

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for SKYJO Action reviews.
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For SKYJO Action, 6 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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We love the original Skyjo and play it at home and on holidays. We have recommended it to so many people and converted many others. However I found myself feeling a bit disappointed by this version as I felt it introduced a level of complexity that just wasn’t necessary. The original is straight forward, easy to play whilst chatting and just good fun. If you really like of need the extra challenge of ‘trick’ or ‘forfeit’ type cards then you’ll probably enjoy this version.


Great development of the simple idea that is Skyjo and appeals to our 10 year old son who loves the tactical element to the game added by the Action cards. It did take some working out as the English translation of the rules was a little confusing.


Excellent game, delivered quickly. We are addicted to it as a family, including our ten year old. I have bought it for other friends as a result of having been gifted it myself.


This is a really fun game, played it at a friend's house and had to purchase it. There is a different varient to this game, really good too.


Great game for all ages!

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