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Years ago, the Protoss homeworld of Aiur was lost to the Zerg. Many of the Protoss survived by escaping into space and seeking refuge on Shakuras, refuge world of the Dark Templar, before fighting in the Brood War. However, the mighty warrior Artanis dreams of retaking his home and to this end has gathered the Golden Armada, the greatest fleet in Protoss history, to launch the invasion of Aiur. But the invasion is a trap baited by the Fallen One, Amon of the Xel'Naga, and only with the wisdom and assistance of Zeratul can Artanis and his forces escape, regroup and strike back.Legacy of the Void is the third and final part of the StarCraft II saga, begun in Wings of Liberty (2010)and continued in Heart of the Swarm (2013). It's taken a very, very long time to get here. The original StarCraft was released in 1998, its expansion Brood War a year later and StarCraft II was formally announced in the spring of 2007. The fact it's taken almost nine years since that announcement to get the game completely out is faintly ridiculous, and has certainly sapped some of the excitement and momentum from the franchise.But the game is out now and has several roles to fill: it needs to be a satisfying single-player game with a strong storyline that ties up plot elements that begun eighteen years ago in the original StarCraft. It needs to have exciting multiplayer that builds on the successful design established in the previous two games. And it needs to see out the franchise - as any StarCraft III is likely many, many years away - in style.Its success in these fields is highly debatable. On the story front, Legacy of the Void is easily the weakest link in the StarCraft II saga. Its characters are pompous and unrelatable, the dialogue is overwritten, cliched and awful and none of the characters with the sole exception of Alarak (helped by superb voice acting from John de Lancie) have much of a discernible personality. It doesn't help that the game is very unfocused. The previous titles benefited from having a strong, personal through-line that helped anchor the massive battles and carnage around them: Wings of Liberty was focused on Jim Raynor's mission to redeem Kerrigan; Heart of the Swam focused on Kerrigan seeking out vengeance on Arcturus Mengsk. Legacy of the Void doesn't have that. Instead, the story is that the Protoss have to defeat Amon and don't know how to do that, so flit around from crisis to crisis until, inevitably, a plot twist reveals the Fallen One's hidden weakness, at which point you have to try to kill him in the face. It doesn't help that Amon is cut from the exact same cloth as Sargeras and the Burning Legion of WarCraft lore, an unknowable cosmic mega-foe who wants to kill everyone because why not? As an antagonist, he lacks the bite or personal edge that Arcturus Mengsk or Kerrigan herself had in previous games. It also doesn't help that the game is focused on the Protoss, but then in the three-part finale to the game we suddenly get a major return from characters like Kerrigan and Raynor, during which the Protoss are shunted off to the side and don't get much resolution. It's an awkward structural issue that Blizzard don't really know how to handle, although it does allow them to bookend the StarCraft II story by ending where it began.So much for the story, what about the individual missions? Well, the gameplay is as strong as ever. The Protoss may be my favourite StarCraft race and they also seem to have been least modified from the original games, so in terms of actually playing the game I felt more at home with them than I had with the other two species. However, they may also be the most overpowered race in the game (this will be fiercely debated by other StarCraft players, but I stand by it) with their formerly formidable Archon/Carrier combo now being joined by units such as Void Rays, Stalkers and Immortals to make them almost completely unstoppable once you've moved a modest distance down the tech tree. The Protoss are immense fun to play and their missions are very well-designed with some genuinely thought-provoking strategic challenges. However, RTS veterans won't find much to slow them down here. With the exception of maybe the final epilogue mission and the final main campaign mission, nothing here is remotely on the order of difficulty of the original StarCraft missions, let alone the nightmare of Brood War's last few missions. But certainly in the moment the game is fun to play, either in single-player or the typically frenetic multiplayer modes.The gameplay is also limited by the curious decision to control your access to units. So you can build Void Rays or Arbiters, but not both, which feels arbitrary. You also can't field-test the different variants on the battlefield like you could with Heart of the Swarm, which feels like a regressive step.As an overall experience, Legacy of the Void (***½) certainly has impressive production values. It's polished to a fine sheen, there are monumental numbers of in-engine cut scenes (although only a tiny handful of the pre-rendered, beyond-movie-quality CG cinematics that Blizzard are best known for) and the game clocks in at around 15 hours in length, which isn't bad for a stand-alone expansion. The gameplay is solid, a very nice iteration over the standard StarCraft experience, but the storyline, writing and characterisation are all seriously subpar. You have fun playing the missions, but the game provides insufficient context or motivation to make you care a huge amount. The result is a game that is intermittently brilliant, rather less intermittently tedious and overall vaguely disappointing compared to what came before it. It's certainly a worthwhile purchase for fans of the franchise, but newcomers will be lost and it's a game that has fallen far short of its potential.
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Game got 5 stars because of the following:1. The Soundtrack is one the best that has been done on Starcraft 2 since the first Starcraft game, a long time ago.2. The Storyline is now complete, what started on Chau Sara all those years ago with a xenomorph (zerg, unknown at the time) invasion with the besieged Confederate Terrans under the command of General Duke, and then on Mar Sara with the Confederate Marshal, Jim Raynor and his first encounter with the xenomorphs and then again with the enigmatic Protoss and Tassadar when he ordered the incineration both planets with his fleet. The interference of the Sons of Korhal by rescuing the colonists from the zerg before the protoss wiped out everything on the surface of Mar Sara.It is hard to imagine that now Arcturus Mengsk is dead, Kerrigan is not under Amon's control or influence and Amon himself was revived because of the deinfestation by the use of the keystone on Char. meanwhile Raynor has gone through 6 different kinds of hell to get Sarah back in his arms.3. Alarak, when you play LotV you may understand but i really like this character a lot, because his character is the most easy to read through his facial emotions, of all the protoss i have seen in the series to date, Alarak is easily the most interesting character and this character is voiced by John de Lancie himself. This character alone is worth 1 star.4. Graphics are clean and crisp, lots of changes and a few new units both buildable and seen fighting against you. as you progress through LotV storyline, you get to see the full cinematic quality that has always been apart of the series since the start.It is easily one of the best additions to the series Blizzard has produced to date.
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The original starcraft series was massive especially in Korea where 7 out of 10 copies weren't originals and so following this blizzard decided to update the battle.net software to what is is today before releasing the starcraft 2 series to prevent piracy but as awesome as the starcraft 2 series is, battle.net has so many conflicts with various antivirus and firewall software that getting the download to complete so you can play for some players (the trilogy needed 9gb to play but 12gb to complete) can be really frustrating, tricky and annoying. Final verdict: The game is five star excellence as and when you install it but blizzard really need to solve problems with battle.net conflicts ratherthan decide that people who purchase the game/s should simply deactivate their protection against viruses and hackers to download and install the software.
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This is a solid game and just about worth the money in my opinion. However, I still think Wings of Liberty is by far the pick of the bunch. I found the Protoss hard to relate to and the story ultimately a bit dreary. It was a real chore talking to the characters on deck. The missions are also a little bit repetitive; far too many of them revolve around taking down multiple 'power cores' of some description. I still recommend the game but it might be worth waiting until you can pick it up on sale if you want best value for money.


