

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Salewa Alp Trainer 25L reviews.
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For Salewa Alp Trainer 25L, 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 2.

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This backpack feels good to wear and always leaves me with a dry back for a long time and it looks good. But that's it, what's good. Unfortunately, this backpack has no inside pockets to store various small things separately! It only has an inside pocket that you need for your hydration bladder and then a larger interior. It is therefore very disappointing! For example, I would like to store my cards / keys / wallet in my backpack while hiking & also separate from power bars and other small things but also get to them quickly at the same time, this is not possible here. You always have to store everything in the main pocket or in the outer pocket with everything else together,good luck getting there quickly. In addition, the side outer pockets cannot be closed, if you have something inside, do not bend forward too far, otherwise what is inside falls out! Unfortunately, the "Dray Back" system also takes up a lot of bursts and if you bend the bag inwards you have a hydration bladder, but reaching down is difficult because it becomes tight for the hand. I cannot recommend this model for real hiking. It's good enough for 1-2 day hikes.
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