be hiring someone to do that for you.Setting it up with the wifi hub was straight forward but just so you are aware the hub is connected via lan cable to your router at all times so make sure you have enough ports on your router.We have our hub by the front door and the cat flap is in the back door and there's a wall and a couple of meters between them and we haven't had any connection problems.Setting up the cat's microchip was easy and posed no problems.Our cat wouldn't use the cat flap at first which is what we expected so it took a lot of coercion (treats/food)and nudging but he got there quicker than we thought he would because he is so used to us being his doormen and would just sit by a door and window and meow until we let him in but we didn't cave in as we showed him that the only way in and out is through the cat flap which meant that if he wasn't going to use it we would go outside and coerce him to use it and the same for if he wanted to leave the house. This has now meant that he has learned that he can get in and out using the cat flap on his own so now I'm not having to get up at silly o'clock to let him out. He is a stubborn cat and still after 2 weeks comes to the front door and windows but if we ignore him we'll here him clambering through the cat flap followed by a meow on the app.My only criticisms with the cat flap so far is the very slight delay in the flap opening and how strong the magnet/resistance is which means that there is a few Harry has looked out of the cat flaps before he finally goes through and on occasion it takes 2 attempts for him to go through which shows on the app as him exiting twice at the same time, so if you don't have a particularly strong cat be aware.In regards to the app it is great because you can control the cat flap functions ie in only/out only and the curfew which is why we initially purchased this cat flap. Because we have been letting our cat use the cat flap carte blanche so that he gets used to it we haven't used the curfew feature yet but will start slowly introducing it soon (hopefully it doesn't confuse him) but to be honest I'm not sure if we will need to use it at the moment because the app shows that now that he is pretty much used to it he is in during the night and doesn't go out til about 3:30am which we are ok with at the moment. The app has been great as well for these first few weeks because we have been able to see our cat's progress and we know he has been using the cat flap whereas with a traditional one we wouldn't have known that he was using it as much.The app is great because we can see how much time he spends outside and the times he goes out and comes back in and in the app as well if your cat does manage to go out/in through a door or window you can change it yourself in the app so it doesn't wreck your stats too much. And now that he is used to it we have started seeing patterns so when it comes to setting up the curfew functions we can bare them in mind.The app and cat flap function perfectly fine and the only thing that I can see at the moment that need adding is the function to change the notification sound with in the app so that it can vibrate or play a different sound other than a cat meowing.I highly recommend this product as it functions perfectly fine for my purposes and I can now get a full nights sleep.
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I purchased this cat-flap a year ago because we’d been adopted by a teenage mother cat and her two very young kittens. Initially we wanted to keep all three inside, but with the option for the mother to get back in if she slipped out when the door was opened, later to ensure all three stayed at night. Also to prevent entry by other cats. (This had never been a problem before, our cuts dominated area and we rarely never saw other cats near the house. When the last cat died of old age we realised how many cats there were!)In general it has been a great success. All three quickly leant to use it. There were occasional instances of tailgating and battery failures, but nothing serious.Set-up - easy,just put the cat close to the flap, the flap registers it chip pin no. and you are off. If you’re have several cats and DON’T KNOW their pin number enter the cat’s name immediately after letting the flap register it - otherwise you wont know which cat is which.Monitoring is good, especially the ability to see the activity all the cats.No problems with WiFi even though house has 2ft thick stone walls and flap is in the conservatory.Cons:Batteries - Rechargeable and Alkaline batteries don’t last very long. [They might do in a single cat household, but with three (often sitting on opposite sides of the flap deciding whether to use it, they run down fast. Lithium batteries give a decent period between replacement (c. 4 sets of 4/year). Cold nights can reduce the current from part-used batteries to the level where it locks open. This is winter in Yorkshire at 400ft; what the situation would be in Scotland or anywhere with really cold winters I don’t know.Cat monitoring - initially the biometrics often recorded cats being in when they were out and visa-versa. (probably because a cat would stick its head part through the flap and then change its mind). Some time back (8 months?) this changed and it rarely disagrees with reality.The ability to see the activity of all cats on a single list is a great addition. What would improve this would be an easy method to download the data so it could be analysed.Evil Genius Cats - the flap only recognises a cat is close to the flap; it doesn’t distinguish between a it being inside or out and releases the latch that prevents other cats entering. Rosie, the butter wouldn’t melt on my paws kitten, discovered she could open the cat flap by getting close and hooking it towards her and ducking under it. [I didn’t realise this until I used a trail camera to investigate mammal activity near the house and saw her leaving during curfew.Possible improvements:Warning via text or email when the batteries are getting low and/or the option to have an external power source. [OK, I could easily go over to rechargeable batteries and wire up my own supply, but others might not know how.Different curfews for different cats - Cleo, the mother demands a late evening walk and hunts you down to open the door for her. She’s streetwise, having lived for several months on the city streets, her kittens are still learning about the great outdoors.The ability to download the entire record set, either from the software or by email.Some of the webpages don’t include the name of the cat the data refers to, you could add a picture, but the name would be better.Proof against Evil Genius Felines breaking curfew - now thats a real challenge!
