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Ratchet and Clank was one of the biggest titles for the ps2 and so I was very excited when I saw a new installment was coming out for the next gen console. This is the sixth game in the series and part of the "future" brand that the games series has taken on.Ratchet and Clank are a duo who travel the universe helping people out in need, theres no real big story that runs throughout the franchise but every game is a little different whils keeping the core ideas the same.Ratchet is a mechanic on a space station and Clank is a robot. You generally spend your time controlling Ratchet but every now and again their is a handful of missions in the game where you are Clank.The game is a 3rd person shooter,set in a 3D world with a lot of platforming to move around the levels. Their is also a slight role-play element as you upgrade weapons and gadgets, all of which have their own unique feel adding to the personality of the game.The basic plot of Tools of destruction is that, whilst Ratchet is working on his bike he gets a message from the rather hilarious captain Qwark, he sounds distressed and so Ratchet and Clank set out ot help him. When they reach the city they see that the evil Emperor Tachyon has launches a massive attack using robots and so our heroes have no option but ot retreat. Whilst getting a plan together, small robots called Zoni visit Clank telling him he must help Ratchet, these were a little strange and remind me of Kazoo in the Flintsones. So with a plan set and help from a few freinds Ratchet and Clank set out to save the world.....You start the game with a basic weapon in Ratchet's Omniwrench, this is used for melee and is relatively useful, new weapons can be picked up in the level or by completeing missions and upgrading. This provides good progression as you always feel as though you are working towards something and not aimlessly following the story.Shooting weapons should be used sparingly though as you don't have unlimited ammo, this is good because it makes it more realistic as well as keeping the level of excitement high when their are big amounts of enemies on screen.Ratchet also likes his gadgets and these come in the form of Grind boots , which let you grind along rails to get to the next area, or a Swingshot which is really useful for grappling. All the gadgets in the game handle smoothly and mean theirs a bit of variety to the platforming and shooting which is a bit generic.But my favorite thing are the Devices, one in particular is the Groovitron. This releases a disco ball into the air causing the enemies to break into an individual dance , letting you beat them easier. These cant be used all the time , but it is a great joke in the game and helps keep the mood lite.Sixasis is implemented in the game for a few sections in which you control Clank to fly, this is a little difficult to begin with but is fun afterwards. It's clear that it has been put in just too show it off and the game wouldn't have struggled without it. Similarly with the inclusion of vibration in the controller, whilst it adds to the atmosphere this is almost a tech demo for the ps3 and all it can do.Another unfortunate change is that I found myself fighting with the camera somewhat , which never happend in the previous games. It's not as bad as some games but can still be a little annoying.As well as the main story levels use also have a string of mini-games , these include bike races, combat and puzzles. These add a bit of longevity and whilst their not great they are a nice addition, they run smooth and are quite fun.Graphically the game is very good, being one of the first titles out for the ps3 back in 2007 it showed off what the console was capable of, their are a few sections which really make your mouth drop at the amount of wonderful detail and craftmaship of the busy world. Some area's are best described by saying they resemble the city scape in Robot's, the city is full of bustling traffic flying through the air and their is always more than one thing going on , on screen.Colours are vivid and pop out of the screen, the character designs are smooth and have a nice cartoony style whilst looking realistic.Weapons all have an individual look and the collectibles on the ground can be seen from far off making it easy to collect them.The sound isn't only used to build atmosphere but also for comedy, during some pirate sections it takes playful jibes at pirates of the carribean.The soundtrack is good keeping everything up beat as well as tense in some places.The Groovetron throws out a funky disco tune, which doesn's surprise me to see the enemy forgot about the fighting and just want to boogy.As a whole the game is comfortable to control and easy to pick up and play, whilst it may be aimed at younger players this game is not childish and so wouldn't feel out of place in a hardcore gamers collection. The lock on system is well done and means there is a good mix of skill and ease to shooting the enemies, the jumping is well weighted meaning it is easy to judge a distance and not plummet to your death because the character feels floaty.One addition I would have liked to have seen would be multiplayer, considering Ratchet and Clank are running around together all the time it would have been nice to have the other player controlled by a mate, either offline or online with a drop in - drop out style. But maybe thats something for a later title.Theres around 30 hours of gameplay here to get everything out of the game, their isn't much replay value but it is a nice title. A demo is available on PSN.
