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For StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Collector's Edition (PC/Mac), 24 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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Starcraft 2 is, in my opinion, one of the best strategy games currently available. For those that already own and know SC and Brood war, there isn't much to say; the game continues the story started in the first game from the point of view of Jim Raynor, now in command of a rag-tag band of rebels and maercenaries trying to overthrow Mengsk's oppressive rule over the humans in the Koprulu sector. The plot, however, is full of unexpected turns and different ways of achieving your goals. In fact, since you unlock one different unit every mission (and there are 26 in the main campaign plus a few spinoff ones, so it's a lot of options), every mission can be replayed in a new campaing in a different way.It must also be noted that,while the campaing is only about the terran race, with a few Protoss mission thrown in for plot complexity purposes, all three races are available for multiplayer. Now, long version for those that don't know the first SC. Starcraft 2 is a sci-fi real time strategy game (NOT 4X, don't be mistaken) with classic gameplay mechanics and a thrilling story.You must command Raynor's Raiders in a series of missions following a set story (no multiple endings). The gameplay style is actually quite simple : except in a few commando-style missions, you must gather resources and then spend them on combat units in order to achieve certain objectives. These objectives vary a lot during the campaing; you might have to attack and destroy a certain building or unit, or defend your position from waves of attackers, or collect a certain amount of special objects in a set amount of times. Upgrades for your units and special mercenaries can be bought during in-mission intervals in which you direct Raynor's actions aboard his flagship, the Hyperion, as well as talking to other charachters and choosing your next mission. The game also has a strong multiplayer component, with very balanced races, thanks to Blizzard's excellent Battle.net service, that allow quick match-ups for players of all skill levels and a newbie-friendly user interface. If you wish to see some in-game videos done by the community to see with your own eyes how MP works at it's top level, I suggest you seek videos made by HDStarcraft on Youtube, it will laso give you a good idea of how the game looks like. The game runs very well even on mid and low end computers, especially since the graphic and sound options are extremely customizable. In the end, Starcraft 2 is an excellent game and a tremendous sequel to the first two titles of the series, I recommend it's prchase to everyone evern remotely intrested in the RTS genre.PS: a little suggestion for new and old players alike: when playing the campaign, be brave and go straight for the hard difficulty level, you'll be in for a real challenge.
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I was a massive fan of the original Starcraft and Brood Wars games and have been eagerly awaiting a sequel ever since. However, in the past 10 years my taste in video games has definitely moved on. Back then I absolutely adored RTS games of all sorts; my last properly played RTS was Dawn of War. Since then, and even before (since the golden age), I have moved onto playing a lot more console games and have almost all but forgotten the RTS. Fortunately SC2 has brought it all back to me. This is a brilliant game which has a compelling storyline (although definitely not as good as the first two games) and a multiplayer as good as the first. In fact,I actually prefer playing multi this time around because the matchmaking system is second-to-none. I honestly think matchmaking on SC2 is better than any good console games, and the SC2 game interface (menu, ladders, achievements etc) are excellent. One criticism which many have directed at this game, that it is going to be released as three parts and they will be charging a premium for all three, does not bother me in the slightest. I suppose I can understand how this can be seen as unfair to the younger generation but - I imagine - the vast majority of the sales of these games will probably be coming from those who can afford it with ease. So I am very much looking forward to the next instalments to carry on the captivating storyline and further the multiplayer to even greater depths. Overall I think this is a stunning game and it plays better than any other RTS I've ever played (excluding SC1/BW of course). Blizzard have stayed true to the original and made an updated game which plays just as well as the original did, and in my opinion that was the main achievement in producing the sequel, even if it did come 10 years later; it was a wait I'm happy to have made. 10/10.
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Quite simply put, this game is a near perfect, balanced experience.Take the original uniqueness of Starcraft. Add massive improvements in graphics, and an even more considered and careful approach to the level designs, and you have SC2. It would be little use for me to wax lyrical about this game, many other people/reviewers/websites have already done this. For what it is, it is perfect for the job. Excellent level design, longevity, excellent music and FX and great acting. If you like action RTS games, you'll like this.If we move on to the multiplayer, the options are considerable, with lots of achievements to aim for and endless options for 2/3/4/5/6/7 or 8 player games,with friends or the rest of your assigned global quadrant ( only EU players can play other EU players, or only USA players can play USA players etc etc )Once the single player campaign is done, you will find more depth and longevity in the multiplayer or singleplayer skirmish modes. I myself have spent lots of time in these modes and have enjoyed every minute.Whichever edition of this game you get will offer you great value for money, and this is an RTS experience that has simply re-written the rules. I wait in confidence for Blizz to do the same with WOW-Cataclysm. If only they would fix the twinks in PVP and get rid of gearscore.Starcraft 2. Recommended beyond any doubt
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A bit pricey but this is a collectors edition and well within the range of acceptable.I've played some limited multiplayer with a friend or two but no ladder matches yet. Seems quite balanced though Zerg seem a little under tuned to me at first impression. Maybe I just need to get used to the changes but finding Protoss a dream in multiplayer.Single player shines like a supernova - it is an absolutely fantastic experience and even something as simple as selecting which order to do the missions in gives it ample replayability. I cannot fault this game at all.Hardware side - haven't tried it on my laptop yet but sings along smooth as silk on my desktop with a Core i7-920 OC@3Ghz 6GB ddr3 and asingle gtx480 (no heat issues so far - though haven't left the menu running for hours like some with reported issues have).Docked a star cause Amazon didn't use Royal Mail (which has always been delivered flawlessly) and I did have some issues with this other company. Before you berate me saying this has nothing to do with the game - I still think people should be aware that if they fail to be home during delivery time, that they may have a very long way to travel to the depot, as opposed to their local sorting office.
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This is a wonderful game.In the single player campaign I was expecting the usual convoluted storyline yet Blizzard rapidly got me engrossed and surprised. The missions are also superbly varied and all are different.Saying that people wont be buying this for the single player and its on the multi that it hangs. Here Blizzard have improved battle net to avoid many of the old pitfalls of the system and is using a far cleverer match arranger than before. This should result in you eventually being placed in a league where you win half and lose half of your games (approximately) meaning far loss auto losses and easy wins. The races are balanced with plenty of tweaks and changes to make this challenging.Buy it,play it ;)
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The gameplay process was very fun - different missions, different environments, very high quality gameplay process. But in my opinion game lacks solid storytelling part, due to independent selective mission branches. That thing really ruins the story and persons relationship. If you choose mission from one branch and then from the other, all heroes immediately forgot about what happened mission before and act like it never happened. It's a pity because Starcraft universe is a great one for epic stories happen in it. Also in my opinion, story of Starcraft 2 is badly affected by non-appropriate fantasy "magic-artefact-prophecy" thing.


