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For Royal Canin Indoor 27, 223 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.7.

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As a dry food - its 5 star all the way. Aside from a trial with iams (which ended in a look of horror from the cat), my cat has only ever had Royal Canin (first Kitten, then this and Pure Beauty) as his dry food. In fact, he generally prefers the dry over his wet food! His health is fantastic; hes strong, fit and active, and his coat is dense and glossy. On his trips to the vet, they are always impressed with his overall health, muscle mass and size - and after asking what I feed him, confirmed that a lot of this will be down to his diet.So I cannot fault the products they make in terms of nutritional value and feline enjoyment!The main functional benefits of this variant are the reduction of stool odour,hairball control and weight control.My kitty bombs around the house like a ninja so Im never worried about him gaining weight, and in fact he eats a lot to keep his energy up for more shenanigans; so I cant comment on the weight control. Perhaps this is more a concern for those with inactive cats.The hairball point - to my knowledge hes never had one, so perhaps its helping out there.The odour though - nope. There has been no reduction at all. Im in the very lucky position that my cat does one giant poop a day in his litter box, invariably between 8 and 9 pm, so I can usually get it with a little baggie before the smell pervades the room! That said, those deposits have an aroma all of their own (the sign of a high protein diet!), and the smell has never gotten milder or weaker with this food.Though to be honest - Id rather deal with a moment of bad smell (which clears in 10 minutes with an open window anyway) and have a healthy, happy kitty than a litter box that smelled of roses - so while a little disappointing, its not devastating - BUT if youre buying this solely for the odour benefit, I cant endorse it; hence Ive dropped a star.
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My Cats Love it their vet is pleased with their condition and as we live in a small flat and they are forced to use a litter tray the odour control is a great sucess as usually the first indication the tray has been used is by sight not aroma and all three tend to use the tray at the same time I purchased a hooded tray before I found this product It was not suitble as Benji my young male cat would follow his victim into the bathroom climb onto the tray lid lay along the top with his front legs hanging down preventing the swing door from moving with his prey trapped inside ,Barny would not use the box and for the first time in 14 years started soiling the floor and Honey who was quite new tous just got upset so the lid went the odour and peace returned Then a pet shop recomended this food and I tried it the cats loved it but i had to use 2 buses each way to get it and my shopping trolly lost 2 wheels in an attempt to get it home so Ihad to pay £8 delivery then one day I looked at amazon there it was a lot cheaper and delivered to my door briliant.
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I've had these 2 indoor moggies since kittens; they were brought up on the royal canin kitten stuff and when it came to adult food I tried this - fundamentally because of the smell of the litter tray....I was amazed at the difference - the smell (while not exactly being roses) has virtually gone... it really is incredible. Before introducing this to their diet the smell was appalling but this made all the difference; it seems to act like some sort of charcoal biscuit and absorbs the bad odours...It's a complete food - though I do treat them with the odd pouch which they may or may not eat as they seem to consistently prefer the biscuits; even when they eat wet food - there isn't a great dealof smell.It's economical in the 10kg bags which last around 6 months between the 2 of them and they consistently come back to it whatever else I give them.If you try it - here's a tip - the food appears to lose its flavour/interest if you leave it out for a couple of days so just feed them what they will eat in a day in one go...
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This is one of my most regular buys on Amazon as my very fussy cats actually eats it without turning his nose up a few hundred times First.The thing I find so great about Royal Canin food is that, unlike some other brands, I can chop and change the flavour/type without it giving him a bad stomach.I try to switch it monthly just to give him something new to eat as I feel life must be pretty dull if you’re only eating the same thing day in, day out.I switch between 3 different themes and he loves them all. I also think it’s fantastic value for money on here for such a large bag.It may seem a little pricey when you first look at it but if you were to add up the equivalent of cheaper boxes of cat food you’ll see it’s really not to bad,and it’s a much much better quality than some brands too.Well worth the money and a bag lasts me around a month, well, not me personally although I did put one in my mouth by accident once and it wasn’t too bad.... :D
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I have a pair of indoor rescue kittens that are nearly a year old. One of them will eat anything (including her cardboard scratching pad) but the other one's stomach won't tolerate supermarket food. She also never learned to bury her faeces, so there is quite an odour when she uses the litter box. They were on Royal Canin Kitten-Sterilised, which was the only kitten food that seemed to settle her stomach. Now that they're nearly a year old, I decided to try this Indoor-27 to see if the smell would reduce, and it has. But only a bit.I do expect to keep them mainly on this food, but may also experiment with some premium wet stuff if I can find it for a good price.