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With this game being the first ‘Ratchet and Clank’ title on the PlayStation 3, it had pressure on it to live up to the high standards of gameplay and humour that have been evident in previous games in the series. Thankfully, it doesn’t disappoint.Hinted at by the name of the game, ‘ToD’ has a big emphasis on huge and, quite frankly, ridiculous weapons. These range from a multiple-missile firing gun called a Fusion Grenade to what is known as a ‘nano-swarmer’, which uses nano-technology to destroy enemies without you even getting involved. Even though some people feel that the weapons make the game too easy at times, including the final boss battle,I believe that the vast array of weapons available in ‘ToD’ make the game a whole lot more enjoyable than previous titles in the series because they are quite simply so much fun to use.However it is not only the weapons that have improved; the gadgets in the game have taken a step forward too. Ratchet’s wrench can now be thrown like a boomerang, essential for overcoming obstacles and also useful to fight enemies from a longer range. Ratchet can now also use ‘Robo-Wings’, which allow him to glide to distant places while you use the SIXAXIS motion sensor to control him, and in addition he has access to the ‘Geo-Laser’, which cuts through certain weakened walls. Although the gadgets have not been improved to the large extent that the weapons have, they are still bigger and better than ever and an integral part of the game.Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of DestructionThere are also some crazy new devices in ‘ToD’, the one standing out in particular being the Groovitron. When activated near enemies, it makes them dance like there’s no tomorrow, oblivious to the fact that you will surely be coming to destroy them while they do so. The first time you use it and watch your enemies dancing to the music, I bet you anything that you won’t be able to resist the urge to let a childish giggle escape from your lips, no matter how much of a serious gamer you consider yourself to be.The story itself has a few layers to it, the main ones being the fact that Emperor Tachyon has taken a disliking to Ratchet because he’s the last Lombax in the universe and also the mystery behind the ‘zoni’ previously mentioned that Clank keeps seeing but no-one else can. However, to be quite honest, you won’t really be thinking about the story while you play because all you’ll be worrying about is playing and progressing through the game itself, which will keep you more than satisfied without the need for a storyline.For the first time in the ‘Ratchet and Clank’ series, you get to take direct control of Clank himself in specific sections of the game. He’s great fun to play as, especially because most of the time with him you will be ordering around little ‘zoni’, alien-type creatures that do as Clank tells them and enable him to progress through the game. These sections with Clank are a nice change of pace for the game, and are very welcome additions that add much more variety.The graphics in ‘ToD’ are close to perfection, especially the cut-scenes which look like they could have been taken right out of a CGI movie. Even the in-game graphics are excellent, portraying a vibrant world that feels alive and calls out to be explored. ‘ToD’ uses the PlayStation 3’s incredible graphics capability like few other games do.The sound in the game is solid enough, with some good voice-overs and music that increases the tension in the game. There’s really not a lot to be said about the audio aspects of the game; there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just there’s not a whole lot of emphasis on music in ‘ToD’.Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction The only real thing I can think of as a negative for this game is that it’s not very long; I believe it took me around ten hours to complete it, and personally I’m not even a person who goes at a fast rate. However this isn’t an issue, as you can replay the game in harder mode and unlock more weapons, and there’s always the battle arena to revisit, where you battle hordes of enemies to complete challenges, which is always highly challenging and enjoyable.Overall, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction is a superb game with lots of depth, humour and, arguably most importantly, replay value. There’s no doubt about the fact that this really is an essential part of your PlayStation 3 collection.Read full review...