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I fitted this flap in to our 16" thick external utility room wall along with 5x tunnel extenders in April 2019. If you know what you're doing it's quite easy, but can take a long time . Our hub is placed about 10m from the flap so I was worried there would be communication issues but to my surprise it worked fine. To make things even more confusing for our cat I also added another basic cat-flap in to our internal kitchen door so he would be able to get in to the room where the SureFlap is. The process of teaching him was painful using treats etc and holding the doors open with tape, plus he had to learn how to get through 2 cat flaps :)By the end of June 2019 he was able to get out by himself.However, despite trying everything we could think of he just wouldn't come back in through the SureFlap. He didn't even attempt to try it. Then at the very beginning of November 2019 he was out in heavy rain at night. He magically appeared in our bedroom and every day since he has used the door more and more.So what do we think of the SureFlap? Well, you have to look at it as 3 products; The SureFlap, the Hub and the phone app.The SureFlap:- This is a well made piece of kit and used with the extenders is fantastic in external walls. We clean the door and tunnel every 2 weeks to make sure it's working and clean.The Hub:- This simply allows communication between the SureFlap and your Sure Petcare account. We were surprised by the range of this. Bear in mind you have to plug it in to your router or network switch. It does not use wifi (something the manufacturers need to provide). The HUB has lit up ears which mean different things depending on their colour and frequency of flashing. We've had to switch the hub on/off 2-3 times since we've had it.The App:- The phone app is brilliant and now our cat goes in/out by himself. You can see if/when your cat is in/out, graphs etc. You can also check the status of the SureFlap such as battery and signal from hub to SureFlap.Summary...Other than rebooting the hub a couple of times when we got flashing red lights, we've had no issues at all. We were concerned that the SureFlap wouldn't pick up our cat's microchip and I did ask our vet if we might get problems. The vet simply said as long as the chip has been placed in the correct location at the back of the neck between the shoulder blades there should be no issue. We also trust it enough to go away for a few days and our neighbour simply puts down food/water. If you're cat doesn't use the flap either in and/or out, be patient. Keep opening the flap for them. Cats are weird :)
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I live in a neighbourhood with heavy traffic and plenty of foxes and feral cats so having a cat flap with a timer that can keep my cat inside at night - a curfew mode - is important to me.I had an old Cat Mate Elite flap with timer control - it required an electronic ID disc on the collar - and it performed well for many years. My previous two cats were happy using it however it was never popular with my current cat who is now 6. The lock mechanism was loud and required him to push the flap with his head before unlocking. It was also temperamental, even with fresh batteries: if the disc wasn’t hanging from his collar in the correct spot the lock wouldn’t operate.(Later versions of Cate Mate flaps may have improved on this). We’d reached the point of a complete stand-off over the flap. He would prefer any other way of entering or leaving the building and would spend the whole day outside waiting for me to come home and let him in rather than use his flap.All that has changed. This is day 6 of the new Sureflap Microchip Cat Flap Connect and he is going in and out of his own accord 10 times a day. I couldn’t be happier. He seems relaxed and happy too.Setup went OK. I had to extend my home network as the range of the Hub when attached to my router didn’t reach the room with the flap. There were also problems registering the flap using the app - it seemed to stall during setup, unable to find it. However on restarting my phone I discovered that the flap had been successfully registered after all.To train him I kept the flap open using string for a couple of days to get him used to going in and out. By day 3 he was pushing his own way out with the flap down. I gradually lowered the flap on the return journey so he had to push it open. Day 4 the cat flap was operating as normal and he was pushing his own way in and out with ease.He still hesitates a little when leaving, preferring to test it with a paw first but he is probably still getting used to it. The lock mechanism is much quieter than the old flap though it still makes a few clicks. The flap is also smaller but that doesn’t seem to have put him off his stride.All in all I am now very happy, he is running in and out at will and our 6 year struggle over the old flap is at an end. I also love the notifications on the app, letting me know when he enters & leaves. A great product.
