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Few words of advice for new and old players:Befriend Eda as soon as possible before Winter 1st of your first year! You will know if you have done so if you trigger three events with her.Gather as much lumber, stone, iron as you can. You can grow the two types of trees by buying hardwood and softwood seedlings from vendors and growing them on your farm. Both need 20 days to reach full maturation before you chop them down. You will get 12 or so pieces of lumber per tree. You'll need them to make things like fences and such to sell to the vendors in order to unlock OTHER vendors. Tropical Country and Ice Country are the problematic ones as the other vendors are easily unlocked through naturalprogression but the Rose country vendor will tell you some nonsense about needing specific things shipped such as flower pots and buildings. He's talking garbage. You need to sell;Ice Country -Original mode = 100 fences, 200 decorations, 200 garden objects, 100 streets, 100 furniture, and 100 wallpaper/flooringTropical Country -Original mode = 100 tools, 500 seeds, 15,000 crops, 15,000 cooked recipes, 10,000 processed goods, and 600 clothes(provided by Sharley86 from gamefaqs)You will not be able to access certain blueprints, clothing, crops, etc until you unlock these two. You can, however, get Mango and Cocoa from Nessie if you gift her 50 or so items. But banana and tropical plants and flowers are out of your reach unless someone kindly gifts you one in multiplayer....which is not likely to happen. I lucked out, but the multiplayer seems barren of any other players and more often than not you will be gifted weeds by certain a-hole players. Speaking of multiplayer- you cannot gift Silkie eggs, + related items, Titanium or rare ores--basically any hard to get item/product/etc because LORD FORBID this game be easier to deal with and not take forever to reach certain goals.You can check how many you have shipped by tapping the little white page with a pencil icon on the middle right hand side of the lower screen, select Ship Log and cycle through each type of shipped product (RT, LT) and see how many shipments shy you are from getting the next vendor.To raise your animals product to + level status, you have to spent over 100 hours in the Safari, a new and boring way to spend your time unlike before where you just roamed free through the multiplayer and raked in extra products from your livestock while also upping their quality/heart level. However, some of my animals have been giving me + items sporadically even though I only took them three or so times. I think they were contest winners and fully maxed out on heart level. The + product isn't really necessary-except for the wool related items which you need to craft the best outfits. I also think that nature reflects how quickly their heart bar fills and when the number of products increase. Each animal will provide 5 of a given product when completely maxed out on hearts. So no more building a zoo-sort of.There is no option to just wing a recipe in the hopes of learning it that way, which is extremely frustrating when you just want to boil a god damn egg. I want to make shortcake, but until I get the recipe, I am sh-t out of luck, worse, I think you can only get it from the traveling vendor's that show up once a season at your house when you leave it at a certain time and the item they offer is completely random. Save scumming does not change the product but it will change the number and price of the product.You don't have to take the animals out of the barns in normal mode (the same probably applies to seedling mode). Shocking but true. So long as you keep cleaning, feeding and giving them treats, you will never have to take them out of the barn. Why would you do this? Well apparently the little buggers can run away if you don't treat them well, which I know newcomers may struggle with at first. The livestock can open the gates fixed to the fence so be wary. If they escape, they will be wandering around the town and you have to get to them before they reach the end of the town or they are gone forever. This hasn't happened to me, but other players have complained about this.Stock up on fertiliser. Buy all of it each day from Otmar if you can afford it and make it yourself in the seed mill. You will run through it fairly quickly, especially when raising fruit trees, tea bushes and crops that regrow. Also, hoarde your wool and make white cloth (8 per greenhouse) and keep your silver to make greenhouses. They will help you out immensely throughout the year, especially when you are raising the crop quality. It's best to have the stuff ready when you eventually buy the blueprint.Want to know how the villagers feel about you? Stand next to them and hit left trigger (LT) and watch the small emote. Helpful when dealing with the secret bacholer/ette.FYI: Want to break the game? Get the Sewing hut built and grow tons cotton, then spin it all into golden cotton cloth, sell and rake in the money. Once you have enough money built up, build the pottery hut, buy the three types of dirt from Silk Country, make it into the Pretty Jadeite Pot, sell, profit. You will never have to worry about money after that. The price of the vase vastly outweighs the prices of the dirt.When you have enough money, start stockpiling some of the gold/silver cotton cloth. This method will always leave you in the position of winning the competitions for the fields if you choose 'face off via shipment earnings'. Basically, whoever makes the most money selling their stuff to vendors the following day, will win the competition and earn the rights to the field for a set time period. Be mindful of how many days you have in case you get ousted by one of the other farmers because you forgot to go down to the guild to reinstate yourself as the owner. Sell about 40-50 golden cotten cloth and you will be winning every time. Sell a bit more when facing off against Elise as she is the rich farmer and rakes in quite a bit more than the other two. 50-60+ golden/silver cotton cloth will be enough.You will want control of Honeybee Field and the Water Paddy-because you can't build any on your farm like you could previously. Everything else can be grown on your farm, so concenctrate on those two fields, then grab other fields should you feel the need to. You can put 3 of each bee in one hive to produce three pots of their specific honey, so catch as many as you can throughout the three seasons. They show up mostly in honeybee field and at the instersection just down from your farm.All in all a good game with some drawbacks, but I am enjoying myself so far.
