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I do not normally enjoy this type of game, but owing to the glittering reviews Resident Evil 4 received, I felt I would give it a go. Resident Evil 4 turns everything about the series on its head and vastly improves every aspect of it - from the graphics and sound to fundamental gameplay mechanics.Resident Evil 4 is a BIG game. Not particularly in its length, which, at roughly 20 hours clocked time (but much longer when you take into account how often you die and have to re-start an area!) isn't too shabby, but in this scope and ambition. This is near cinematic-quality, and is certainly the most involving and thrilling game I have ever played. The games graphics are perhaps its strongest selling point,and to the untrained eye, mine included, could possibly appear to be even so -called `next-gen' in quality. The amount of detail is astounding, and everything is made up of pixels, with not a pre-rendered background in sight. Atmosphere is everything, from the dark and dingy surroundings, with fog and damp you can almost touch, to the eerie soundtrack and sound effects, including gentle breezes, harsh downpours, and even the firing of the weapon you are using. The animation is fantastic, and everything feels like it could just be real, which makes it all the more unsettling. The three main environments in Resident Evil 4 range from a village, a huge castle, and island fortress, although it is surprisingly well-varied, incorporating laboratories, mines, sewers, lakes and even lava pits.The story is not particularly complex, but is very neatly executed, and leaves the door to a sequel wide open. Basically, you play as Leon S. Kennedy, an ex-cop and now government agent, and must rescue the President's kidnapped daughter from a church in a creepy Spanish mountain village, where the inhabitants have a murderous, possessed glint in their eye... What unfolds is a conspiracy where an evil cult lord and his insane aristocratic lackey attempt to take over the world.The everyday enemies in RE4 are amazing, particularly the insane chain-saw wielding villagers (who favour decapitation), but the bosses are out of this world. The first boss you come across is an enormous monster living inside a lake. You must dispose of it by throwing harpoons at it before it devours you. As I said earlier, the animation is second to none. When you shoot a villager in the shins, they fall to the ground and start dragging them selves toward you. If they are carrying a weapon, and you shoot them in the hand, they will drop it. The action is fast and furious, although there are quieter areas where you can save your progress and purchase or upgrade weapons, which range from a handgun to a rocket launcher. Ammo is generally plentiful, and now you can save wherever you see a typewriter, which is a vast improvement over earlier games in the seriesRE4 is essentially an action game, combining elements of FPS, stealth and puzzles, with a satisfying difficulty level. The camera is focused behind the playable character, allowing for a good range of vision, and you become rooted to the spot when you aim at an enemy, with a handy laser. This works very well, and allows for effective and accurate aiming.Resident Evil 4 is an amazing and engrossing game with tons of replayability (I completed it three times in the space of a month!), and four difficulty levels. It is a must buy. That said, it is extremely violent, and some of it is disturbing. Definitely NOT for younger gamers.
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When famed Japanese developer Capcom coined the term Survival Horror with their ground breaking series of horror action games back in the mid nineties, a new breed of game was created. These exploration and puzzle solving adventures borrowed much from the point 'n' click games of the past but threw in Hollywood style atmosphere and action set pieces. Although the idea of taking on the undead and the like in spooky mansions was by no means a new concept (it all began with PC game Alone In The Dark) it was with Resident Evil that the style became mainstream, and sold by the bucket load, admittedly helping the success of Sony's fledgling Playstation alongside titles such as Ridge Racer and Tomb Raider.In the years that have passed,Capcom have kept the series fresh with quality sequels and even better remakes and a prequel and the series is now one of the most respected in the business. Naturally as technology moved on, so did the games, and with this latest iteration we move away from static camera view point into a third person (and unusual) waist high angle that sees the game reach a whole new level of cinematic style. It is also presented in wide screen for the first time, and