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Spider-Man 2 is the best Spider-Man game. Period. It's fun, funny, the gameplay mechanics are completely ingenious and best of all, it's even a bit free-roaming. I love this game, and hopefully so will you. But I've got to be honest: it's not perfect.First, the good bits. The first Spider-Man movie game is polished and enjoyable, but the web-swinging didn't make a lot of sense. Spider-Man could seemingly attach webs to the sky, which meant that web-swinging was the same - and was possible - everywhere you went. Spider-Man 2 completely rethinks this approach, by actually sticking the web to the surrounding buildings. Granted, this means you can't soar over huge empty spaces,but it also means you're fully in control of what he's doing. Once you get good at it, it's possible to hurtle through the city at great speed. It's exhilarating, you can vary it a lot, and it's still almost endlessly fun to do. No other video game character travels around quite like Spider-Man.And of course, there's a massive city to swing around in. Breathtaking in scope, and noticeably good-looking (especially at night), the scale of Spider-Man's world is impressive. If you get bored of missions, just swing around for as long as you like. The ability to do that - and to travel from the top of a building all the way to the bottom, which isn't something Spider-Man games have been able to do yet - is one of many reasons to buy this specific Spider-Man game.Then there are the web attacks. Spider-Man doesn't just punch and kick his enemies: he's got spider web, so he uses that in battle. You might be more comfortable button bashing - I certainly was, the first time around -but there are a lot of neat tricks to master, and again, there's enough variation to keep it fresh. You can swing bad guys around you or tie them to lamp-posts; yank weapons out of their hands or cover them in web; pick them up and throw them, or pile-drive them. There are, quite simply, a lot of ways to hurt those bad guys. (I recommend throwing them off buildings, then jumping off and grabbing them. Try it!)And THEN there's the slow-motion attacks. Hitting L1 will allow you to - briefly, anyway - move around faster than everyone around you. This is completely invaluable when battling Doc Ock, whose metal tentacles are a pain to dodge. It's also a neat way to pummel your adversaries without them even knowing what hit them. It's tough to master, but rewarding once you do so.The back-to-the-drawing-board re-think also extends to what you're doing, and why. Spider-Man 2 isn't just a lot of Mission plots: there are also Hero Missions, which range from the dangerous (violent gangs) to the menial (lost balloons). Yes, there are problems with repetition - more on that later - but it's still enormously satisfying to be able to do something else with your time other than stopping Doc Ock, Shocker or whoever. Hero Missions earn you Hero Points, with which you can buy cool stuff. There are also challenges and races dotted around, so it's hard to get bored. Ultimately, this game makes being Spider-Man feel like a job, rather than just a Story Mode. It's the first game to get that right. And although it gets a bit samey, what can I say? I love this job!The actual plot missions are good, too, of course. Spider-Man games always add two or three villains who weren't in the movie, but Spider-Man 2 does it better than most: you'll be pleased to run into Rhino and Shocker, and the Mysterio levels will either drive you insane or strike you as comic genius. I lean towards the latter.Sadly, it's time for the bad news. For one thing, Spider-Man 2 was clearly rushed into shops to coincide with the release of the (also great) movie. Some of the graphics look unfinished, particularly the cars which are rendered as simple, hovering boxes that crawl along at the speed of milk floats. You speak to a lot of people in the game, and many of them look the same. All of them perform the same basic animations, over and over again. On occasion, they don't even look at you when you talk to them, and sometimes they're not even there.But then, the game has repetition issues even without the shoddy graphics. While I think the Hero Missions give us a great impression of Spidey's daily life, and they are mostly fun to do, it does mean doing the same thing over and over again. Repetitious voiceovers from the stony-faced civilians just remind you how bored you're getting.Which brings us to the voice acting, which splits into two categories: Actors from the movie (all tired and unenthusiastic) and actors not in the movie (Mysterio, Shocker and Rhino, who all put some effort into it). Tobey MacGuire's narration isn't bad, but he can get annoying. The films have the same problem.Ultimately, how much you enjoy the game depends how easily you can overlook a few niggles. It doesn't look *that* bad, after all: Spider-Man himself is superbly animated, the Mysterio and Shocker levels are absolute eye-candy, and the city looks downright gorgeous at night. There's great narration from Bruce Campbell, who is as cheekily hilarious as always, and there's an almost endless amount of tokens and hints to collect all around the (enormous) city. It's a rich, thought-out classic for the PS2, but with a few nagging surface flaws. My advice is to ignore them. Swing around New York for five minutes, and tell me you don't love it.
