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For Sony FE 100mm f2.8 STF GM OSS, 2 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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Amazon has 1 customer reviews and the average score is 4. Go to this seller.
Ebay has 1 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.


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The SEL100F28GM lens by Sony is truly a one of a kind within Sony's whole line-up of lenses; it offers a unique smooth somewhat arty background blur with beautiful and perfectly circular bokeh, which is achieved with the APD element inside the lens; unfortunately this introduces a major flaw to the lens by taking in light equivalent that of f/5.6 despite is being f/2.8, hence the widest setting being marked with a T-stop of 5.6 on the lens.The limitation of light getting through the lens does mean that this lens rather poor in low-light situations which is something you should bare in mind, as you will find yourself cranking up the ISO as the light dwindles if you're not relying on externallighting of course.I personally find the lens to be a decent size and weight which makes the handling really nice. There are a couple of switches located on the lens such as: Optical Steady Shot; AF/MF toggle & an aperture click function which when disabled, the aperture ring can be rotated smoothly. The lens also features a focus hold button and focal range selector which helps focus as close as 0.57m away (not as good as other macros on the market). For those who are wondering, the lens takes 72mm diameter filters.With the lack of low-light performance aside, this is a great lens; it's extremely sharp, has nice colours and seems to be able to focus very effectively, whilst producing a nice smooth background blur. If you're wanting a unique look in your images, then this is definitely one to go for.All that said, this is a very niche lens. If you're buying new, bare in mind that the value depreciates A LOT compared to other lenses in the Sony range, at least that is what I have witnessed. They very barely go up used on auction sites, but when they do, they seem to fetch anywhere between £650 - £900 in auction, though with a fixed price you may be able to get £900-£950 at a push. I got mine for £770 in auction.For those who may be looking at similar focal ranged lenses within the Sony range, I have the following, so here are the pros and cons:- Sony 85mm f/1.4 G-MASTER:✓ Incredible in low-light.✓ Tack-sharp.✓ Amazing shallow depth of field.✘ Unable to get close to subjects (0.85m).✘ Very pricey lens.- Sony 90mm Macro G-Lens:✓ Able to get very close to subjects (0.28m).✓ Very sharp lens.✓ Lovely colours.✓ Decent price point.✘ N/A.- Sony 100mm STF G-Master:✓ Best bokeh I have ever seen.✓ Helps towards unique looking photos.✓ Very sharp lens.✓ The apodization element acts almost as an ND filter; so in really bright conditions, you're still getting the look of a f/2.8 but with a light value of an f/5.6, making it easier to expose.✘ Very poor low-light.✘ Expensive for what you're getting.Out of all three lenses, the 85mm is my main go to, especially as the A7III is so good at pin-point eye focus even at f/1.4, plus it's the most reliable when in low-light conditions.The 90mm macro is the best when it comes to price as you can typically get it for under £1000 on Amazon, it's sharp and able to get very close to subjects, unfortunately since getting the 85mm, it's rarely used unless I need macro/close-up shots where the 85mm fails tremendously.The 100mm sits in the middle of the 85mm & 90mm when it comes to focus distance, but is worse in low-light than both the other lenses. I think this is why it is such a hard purchase decision for many as the only real selling point over the other lenses in my personal opinion, is the style you're getting.Overall, this is a very good lens, but do ensure it ticks all the right boxes before purchasing.
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