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Yes, i had the original Cardfighters Clash (both versions) back in the day. Yes, I was a fanatic about the NeoGeo Pocket (& NeoGeo Pocket Color.) Yes, I shed a tear when SNK pulled the plug. It has remained one of my favorite games ever since, and when i heard about this DS revival version, I was understandably geeked. Of course, this game was SUPPOSED to have been released last Fall. It has taken its sweet old time (with many assuming it had simply been canned) but now it's here. It ain't perfect, but it's still cardfighting fun.The 3 biggest changes are the increase in battlefield cards from 3 to 8, the adoption of a Magic-type mana system (you'll need certain colors to play certain cards),and the Pokemon/Yugioh style newschool RPG storyline, i.e. you're now some little dude wandering around "The Card Tower" encountering other folks and challenging them to card-battles. These changes work mostly in the new game's favor, but there are already oldschoolers complaining that this isn't "their" Cardfighters. Thankfully when it comes down to gameplay, the fun is still intact.Character distribution-wise, you'll see 150 Capcom characters and 150 SNK characters (along with 100 "action" type cards, think Instants/Enchantments in Magic, that also feature characters from both universes.) The blocky chibi-art of the past has been kinda replaced with a softer art that to my eyes is pleasantly improved. the music is passable (and typical for fighting genres) and the game thankfully doesn't get bogged down in a lot of fluffy graphical theatrics. The playing-field is where you'll spend most of your time, and is well laid-out for that purpose.Now on to the bad. Incredibly, even after the 6 month+ delay, STILL has the feel of a rushed game. The manual doesn't explain things well, the tutorial is strangely choppy, and what has turned out to be one of the loudest complaints: the translations are sloppy, and sometimes downright incorrect. You'll need to play through a few times to find out those cards where the wording is just plain wrong & what should happen just doesn't. It's disappointing that SNK would be involved in such a sloppy final product.Another few fair complaints: the AI on the early/mid levels is ridiculously easy to the point of seemingly trying to fail. They line up 4 cards uncontested, and instead of attacking for direct damage, they just pass. I guess they want to make sure everyone starts off well (and maybe they realized how horrible the manual was.) And the biggie: the player going first has a fairly large advantage. It's like this: i go first, i set out my cards, they are frozen, can't attack/defend. You set out your cards, they are frozen, can't attack/defend. I go next, my cards unfreeze, i look across and see... you're still frozen, so i unleash with a big barrage, and you are already down maybe as much as 50%. This goes back & forth until someone wins, usually me because i was able to attack first. It isn't impossible to overcome, but it is a significant handicap.Okay, here's some bonus points: you aren't going to see just King Of Fighters dudes or Street Fighter dudes. I've seen the hostage from Metal Slug, the attorneys from Phoenix Wright, even Tron Bonne from Mega Man. It definitely makes the game fun. Also, each fighter has a 2-page bio that gives you some nice background if you aren't immediately familiar. The old decisions still have to be made, like "Do i bring out the big gun, or a few smaller guns." You have to weigh special abilities, as some of these poor guys seem like cannon fodder until you see that they serve a different purpose other than toe-to-toe battles. The pace of the battles is nice, not a lot of bogging down in layers of menus, everything you need to see is easily in reach (L & R buttons) and clearly marked. You get to buy virtual packs with your winnings, and that's nearly as fun as opening them in real life.Long story short: if you're a newschool card-game player, you should have fun. If you're an oldschool Cardfighters Clash fan, you should have a lot of fun, despite the disappointing lack of polish. Personally i could have done without the lame RPG story overlay, but if it's what sells these days then why not. I mean, really, who would have thought the original would have been the success that it was, let alone entertaining any thoughts of a modern-day sequel? Personally, i'm happy with any bone that SNK throws me these days.
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Card games are not my thing. This one, however, is an exception since it has characters from two of my favorite video game companies. The game itself is a semi-generic card game and, not being a fan of this type of games, I cannot judge it fairly in that aspect. I can only say that it is satisfactory and not impossible to understand for people who have never played card games. It is frustrating at the beginning because the rules are not quite clear. It doesn't help that there is no tutorial. There are games that do not require tutorials, but this one would have benefited from that. If it were the pure card game, I wouldn't recommend it. But the real enjoyable characteristic of the game are the characters from Capcom and SNK that appear in the game.Granted, they only appear as cards. But in exchange for this short appearances, the variety is more extensive that in the fighting games. And these appearances are what makes this game worthwhile. If you do not like card games, are not a fan of Capcom or SNK or do not have appreciation for obscure characters, then this game will probably not be for you. But if you have one of those characteristics, you will enjoy it. Personally, I am not disappointed and I think the price is fair, but I am patient enough to get the hang of the game despite not liking card games. I know that not all people have the patience or the time and they will be better with a more action-packed fighting game. But if you do and are a big fan of Capcom and SNK, you will get an enjoyable game.
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Very Fun Game! Its unfortunate this game to has sequalitis. Its a great and fun game on its own. However the one for Neo Geo pocket Color was much better. The Plot of this game is a bit convoluted too. Great game but should have kept the plot more simple and kept the elements of the first installment (i.e. like the pokémon series does). However it does improve on the graphics department.


Great pick up, tons of playability and collection in the game, lots of nods to a lot of games


Amazing sorry for the tardiness

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