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For Rosti Mepal Fridge Box Modula Aufschnitt 550/3 white, 126 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.4.

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If you are on the hunt for good quality, slimline, airtight, classy-looking and stackable solutions for your pantry or drawers or fridge, then LOOK NO FURTHER. I have tried Sistema (lumpy chunks of plastic and very ugly), Oxo (very nice looking but huge and clumpy, and the mechanism to make the lid airtight is total overkill as well as the white lids going off-colour yellow if exposed to any light), and various other brands (e.g. Masterclass containers and others). THESE ARE THE NUMBER 1 BEST DRY GOODS CONTAINERS ON THE MARKET. They are small enough and slimline enough to truly double the space in the pantry (rather than overflowing with plastic),the square shape is great as you can use all the space on a shelf including right in the corners, they look equally great on the bench top on display (as well as in a pantry or fridge), they are truly 'stackable', the lids are easy to get on and off in a jiffy. You can use the same solution for your drawers (see-through tops), your pantry, your bench-top and your fridge (if you are OCD like me and like a true 'set'), and these little gems even fit into your fridge door as some of the other models are as slim as a carton of milk. By the way if you haven't seen them, the same brand does fantastic dedicated fridge storage for cheese and cold cuts, and they also do the holy grail, a meat defrosting and marinating box which is absolutely brilliant . As I say, look no further than this storage solution (and not I'm not on commission just an ordinary Mum who has a small kitchen and needs good storage and has really overspent on plastic storage stuff in the past to maximise space!!!!!!!).
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I bought this storage container as I hated all the clingfilm that was being used to wrap packs of sliced chicken, sliced cheese etc. This is the ideal solution for us - the 3 different sections fit neatly together, (and seem air-tight as all items keep really well with no drying out), and it takes relatively little space in the fridge.I've been using the Rosti Mepal Modula storage box now for around a year and a half and between that, our cheese storage container and various other containers that we use we now never have to touch the clingfilm. Result! This storage box should last and last so, although it is made out of plastic, it should serve for many years to come.One note - I generally hand wash the box sections but sometimes pop them in the dishwasher. The clear storage sections are fine in the dishwasher but the white and clear top bit managed to get a little bit of water in it and now doesn't look quite as nice. It still works fine, but I would avoid putting the lid in the dishwasher in future.
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I’m the Tupperware Queen and don’t know why I didn’t purchase these sooner? Great for stacking all your cooked meat, not as air tight as other storage but for cooked meat, sliced lemon and limes, etc they are perfect. They don’t take much room up in your fridge when using them or in your cupboard when you aren’t using them. Little bit different from the norm which I love, would definitely recommend!


Please be aware that this product does NOT come with ham! Despite this treachery and false advertising, the product is actually great.I don't use this for meats but I do have two of these -- one for herbs and another for storing packets of pickles. It does a genuinely fantastic job of keep both of these well sealed, organised and fresher for longer. Recommended.


Great way to store various meat, cheese, fairly flat foods... however would be better if the layers clipped together so you didn’t risk them separating on getting out of the fridge... the top level is fine as the lid has quite a suction to get it off... however the other trays just sit on each other... good quality item none the less


For the price, it could be better. Like the lid is perfect and the size is amazing (and the grids inside is heaven). But the fact that each container connects itself just by touching each other is dangerous. Would be better to make them close like a lid then they would not risk fall all the time that I take them out of the fridge.


I’m they’re really good quality. I don’t use it for ham, but for fruit. I wash everything first, dry then poo them in here and it’s so great to just pull out for snacking on. In theory, I should have bought a slightly deeper one as some of the fruit is a little big! Brilliant for the price though!


I think this is a fantastic products, it's ideals for sliced cold meats and sliced cheese. Really good quality product.It makes my fridge look so much better and I can get rid of the packaging that comes with the products so it takes up a lot less space.Would buy again for sure.


Nice containers with easy to see Perspex. They do tend to separate too easily when taking it of the fridge which is a big disappointment. They don’t seal together therefore slip apart. Shame as the concept is really good. Hence 4 stars..just be careful when taking them out!


Good for cold meats and sliced cheese.Got the impression that each section snapped or clicked into the next to make the stack but it doesn't do this very well if it is meant to, could probably do with it's own lid for each tray and then stack them loosely in the fridge.


Great storage boxes for storing food in the fridge rather than going through countless rolls of tinfoil to wrap sandwich meat in which always seem to rip and get replaced often.I only wish that Rosti Mepal had a larger choice of different variances of box


Have been fed up with opened cheese and meat packages in the fridge then saw this in a youtube video. Bought it immediately and very very happy with, makes the fridge look much more organised and neat. Item seems of a good quality, easy to wash and use.


This is brilliant! Saves on all those disgusting half opened ham packs covered in cling film! Keeps everything neat, clean and organised! Can’t believe I’ve only found these exist. It comes with a 3 tier and its perfect! Going to order the cheese one!


Excellent stacked storage box with three compartments for those left over slices of cold meat, perfect for somebody on their own who does not get through a whole packet of ham or bacon in one go.Rigid plastic which does not stain or become tainted.


For now I'm storing frozen mushrooms and with a fine layer of aluminium foil on each beautiful compartment saves freezing to the beautifully ridged base however it's so versatile I have so many options for future uses in my kitchen ! It's great.

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