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Upon seeing the adverts for the game on TV and hearing about the free roaming capabilities within the game, I was a bit dubious of if this game was any good. I haven't seen the film (nor the first film), but was a fan of the Fox cartoon series so I was fascinated what it would be like to be The Spider-Man; then Spider-Man 2: The Movie comes out on the PS2.Most movie franchise games never turn out to be very good - this is mainly due to too much money pumped into a tight time seclude and 'EA Games' buying more licences than they can handle - and so I pondered about getting it. The time came where I finally decided to part with my so-called "hard earned" cash and bought SM2:TM for my PS2.Straight away, the game grabbed me; I was Spider-Man in a vast New York landscape able to go any where and fight crime!The game play of the game is what you expect from the advert really; swinging from building-to-building, jumping extreme heights in a single bound, and super strength to fight baddies which occur a lot (even for the Big Apple). You never run out of Webbing which is great as it allows you complete and utter freedom in the city with out thinking "Oh man, I am about to run out of Webbing, I will have to find more soon" (as was the case in the comic book based Spider-Man for the PSone).The size of the city is massive though, I've never been to New York, but I can imagine the size of the city being like this. I doubt any game player will see all the sights of New York in this game; think GTA: Vice City and triple the size of it (at least if not more) and that's what you have in SM2:TM; and their even isn't any loading time when going from district-to-district. The only loading is when cut scenes occur or going into a building (not every building interior needs loading though, just goes straight into it), and they are only a short burst fair between; not even a long loading time when turning the PS2 on and going into the game.The graphics are okay, they aren't the best I've seen on the PS2, but then again, you will hardly care because they are still good, but you will be zipping along the city and not really take notice of them that much. They work for the game and they are pleasant to see, you just tend to notice stupid faces on people when they tell you about crimes, but the cut scenes (in-game and FMVs) are of a high quality. But with this game size, it understandable and forgiving, the game play is what matters here!The story is good, from what I gather, it follows the movie well enough, but has extra bits as well which keeps you keen.The crimes in the city are repetitive with the same armoured car hold up/shoot out/car jacking/Irish worker falling off building/surprise attack happening which are activated by you talking to a person in the street calling out your name. There are random moments where you find a mugging or some kid lost their balloon and you have a choice to help. But you have the option of going to do jobs as Peter Parker (who then turns into Spider-Man to do the job, go figure) like delivering pizza to people or taking pictures of the Daily Bugle. All of these add to your "hero points" which help you advance chapters in the game (basically story in other works, like a level system) and buy new abilities for Spider-Man from the Spidey Shop where you use the "hero point" as a form of currency. But it all adds up and makes a good game style for SM2:TM.The sound in the game is pretty much any movie New York place, with cars going by and people talking (mainly at you or about you, which isn't like normal NY I presume...). There are occasions where Spider-Man talks to him self to help you follow the story. There is also a tour guide done by B-Movie star Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead, Army of Darkness) which I loved because he adds in his own sense of humour and not always sticking to the script in hand. But all the voices in the game are done by the actors them selves from the film, so it's no dodgy "sound-alike" but a properly immersive experience.I suggest to anybody who is thinking of buying the game to just buy it; this sets a standard for movie tie-in games and even standard games on how to do it. You cannot go wrong.Final Verdict: 9/10 (5*)
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With this newest Spiderman game Treyarch have finally succeeded in bringing everything the comic promises to the hands of console gamers. They've done this by combining a reworked version of the already solid spiderman engine with a beautifully large playing area depicting New York. The city feels as big as those featured in either of the 3D GTA games, and whilst the pedestrians lack the same character, detail and humour, it matters far less because this game is about Spidey, not some unknown Joe (or Tommy). And that's what this game absolutely captures to a T; this is the closest any game has come to representing Spidey and all of his superpowers. Even something as simple as jumping is breath-taking and flexible to pull off.You can do a little jump or charge it up and jump so high it actually makes you feel all tingley when you look down. Or if you jump whilst sprinting forward, at the edge of a roof top say, you leap/hurtle forward the equivalent of about 50 feet! And you really feel the power behind the jump. And as this takes place in a massive 3D city, you can leap and bound from roof top to roof top, via flag poles on which you can swing, and up(or down) the sides of buildings, over which you can crawl or