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For Smoby Trike Be Fun, 56 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.9.

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Amazon has 55 customer reviews and the average score is 3.9. Go to this seller.
Argos has 1 customer reviews and the average score is 2. Go to this seller.

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I bought this for my granddaughter to keep at our house so she can ride to the local park but under supervision. It’s well made and relatively easy to assemble but like most things nowadays the instructions are not very clear so there was a lot of trial and error, but I got there in the end. It’s only good for flat ground such as a pavement or a lawn. The handle can be adjusted but it could be a little more sturdy as it does move a little bit when steadying the trike. It does have a seatbelt but this is more to keep the child in the seat as you are moving and would not be any good if the trike tipped over. I would definitely recommend that you get a helmet of some description.Please note that the child can steer the trike but if you use the handle to take the weight off the front wheel you can steer the trike using the handle.
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Even though my 3-year old granddaughter doesn't really power this herself, she likes it when I push her around with her feet on the pedals. And she loves the bucket on the back where she puts anything and everything.My son assembled this for me, he seemed to have no problem with it and it didn't take him long.The belt is the safety feature but to be honest I haven't used it yet as my granddaughter likes to stop and get off and on again. It doesn't 'fold' so I can't really rate it on that basis, but it's fine otherwise. I will say that we haven't taken this on the pavement yet, so don't know how the big plastic wheels will do on a surface other than grass.


Bought for granddaughters Easter and she loves it.Instructions easy to follow and put together. Handles can be locked until toddler old enough to steer. Pedals can unlocked to don't turn until toddler tall enough to reach or if the just get tired pedalling.Overall build quality is good but the pole/handle used to control the trike by an adult is a bit flimsy, hence only four stars.


My grandson loves his bike and gets so excited when we go out with it. He is beginning to master the pedals but it doesn't matter as he enjoys the steering while sitting and being pushed. Once he has conquered the steering he can give more attention to the pedals.Successful purchase, good delivery, fair price so thank you very much. Hours of pleasure being provided.


pain to put together but didnt really take very long - handle feels wobbly but have been out and about in the woods and on paths and no problem at all - bought 2 one each for my grandbabies who are 13mths and 22mths they loved them, little scoop at the back is only any good for small light things - over all 2 very happy kids and 1 happy nanna


Great little bike for my toddler to use when out on walks.Product description was misleading when it stated that the parent can control the steering and direction using the parent pole. You cannot control these functions, only able to push along which was disappointing as the steering control was something I was looking for.


I brought this trike for my daughter. It was relatively simple to assemble, however I felt it sturdiness could be improved as she is pushed it wobble time to time. Also the sound from the wheels are quite noisy when pushed on the certain road and pavement.However my daughter loves the look of it and she happy with it.


It’s great, but the pedals don’t adjust to fixable foot rests. So for my 16m old it’s not great as she has nowhere to rest her feet because she’s a little small still. It’s a shame they don’t have footrests, otherwise it’s great value.


Very noisy on the gravel road. Not bad worth for the price. Wheels makes lot of noise perhaps that is the only complaint I have apartment from that I’m happy with this product.


The trike is great. The only down side is that it’s only got a lap belt. It would be better to have shoulder straps too for the younger toddlers.


good cheap bikes with harness and parent handle and lockable front wheel - back bucket storage bit is naff as comes unclipped easily


Nice little first trike for a toddler..slightly fiddly assembly which took a bit of time..overall nice look and lightweight.


Wish this cycle had rubber tyres, plastic tyres sound very bad on road. Except this all features and good and happy with it


Great trike easy to put together. You do need a spanner and screwdriver. I would buy again


It was great it was fantastic and it was great to see my my granddaughter playing on it
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