it helps to create a true movie like game.Following the story of Leon S. Kennedy (from Resident Evil 2) we begin his quest to rescue the president's daughter from a remote island. Instantly the action is faster, and much more thrilling, with less of the exploring or puzzle solving of yester-year. Yet underneath the new clothes, this still feels very much like a Resi game, and has much of the same ideas, because frankly, if it was too different, it may as well be re-titled all together.Even though the new control and view point take a little getting used to, this plays very well and is challenging without being frustrating (the key to real good game design I'd say) and the new enemies are a very varied and interesting bunch ranging from possessed villagers to dogs, giant ogre and see creatures, all designed to Capcom's usual high standard.As for the Playstation 2 conversion, I don't feel as up to the task of describing the differences here as I was with Half Life 2, as I have not played the Gamecube original. Yet as far as I can see, some slightly less detail to the textures & lighting are evident, yet the content of the game is not only the same, but with extra missions unlocked after completion, this version now offers more. It looks good, but does seem to lack some of the sheen of PS2 only titles like Devil May Cry or God of War. Sound wise, it sometimes sounds basic, with Leon's dodgy breathing when he runs or some choppy effects during dialogue. Also it is worth mentioning that cut scenes that were generated in real time in the Gamecube version are pre-done here, which is only really noticeable when characters wear different costumes, of which you won't see until your second play through anyway. Other than that longer loading times are noticeable, but are still pretty quick for a PlayStation 2 game.Note: this game is presented in Wide Screen and even though this option can be altered, it is best played on a Wide Screen TV, as the graphics look even better when the game fills the screen as aposed to ugly black borders on a normal 4:3 TV.Verdcit: 4 /5
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I guess the Resident Evil series has always had the cinematic horror area of the market cornered. And RE4 far from giving the usual evolution over revolution supplied by previous titles such as the, admittedly brilliant, Code Veronica X and Resident Evil Zero, totally sets fire to the rule book and kicks it out the window. I think that for the first time in the series the emphasis has shifted away from beautiful looking, largely un-interactive environments to bleak, grimy-looking full 3D environments where fast-paced combat, stylish gun-play and interactive set-pieces are the name of the game. The slow burning mystery element of the Resident Evil puzzles of old is gone replaced with much more simple and direct switch,key and lock based set of problems. Where the meat of the older games lay in solving, often complex problems RE4 requires the player to use movement and interaction with the environment to outgun your numerous opponents and move rapidly through the landscape. Ammunition and healing items are plentiful and the inclusion of a weird cockney (!) merchant who appears with almost supernatural regularity to buy and sell weapons is a very nice touch. Where the game really wins through is not with the emphasis on action but on the brilliant script and story. Sure, the dialogue is still cheesy as hell. After all this is Resident Evil. But miniscule loading times and brief, seamlessly blended cut scenes make the whole thing feel more like an interactive horror film than any previous game of its kind. The cut-scenes are also expertly blended with numerous insanely thrilling set-pieces and boss encounters. In order not to spoil any surprises I won’t go into these but will go as far as to say the siege in the cottage is utterly brilliant and the section where Leon holds off would-be attackers while Ashley indulges in a little problem solving is even better.If there is anything to criticise in this game it is that the environments are a tiny bit samey. And it would have been good to see a bit more Resident Evil-style control rooms and labs in the latter levels. It would have also been nice to see a little more costume variety in your attackers, particularly the villagers in the earlier levels. But believe me, when you see the game you will realise just how minor these gripes are.To conclude, this may prove to be one of the last truly great games on the PS2 and certainly bring its reign to a glorious finale. With RE5 already scheduled for release on the Xbox360 and PS3 I couldn’t be more excited about where the series will go from here. Lets have more of these and (a lot) less of pants like RE Outbreak.