even run if you so desire, with increasing ease. I had heard that just moving around in this game is a lot of fun, but I was suspicious until I played it myself. And it's not just a shallow gimick either; because these are skills you must learn the game increases in fun as you master the deep play dynamics, similar to the way the levels in Tony Hawkes' games open up as you learn more tricks and routes. And I haven't even mentioned web-swinging yet. This is because the feeling can't really be described to it's benefit. Just watch the end bit of the first movie, the bit where Spidey is swinging through the city just before the credits roll, and then imagine that you are making him do that!With a control system so perfect I was expecting the main story and the side missions to be someone lacking, but, having played all of the previous Spidey games I can honestly say this one had the most believably delivered story. The best bits in my opinion are the story elements not taken from the film, that bring Mysterio, Shocker and others into the overall plot with the use of brilliant climactic battles. Although I do think Mysterio's just plain cool.I was also concerned that the combat would be lacking (a weak spot in the previous Spidey movie tie-in), but it feels far more solid in this game, and the combo's are all distinct, each with their own satisfying result. Heck, you can even beat up a goon, hammer him/her against the ground on the end of a web, swing said goon round your head like a lassoo, and then web-hang him/her from a nearby lamp post!!! And it flows so well. Dodging has also been implemented pretty well. Everytime your spider-sense goes off with a tap on the circle button, Spidey executes a matrix-like swerve out of danger. And once you start dodging multiple machine gun fire, you not only look hyper-cool, but you also feel like a real Superhero! Much more than that silly Keanu Reeves fellow. This game makes you feels like Spiderman! And due to the open endedness of the plot, you can continue to fight a multitude of crimes around the city, attempt Tony Hawkes style time-based challenges across the varied city skyline, or even just swing around looking cool and pretending your're in a comic long after the storyline has finished. You don't have to get this game, but if you really like Spiderman, or just want to zip, jump and swoop through New York on the end of a web realistically, you really should.
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This game was much better than expected. I was thoroughly disappointed with the first Spider-man game which I found boring and incredibly hard. Spider-man 2 however is much, much better. It is more exciting, the graphics are well improved and Spider-man is better than he has ever been before! Unlike Spider-man (1) you can only swing when there are buildings nearby where-as in the first Spider-man game you just went up and up when there weren't even any buildings in reach! Nope. Spider-man 2 has it all. It is not too hard and it is not too easy which was very good because it was challenging, fun and sometimes a little frustrating! Don't let that put you off though. How can a game be fun if everything is too easy?Some bits were hard and it wasn't always clear as to what you had to do but the problems were always solved. Others bit were easy but not so easy that you could play it with your eyes closed.This game also has a very good bonous - it is free roaming and you can go anywhere you like. You can't go in the sewers or swim like you can in Spider-man 3 but that doesn't matter. There are plenty of things you can explore and go e.g. the museum, pizza shop (where you! Yes, you deliver pieces to costumers. If you are late or wreck the pizza you receive bad cred. And if everything goes perfectly you receive bonous points which are very handy) and much much more. You can always buy combo moves from the Spidey store which you can use to either use your skills and moves to beat up bad guys or just mess about in the air and do tricks which is quite fun. Citizens will always want your help and will supply you with missions which include beating up standard robbers, saving people from a sinking ship/falling from building or stopping muggers. There are others as well but those are just a few examples. You don't have to do this but it is the only way you'll pass levels etc. while free roaming citizens will also call for help! A crime can happen even when you aren't on a mission so watch out. Robbers will always be willing to stop the Amazing Spider-man!This game also follows the exact same story line as the film only with a few extras. Not only have you got to battle the famous Dock Ock but you also must battle aganist the Rhino, Mysterio, Shocker and of coarse Dock Ock. This may sound like a lot but it was fun and challenging as well. The Shocker was probably the easiest! Not only that but the Black Cat also becomes your sidekick for a while. She helps you fight crime which was cool. In what Spider-man game do you get to have a sidekick? (Apart from Friend or Foe!) Do everything a spider can do. Scale up buildings, swing on webs and leap or dive from building to building! I could swing and jump for hours without getting bored. The scenery/graphics have been captured perfectly as well. They have added every detail and every building you could possibly imagine. The cut scenes are also great and the characters in the film have come back to supply the voices which is another small bonous. This is a fantastic game and I defintely reccomend it. Everything - 5/5.