My three Burmese all live indoors and have had royal canin since birth, baby cat 32 then kitten 36, now indoor 27. This does exactly what it says on the packet, their stools are almost odourless, none of them have ever had a hairball, their teeth clean, coats glossy and their weight just right. They love this food and are quite fussy about what else they will eat, one brand of cat treat and tuna in water are the only things I've found that tempt them away from this dried food. If your cat lives indoors this is the only food I would recommend.


My 2 adolescent cats only eat Royal Canin kibble and they haven't yet been introduced to the outside world yet, so this kibble is ideal. Both my cats wolf this stuff down with gusto (as they do with all Royal Canin kibble) and they are in great health (apart from a bit of a mouse pouch due to being greedy!)Another great Royal Canin food, though doesn't need anywhere near as much crunching as the oral care or digestive health kibble, so they could do with being a little larger so it promotes chewing.


After years of buying Royal Canin i thought id have a go with this one due to having a few indoor, and quite frankly lazzzyyy kittys. They like it, simples. Just like, not love. The crunchies are of an average size, so no large pieces to digest. They certainly do not wolf it down like they have with certain other brands, but they do eat it well, and lets be honest, its good for them.I think next time i will try a different type, to see if we have a clear winner, because for mine, this isnt it.


Cat loves this, had no problem switching her to this from her kitten food. Infact when I was mixing a little of this with her kitten food she was picking the biscuits from this food and leaving her kitten food in the bowl. She loves the taste and there were no tummy upsets! There has been no noticible improvment of the smell of her poo which I'm not overly fussed about, we tend to clear it straight out of the litter box after she has been anyway to stop the smell lingering around in the house.


My cats all love this food, especially my 3 Siamese and they are very fussy eaters. While it may seem expensive, it is actually more economical as a small amount seems to satisfy my cats' hunger for longer; I'm guessing that this is because of the high nutritional content. My cats also look amazing on this food and their coats are in great condition. The odour from the litter trays has also been greatly reduced which is a big bonus. I fully recommend this product.


We adopted two indoor rescue cats and have been trying different foods for them based on various vets advice. We've settled for a mix of indoor and neutered Royal Canin cat foods. Our cats are healthy and happy on these foods but the best bit is it stops their poo from smelling. We ran out once and bought some IAMs from the supermarket as a stop gap but, OMG, it was like someone had broken open a sewer. Never again switching away from Royal Canin.


My cats love this food! It's totally balanced & ideal for elderly cats, who do not go out at all, due to age & living in flats.I do have a complaint though...Royal Canin INDOOR FELINE food is Always in short supply & most of the time, unavailable!It would be great to be able to get this product in continuity.The cats get used to eating this & find it difficult to eat some other replacement & it also upsets their physical systems.


My Siamese had developed the usual kidney disease with age on the orientals and thought he would only have a year left, but now after 18 months he is no worse so the low protein diet with no other foods given I am hoping he will live a lot longer, the bonus is not only the price which is very good, but a cats welfare as this appears to to be the lowest protein food on the market that a cat enjoys without trouble being taken


Great product and my cats love it but dont buy from Zooblitz e.U. there one has made my cats ill and the biscuits where swollen and different. They wont refund me or do anything cause the date is okay. They must store them wrong or air got into the bag ages ago. Bought another bag from a different supplier and the cats are happy again :) Pay more and use a better supplier. Product is great if it's sealed and fresh!


My cat is an indoor ragdoll, aged 9. She's always had a sensitive stomach. I changed to Royal Canin Indoor 27 dry mix a few months ago and it's worth the money. I won't buy anything else in future. She loves the flavour and she barely ever has an upset stomach now. She seems healthy and happy, and has far fewer furballs. I've also found the claims about cat's poo smelling less are true! So pleased with this food.

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