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I know lots of people have heaped praise on this game already but its impossible to stress just how incredibly good it really is.I've been a huge fan of the Resident Evil series ever since the first game was released & 4 is a bit of a departure from its predecessors. Every change from the previous games is an improvement: The new camera angle, The health gauge, The Merchant, Improved AI, The fact that you don't need to find typewriter ribbons to save your progress, The removal of the 'auto-aim' option. Everything feels like the developers have really thought about each detail & enhanced it. Even the acting in cut scenes is better (could it have been any worse than it used to be?).I like the way Capcom have got away from the endless wandering through corridors,dodging unbelievably stupid enemies that permeated previous RE games. In 4 there is an abundance of excellent set-pieces, traps & enemies that require different strategies to defeat effectively. Also you are not often forced into dodging enemies due to lack of ammo (a very irritating thing about RE2). You can choose to dodge if you want to conserve ammo but you get enough bullets to kill the majority of things you'll encounter. I was pleasantly surprised at how big RE4 is too. I thought I was getting to the end of it at one point but it turned out that there was still over a third of the game to go, not including the unlockable extra missions.My favourite thing about the game is the volume & variety of Bosses. Although a couple are fairly easy, the majority are very tough & a new strategy needs to be applied to each one. I generally ended up with hardly any health & only a few rounds of ammo left after each boss.My only small criticisms are 1) Some of the tension & 'creepy' factor has been sacrificed for more action. 2) The Shotgun doesn't seem powerful enough 3) A couple of the bosses & puzzles are a bit to easy for my liking. However these are just tiny niggles in a big complex game.Finally, dont bother playing RE4 on the 'easy' setting. big chunks of the game are missed out & things are over simplified as a result. Anyway, there is a variable difficulty setting in 'normal' mode which is automatically adjusted depending on how well you play. I thought this might make things too simple but, in practice, it keeps the difficulty perfectly weighted throughout the whole game.This is the essential game of the year (& the metal tin is very nice too).
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This is a fantastic game and will be difficult to beat for future games in the series. The game is complete in almost every way. Graphically the game is as good as almost any other console game available. This is achieved with a soft grainy wash combined with mainly dull earthy colours and tones. The combination results in fantastically effective and involving graphics. The game play is relatively simple and sticks to the past Resident Evil style. It takes very little time to become accustomed to the movement system, and although comments have been passed about the camera angles I did not find it a problem.The game offers approx. 20 hours of game play when played on the ‘normal’ setting.I found at no point during these hours did I suffer any boredom as the game flows at a pace that allows for no stagnation. The difficulty has been gauged to the exact point to offer a healthy challenge without to many sticking points. This for me is always a bonus, as I hate to be stuck for hours at any one point.I am sure that you are already familiar with the story line as well as the actual game play so I will not repeat.The only true weak point throughout the whole game was the terrible dialogue. It is ‘corny’ to say the least. It must have all made sense in Japanese, but in English it just sound ridiculous. This doesn’t detract too much from the game, but could have been better.Although the game is fantastic and I give it a full five stars I feel it could have been still a better experience. The game is obviously of the horror genre and promises much nervous tension and a fright or two along the way. The problem comes in the fact that although it offers these sensations it is quickly evident after playing for a couple of hours that they are not delivered. I initially crept around every darkened corner expecting a zombie to jump out and have me leaping into the air. I am sure if it had happened I would have jumped, but it just never happened. I eventually figured it was not going to occur and proceeded with less caution. Even just one or two shocks would have been enough. There were a couple of little surprises but it could have been so much better. I really felt that I was playing a censored version: plenty of blood but not enough shock. With a few jumps it would have been even more memorable than it was. Maybe they could bring out a Directors cut.This is however a fantastic game and should not be missed.
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I'm not a real gamer - I haven't used the playstation for 2 years now, so when I was round at a mate's and he showed me where he'd got to in RE4, I wasn't particularly interested. I hated the original Resident Evil - the stupid camera, the lack of ammo - it was unplayable rubbish. Silent Hill was so much better.But I was really impressed with what little I saw so I bought it to play over Christmas.This is easily the most impressive game I've seen on the PS2 - the graphics are incredible. Sure some of the game is a little formulaic - do some levels, Fight a Boss (::sigh::) - but it's done with such panache and gusto it really doesn't matter.I was swept along by the sheer excitement of the game - I found it really hard to tear myself away and get some sleep. People have already mentioned the cottage, but the initial shoot out in the village also blew me away (thank god for the bell!). And the creeping terror in the freezer...Bosses aside, the monsters are brilliant, and I love the fact that some of the most vicious ones can be taken down very easily with little ammo and some thought (though I just blasted away wasting ammo - grab the shotgun and get busy!!!).The game ensures you have JUST about enough ammo and health, which helps to keep up the tension, and there's a hilarious "merchant" who pops up every now and then selling his wares to help you stock up for battles ahead.Any gripes? Yep - there's no ability to strafe (move sideways left and right - handy for seeing round corners). Nor an ability to reload on the run - fatal! And I hate the boss fights (with the exception of Del Lago, which was superb as it was part of the story). I understand the GAMAZ among you love these fights, but they're so tedious and get in the way of the narrative. And the monsters were stupid - in each case I made sure I had an RPG and blew them away with one shot to get on with the game.But these are minor niggles - the game is brilliant, and the extras that unlock once you have completed the game are good fun too. I couldn't be bothered to complete Assignment Ada, as it ended with a (you guessed it) Boss Fight, but the mercenary shoot outs are a blast. Gotta love them chainsaw gals!11/10 guys - it was brill.