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As the true sequel to the harvest moon franchise I am impressed, ANB kinda felt like an awkward transition from the classic harvest moon style to full 3D (on the 3Ds, I'm not counting hero of Leaf Valley and innocent life as they are on entirely different hardware) which was not innately bad as they trialed some new things primarily the arrangement of the farm and town which in my option left the town lacking any real depth, this game however seems to have learned from the last game and let you keep the ability to decorate your farm but left the town which is much more pleasant to look at (while allowing some areas in the town that can be edited).It has also went back to 3x3 plots of land compared to ANBs 2x4 and made it so the 3x3 plot of land functions as a single unit (e.g 1 harvest,fertiliser, bag of seeds for all 9 squares)The shipping mechanics have moved from the traditional shipping box to merchants that travel to town, while not particularly bad it can be annoying when you run out of cash and have to wait till they come to town.(this may not be an issue later but I'm not particularly far)The merchants also have different wanted items which they pay more for and different requests that function similarly to tales of two towns.The horse is back and more useful than ever with the quick travel feature which I have found useful for the long trip to town this is particularly useful for the last minute rush to events and festivals when you eventually remember.My biggest issue is time passing by in doors, this is more of a personal thing as when I've finished the day put my character to sleep get distracted by something pick up my 3DS and find I've lost half a day.2/10 To much farming
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This series is very highly regarded (initially Harvets moon) and I immensly enjoyed Friends of mineral town.However it feels as though transferring from 2d to 3d has gotten in the way of gameplay. Friends of mineral town had plenty of diverse sub elements within the game. With this game of the series however, it just feels very linear.It progressed no further (for me) by the time I got a few of the farm animals. They have implemented a new town customization option, however this is a build from scratch approach. Collecting and farming materials etc.This game claims to also have a marriage option, but the dialogie repeats the same with all characters since day one.I wasn't willing to search what progresses character dialogue, I feel like they almost made it too trigger based to bother. Dialogue within a gane should have some sort of assortment to begin with.Perhaps I need more time with the game. But this is not as enjoyable as Rune Factory 4, which I highly recommend. It's a mix of RPG and Farming; perhaps I have been spoiled with options and this game has felt too lackluster afterwardsBrilliant postage service on Amaxon Primes end, product arrived fine!The game claims
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I'm 60 hours in, and not flagging. This game is making* me make spreadsheets galore, and a map of the farm so I know what I'm fertilising. If you run out of storage space you can just make more storage chests and plop them down in your house, if you've enough room, making anyone with COLLECT ALL THE THINGS needs (me) very happy. You can save at any time, ANY TIME, for instance, right before mining, which is very handy.Farming mechanics have improved since the last HM game I played, by quite a bit.Not limited to a three year (in game time) farm, this is much MUCH more fun as you can take your time, upgrade all your crops in greenhouses (storms are detrimental to crop quality) and //then//do relationship stuff. If you're canny about your crops (pre-greenhouse) winning events is doable, spoiler: would recommend tea leaves or soybeans for harvest festival.As this has been out in Japan for a while, there's lots of help online if something confuses you, for instance the fish hatchery- in-game explanations can leave out a lot of things.
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***SPOILERS****I received this game on 29/02/16 and have already clocked up 91 hours of game time!!It's fun and addictive! I enjoy planting my seeds, watering them, trying to get them to 5 stars and making tasty dishes with the ingredients!I really like the rivalry farmer element too and working to unlock different vendors.I would probably give it 3.5 stars if I could because whilst I enjoy it a lot, There are some parts that are pretty boring, Like the marriage - It took forever to get my husband to his 'heart' level and it was very repetitive by just giving him the same item over and over every day. Now we are actually married and he has invaded my house,He says the same 3-4 sentences over and over again and doesn't really 'DO' anything....In fact most of the townspeople are pretty repetitive and I don't see the point in bothering to interact with them so for me, This isn't too much of a social game. It's basically just farmville without having to bug all of your facebook friends for parts!!
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I am a huge Harvest Moon fan and this game does not disappoint!I played Harvest Moon DS Cute a few years back and loved it but I wanted to try a newer version; I tried Harvest Moon Tale of Two Townsbut I didn't like it so I sold it on straight away but this game is brilliant!I'm only 6 hours into the game but I love it enough to leave a review already. This game is truly addictive and brings Harvest Moon back to life. There's a whole new cast of characters and animals for you to befriend and the game is a lot more interactive than previous games.There's a harder mode and an easier mode so the game will suit hardcore harvest moon fans and beginners alike. The graphics are really good in this game too,the 3D isn't the best but it's not awful in any way.Whether you've always loved Harvest Moon or you're new to the series, I highly recommend picking up Story Of Seasons!
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I much prefer the Japanese RPG of what was formerly Harvest Moon in English and am loving this new addition to the series. It's easier/faster to get jobs done on the farm, the new selling feature is something to get used to but I feel like it's a plus, and the town layout is great. All the characters have interesting personalities (not like the 2-dimensional, zombie characters in ToTT) and they don't randomly teleport like in ANB which made me happier than any other feature. Unfortunately, rival marriages are still not a thing which is a shame but it's a great game and as a big fan of this series (the Japanese series, not the American one), I can say with confidence that it's one of my favourites (out-done only by DS,FoMT and MFoMT).
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Not my favorite of the Harvest Moon genre of games. I'm not as invested as I usually get with these games, and I'm used to taking them and playing for hours nonstop. I have a hard time not getting bored with how tedious farming and traveling is, as the map is a little too large for my liking. The buying and selling is new and interesting, but really not my favorite method of getting money quick if I need it. I also like the concept of the "workbench" feature, but I prefer to just run around and do a bunch of fetch quests than farm for base objects and make essential items I would rather buy myself. Husband candidates are top-notch, but lacking a bit in personality.