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This is an initial review after set up and two days of use. Out of the box the set up process was fairly straightforward but there are issues. We live in a big house with thick stone walls. The cat flap is in the utility room on the rear ground floor and the WiFi router is on the first floor at the front of the house. First issue was that the hub wouldn’t connect to the flap. Luckily I have a Devolo booster for the back of the house which I was able to move close to the utility room. Once I had done that it connected quickly but that is something to think about when buying one as you may have to budget for a booster. Once connected, everything worked fine from the app.The flap is almost exactly the same to look at as our old Sureflap but there is a sensor on the inside as well. This is where the next issue arose. One of the cats took to it immediately and seems able to come and go at will. The other cat can come in but he can’t get out again. The receiver on the inside is much shallower than the external one and he won’t put his head close enough to the window to activate the lock. He tends to try to push it with his paw. A collar is not the answer as he doesn’t wear one. This is going to be a matter of training. If he gets used to it I can see it’s going to be a boon because they are kept indoors at night and if we are out it’s going to be a huge advantage to be able to lock them in without having to come home to do it. Watch this space.We have now had this catflap for a week and as suspected I am afraid it has a fatal flaw. The interior detector is too short for some cats. One of ours has taken it like a duck to water. She comes and goes at will without any issues. The second cat can come in but he can’t get out again. He sits there and taps the window with his paw, finds it locked and gives up. We have tried enticing him out but his head needs to be touching the window for the lock to trigger and he isn’t a head touching window sort of cat, he’s a stick your paw against it and push it open first type of cat. A collar is not the answer, he doesn’t wear in and I consider he is at risk should he do so. There is always the possibility that he will learn to use it but at the moment it’s a one way experience for him. It’s a bit disappointing really.
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Wasn't sure if I should be spending what is a reasonable amount on a cat flap. Been watching for a while and it came up in lightning deal so purchased. At this moment, we don't have a need to keep some cats in and let others out, as we only have one cat, but it was the curfew mode that sold it to me. We like to keep our cat in overnight to stop him bringing in mice and waking us up and also to unlock early morning so he can go back out. We have it set from 20:00 to 06:00. He soon learnt those times and it has been bliss. Even with curfew on, he can still come back in anytime if still out. Most times he comes in around 20:00 anyway, just like feeding times, cats know their time!You can disable the curfew at anytime. If you cat leaves when you have an open door or window, you can go into the app and update their status. Reporting is handy to see their coming and goings.Replacement of my previous dumb SureFlap was simple, unscrew, remove, insert new one and screw up. Screw holes the same etc. Unit sticks out slightly more internally but no issues for me.Connectivity wise I have had no problems with the hub talking to the flap. Our hub sits in another room probably about 7 metres away but with almost clear sight to flap. Batteries so far in the flap have been fine and no quick discharge as some have said. Setup was easy if you follow the instructions within the app.My only gripe is the unit comes in white and therefore shows up the dirt more (hence why I had brown previously).Would I recommend it? Yes I would if you have a need to control your cat :-)
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I bought this product after it came recommended as I go away quite a lot and worry about the fluffsters in my life! I don't like the my cat sitter locking them in at 4pm - 5pm until morning but I worry if they're out all night. This way it's perfect. They can go out after their tea but once I get a notification saying that they're back in, I can lock them in. Not sure how effective it will be in summer when I'm sure they won't come back in unless I'm there with some Dreamies though!I installed it myself (replacing a normal Sureflap) and it was really easy to set up however you need to have a router within a very short distance of the catflap which meant I had to buy an Ethernet Adapter which was more expense and faff.There were some teething problems as well with the app, if I would manually change the cats statuses on the app which I have to as they don't always use the catflap, I open the door and they come running in for their tea, it wasn't registering. But I called Sureflap and they were brilliant at helping me resolve it, fingers crossed it's fixed now. My cat sitters know how the app works and once they've fed them, they usually text me to say they've let them out but even if they've been let out manually, the cat flap will still let them back in if its not registered that they're out (unless you change the setting to lock them out which I never do). The only setting I use is curfew mode or lock them in. Would recommend it but I bought it when it was on offer, not sure I'd have bought it at full price.