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- I bought the game simply to appease the dork in myself and have yet to regret it. Using an open ended play format in which you don't do anything until you want to, in a model of NYC complete with major landmarks, with web-swinging abilities right in line with the movies, this game blew me away.When the game starts it's almost overwhelming the scale and grandeur of the NYC. Just as overwhelming is the learning curve for the web-swinging mechanics. After being coddled with the invisible ceiling mechanics of the previous Spider-Man games, the idea of actually using buildings seems a little too difficult. The idea of consciously having to jump from your web at the end of a swing is obscene.Once I managed to get over this part of the controls though I was blown away at how intuitive the web-swinging became. In less than fifteen minutes I was swinging through the streets of New York at speeds that topped 170 scale miles per hour (or so the game statistics said). It was a joyous, nay, religious experience that left me wishing I really had strands of goo that launched from my wrists.The story itself is well done and maintains some semblance of cognicence throughout the game. The characters you run into are presented with enough faith and love that they don't seem to be thrown into the game. Their battles/chases are a different story however. I was a little disappointed the first time I ran into Rhino and felled him without thinking in less than two minutes. I was feeling OK with the BlackCat chase sequences. And then I came to the first run in with Quentin Beck (aka. Mysterio). This "Boss" fight took place inside a giant arena and kept my mouth open in utterances of obscenities. The first half wasn't so rough, but the "gauntlet" that Spider-Man is forced to run proved one thing to me...This game was meant to be kept outdoors. Crawling across floating blocks did little more than illustrate how irritating camera problems can really be. After this fiasco I forced myself to swing around the Big Apple for about an hour just to get the memory of indoor gameplay out of my head.The game is altogether a new animal. It doesn't borrow so heavily from anything that came before it that it feels repititious. It doesn't fall into a rut of mind-numbing repititous gameplay. It does however make me wish I wasn't at work right now and instead at home with a box of Coca-Cola and a bag of funions with nowhere to be...
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I'll be giving this game a score based on two factors: The product condition and the game itself.On the first front, this product is great. It arrived on time with the disc and manual in perfect condition. No noticeable problems to be found. On the second front, I'm kind of in the minority. The gameplay left a lot to be desired for me. The combat is fairly dull and repetitive at best and outright frustrating at worst, most notably during the boss fights (I'm looking at you, Mr Octavius). Plus, this game follows what I call the Saints Row 2 style of story progression (even though SR2 was years after this game): Completing side missions in order to earn passage to the next chapter.When side missions are mandatory, I don't see them as fun distractions. I see them as chores. But at least the side missions in SR2 were super duper fun. The crime solving aspect of this game gets old fast. Foiling the same carjacking/mugging/Titanic reenactment over and over again isn't my idea of fun. Not to mention there's some major frustration to be found in the main story missions where cheap deaths are inevitable. Be warned, chapter 9 is horribly dodgy.But with that said, there is some fun to be had. The more fleshed out side missions like pizza deliveries and dates with MJ are quite enjoyable. They're more like challenges that constantly increase in difficulty rather than constant repeats of the same easy objective like the regular side missions. That's my preferred way of racking up hero points. Plus, there's plenty of collectibles here and there like hidden tokens and hint markers which come with some hilarious dialogue. I'm someone who adores collecting things in a large open world and this game didn't disappoint in that regard. And, of course, the web swinging is awesome. It took me some time to get used to, but once I did I felt unstoppable. It made me feel like I really was Spider-man. Yes please, Treyarch. Oh, and the Mysterio boss fight in the convenience store is one of the best boss fights I've ever seen in my life. If you've played this game, you know what I'm talking about.All in all, the product is fine but the actual game is nothing special in my opinion. If it wasn't for the key side missions, amazing web swinging and Bruce Campbell, I would have considered it a very weak title.Product condition score - 2.5/2.5Game score - 1.25/2.5Final score - 4/5 (Amazon won't let me do 3.75)