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After the Ratchet and Clank series moved to the Playstation 3, I was irritated because I didn't have one. I literally ended up buying a PS3 so I could get this game. I recommend you start with the very first one on the PS2 before trying this one. My personal favorite was Ratchet and Clank 2: Locket and Loaded because of the length of time it took to complete and the variety of weapons available. To be honest, the weapons on Tools of Destruction arent that inventive (although they do make good use of the 'Sixaxis' controller for the Tornado / Typhoon launcher). On the PLUS side: They have brought back the Flame thrower from the first one! Other weapons are quite similar,I miss the tesla claw which would zap a shock of lightning between enemies. Weapons also dont upgrade as far past VX (Version 10) with omega in 'Challenge Mode' (When you play through it a second time)In this game you collect rarritanium crystals like you do bolts, scattered around and it is used to buy weapon upgrades. But once you have bought all upgrades and the Golden Groovitron (Used to make enemies dance) you havent got any real use for rarritanium any more. Hint for if you buy the game and wonder what the 'Holoplans' are for and have a missing space in the weapons screen: Collect all holoplans and take them to the Smuggler on the Jurassic Planet. He will assemble the RYNO IV - a pretty decent weapon.Insomniac usually makes their games perfectly functional but this one has a few annoyances (not serious enough to make me lower the rating and an extensive list of positives would easily tip the scale!):> You can't zoom in very far on the map (Select button)> Gold bolts are incredibly easy to find and acquire> Skill points are awarded for much simpler things> You cant fire at random passing ships any more (in the distance)> The game is shorter again, if in challenge mode you can basically complete the game in a couple of hours if you skip cinematics. As said in other reviews I have read; it doesnt have as much 'replay value' but the story line is good despite being a bit short.Here are some of the positives that particularly caught my attention:> Graphics are very good and so is the sound quality. (Have you PS3 output on the correct setting!)> You have a variety of new gadgets which are very interesting and one allows you to fly around levels (Robowings)> There is a Gelatonator which sucks up and fires green slime which you can bounce on> The cinematics are more humerous.> The weapons can be quite fun once they are upgraded.> There are two places - one is a Jurassic Planet and has huge alien dinosaurs which you can climb on and another is a meteor which has blue reflective ice and crystals all over the place. Both of these looked fantastic. I spent more time observing the scenery and artwork than playing that level.> there are many other positives but too many to list.Overall: This is a must have for the Playstation 3! A* Good Luck.
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Those of you who have played the PS2 versions of this game will know what you're letting yourself in for and will love this. Those of you who haven't played the PS2 versions of this game won't know what you're letting yourself in for and will love this.The PS3 debut for our furry friend and his tin-pot sidekick is the best yet and makes full use of the console's processing power and graphics although it is only in 720p. It is a true blast all the way through with bold and bright colours, mad weapons, great moves and more enemies than you could shake a Pyroblaster at ! It is the usual chaotic fare with crate smashing, humour, jumping across swamps, space cities, ruined cities, rocky outcrops,space ships and is lots and lots of fun. It's one of those games that your parents (oops, that's me) will tut at but not fail to notice how well it is put together, how big and beautiful and playable it really is. I started this on my trusty Trinitron CRT but when that went pop and I upgraded to a my full HD Sony Bravia it really shone.A platformer come shoot-em-up the attention to detail and design is excellent. The controls are faultless, use the L2 button to strafe, back flip and arab spring sideways whilst keeping your guns trained on the swamp monsters. Turn on a sixpence and let loose guided rockets from your Raptor Launcher. Use the 6-axis to fly high with your robo-wings. The weapons are superb and you need to get used to most of them to defeat the enemies who may come at you by the dozen. Launch the deadly Mr Zircon and he will float above you taking out the bad guys, cackling away in the process. Throw up a Groovitron and your confused enemies will dance to your tune, literally. Confuzzler Gas will make them turn on each other, that's if they're not being turned already by the your Tornado Launcher! Bump into the weapons vendor, fill up with ammo at the touch of a button and buy or upgrade as many weapons as your bolt and raritanium supply will allow. The mini games as Clank and his droid team make a welcome break from the Ratchet rowdiness, a kind of lemmings affair as he instructs his minions to help him on his way.It's difficult to find fault with this game; if I was being picky I would say it is a bit déjà vu and the space-ship battles are pretty weak. Replay value isn't great unless you're a gold bolt hunter too but as it does not have trophy support that may reduce your motivation somewhat. It is also less of a challenge than the earlier versions but it is a big game and the humour and gameplay will keep you going back for more. The gold bolts allow you to buy extras such as different skins - I'm currently playing as Dan Johnson (whoever he is!).Overall, it's an unashamedly fun game that does the R&C franchise great justice.