If you are a fan of the Harvest Moon series then this is DEFINITELY the game for you! It is the direct sequel to Harvest Moon: A New Beginning and has everything that game had and much more. It's fresh and is good for new-comers to the series as well as veterans. Though the name changed (it isn't called Harvest Moon), it still keeps the young, playful, diligent spirit of its predecesors and is a must-buy for any true Harvest Moon fan. On the other hand, I did also buy Harvest Moon: Lost Valley and was sorely disappointed as it felt more like Minecraft than Harvest Moon. If you're into farming simulation and/or cute animals and characters, then give this game a go!


Fantastic game, you can pick it up any time, a day on average takes roughly 20 minutes when you're set up properly. Absolutely hours of content with brand new things to do paced / spaced out within the game. Literally is a game you can keep coming back to which is ideal for the modern gamers of today, you just pick it back up from where you left off not going to forget what you were doing. Very user friendly and does not feel like a chaw to play, in fact it's more of a pleasure and therapeutic if anything. There is even an option to get married and start a family if you're willing to be patient and put in some extra work :)It gets 10/10 from me.


A refreshing harvest moon like experience.Although this game is slow to progress it's full of things to do.This game is visually appealing and has plenty of customisation to make you feel more involved.I love the fact you can make clothing and accessories to wear or sell.The fact that you trade with other towns in the game is a nice change and keeps things interesting.Running your own little store also keeps things from getting boring.The only negative side is it does get a little repetitive after a while.Saying that I love to come back to this game for a break from the real world.


If you like Harvest moon/Rune factory games (the farming parts) then this game is for you. Anyone who played Harvest moon a new beginning knows how slow and restrictive that game could be even tough it did have a lot of good things going for it. This game however is like the revised and improved version with all the best features from the game but with a shorter tutorial stage and less emphasis on town plans.I could go into more detail but I'll finish by saying if you love games of a similar series then you'll struggle to not enjoy this charming and niche game.


This is a nice addition to my collection.ive only been playing a few days but it's already one of my favorites, unlike 'harvest moon new beginnings' the tutorial isn't long winded but done in a nice way that didn't feel like a tut at all.It's art is beautiful and the opening for the game was wonderful.There are thing's like trading and renting land so you can grow more. Cutting trees and breaking boulders are quite hard taking up most of my energy but if you spread it out it's fine.This is looking to be a good game with promise.


I'm still only in year one, but really enjoying it so far. Irons out a lot of the clunky parts that "Harvest Moon: A New Beginning" had; nicer scenery, less intensive architectural planning, smaller mountain areas so you're not running ragged trying to gather everything plus do your farm work. Playing in "seedling mode" (items are cheaper, less fatigue from using farm tools) is especially nice. The villagers and marriage candidates are well varied and nice, and the animals are cute!


A great and addictive game!Play as a female or male avatar. Build a farm and raise animals and crops, selling to visiting traders. Help the town grow by selling to traders, from whom you can buy different crops, animals and food. Buy furniture to customize your home, farm and town. Build relationships with other townspeople, even find The One. Change your avatar's clothes.I can't wait to see what new traders will arrive and what new animals and crops I can buy/sell/get!

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