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No doubt about it. This is an awesome game in a lot of ways. Firstly, you literally can do whatever a Spider can. You can swing from building to building, you can jump from building to building, you can climb walls, and you can utilise all of these abilities wherever you like as you are free to travel around the massive city playing area at your discretion.Not only that but there is no insistence on your battling the super villains and getting on with the story. If you'd prefer you can swing about aiding distressed civilians by stopping muggers/carjackers/ armoured car robbers or rushing injured people to hospital etc. However these missions soon get tedious as there are only around 7 or 8 different scenarios that can occur.Worse is the fact that the point system of the game means stopping these crimes is a necesity if you wish to progress and after a while they REALLY grate. No bother though, did you want this game to solve fickle and insignificant bother? Of course not! You want to battle the REAL enemies and on this level Spider Man really delivers. The developers have made the wise decision of deviating somewhat from the film's plot and pump up the villainous cast to include Rhino, Mysterio and Shocker to battle with as well as Doc Ock of course. Doc Ock may gain allies but Spidey is not left out as the mysterious Black Cat joins up with him particularly to battle Shocker. All of the villains have their own entertaining mini campaigns for the player to fight through and these thankfully make up the bulk of the game.Sound wise the game is more than competent as well, Tobey Mcguire, Kirsten Dunst, and Alfred Molina (?) all take up the roles of their characters and the voice overs are top notch.The negative aspects of this game are fairly limited:The graphic work on the people and cars is quite naff. With faces obviously being drawn rather than really animated and no lip synch for the voices. Also Peter Parker seems to have big flesh coloured cubes rather than hands for some reason, also the script in a couple of scenes needs a lot of attention, and as i previously mentioned the Hero Points system gets old.Other than that though this is a tip top action game, certainly the best Superhero game on the market and hopefully a model to a lot of games on free roaming.
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I know, I know, you're thinking "Spiderman is amazing! How can you not give it the 5 stars?!" But hear me out, and I'll explain it, okay?First off, the game is great. The controls have been given a major tweaking, and you feel a lot more in control when swinging around the city. Not only can you crawl up the wall, but you can run along it for a little while, or slide and jump in truly acrobatic style. As you progress you can buy little extra options like little spins you do as you plummet from the skyline to the pavement before shooting your web to the nearest building. Little things like that just make it fun to swing around in the city.But, the open-endedness paraded by the developers isnt as open as you think.If you hear a cry for help, you're given 1 of 6 different types of mini-missions; You can rescue someone before they fall off a building; you can race to get a guy to hospital; you can chase after car jackers; you can suddenly get rushed by a mob and have to fight your way out; you can try and prevent a bank robbery; or you could have to get a crew off a sinking boat in the harbour. As fun as this is, you begin to get a feel that it's a little limited, and some more options would've been nice.Another thing that let the game down is the fighting. You can buy some really nice moves and such from the shop with the hero points you collect for doing missions, but you really will just find yourself jumping and kicking everybody in a series of button bashing. And still win. I know it's not tekken, but a little extra tweaking wouldnt have gone amiss.But there's plenty of reasons why this game deserves praise. It has the original cast voices, is a HUGE game, and the hundreds of little help points all over the place is voiced by none other than Bruce Campbell, with his trademark cynicism. It's a marked improvement over the original game, and I'd find it hard to believe that nobody could pick up the game and play it without a tingle in their hands. You're playing as Spiderman. baby!
