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The 2012 Edition of Risk, published by Hasbro Games, is the latest iteration of the game of global domination. If you've never played Risk before, it is an area-control game where you try and take over as many areas on the board as you can. The game ends when reaching a set limit of territories, or when one player takes over all territories. Risk is a perfect introduction to strategy or war games, and can be understood by new players very quickly.Fist, let's get the negatives out of the way. There are a few bits and bobs missing from this version of Risk. Firstly, a whole army appears to have disappeared completely. Risk is now playable between 2-5 players, not the original 3-6 players. Also,the mission cards that appeared in previous editions are conspicuous by their absence. I would argue that the 6th player isn't the death knell others claim it to be, but the removal of the mission cards is a missed opportunity and a huge step backwards. It's easy enough to find print and play versions of the cards on BoardGameGeek, but you shouldn't have to. Also, Hasbro continue to insist upon using cards with square - pointy - edges, which in my opinion are very unprofessional. The card stock is cheap and flimsy, and poor value given the RRP of the game. While many players will welcome the re-introduction of the traditional army figures, the soldiers, cannons and cavalry, the bases of the individual army figures are microscopic, and it's very easy to knock them over.Now, on with the good points. The introduction of the Cease Fire card to end the game is handy, as it allows players to customise how long they want the game to be. The instructions are very clear and well written, you'll be up playing in no time. The game includes rules for 2 players, which is also a welcomed addition. The board is large, good quality, and very clear, and the dice and playing pieces are of decent enough quality. Risk is a fantastic strategy game, and a wonderful introduction to heavier war or strategy games. If you've never played it before, it's well worth a look.
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A classic game of strategy, with a little luck thrown in too. Just like real war, I guess.If you don't know how it's played, it's basically a case of amassing and moving armies around the board, attacking your neighbours and attempting to control enough territories to win. The more territories you own, the more reinforcements you get - survival of the strongest.I love the game and I'd been playing the app version for some time beforehand, so it was really nice to get the board version because there's nothing quite like moving the soldiers, horsemen and artillery around by hand and actually rolling the dice instead of having an algorithm do it for me.I had a game that lasted nearly four hours and I could've easily gone on for another four without getting bored.The only thing I'd say to keep it from scoring five stars is that the dark pieces - blue, green and grey - when on the board can look quite similar. It would have been a little better with lime green and perhaps a white army rather than a grey one.
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Managed to convince the blokes in my family to try this as a game over a lazy xmas afternoon.We were all delightfully surprised at what a decent strategic game this makes. There's all sorts of skulduggery that goes on as you and your friends wage war on multiple fronts against one another across the globe - leading to all sorts of arrangements, deceits and all out battle.Not the kind of thing we would have normally have done, but I dare say it's going to be a regular thing we play as well as the poker!Couple of things I'd say1) its a good quality board and die. The pieces are naturally very small and easily lost. So not good for kids I would say. Older kids will be fine.2)it can take quite a while to play out (properly) - they have a few versions that make it quicker - but if you are going for the proper world domination win, expect some hours of play between relatively balanced players. You may be like us and like that factLooking forward to the next time we have an afternoon to have another go!
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What a fantastic game. I am a bit young to have ever bought the original version, so cannot comment on the quality of the new compared to the old.It seems fine to me now, no better or worse than any other board game in terms of quality.I have only recently learnt how to play, teaching myself by reading the rule book a few times. At first it is a little daunting and confusing but didn't take long to get the hang of it. You can watch YouTube videos if you are more of a visual learner.My only issue would be you don't really get enough "soldier" pieces and the pieces that represent 5 or 10 men are useless really, as you can only "attack" with 3 pieces at a time max, so you are constantly swapping men for the larger pieces.I would prefer more soldiers instead of the larger pieces.It does take 2-4 hours to play, which can be a little stressful sometimes, especially when all your friends gang up on you and decide to destroy your empire!
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Like many I am an old player buying the game again. I never knew "mission cards" and you cannot miss what you have never known, but this is a great game if you like the genre. You control countries and attack using a diced-based system so luck is involved, but there are tactics as well. My main gripe is the main playing piece - the soldier - is a tiny light top heavy piece who falls over easily. Nice that Waddington have gone for realism after the old "cube" and "pod" pieces I remember but at least they didn't fall over if you breathed on them. I think that alone is going to drive us all mad. And the overall colours are gloomy. But I like the addition of simplified "newbie" rules to go with the "vets" rules,and it's worth it for less than £20. I bought this because I wanted it "tomorrow" but you can buy the older versions on Ebay for a similar price.
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This edition is really good value. It has the old style pieces, but the bases of these are very small so infantry is a bit too easy to knock over with any vibration or movement of the table.it comes with no objectives cards (this can be solved by using a normal set of cards and a list of objectives pulled from wikipedia) and the reinforcement system has changed from the traditional 1993 3 infantry, 3 cavalry 3 cannons or one of each into a points-stars system that changes the dynamic of the game somewhat.If you can deal with using a regular deck of cards and a list and the new reinforcement system (which is not too bad) then this game is for you.If not stick with some of the classic editions.The quality is nice and the build is good but not too fancy, but we've used it so much that it's definitely one of the best buys of 2011-2012.
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the elder generations loved this game in their day, really has put more fun back into family nights rather than sticking to monopoly. new rules in book were a bit unexpected, preferred old ones but guess it was to reduce the time take to finish the game (i remember 6-10 hours days lol) now can do it in 2-4hoursEDITPlaying this for 9 months now, the new rules do not at all ruin the fun the game originally had. The fact that you can finish games quicker, really helps with the extra incentive to play more often, especially when it's already late into the evening and you do not want it to avoid it due to the long hours it used to take with the original rules.Still an amazing game!The Old/OriginalRules can be viewed on Hasbro website; http://www.hasbro.com/common/instruct/risk1959.pdf
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I brought some friends round to play. I am now a cheat, a liar, a back stabber and they dont trust me.It took a few weeks to start talking to my friends again. I was convinced they blocked me on facebook.Just because you want to take over a certain area and make treaties doest make you a bad person. And god, someone needs to win now and again. this is called RISK not LETS ALL BUILD A HAPPY FAMILY AND BE FRIENDS AND CALL A TRUCE SO WE ALL WIN. Sod that, if i wanted to do that id play POKEMON blue with my little sister.GAME ON.Some are hesitant to play this, but every one deep down loves this game. BUY IT!