Great opening story for the sequel to the greatest game of all time. Better memorabilia than some of the other collectors sets come with. Pricey, considering SC2 is free now, but worth it if you like artbooks and soundtracks and the like.The one negative to this set compared to the protoss Legacy of the Void collectors set is they refined the box design a little in the later iterations. This clamshell design puts pressure mostly on the sides of the box, which aren't firmly connected to the front and back, and bow out a bit. As long as it's stored well, this shouldn't be an issue, but it's noticable.


Expect to be sucked in to the great story of the single player campaign and spend unlimited hours of fun in the various multiplayer maps. Even at the very beginning of the SC2 age the custom maps generated by players are awesome and add so much to the experience. This game is an extremely well polished masterpiece in every aspect.The collectors edition is really worth the money as it pleases fans and players new to Starcraft alike. Lots of material inluded in the box will make you smile and also give an understanding how much effort went into making such an epic game.


this game is a ace rts game the extras you get a good as well and also the multiplayer is brill with a league tables and its got a good achivement system as well so there is loads to be getting on with this rts a must for starcraft fans and other people that love rts. It also has an indept story line that can vary depending on your actions. and the graphics and amazing if you have a good graphics card and memory for you p.c(which im guessing you will). as a whole i highly recomend this game.


If you played the first game, you'll love this one!!If you like RTS games, Starcraft 2 is the best of them! A very nice single player campaign and an amazing multiplayer with a lot of modes (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, FFA, coop, custom) and since a few days a lot of mods made by the huge community like tower defense, risk, shooters, etc.With Starcraft 2 you'll understand why Starcraft is national sport in Korea.No, i'm not from Blizzard xDDDRegards.


It's better than the original and hasn't changed a bit. That's good in a way but it's also the biggest flaw: the core is the same. It maybe has some remarkable things like the new campaign but the combat approach could have some tweaks. Dawn of War 1 and 2 are very different: the first is management-oriented but the second is more direct. Starcraft 2 could've used some twist to the gameplay.


Hi, what a fantastic package this is, well worth the money. The game is truly great, it has a fantastic single player campaign with a wonderfully rich story to it. The multi-player in daunting at first, but do not be put off, the game holds your hand with the way it eases you into online play, but it is still worth the money for the single player campaign itself...BUY IT NOW....


This is the long awaited sequel to the smash first version.The collectors edition contains the original Starcraft and add-ons.It contains a book of the games, a dvd of the making of the game and much more.Pricey, but worth every penny if you want something more.If you're a fan of the game, it's a must have.Recommended*****


I bought this as a Christmas present. I has so much more than just the ordinary copy of Starcraft II. All the extras are well worth the difference in price. It is played everyday and brings a great deal of pleasure. The DVD is good and even the music CD is great to listen to.


This is a very good, and enjoyable stratergy game. Only downside I had was the graphics were very squary and the movies where very pixelated even though I have everything on max

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