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This game is absolutely fantastic. When you first start off it may not seem that great with quite a long beginning sequence and the story didn't really grip me but it is absolutely fantastic when you get going.AUDIO:The weapons as far as I can tell sound fantastic from when they reload to when they obliberate a zombie head. The zombies are also fantastic they groan non stop when they get near you and what scares me all the time is often you cannot see them and then they shout at you - turn around and they're right in your face groaning at you.*****/*****GAMEPLAY:The gameplay is fantastic. The controls are very simple and easy to follow, no complcated combinations to attack just aim and blast the zombie.The camera is very good and follows you accurately, it can ocassionaly be slightly slow and cost you a clean shot (this is also affected by the sensitive analogue stick) but overall it is great. Looking at the map for the first level this area is huge with loads to do and it will take a while. There are also mini games like shooting 10 things to get a bonus.*****/*****GRAPHICS:WOW! The environments look amazing, there are not enough words to describe how good they look. There are squeking gates, broken fences, battered old barns, the walls etc look like they have rotted over many years and the best part of the environment is on the first level when you are walking around there are dogs barking at you and cows just strolling around and there is nobody in sight. Genius, its so earie.The zombies look absolutely fantastic, they are mutated, have fixed eyesight (YOU!) and I cannot express how satisfying it is to mutalate a zombies head, see it fly straight off behind them and them see them flop in front of your feet.*****/*****LIFESPAN:Loads to do, long levels and I don't think it is too easy either so it may have to be attempted several times.*****/*****OVERALL:One of the greatest games of all time, please buy this game (only if you can stand extreme levels of gore, violence and some strong language) and have one of the finest games ever in your collection.10/10 easily!
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The last time I owned a Resident Evil game was Resident Evil 2 on the PS1 - I thought that was a great game...but this? This game is one of the best games I have played on the PS2 - it is awesome.I won't bother with a plot summary as Amazon will have done it better than me, but you essentially play Leon and have to defeat the arch baddie and save the world - yadda yadda, usual stuff.What makes this different is that the fixed point perspective is gone and now it is over-the-shoulder third person and it works so well. You stop when you shoot and rather than this being annoying it adds to the realism of the game. Also, new for Resident Evil,is that you can now buy and upgrade weapons with a merchant so collecting money and treasure has a real purpose.There are lots of weapons at your disposal and you need not even bother with the new ones (I have completed the game with the original set) and you can modify those weapons fully so that you end up being pretty tooled up. The weapons all 'feel' great and the shotgun feels particularly punchy.There is a huge range of baddies to try out these weapons on and they get slowly tougher as you get quicker - they are not harder to kill (they don't require any more shots) they just have different...tactics, which really spices it up. There are also many boss fights (which I am not a fan of) but they are good fun. Also, in keeping with the series, there are puzzles which (again) are far too easy - they really do need to try harder with these.The game is truly beautiful to look at and sometimes the atmosphere is genuinely creepy with the right mix of action and suspense. Some of the voice acting is pants but the music is very good, I think.This is a very good game indeed and I have no hesitation in recommending it to own - but, a free piece of advice: be frugal with your ammo!
