

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Rubens Barn Emil reviews.
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For Rubens Barn Emil, 5 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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Exceptional quality and feel. Bought for my Nan who is in the late stages of dementia and it has proven very effective at calming her anxiety. Most of the time she thinks it is a real child which brings her back to her happiest times of when her house was full of bustling mischief. Highly recommend. I have bought cheaper alternatives in the past but they have all ended up limbless....


I bought this little chap to use with dementia patient. There had been some research about their need to hold and nurture. It is frowned upon when people with dementia walk around with soft toys so this wonderful child like doll ticked the box. It was a revelation, in fact I had to buy a few more, they were an enormous success.


bought for my husband who had vascular dementia sadly now passed away


Emil is well loved by the residents and is looked after well

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