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Our cat is a social home boy but loves to be out too. We recently moved and had been thinking about a cat flap as we are out in the country with lots for the cat to explore. We had looked at the type that work off his chip and on a bit more investigation decided to go for the one which had the hub and app (sad on the face of it I know). Result is an absolutely brilliant investment!The cat can now come and go as he pleases but as we have the app, on our terms. We use the curfew function which means between 20:00-06:00 it locks keeping him in. This was an attractive feature for us as at night we get a couple of foxes and it avoids that confrontation. Also now,we have no planning to do when nipping out as previously we’d have the door open and would call him in, then lock him in. Now we can lock up go and know if he wants in he has the means to do so.Installation took me about 30-mins and another 10-mins to setup. The app works really well and lets you know the comings and goings (again sad I know, but quite informative). It also makes a hilarious ‘meow’ sound each time the cat enters or leaves which surprised me and others in the office! Getting the cat to use took about a day. He was initially cautious of the click it makes as he looked out but holding it open got him going out. Coming in, we as suggested pegged it open. We did this once and that was that. Happy owners and moggy!
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Overall this is the best cat flap I've ever had, but with a couple of design faults. First: I currently have two cats, one 8 years old, who I allow to come and go as he pleases, so I have him set as an outdoor pet all all the time. And one 9 months old, who I just let out at night, so I set her as an 'indoor only pet' from 7pm to 7am. However she's been able to defeat the system, and when she's set to 'indoor only', and the cat flap is locked for her, she still manages to force her way out. It takes her a lot of effort; she bashes the door quite hard with her paws, then holds down the catch and somehow pulls it open with her claws. If you have a cat that's eager to get out, they will find a way,which kind of defeats the object. Second: it registers your cat on the app as having gone in or out if they've just stuck their head through it, and not gone the whole way in/out. So sometimes your cat's status on the app is wrongly set to inside or outside.Other than these issues, it really is a good cat flap, easy to install and with great features. And works with the cats' microchips, so you don't have to worry about collars and magnets going missing!
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We own a cat, as well as two rabbits. Our cat flap is in the same room as our indoor-rabbits which leads to a situation where we want our cat to be able to use the flap as she wishes, but we only want to let the rabbits into the garden when we say so.This system enables this to happen really easily, with all controls being able to be administered from our phones or via a web browser.You can name each pet once their id chip is registered, and even add a picture. The system logs (and can send notifications) when pets enter or leave via the flap, as well as let you know when they "look through the door" - this is when the flap registers their tag,but the door doesn't swing.The software also lets you look at long term patterns so you can see when your cat likes to pop out and come back in. If your cat is upto mischief at certain times, you can also set a curfew if you wish.Overall this product was surprisingly easy to set up with pet id chips etc and, most importantly for us, lets us control which pets are "indoor-only" pets and which are not - as well as being able to toggle between these modes remotely via the app. Would highly recommend.