Love this game. I'm a starcraft fanboy already, but the campaign in this is very very good. Heart of the Swarm felt like a bit of a middle child, not much happened and it meandered a bit. LotV avoids that and feels epic and meaningful from the start. Lots of old favourites from Brood War are back and it really feels like the best version of the game could ever be. Haven't even gotten to the Coop missions yet which are supposed to be great as well.


brill third part to this series - well worth the wait - each game has improved on the last with excellent new features particularly the co-op mode - very easy to jump in and play as evidenced by my son who got to grips with the game in no time at all - great buy - keep up the good work blizzard you never disappoint -


Game is fab, if your a star craft fan then a must, only blot for me was pre-ordered this in may, and amazon delivered it three days after launch date, so I may as well have purchased locally... not doing that again amazon. buy this fantastic, just maybe not from amazon


Fanatic game! This is one of the best games thatI've ever played and it was a lot better then I expected, I expected it to be really good but Blizzard did even better then good with this game and I hope they make a Starcraft 3 series


Excellent game, it uses battle.net. As I already had the original StarCraft installed, the game didn't even need to install or download anything extra. I registered the key on my account and was able to play straight away.


Amazing. Heart of the Swarm was too easy on Brutal, but this is something else. An hour into the first mission on Brutal and it's mega fun. I was waiting for this with anticipation and it was definitely worth the wait.


Arrived on the day, as instructed, costing £5 less than when I pre-ordered. The game is quite good, but since I'm a Protoss through and through since the launch of Starcraft 1, I might be just slightly biased. :)


Wow coop missions as well now as a good single player missions they have done this game very well, not much to say just better online play new story missions and coop play as well what more can you won't.


the fist game I love and the one I play since 1998. I must say SC 2 is not that great as previous one. The interface change several times, bugs all over, bad customer service and servers are not great.


Starcraft 2: Legacy Of The Void (PC/Mac) - Standard Edition. This is the third and last episode of the Starcraft II triology, following on from


I love the SC2 games and this one was a great finisher for the series. If you liked ANY SC2 games, I urge you to try out this game.

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