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For Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Gastro Intestinal Feline, 255 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.8.

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This cat food has literally been a life saver for our beloved cat - he is a big boy but we were loving him to death and he got up to 9kg. Our vet said we need to Do Something... but actually didn't say what apart from 'feed him less', which is really difficult and, although we tried, it made both us and the cat sad and stressed (and hungry.. the cat that is.!) The lovely people at The Cats Protection League near Carnon Downs (who are our Go To local experts on cats) suggested this food and it has been fantastic. Our cat loves it - we weigh his food now every day (I do seven days at a time and put them in small boxes, it's quicker and less of a faff when you're busy) and have stuck to the guidelines on the packet.It seems to fill him up and he chomps through it more slowly as the kibble pieces are larger than regular cat food. We started his diet about eight months ago and he has lost just over 2kg. Now he is on a maintenance size portion and is holding his new weight well. We rang the helpline on the pack and they were very very helpful - there is a cat nutritionist you can talk to. We established that we can leave him on this food for the rest of his life now - he seems very happy with it and we intend to continue to weigh it and make sure we don't revert to our bad habits. I did some research and, at the time of writing this, Amazon offer the best price and delivery is free. So thanks to the Cats Protection League, Royal Canin and Amazon we now have a happy and healthy cat.
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After losing one treasured Siamese to megacolon I was devastated when my latest boy was diagnosed with the same. Enemas has very little effect and the vet was very pessimistic as to any kind of long-term help, I was at my wits end until I saw this product discussed on an American vet`s forum. I ordered the biscuits, they were delivered within 2 days, and the cat(and his sister) loved them and wolfed them down. The next day he produced what we`d been waiting for for so long, and has not looked back since!! I feed the two of them(they are 12 years old) 2 sachets of cats food and a bowl of the Royal Canin daily with a big bowl of water ( they do drink more with these biscuits )although the girl doesn`t suffer with Megacolon she has not been adversely affected and just produces a bit more than usual,AND my boy is back to his old bouncy self! I would recommend this product wholeheartedly, in fact I feel like shouting it from the rooftops so all those poor people whose vets want to put their cats down can buy this too! I am on my third bag, and although it seems a bit expensive it`s cheaper than visits to the vet and seeing your cat suffer. Thank you Royal Canin and Amazon!
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My cat loves this food and even prefers it to Go Cat now, we even went to the vet afew months prior because she'd started extra nibbling on her kitty litter which the vet said was likely due to lack of some nutrients and minerals by using Go Cat. Since using this that has stopped however. I'm sure she's lost some weight as I can feel theres not as much tummy there, after 3-4 months on it we must still have some way to go though. The reason i've given it four stars instead of five however is that she seems CONTINUALLY hungry. It's been 3-4 months and she is still begging for food again within two hours and is pawing us in the mornings well before alarm goes off in the hopes of food - after so long I would've expected this to get better by now,but no, AND I've kept it at 25-28g twice a day and not dropped it like packet advised. I won't be buying this again for this reason. I'm going to try the satiety variety and hope that that helps her, because for one, I really can't stand my precious sleep being disrupted even more by her than it already was!
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When my Birmin was young, he had terrible trouble with fur balls - he did not seem to be able to pass them or throw them up, resulting in one very distressed young kitty. It was so bad that he was hosptalised twice and was a regular visitor at the vet surgery. It got to the point where they were talking about having to open him up to remove the fur! Then a young vet recommended that I try the cat on this. I cannot say that he was delighted with this new fayre (he has always loved fish) but I refused all protests about the lack of fish and eventually he took to this product. The change was remarkable. His movements became more regular and the fur ball problem disappeared. Being a very fussy creature,he has refused to give up fish completely, so I have to try and do a deal with him to have fish in the morning and Royal Canin for the remainder of the day. This seems to work quite well but does result in some fur balls. I have no doubt that if he kept solely to the product, his digestive issues would be 100% solved.
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I have two cats - one finicky and one impossibly greedy. Both benefit from a higher protein diet, and one of the few dry foods Mr Finicky consumes readily is Royal Canin 40 Light.(You may question why these poor moggies are on dry food. It's because they share a house with vegetarians, some of whom simply can't tolerate the smell of wet pet food, and there are technical reasons why the cats must eat in the kitchen ... that would take some explaining. But they do get occasional tuna or pilchards. Little Miss Greedy enjoys a spot of skim milk, not to mention a Parmesan rind whenever she can thieve one, while Mr Finicky has fans next door who are more than happy to vary his diet.So don't feel too sorry for them.)I've tried this new formulation, because it's slightly higher protein and I like the other minor tweaks to the ingredients. Mr Finicky is not so impressed; he may have preferred the easier-to-chomp shape of the 40 Light. But we'll continue with the rest of the bag and see if he adjusts.
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Anyone who has had to deal with litter tray disasters and watched their poor cat suffering from gastric problems will know how horribly worrying all this can be. My 2 birman cats - Arnie and George developed IBS and had severe diarrhoea for weeks. It came out of nowhere and poor Arnie was much more ill, and ended up being admitted to the vet hospital. All tests were negative so I took the vets advice and put them om RC GI and a little boiled white fish - nothing else. Both boys loved the dry version(hated the wet) and grazed on it from day one. The result was life changing. Litter trays contain normal poops and they are gaining weight. Arnie has to have vitamin B12 injections,but he is now back to his old self. I cannot recommend this food highly enough! Although expensive a 4kg bag lasts a long time and there is no waste. Reading so many positive reviews I was scared that my boys would prove to be an exception, so I am delighted to be able to add my own 5 star comments.