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Luckily we bought a house that had an existing older Sureflap catflap in (reads tags rather than chips) so it was literally a case of unscrewing the old one and screwing in the new one. I can't therefore comment on real fitting.Once in, setup was fine - the connection to the hub seems marginally precious as far as the manual is concerned, so make sure you plan where it is going to go and its not got feet thick lead walls between. Ours is about 6metres but does have the fridge in the way so its not too bad.Worst aspect is the batteries - but for the simple reason that one of our cats uses the flap as a porthole. He sits there looking out into the garden and it makes the sensor continuously read that he's present and click away,holding the lock open. This means that we've had it 4 months and it is on the 3rd set of batteries. I'm pretty sure we'd probably still be on the first set if said feline didn't curtain twitch.I like the features though - hopefully, more can be added by software update (individual curfews can only be done at setup I think) but its a good tool, nice to be able to control it and understand what the boys do.
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TL:DR - Expect to run network cables close to your cat flap (no wifi option) but despite this this is an incredibly futuristic beast and I love it!We were so excited about this cat flap after hearing a friend talk about theirs. I spent a day running network cables under my floorboards and down to the conservatory for the hub, but other than that, this flap is no harder to install than any other flap.But what a beast it is! You can micro manage your cat's ins and outs with curfews... If one cat has to be kept in after a vet visit you can set it to let one out but not the other... It even sends you a little message when your cat enters or exits!You can keep track of when your cat comes and goes on the app's schedule...It keeps statistics aplenty... And the ears on the hub glow green!!! ?It's far from cheap, but this is the all singing all dancing magical cat flap of wonder!We were really nervous about letting our cats out, but being able to see their activities in (almost) real time is so comforting and when we go away we can check in on them...I hate the fact I have a favourite model of cat flap... But this is it... ?
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My previous microchip cat flap had expired, demanding constant battery replacement so I contacted Sure Flap for some advise who were great and offered me a discount on a like for like replacement. However, I was drawn to this new cat flap with the ability to preset exit/entrance permissions. I like to lock my cat in at night which is a problem when I am away because it becomes a responsibility for my neighbour. But that is no longer an issue. Easy to instal, easy to pair to the hub and the app is great. I love being able to see where my cat is. So far there has only been one hiccup where the curfew didn't work but to safeguard that, I just set the thing to lock both ways and check she cannot escape.Other customers experienced issues when it rained,I haven't; I have my hub in the lounge and there is a far distance from the cat flap including a brick wall. If I could have a wish list, it would probably be further chip sensors at other exit points just in case the cat leaves via the front door. Currently I manually switch her activity status if she follows me out the front door.Great product so far........
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The catflap does what it says on the box - it stops cats going out if their microchip isn't setup to let them out, and lets other cats in and out as setup.It locks again fairly quickly to prevent one cat following another to get through, so has been a big success in that way.I just have a couple of dislikes that stop this being a 5 star rating -First, the app shows you when a cat looks through the cat flap but doesn't go through it , however, it doesn't make it clear if they looked through from the inside or from the outside. I sent a suggestion to the developer to change the colour of the icon so that it shows the same colours as going in and going out icons.Second, there is no way to manually open the cat flap.Only a cat going through with a previously-registered microchip will open the catflap (if setup to do this). For example, you can't release the locks on both sides (in and out) so that the cat flap moves freely. It would be nice if there was a button somewhere to push that temporarily allows this, for example until the flap goes back to the closed position.
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I purchased this cat flap with the hub so that I if one of the cats wasn't in when I got home, I could see when they last visited. Also, as one of my cats really doesn't like loud noises, it allows me to remotely lock the door so in the run up to Fireworks Night I can try and make sure that he's indoors. The cats got used to it remarkable quickly, despite the clicking noise when they put their heads near the door. The pain for me was trying to set up the hub and pair it using my Android 'phone. Even with the 'phone right in front of it, it couldn't pair, so I tried using a browser on my laptop and after a couple of false starts it worked, so I would recommend using a laptop to save time when setting up.I found that if I let my cats out during the curfew period, and didn't update their in/out status, they couldn't get back in, so I now know to update the app if I let them out through the door. All that said, it was easy to fit, the app is simple to use and it works just as I need it to, so I'm pleased that I bought it.
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