

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Schildkröt Fun Sports OgoSport Mezo Disk reviews.
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For Schildkröt Fun Sports OgoSport Mezo Disk, 2 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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These are absolutely brilliant. I would say the kids love them but they don't get to play very much as the adults seem to enjoy them even more. We originally bought the smaller ones, but our 4 and 6 year olds found it a bit tricky to aim so we got the bigger ones as well. They spring you get off these is awesome, you can send the ball flying, and as frisbees they are really easy to throw and they don't hurt to catch with the padded surrounds. I highly rate these as an outdoor toy, we keep them in the car so they're always there if we find an open space.


The 5-year old for whom it was bought as a birthday present found it too difficult to be bothered with. His 7- year old brother, however, liked it a lot, and although it will take some time for him to get really adept with it, so as to actually play a game like on the illustrations, I daresay it will come in time. Great for locations too small or constricted for a real ball game.

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