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Superb. Outstanding. Remarkable. Amazing.All words that could be used to describe Spider Man 2. This really is an excellent game well worth your £30. If you played the first game and enjoyed that, this game is a dead cert. The control system has been revamped over the first game, including improved jumping, improved combat and perhaps most importantly, improved web swinging. Rather than your web attaching to the sky, as in spideys first PS2 outing, this time your web must hit an object such as a building, a tree or even a helicopter. All this makes for more 'realistic' movements for the web head. It really is a great improvment. You can also purchase upgrades for various things, such as swing speed,combat moves and so on.Now, on to the game structure. As most probably know the game has undergone a complete revamp, now no longer fixed missions only, the game adopts a free roaming mode around a brilliantly modelled New York City. This allows you to go wherever you feel like going, including landing on the street, something we were deprived of in previous outings. You can also scale any skyscraper in the whole city, just be carefull when jumping off, as even spidey can't survive a fall from the top of the empire state building (although find me one person who won't try this at least once!). The game is split into chapters, each with different objectives to complete, eg visit Mary - Jane, or Complete Daily Bugle Assignment. Outside of these missions you must earn hero points. These are earned by helping citizens with their problems such as stolen purses or armoured cars being shot up. It really is vast and really is a lot of fun.In closing, refer to the opening line of this review. Pick a word. All apply to just how great a game this is. If you're a fan of the films and of the previous games, you will love this. Well worthy of your cash and well worthy of 5 out of 5.
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Ok, picuture this. U r surrounded by a gang of goons, Each armed with a pistol. What do you do? You grab to on each side with you weba and swing them around so they knock all their goony mates over, then you jump in the air run across a wall and dive on the remaining few. One left, You grab him with you web, fly into the sky and drop him in a nearby lake. LOOK OUT, Here comes the spiderman!!! That is the fighting aspect of the game and it succeeds. What i wasnt to pleased about is the use of "Spider reflexes" which is basically a rip off of bullet time. What it tries to do is put you a second ahead of the enemies but i found using normal time is far better and more fun.Now,a great part of the game is the free roaming gta structure. You can swing all over new york and, if you want helpp out a few citizens. It mirrors the good cop bad cop thing on true crime. I found, however, that these missions became tedious although it is necessary to complete them for HERO points. Hero points are like cash for buying new combos and tricks, a nice little game touch. The graphics of the game are not as fluid as they could be but you have a nice view of new york blurring past you as you dive off the top of the empire state building.This game attemps to follow the story of the film with missions involving characters from the film and from the comics. These got a bit boring after a while and were hideously frustrating. However, I completed the whole story in about a day to find that I had completed only half of the game!!!Overall, spiderman 2 is a triumph of simulating superheroes and you can have hours of fun swingin from building to building. However, it does get tedious after a while, I recommend renting it before going the whole way and buying it.(does what ever a spider can)
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The Original 2 Spiderman games on the PS1 were great, and then Spiderman: The Movie came to PS2 and was even better. But they all seemed to lack something... COMPLETE FREEDOM!In Spiderman 2 you can go anywhere and do anything. For the first time you can walk the city streets, interact with civilians, solve petty crimes or just crawl to the top of the chrysler building to admire the view! Green markers appear on your map which indicate civilians in distress, these scenarios range from someone reporting a carjacking, a civilian who needs to be taken to the hospital, muggings, or people dangling from buildings needing your help.The Story matches the film pretty well with a few differences and some nice added bits that werent in the film.Doc Ock is joined by two more bad guys, Shocker and Rhyno. And Spidey has Black Cat on his sideThe nicest thing about it I think is the non-continous swinging. In the Original you'd press R2 once and Spidey would swing all day till he smacked into a building or something. In Spiderman 2 R2 shoots out one stream of web that Spidey will hang on to till you press X to break it, then press R2 to shoot another web. With practice you become very proficient at swinging, changing direction in a split second.As for Spiderman himself, visually he looks the best he ever has, both as Spiderman and Peter, and he has the most amazing capabilities ever. From webbing your opponent up to stringing them to lamposts to yanking thier weapons away with webbing.In short this is the best Spiderman game, If not the best Superhero game, ever made. A must for any spiderfan! Buy it now if you havnt already!!!
