

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Spin Master Nano Speed - Cars 2 Pack reviews.
You can find all Spin Master Nano Speed - Cars 2 Pack reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Spin Master Nano Speed - Cars 2 Pack, 7 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.6.

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Amazon has 7 customer reviews and the average score is 3.6. Go to this seller.


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I brought these as I thought they were a good size to go into a stocking but they were so tiny I used them in homemade christmas crackers instead ( Homemade Christmas crackers are perfect as the gifts are never lift on the table at the end of the night!). Despite being so small they are great fun. Simply pull back and see them zoom off. They are very fast and kids enjoy chasing them to try and catch them before they disappear under the settee. These are great fun but be warned that because they are so small they will be easy to lose


Bought these cars for my son who is 6 he has never stopped playing with them since Christmas as you only got 2 cars with the speed track I bought 2 extra and more fun with 4 great boys toy


Lovely little cars. Used them as party favours after a go-karting party and the kids were really thrilled with them. Competitively priced.

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