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My vintage ex-street cat had his digestive system ruined by years begging and eating all sorts of rubbish food. When i took him in he had pancreatitis, inflamed bowel disease and was reduced to a living skeleton. After some tests at the vet, Royal Canin Gastro dry and wet food was prescribed, along with the exclusion of all dairy such as milk, fats etc, with a limited amount of Dreamies and chicken breast for daily treats. within a week of starting the regime, my old cat's digestion was settling down, and he did not have to run to the loo as frequently as he did before. now, in the 3rd week, he is getting much closer to normal and though the prescribed daily portion seems small,he is satisfied after eating, which rarely happened before. though the price of this food is high, it works out much cheaper in the end. Very well worth it, and my other cat is benefitting with increased energy and satisfaction after meals too!
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The food arrived very quickly and well packaged, I was so glad as my poor cat has had awful problems with constipation and has been to the vet on numerous occasions for enemas, we were at the point that we thought she'd have to be put to sleep but the vet suggested this food, they didn't have it in stock at the vets so ordered it via Amazon.So far been using it just over a week and my cat has been 'pooping' every day which is a miracle as she had been going only every 7-10 days and having horrible straining problems.She loves the food too!, I would say though if you do use this make sure there's plenty of water always available as she's been drinking a lot more,I read up on this food and didn't think the reviews were to be believed, especially for a dry food so I was a bit skeptical, but believe me if you have a cat with severe constipation or megacolon give this a try it's certainly worked for my cat!!
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My cat was diagnosed with cancer 5 months ago. She's now undergoing monthly chemotherapy which, understandably, means she has a drastically reduced appetite. She turned up her nose at everything , even her previous favorites, which is worrying as, without the proper fuel, her body would not be strong enough to deal with chemo. This food has been a lifesaver (literally). It's designed so a small amount gives the equivalent energy and nutrition as many times that of normal cat food. My cat loves these dry bites, and the pack gives you a handy way to measure exactly how much she needs daily. Please note, this is a energy and nutrient dense food. Too much of this can make your cat fat!So only buy when your cat is undergoing treatment of some sort and has lost appetite, as a small amount of this food will give them everything they need on a daily basis.
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This was recommended for my cat by the vet. The cat had blood from his bottom after going for a few occasions and when we knew wasn't just through dragging bottom on rough floor.It has changed the cats stools from hard balls to moist long stools in only a couple of weeks and no blood anymore from his bottom. He was a feral cat and probably always more prone to constipation as can be a bit stressed when household change (which we try to avoid but sometimes is unavoidable such as changing his blamket to wash it!).Anyhow, I think its good to check with vet first before changing diet of cat but if its obvious your cat is constipated for lo long time and you phase it in over course of one week whilephasing out old food this will do the trick and change their life for the better.He looks so much happier now and regulat and no sore bottom anymore.
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Did an OK job but still kept making him a bit I'll and lethargic, plus he was over eating for our cat but the only thing that has really sorted him out is a raw meat diet and its actually worked out cheaper than buying this stuff because it filled him up more and doesn't make him Ill.Got to the butchers and get chicken kidneys,lambs heats, turkey mince and beef mince plus the vitamins you need and born meal and mix it all up and pop it in the freezer and he's sorted for a months or tow, I worm him once every 6 months or so but I've always done that regardless of his diet. no tummy issues well hydrated and a much happier cat. Would recommend it to anyone after buying stuff like this for years and my poor tom still having issues,it just takes a week or tow for them to get use to.
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After our cats were diagnosed as being rather overweight the vets recommended that we use something like this to help manage their weight and slowly get them down to size. This does seem to have helped and is a lot cheaper than getting it via the vets themselves, and whom don't always carry it in stock.We've now purchased this on a regular subscribe and save deal. We tend to mix it with the Royal Canin Appetite Control pack as well, so there is a little variety in there. We've also ensured that we weigh our specific amounts per day so we know more or less what they are getting, as otherwise even though its a weight management product,without doing this our cats would just keep eating whatever we put in the bowl.......
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My cat spent a week at the vet having enemas and various medications to try and solve her serious constipation. The vet diagnosed megacolon (she was only 1 yr old) and said I'd probably have to give her cisapride tablets twice day for life which filled me with dread. He also ordered some Fibre Response and after a couple of weeks of both tablets and this I switched to just the food, ditched the tablets. The cats' been fine ever since, happy, healthy and has no problems constipation-wise. I give her meat pouches as well, and lots of water. She really like the biscuits thank goodness, long may it continue!Really great product, God knows what's in it but it does the job!


Getting this from our Vets, would probably have cost nearly double the price.We are the proud owners of 5 cats, 2 Siamese, 2 Orientals and 1 Balinese. Jophiel our oldest Siamese has a tendency to run to fat so we put him on this diet food. This is the trouble with neutered cats, they tend to get obese if you don't watch their diet. We have put all of them on this food because our Balinese is also getting a bit tubby.It may seem expensive initially but as you measure it out each day for the indivdual cat it ends up being very economical in the long run. Also the litter box isn't quite so niffy as the cats produce small, compact faeces.


Stopped my cats constipation which in turn stopped the repercussions of constipation including urinating around the house and vomiting. I always know when he, the cat, has got hold of alternative food somewhere as we have urine and vomit to clear up but once he's back on this only, with a little malt to help, he's back to normal and a happy cat. This food literally saved him, he was so ill I was contemplating the worst as the vet said he couldn't continue being so ill. Think it's absolutely brilliant.yes expensive and as I have 2 cats they both have it so there's no chance he can get other food at home but it's worth the money.

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