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Spider-Man 2 the game delivers a terrific play which gives you everything you could possibly want with spider-man. It gives you the full power of the web heads abilities.Don't think this game is just a bunch of missions strung together level by level like its original. There are hundreds (no really hundreds) of spin-off missions. Since your a crime fighter you've gotta fight crime (obviously) so when you see or hear any trouble while swingimg around NY city you gotta get in there and do your thing. There are many sort of crimes for you to bust, everything from bringing down violent gangs to saving a little kids lost balloon. It doesn't just end there, you also have daily bugle assignments and pizza deliveries to earn cash with,meet up at the movies with Mary-Jayne and complete tough ability challanges, but evenually you'll have to get back to the main missions. Also don't just think Dr.Octopus is the only villain there to do battle with. Myterio, Rhino and The Shocker are also there to square off with, and The Black Cat wil also make the odd appearance but she is only there to tease you and make you chase her. All in all it's just a superhero version of Vice City.But what I really like about this is New York. It's vast size and famous sites are all there for you to explore. You can even go to the top of the Empire State Building!All in all a great for non-fans and die-hards. Hek, I'd even go as far and say it looks as good as the movie!
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Thanks to the idea of free roaming by Rockstars Grand Theft Auto games, companies are now putting it to good use in their games. Spiderman 2 The Movie allows gamers a greater level of freedom allowing the gamer to not only play the main storyline, but actually web swing, web crawl around a huge metropolis map of New York City in their own time.Gamers can do mini missions as well, solving crimes like robbers and car thiefs and successful crimes stopped give the gamer hero points which allow the user to buy and upgrade special moves and combos. Though the story is based on the new Spiderman 2 Movie, it does draw itself away from the story allowing guest apperances from villains like Shocker,Mysterio and Rhino.Your also meet as you progress through the game the sexy, but troubled Black Cat who in some missions will lead a hand, but most of the time your find yourself chasing her across the rooftops trying to keep up.GOOD POINTS:The GTA free roaming style game play, allows the gamer a greater level of freedom and control over Spiderman and shows that its not simply a misson based game all the time.Minor Improvements on the Graphics.Improved Sound Effects.Better Web System.BAD POINTS:Repetitive Mini Missions.Most Missions Easy.Web Swinging can sometimes be frustrating.Overall a good game, some improvements could have been made, but deserves 4 stars for its gameplay.
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I have to agree. Spider-man 2 the game of the movie is the best spiderman game ever in existance. Treyarch have done a blinder with this game. They finally got it 100% perfect. Spidey looks the best that he has ever been, the combat moves are brilliantly done (especially when spidey does the air combat moves. I get such pleasure out of kicking the stuff out of a guy 50 feet in the air. The game really makes you feel like spiderman. The first game is nothing compared to this. I didn't really like swinging from the sky basically. I love this game how spidey can swing a web towards a building and swing round it like he does in the film with such speed it would cause your nose to bleed.The upgrades are special too! I love the one called web hanger where you can actually web up villians and leave them hanging from the lamp posts. The new characters are a great touch too, Rhino, Doc Ock, Shocker, Mysterio, Dr Conners (who you all know becomes The Lizard)and the beautiful Black Cat all play a keen part of the story. Since i bought spider-man 2 last friday, i can't seem to get off it. Treyarch i got to say, you did it. You recreated spidey for a new generation and you got it spot on. Love live spidey. Can't wait for Spider-man 3.
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Swing the streets of New York with pace.Dive off sky hi buildings and pull up at the last moment.Foil every crime and robbery there ever was in New York.LIVE the life of Spiderman!I first played on this game in a shop as a demo, and after playing on it for 2 minutes, i loved it. With smooth graphics and beautiful control on movement, this time, you can go anywhere. While framing robberys and hold ups, you earn hero points which help you on your way round the city. Hero points are just a sort of currency which you earn from beating up the baddies! Spend them on speed upgrades and aerobatic tricks, it's you choise! As well as following the film, this game (for all you marvel fans)comes with the baddies and villains from the original marvel comic books. The guys from the books include :-Black CatMysterioShockerAnd RhinoNow get out there and save those people! They need your help! Hurry!....Your too late. Another part in the game is the fact that Pete Parker, also in the film of Spiderman 2, is always late. Thats why you have to hurry to meet MJ and Harry, Octavius and make descent pizza deliveries on time, and the whole thing...I love it. For those of you who have seen the film..."Go get 'em...TIGER!!!"
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