Bought this game for Christmas having heard good things about the older versions, although had never actually played the game before. Was very impressed with the game we were playing with 5 people to begin with and it was a good laugh, although if you are extremely competitive then it could create more tension than harmony!Often played the quick version which still lasted a good 2 hours, first time playing can be a little slow as the rules take some getting used to and strategy is everything but would highly recommend this as a good board for the family.


This game arrived last weekend and we spent a brilliant Sunday afternoon playing this game with the whole family. Great to find an alternative to PS3 gaming. The rules were easy to follow and the board and pieces great. My husband who remembered the game from his childhood was cross to see there were no rules to alliances. However we soon decided that this was up to individual preference. The game got quite heated and exciting at times and we had a great time playing together as a family. I think this will become a Sunday afternoon favourite!!!


How have I gone so many years without discovering this game! I have frequently played Monopoly, Chess, etc. but never Risk.My 15 year old son has played Risk during many sleep-overs with his friends and has raved on about is to me. I received it as a birthday present and we played it tonight. He has had to go to bed, but I can't wait for his next move. Whoever invented the rules was very smart and they have created a very addictive game. Having a two player version is an excellent addition if not everyone in your family likes such games.


Having played this game about fifteen years ago, it has definitely been simplified for quicker game play. There are no mission cards so it is always just about world domination so it feels a little bit shallow. Nothing to stop you going online however to view old mission cards and using them with the new game. The graphics are great, nice and bright, but some of the pieces are difficult to differentiate between colours. Nothing that would stop me buying this game. An absolute classic.


We ysed to play Risk Board Games when the children were very young and th egame used to go on for weeks and moths and we have happy memories of those times. Although the board game cover doesn't look the same as it did in those days nevertheless the game seems to be very similar. Although we hanen't had the opportunity to play it yet, I feel confident that the game will be just as enjoyable as it was in those early days. The game arrived well early than the expected time of arrival.


Excellent game. I was very pleasantly surprised to find the Mission cards INCLUDED in this version. I received the 2015 version of the game, and apparently Hasbro realised that removing the mission cards from recent editions was an unpopular decision. So to confirm... The 2015 version of Risk HAS Mission cards. There are still only 5 armies though, and the green/blue/grey pieces are very difficult to distinguish still! I deduct one star because of the poor colour choices.


For £20 (in comparison to other game prices) it's fantastic!PROS:Great game, great fun, easy to learn, very simple to play but lots of strategy needed, 2-5 players.CONS:Game can go on forever! (We just set a 1hr time limit or else we sit playing for years for someone to draw 'Cease Fire', and , although only a minor fault, the colours of the different teams of solders are hard to distinguish, dark blue, dark green, grey...OVERALL:Fantastic, a 'must-buy' game.

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