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Tools of destructionI have owned all of the Ratchet and Clank games and this one being the first I bought for the PS3 I was expecting greater graphics and wishing for a similar super funny adventure story, and I was not disappointed.As soon as the game starts with Ratchet and Clank on top of a building remodelling transport you can already tell the intricate details and a stunning graphic enhanced environment and proceedings simply get better from there. Captain Qwark looks rather strange I'll admit at first!Having Qwark inevitably adds priceless comedy value to a story that is otherwise lacking in strong direction and humour. The villain cannot be taken seriously in any situation sadly.The humour at making him appear as a soft villain and a grumpy childlike mastermind does not come across too well. However the final boss against him is quite tricky and beautifully designed on a rock in space.As with every Ratchet and Clank game there are new weapons and gadgets to enjoy. The best weapon I personally found was the Raptor launcher which allows accurate targeting. There is a tornado launcher which you control by tilting the remote. Tricky at first but thoroughly enjoyable later!The remote is used an awful lot actually which has its good and bad points. There are pirates involved heavily in this story and to enter certain rooms you must "dance a pirate jig" meaning you must tilt the remote certain ways in order to gain entry. Slightly amusing but incredibly quick and hard to pass on occasion.The great thing about this game is like all other releases from PS2 there is always plenty to do. Collecting bolts, exploring the scenery looking for hidden items, upgrading weapons and fighting different bosses all combine for a good entertaining experience. If not quite as strong as Ratchet Gladiator there is plenty of fun to be had and even though the play is harder all round, it is still very enjoyable.The story ends quite sharply and leads into "Quest for Booty" a short game which I have not played and have instead jumped straight into "A crack in time" which I have to say is great so far and is easier, funnier and sharper than this release.8/10
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Get ready for a galactic adventure filled with explosive mayhem as the Ratchet & Clank series makes its PS3 debut. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction marks the beginning of a brand-new series of next-generation games for our gadget-building hero, Ratchet, and his brainy robotic sidekick, Clank.After saving countless planets from dreadful doom and earning intergalactic mega-celebrity status in the process, Ratchet and Clank have taken some well-deserved R&R -- again. Yet, Ratchet remains restless. An orphan of the universe, he has never known anything of his past, his family, or his Lombax origins. And no one, not even Clank, can fill that void. Unfortunately for Ratchet,someone else is equally interested in Ratchet's origins: Emperor Percival Tachyon. In his thirst for revenge, the vile tyrant of an ancient race of foul insect-like monsters called Cragmites has festered an age-old grudge and is bent on wiping the last-known Lombax off the universe!Read full review...
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I have never played ANY Ratchet and Clank Games before,but i took a gamble and purchased this little gem last week.It is a great game.The graphics are really excellent,the different enviroments and planets that you visit are very large..with lots to see and do,plus you can generally find something to smash up within the envioments.The Puzzles in the game are not too tough,and with a few attempts you can master them.There is lots to see and do throughout the game,plus the makers have also included sub menus and some really diverse challenges.The weapons selection is awesome...to many to list here,you can upgrade your weapons throughout the game,and once upgraded they can really punish yourenemies.I have given this Game 5 Stars as i think all round that it is fantastic value for money,easy controls,absorbing storyline,and most importantly LOTS of Fun and enjoyment and superb value for money which is what a great game is all about.This game will appeal to all age groups.
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Well, thats quite unfair but this is just retreading old ground, the plot doesn't have the hooks of the old games, and the weapons and planets tend to be rehashes done better earlier in the series. I could say that the first 3 Ratchet games were made just for me I loved them so much, but theres a lack of creativity here, not in a desperate sense but in a dissapointing none the less way.This is Ratchet by numbers, the kind of game you arn't too sure is by the same company, it's no disaster, but it certainly worried enough fans the series was going stale (before CIT came to move the series along)Incidently don't get this one, either get Ratchet and Clank 1 and work up or get A Crack in Time then jump back to the start.This is the footnote title of the series and a great studios biggest misstep in years.