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I remember when Resident Evil 4 was announced for the PS2, I had mixed emotions. I loved the series, but had heard that in Res 4, Umbrella were no more, and so I was hesitant at first, because the whole Umbrella story lines were what I loved so much about the original games. However, do not fear, So Umbrella are gone, And so is Racoon City, but in their place is something better, even more Evil. The game is set in a very remote Village somewhere in Europe ( Spain i think ), and far more than in Racoon City, you immediately feel very Cut off from the rest of the world, you are on your own, and that feeling makes the game even creepier. The colours are also very bleak, browns and greys and Purples,which add to the eeriness of the game. Not more than a minute into the game you get your first shock and realise something is wrong in this place, very wrong. I wont tell you the story line, as i dont want to ruin it for anyone, but i can say that as soon as you start playing you will be hooked. With Umbrella gone, you will find yourself asking "who is behind this new horror", and you want to progress more and more in the game as at first, it gives you more questions rather than answers. Its like playing a movie with twists and turns and scares everywhere. Buy it, it wont dissapoint you.And as a side reccomendation, buy the walk through. You get one for the first chapter free if you buy the limited edition, but its well worth buying the complete walkthrough guide as it makes the game much more enjoyable. You'll be amazen how much stuff you miss without it, Owning it will also avoid much confusion and frustration in places. Dont believe me, try playing the first chapter without it, then try it with the one you got free with the LE for the first chapter.
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This is truly a masterpiece of a game, a real gem.With the inclusion of old friends from RE2 and similar items to get RE4 stays true to the series we all know and love.With added 'Action' buttons and kicks and neck-breaking there is a breath of new life to an age old classic.With visually stunning environs and superlative gameplay this RE4 is itself an untold classic. Many RE fans had doubts, myself included, about the modernisation of a cult classic. We thought 'would it work' and by heaven and hell it really did. There is the same old playbility with various unlockables that we are by now familiar with. There are also ones we are unfamiliar with and they are a welcome surprise too.The merchant system again had question marks over it and yet again it fails to disappoint.With the exclusion of zombies we question its atmospheric, eerie quality, synonymous with former titles. Dont, its all achieved here as well.There is undoubtedly more freedom and the new targetting system enhances RE 4 yet further.The Mercenaries is a great side edition and a worthy challenge for any gamer.Though i have given RE4 a glittering review there are other things that perhaps may have been improved, but they are only little things as the game is just exquisitely produced.Though the environs are massive i feel that maybe elements of the GTA series may enhance this further as there are some places that are sealed off in the game.Unlockables are good but an even better unlockable would perhaps be that some of the characters unlocked in the mercenaries game should have there own exhaustive adventure.Overall an excellent game full of atmosphere, gameplay and pure class. Bring on Leons next adventure!!!
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When iI first bought this game I was thinking this would be freaky as hell.And guess what Leon.S.Kennedy is back!It was not how I expected it to be but did not disapoint me.They had took out my favourite thing in RESIDENT EVIL...The zombies were taken out!I mean what were they thinking they took out the most important peice!I mean how can a zombie game be a zombie game without Zombies?Why couldnt you just take out the gun?It would of had the same effect?This game is more of a pocket edition or kid version.Now lets talk about the gameplay it is more of an easy type of gameplay because everything had gone into COD style shooting apart from seeing yor character and theres no NO-SCOPE but is stillreally good.Maybe CAPCOM took the Zombies out because we are in the 2000's who knows but probably they took them out to make more hard becuase everyone started saying the series was getting too easy to complete.They had made the enemies into well kind of infected humans.They made the enemies use weapons such as dynamite,crowbars,axes EXCT.The helping a girl made it even more hard becuase if you left she would get kidnapped and if you kept her with you she would be put in danger (NOT ALWAYS).The cover is really cool too its made of metal and is really cold,I love the blood splats on it too.The MERCENARIES add on was really good too I enjoyed playiing it with my cousin (ONLY UNLOCKABLE AFTER COMPLETING GAME)This game has like the hardest bosses if you are a resident evil fan I suggest buying this.
