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For Sony FE 50mm f2.8 Macro (SEL-50M28), 9 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.8.

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Amazon has 6 customer reviews and the average score is 3.5. Go to this seller.
Ebay has 3 customer reviews and the average score is 4.3. Go to this seller.


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I have a Sony A7R MkII a replacement for the A7R Mk I that I still have. Most of the Sony zoom lenses whether Zeiss or not, are rather ho-hum in terms of optical sharpness. The 42 megapixel sensor of the Mk II does most of the Sony zoom lenses few favours. Convenient, yes, but also visually compromised. This 50mm lens is at least 50% sharper than the standard 50mm f/1.8 and is the third sharpest lens after the 55mm f/1.8 [just behind] and the 90mm macro. So say the reputable magazines. It is impressively sharp. Really, really sharp. If you're a pixel-peeper, use a mini-tripod and be prepared to be impressed. The resolution can be stunning. It is also rather slow to focus. However,photography is all about compromise, and if, like me, you mostly shoot landscape and architecture, the focus speed is largely irrelevant. Even when using the slider on the lens body to select the closest range for macro work, the focus 'hunts'. Again, I can live with it. Moreover, I invariably use manual focus, exploiting the focus-peaking visible in the viewfinder [mainly] as well as on the LCD screen, to 'nail' the focus on the feature of my choice. It takes but moments and you can be sure as to the outcome.I got the lens at a bargain price, in fact I think the price asked was a mistake! New, the lens is about £550 on Amazon. More elsewhere. Good used ones are in the range of £430 to £450. I got this one from an Amazon Warehouse deal for £280. I notice that as I type, Amazon have several at about £30+ more. Mine was an absolute bargain. Described as in 'good' condition, in reality it was 'as new', complete with an undamaged/never leafed instruction manual and the Sony draw-string bag. I could have just walked out of the store with it, such was the condition: not a mark, not a blemish. Perfect. Not a lens for action/sports/bird shooters, not suitable for photographing lively children, however for anything static, spot-on. The resolution can be jaw-dropping. With my 28mm f/2 and 85mm f/1.8, this 50mm macro makes a perfect trinity of primes for my needs.
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I love this lens, it's not without its problems but you can get some great results with it. Indoors you will most likely need a tripod or a good light source to get close ups, outside you can get the shutter speed high enough that handheld shots are fine, even at narrower apature settings. The one thing that lets it down is the slow auto focus, you will probably be using the focus ring most of the time. The 50mm focal length does mean you have to be very close to your subject as well, which can be a problem with living creatures (I'm amazed the dragonfly stayed still for me).The lens could also be used for portraits,though as I did not get it for this reason so can't really comment on how good it is for that.Do note that the attached images appear to be subject to Amazon resizing them, they will look much better straight out of your camera.
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+ Reasonably sized+ Quality of results+ Controls (focus hold, limiters, AF-MF)+ 75mm equivalent on APS-C- AF is sluggish - you wouldnt use this for sports or action on AF!- Lots of turning for MF (hint - use AF then MF for macro!)- >2cm from front of lens to front of lens body = lens design could be shorter?Nice alternative to the pricier 90 macro, or adapting A-mount etc lenses.


Amazing little CSC , far better than my previous DSLR , amazing menu can do tons of things , autofocus is great , and it is light to carry. Battery life is an issue compared to the DSLR's but apart from that it is a SW defined camera with amazing functionality and tremendous autofocus ability , makes DSLR's (all but the high end ones) obsolete


DxO ratings show this to be among the very sharpest of Sony’s lenses, at any price. Macro is very good but AF is a bit clunky - manageable but clunky, especially in macro settings. But most macro shooting is done MF anyway, so maybe this doesn’t matter. If Sony were kind enough to introduce focus-stacking, that would help amazingly.


This is an excellent macro lens and gives very sharp images. The only quibble I have is that the auto focus is a little slow and tends to hunt around. I generally use it in manual focus.


Excellent sharp macro lens on the Sony A7RM2 and A6300, would recommend this lens.

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