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Three years on and in 2011 the Platinum release of Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction still has the same glitch for some PS3 systems.But the same fix still works... Thank goodness some things don't change, including the game which we think is brilliant, or "extremely cool" as our young lad said!So, if you receive a message telling you that you do not have enough space available on your HDD (419MB needed to install the game), despite having plenty of available space on your HDD... Just delete a demo / game you don't use that is over 500MB, or if you have internet connection for the PS3 and plenty of space on your HDD, just download a demo game from Playstation that is over 500MB, reboot the PS3,then load the game and it should work fine..Worked for us.
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I have never played a ratchet and clank game before, but this is truly awesome. On a HD TV the graphics are the best I have seen on any game! It is simply stunning. The gameplay is first class and a good mix of being challenging but not frustratingly so. Its humour is great too, with many laugh out loud moments (especially when ratchet our hero has to disguise himself as a pirate and dance like a pirate!) and some of the gadgets at Ratchet's disposal are superb like a groovitron which sees the baddest of enemies having to dance uncontrollably instead of attacking you! Everything about this game oozes class and I cannot believe how low it is in price either.A bargain that will provide you with days and days of addictive gameplay, its a big old game!.....10/10
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This is an excellent example of 3D platforming with weapons.As with previous Ratchet and clanks the production standards are very high. One online video game review stated that this game is like watching a pixar movie, Not quite but very close.The humour and voice acting is some of the best I've seen in gamesI loved this game, you could power through it in a very quick time of probably an intense weekend, but if like me your a completionist and want to collect all the golden Bolts and other power-ups this game play can easily be tripled. Also you can go back and play this game again on a harder setting with you new power-ups.I was that impressed that I went out and sourced a disc copy of thefollow-up addition of quest for booty - See the Link here
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I've played most of the Ratchet and Clank set and this has to be the best yet. Beautiful visual presentation - possibly the best I have seen on the PS3 to be honest - crisp, shiny, clear and razor sharp. The gameplay is effortlessly fabulous - as usual - but more so here. Intuitive movement, easy weapon change. But this review is for those people who have 'done' Ratchet and Clank before and are wondering, should i get another one? The answer: a definite yes. So, why only four stars? Well, just because I wanted it to go on for a little bit longer...... and maybe something a little bit more unusual and unexpected.Don't get me wrong though - this is top quality stuff - no one could be disappointed.
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My son asked for a specific Ratchet & Clank game that he had played as a demo. As that was at 'just released' price, he wasn't getting that. I bought this as an alternative as it had good reviews and this was really well priced as a used game graded as very good condition, from a supplier I have used many times with no problem. Came quickly and was as described. My son was really pleased. I asked him what he wanted me to say before writing this review, he said it was his favourite game that he has played (that includes Minecraft and several Lego games). He is 10 yo. He's had it nearly a month now and not yet completed it (he is restricted on screen time even if it is the Summer holidays).


I bought this game as Christmas present for my 5 year old and he absolutely loves it. I usually play it with him as some of the puzzles are a little advanced for his age but he is fine with most of the battle scenes.I am really impressed with this game, the HD graphics are superb and I always get the feeling that a great deal of thought has gone into crafting each level. You can collect an array of very cool weapons including a disco ball that inspires your foes to dance instead of fight. The plasma beast is my sons' favourite, although the shard reaper and Mr Zurkon are also very impressive.If you like the look of this game, then buy it as you won't be disappointed.


It is a very nice game. You have a lot of different weapons, gadgets, that allow you to do different things with each one, like killing little funny monsters. You also travel a lot between the planets of the game, each one with their own characteristics (like background). In some planets, you have tournaments: you have a number of rounds to survive the enemies, that come to "destroy" you. In the end, you have to face the boss of each tournament, to win it.Basically, it's a very fun game to all ages.

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