

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Stella McCartney Pop Eau de Parfum reviews.
You can find all Stella McCartney Pop Eau de Parfum reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Stella McCartney Pop Eau de Parfum, 27 customer reviews collected from 3 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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Amazon has 24 customer reviews and the average score is 4.6. Go to this seller.
Ebay has 2 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.
Onbuy has 1 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.


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Delivery on time many thanks. Sooooo I have tried ALOT of perfumes this year been on a perfume mission and so I've taken to leaving reviews of each that I've tried as to help people make a decision as to wether they should buy them because for years I spent so much money on perfumes that weren't worth their price tag which is why I took to ordering so many samples recently, I was sick of spending on perfumes that I didn't love and hate seeing other people wasting money.So for this perfume is ok, it is the sort of perfume that I like definately, if you like soft, delicate, innocent scents this may be for you. This gives off the scent of Barbie dolls, if you can remember the sort of lightly fragrances Barbie dolls from your childhood,those are what this smells like to me, in a good way though. The only negative I have about this scent is that the performance is literally horrendous, I expect feminine florals to be low sillage and I'm ok with that, it's kinda what I like about them that they aren't in your face, but this is the softest floral I have ever tried and like I say I have tried ALOT. This is a skin scent, no more and no less, and even then you have to almost bury your nose into your wrist to be able to smell it which is a real shame because it's a pleasant little scent. The scent also doesn't have much personality BUT scents like these are also tricky to find, I would say the scent is actually quite unique for that reason. I would suggest getting a sample from eBay before spending the money on this, my opinion is that this fragrance as unique as the scent may be isn't worth the price tag purely because it doesn't project ATALL, this is the softest sillage perfume that I've ever tried. I would usually suggest perfumes that are similar to this and better for the price but like i said it is quite a unique scebt so im finding it hard to think of any that are this soft, the only ones that sprong to mond are dsquared shewood, ck endless euphoria, lolita lempicka l'eau en blancborsari violetta di parma and vivienne westwood naughty alice, they all have violet/rose notes and are soft depucate florals with a hint of powder/muskiness, all of these are also my fave daytime scents that I don't mind spending money on as they last and project pretty well, compared to this anyway. Hope this helps somebody:)
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Was purchased for a friend, arrived quickly and safely, as utvwas my first purchased from this site i was a bit worried but I had no need, genuine product


Love this fragrance. So fresh and clean and pairs with my skin beautifully. Lasts a good 4-5 hours that I can smell but can be smelt by others longer ?


Brought this as a present for my sister and she was delighted. Big plus, it's not tested on animals too <3


This smells lovely, my wife wears it all the time and was extremely pleased with it


Nice scent and handy being a rollerball to have in your bag. Would recommend


Bought this perfume before so knew I would like it.A new favourite for me


Brought as a present for someone how uses this perfume she loves it


lovely sweet smell but its different from what ive had in a tester




Really love this perfume and it was a bargain price


Excellent delivery service !!! Great value !!


Brought as a gift recipient was pleased


My partner's favourite perfume


Great cruelty free perfum

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