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For Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Dental Feline, 275 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.7.

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I found this product amazing.....my 12 year old cat has suffered with constapation for two years ......I have tried everything to help her vets and so on....the only thing that helped her was liquid paraffin but I had to be careful as to much would give her the runs! .......watching her in pain and so much discomfort when she tried to pass stools was artful ......and that would only be a few times a week....I looked up everything on constapation on line I'm a bit of an expert now!! And discovered these biscuits on sale at Amazon.....it was after reading another customer review that I decided to order.......The day they came I gave Ellie(my cat) a dish of them ,she tucked in to them like they were a treet..not one left.Later that day she went in her tray and passed a stool with complete ease...I was amazed .....that was 5 months ago .....I stopped the liquid paraffin that day no need for it ......she now has a bowel movement most days sometimes twice without discomfort......they have made Ellie and her mum very happy. I feed her a bowl a day and wet food at separate meal times .....and don't worry about it being dry food and using up a cats body fluids, my Ellie drinks lot's of water with her meal......she regards these as a treat , my only complaint is the biscuit in the bag I purchased last has been made smaller, and my cat has a bit off difficulty eating them (her teeth) also she's getting a bit fed up off the same flavour..... would be great if done in beef or fish so she had a change.......Apart from that there wonderful So if you've got a constipated cat please try these...And most importantly my vet hadn't heard of them he was most interested to hear about them....I hope they now recommend them to constipated cat's they treet.Happy cat happy mum...Gillian and Ellie.
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This Royal Canin Veterinary Dental Cat Food - DS0 29 comes in a resealable bag. The most obvious thing about it is that the size of the feed granules is much larger than most other dry cat foods I've seen. This feed has proved an enduring favourite with our moggy and we leave a bowl for him at all times which he frequently dips into but tends to eat small quantities at a time. (It will be obvious to most cat owners that as this is a dry food you should ensure your cat has access to fresh water too). We were advised by the vet that this food would be good for his teeth and at 8 years old he has passed his dental check with flying colours so far.My only other comment is to watch the price you pay for this food as the price you can pay for the same product can vary quite significantly.Overall, though I'd recommend this Royal Canin food although you may want to discuss its suitability for your cat with your vet.
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I am more than pleased with these dental biscuits let alone my cat. She was having terrible dental problems really bad plaque on teeth and costing a fortune at vets to have them removed. She is a really fussy eater and would only eat a certain type of food which was no good for her really, infact my vet told me that most foods out there are bad for their teeth as they leave a sticky residue on them and mixed with saliva and bacteria you end up with plaque. She would not have her teeth brushed so vet told me to try her on Royal Cannin Dental as being bigger than average cat biscuits the cat has to really crunch and munch these so this then helps to break down plaque. Now the only thing she eats is these,and as they contain all the vitamins, minerals, etc thats all she needs. Also pleased with speedy delivery ordered on 18th delivered 21st.
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I have never left a review before, however I had to recommend this product to anyone who has a cat that is constipated and in pain.My cat Doris had increasingly suffered from constipation over the last year and she was miserable. Unfortunately after many vet visits and many different laxative types and brands, I was at a total loss over how to help her. Also the daily battle to get laxative paste on her paw was damaging Doris's trust in me.Doris has now been on Royal Canin Fibre Response for 3 weeks, she loves it and her constipation completely went after the first day!Doris is back to her happy mischievous self again, and I can finally stop worrying.


This was recommended to me after my oldest kitty began to show signs of tartar build up and gum disease. The kibbles are designed to be sturdy enough not to break at the tip of the tooth but to scrape the entire tooth and help clean it. She's definitely shown improvement since she's had these and she absolutely loves them. They do help but obviously they're no miracle cure, if your kitty has very bad teeth they will still need to have dental surgery probably. My old girl will require a dental cleaning but in the mean time while I prepare for the £300 bill these should help greatly.