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The difference between this version and the normal version is that with this version you get a small section from the official guide book. Oh, and it has a nice metallic case. Other than that, I don't think the game content is different.First things first. The basic story is that you control Leon Kennedy (from RE2) and you have to rescue the President's daughter.Obviously the plot is a lot more detailed than that, but I don't want to spoil it for you.Graphics - Actually very good. It reminds me somewhat of Metal Gear Solid 2.Crisp, and no dodgy polygon in sight.Sounds - Range of gun sounds is great. The background music is chilling and is up there with the best horror movies.It makes the game very atmospheric.This is very different to the other RE games. The backgrounds can be fully interacted with and not static like the past games(think about MGS2), if a 'zombie' throws an axe at you, you can shoot it mid-air. The enemy is actually not zombies - they run at you and use weapons to attack you (dynamite,pitchfork etc).I would say that the game verges on the short side, but this doesn't deprive the game from an enjoyable experience. In the relatively short space of time a HUGE amount of action is packed in it.Even if you complete the game, there are many extra bonuses to unlock to increase longetivity.To come to a conclusion, this is a stunning game. Definately one of the best games on the PS2. Fans of the RE series will love it, and if you're a newcomer you should try it out. An epic on all fronts.
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Resident Evil was a series drawing to a possible close with the average outbreak series out, But they made a return .. and what a return with a simply brilliant action game.You play Leon - The president hired help as you will, he must rescue el presidente' daughter in a country that does not fly far places such as Bosnia, Croatia etcm but while there you encounter someone trying to create a world of zombies ... Is this the T virus back in action???You'll drool over the graphics - they are simply stunning - moody .mean and the the attention to detail on the AI.The sound again is top notch - atmospheric and edgy at times.The gameplay... The A.I in this game cannot not be complimented enough not as good as HALO but not far off.They chase you/ hide, shout for reinforcements etc .. its brilliant. try playing it in the dark, you'll get a,crazed shout from behind you, knowing there'll be trouble asap.Unlike most Resident evils before it, this time you can rank up and expand the weaponary.. like a RPG but only with zombies!!.The varied differences between levels of gun is good - And will keep you in the shooting galleries for ages. This minigame it's self is a play on the average surviour series is better than both 1-2 put together.I must admit i had both copies GameCube + PS2 and for picture quality go for the GC- but this Ps2 edition does have extra content.About 25-30 to complete - but this does open new difficulties and content.A welcome return to Resident Evil.. and I cant wait for number 5.
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Having been a massive fan of the Resident Evil franchise since its inception I was brimming with eager anticipation waiting for this game, checking the doormat every day.Once started I must admit I was initially slightly disappointed with the game. There were no intro's upon loading as with previous games, taking me instead immediately to the front screen.Starting playing was also strange, with a new camera system meaning there was a bit more flexibility with what you could view. I can't help feeling this gave the game a somewhat different feel to the others.Also forget about zombies, there are new monsters to deal with again taking away some of the familiar feel of previous games.Now that the negative stuff is out of the way let me say this; THE GAME IS AWESOME!Forget all the stuff about a different feel and no zombies, it doesn't detract in any way from what is great fun.I haven't completed the game yet, in fact I have only endured 6 hours of gameplay so I should hope there's plenty more to come.In conclusion, if you are expecting a carbon copy of previous incarnations of Resident Evil (as I was) you may be initially let down. Stick with it though, there is plenty to keep a fan going and if you're new to these games, where have you been?
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This is one of the best games I have ever played on the PS2. I've played all the Resident Evil games which are all very good, but this is by far the best. This game was a christmas present and I have to be honest and say that I am still playing it and it's now the end of April!!The game has a main story mode where you play the character Leon and you have to rescue the president's daughter, Ashley who joins you along the way. You also have to protect her at times which can make things interesting. You get to kill some very varied and challenging enemies along the way and the bosses all require different strategies to kill them.What is good about this game is that there are many strategies you can use to complete the game,making each playthrough different. There are also 3 game modes available - easy, normal and professional.You also get 3 side games - Assignent Ada (Mini Mission), Seperate Ways (Relates to the main story) and Mercenaries (Get high scores within a time limit) which are also all brillinat.The game has excellent replay value as completeing the game/side games unlocks extra weapons and costumes. You can also carry weapons etc over to a new game.This game is a MUST HAVE for any collection.
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