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This review is separated into two sections, one about the game itself and the other about the CE contentGAME:Adds a new SP campaign and 6 (two for each race) new unis for multiplayer. The campaign is fun, thanks to the variety that Blizzard tries give the missions, and, as someone that likes the Sarah Kerrigan/Queen of blades character, it was nice to have a full campaign centered on her. It's not perfect though, as i have two main complaints. First of all, the story was a bit too small scale. We get to know more about the Zerg's origins and functioning, which is nice, but in the end it all feels a little bit like it's serving as nothing more than a bridge between the story of WoL and LOVT,where the "meat" of the story is (and will be). Second, despite the variety still being there, it is a bit more repetitive (despite being shorter) than WoL because they made less micro-only/hero missions. It's possible they did this so that the "newbies" don't get too used to not macroing in SP and then not macroing properly in the MP.As for the MP, it's still great possibly better.. New units are cool, i like the Swarm host and Oracle. Widow mines are a bit annoying but can be countered. While DoW2's no-base gameplay is more up my alley, SC2 HOTS has the best semi-traditional online RTS out there.Collector's edition contents:I've been getting several Blizzard CE and they're ace, this one is no exception. Art book looks and feels great, the soundtrack is very good and comes in a nice digipack, the Diablo 3 QOB wings look great on my D3 characters and the Ultralisk skin looks boss. I was a bit disappointed with the mouse pad though. I didn't expect it to be very good, but i did expect something a little better than this.. But i'm using it anyway cause it's SC2 :) still i hope that they go with a different physical bonus in LOTV (or ship a better pad)Conclusion:Like RTS? Get it. Not sure if you like RTS? Get WoL first and see if you like that. If you do, get this fantastic expansion. Blizzard might be getting a few criticisms lately but the Starcraft team is definitely the one that is doing a better job right now, and you can't go wrong with this.
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Just finished the campaign and the storyline and campaign mechanics overall are very good. The different planets you go to serve the purpose of tying together their respective story arcs very well, and I prefer the closed story arcs per planet over the mish-mash of short planet visits Wings of Liberty offered. The use of Kerrigan as a recurring hero unit is a nice change to the armchair commanding in Wings of Liberty, as it also involves the story more into play. And I really like how you can change her skills between missions, so you don't have to be stuck with the same build the entire campaign. The evolution missions are nice intermezzos and a good way to trying the evolutions before you decide on which one to take.Can't say much on the multiplayer yet,as I don't even bother with that before hunting most of the campaign achievements down, which will take a while given my being terrible at playing Zerg.Now onto the CE goodies, which is where the fifth star went missing for me. Don't get me wrong, the extras are worth the money, but I liked what I got in my Wings of Liberty box better. The soundtrack and behind the scenes DVD/bluray are must haves for any diehard fan, the mouse pad has a nice design and has the expected quality and the hardcover art book is just fabulous and what sold me on the boxed CE edition over the digital version. But this box just lacks that special feeling I got from the James Raynor dog tag USB stick and the little comic book.In short, the game is awesome and the goodies are good, but none of them stands out like the Jimmie Raynor Edition did. Here's to hoping Legacy of the Void will continue the story in an equally epic fashion and that we get a Zeratul Edition special goodie in that box!
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The new storyline is really good and I think the campaign has a much better structure than the Wings of Liberty campaign. Can't say much about the multiplayer from a players point of view as I haven't played much yet but from a spectators point of view the new units and abilities make it a much more exciting game to watch than Wings of Liberty was.The collectors edition bonuses are really good, the soundtrack is amazing, the behind the scenes blu ray is very good and specifically the eSports Retrospective video was great. The Hardback artwork book is very nice and so is the mousepad. Defiantly worth the extra money to get the physical collectors edition.


I think SC2 expansion is overpriced, the collector's edition even more, hence 4 starts only.The game itself is good, as you would expect from Blizzard. I like how the new campaign features a play style which is quite different from the original campaign; however, given the possibility to change special abilities as often as you like while in the briefing room, I would like to see ANY information about the mission I am going into, so that I could actually pick the abilities best fit for this mission.


The title says it all, one of the best games i've ever played.Pros :- Excellent Storyline (and i mean EXCELLENT)- Fun missions- Easy to learn game mechanics- Very fun multiplayer with friendsCons :- You need to play with friends online to make the multiplayer enjoyable.Over all :Single player : 11/10Multiplayer : 2/10 if your by yourself, and 7/10 if your with friends.I would give this game more then 5 stars if I could buy I cant :(I would recommend this product! Very good game!!


It arrived before dispatch said it would, the game is very solid. The controls are much the same as the orriginal that I grew up playing and with the added bit of Battle Net for game stats and such. Graphics are very good for the time it was made (I purposefully waited a while to get it and am Looking forwards to Legacy of the Void now) For best feel of the game do try the Multiplayer AFTER you've played the campaigns so you can test run your reflexes and builds on the highest difficulty.


I have to say I really loved HOTS. The epic story, awesome CGI, Blizzard really delivers on this expansion.You'll get some solid 10h+.The Campaign difficulty is lower than Wings of Liberty, Normal feels like the Easy mode on WOL.Make sure you have a decent machine if you want to play with all maxed out. While I was able to play most of the game at 30FPS, where where 2 particular occasions (hundreds of units on screen) where FPS dropped to 9.


it has a very good campaign but the multilayer (which is its strongest point) really fails as it suffers from massive balance issues.granted it has a good community behind it but some issues just don't seem to get fixed unless it means making something else incredibly over powered.sucks the enjoyment out of the game with some really stupid problems that can be fixed easily.


Finally the story continue and I can't wait to get my hands on Legacy of the Void.It was fresh start playing Zerg done, as Blizzard as done in the past, each race playing style it's completely different.New UI, new achievements, community content there is a lot to enjoy as well.Nice RTS.


Very nice presentation box, hard cover book, mouse pad etc. Pity Blizzard resort to constant checking each time you go on the game causing slow down in the computer. Gamers want to play games not wait for your downloads Blizzard! Not everyone has got fast internet or can go online.


Ordered it as a gift for my friend's birthday. Although it's only in April, but I gave it earlier (since the delivery was super fast). After looking through the art book and behind the scene content I must agree with my friend that this stuff is a must for true fans.


Well, going for the collectors edition should already highlight that I am a great fan of the StarCraft franchise. This is my second collector's edition, and by no way anything less than expected...brilliant! Now awaiting the third and final collector's edition!!!!


Excellent expansion. The software is content complete. The gameplay is the best there is in such games. However in single player mode the cinematics are not as polished as the ones in Wings. The collectors edition is nothing special, again contrary to Wings.


A strategy game like no other, StarCraft 2 expansion improves upon an already powerful engine by introducing an even higher skill cap. Though its hard to recommend this game to those who don't think they will be able to dedicate a good amount of time to it.


A neat little package that allowed me to get a baneling pet in world of warcraft and wings in diablo 3, other than that you can tell it's a money maker as the quality of the items isn't great and I've not really bothered with them.

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