When I first started buying this for my cat his gums were in a very sorry state and the vet was concerned of gum disease in the near future. So following her advice I made the purchase. BEST DECISION EVER. My cat loved the food and he is somewhat fussy. But most importantly on his next visit 3 months later the vet gave his mouth a clean bill of health. It is a little pricey but lasts for ever so well worth it. And seeing as you won't need to scale your cats teeth at the vets will save money in the long run. Also made his fur super shiny which was a bonus.


Our cats love the taste and texture of the dental biscuits. Due to the large size of the biscuits, the cats enjoy crunching on them, and they work very well in removing tartar from their teeth and keep their mouths in good dental health.One thing worth noting (something our vet informed us about) is that dental biscuits are high in calories compared to other daily biscuits, so these should be given to cats in small portions - we typically give them 4-5 biscuits a day as a treat, and this acts as a toothbrushing session.


Cat struggled with the size of these at first but mixed them in with her normal royal canin dental dry biscuits ( her teeth are really bad or at least that was what I thought, vet said it was the beginning of gingivitis and Sophie was not one to have her teeth messed with by anyone) and she got use to them. Her teeth are looking much better now. The bag did have a small tear in it but just put so I tape over it to prolong the food and it arrived v.quickly. It is also the cheapest I have found and it last ages. ?


Most other biscuits do not agree with my cat's stomach and she would throw up on almost a daily basis. After putting her on a wet food-only diet, she developed plaque on her teeth and her breath was horrific. I bought these, along with a cat toothpaste/toothbrush kit to deal with her dental problems. She LOVES these biscuits! They are marble sized, so cats will have to chew them which helps scrape plaque off their teeth. I can only assume they taste nice as my cat cannot get enough of them! Highly recommended.


My 12 year old Birman cat was suffering from constipation.This amazing food has most probably saved her life I know this because a previous Birman I had suffered from the exact same problem and was diagnosed with Megacolon she went through years of enemas and eventually it was the kindest thing to have her put to sleep.My vet recomended this food due to the high fibre content, my cat loves it she is happy, heathy and is running around like a kitten.Thankyou Royal Canin and Amazon.


like quite a few of the reviews I've read, this cat food is wonderful for the gums. My cat started to have very smelly breath and yellowing teeth and the gums looked swollen. I didn't want to get ordinary dry food as most are full of rubbish. I'm on my fifth bag over the last few years that I've used it, and it's brilliant. I no longer have to worry about dental treatment for my cat. Surely there must be a similar food humans can eat so they never have to go to the dentist again?


Originally bought these for our diabetic cat, she loved them, our other non-diabetic cat also ate them and when we checked with our vet he said it would be fine, especially as the cats were sisters and the non-diabetic cat could develop diabetes. They are expensive biscuits but any animal food that is a dietary requirement is going to be. We now mix these with Go Cat biscuits for our remaining non-diabetic cat so they go a bit further and she still loves them


It looks like my cat's teeth are looking better than they did before he started eating these biscuits. The vet said that they would chip away at the plaque. It does look like it has worked. I will know if they are working the next time I visit the vet to find out if they are of benefit to my cat. Anyhow he really likes them so have to be careful not to give him too many only what the vet recommended which was a small handful per day.


Really does improve cat's teeth. My cat had bad decay and the vet recommended an extraction and changing to this food. I thought I'd try the food first and his teeth have improved a lot. His breath is pleasant too!! I'm so pleased I tried it and as it is a specialised food measuring it out daily to his requirements this huge bag lasts and lasts. He eats it and loves it and is happy and that is all I want.


Our cats last vet check up showed she needed a scrap and polish. The plaque build up surprised us. Luckily she didn't need any teeth out. We've been using this dry dental food ever since, to go along side her wet food. Seems to be doing the job of keeping her teeth and breath clean. It's been almost a year, so her next check up is soon. We'll find out how well this dental food has been performing then.

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