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S T O R YEmperor Tachyon has been defeated and the mysterious Zoni have kidnapped Clank. Ratchet is on a quest to discover the whereabouts of his robotic sidekick, with the help of Talwyn, they are on a search for Captain Darkwater, who was considered an expert on Zoni culture. Ratchet and Talwyn must track down a special device in order locate Clank.The omission of Captain Quark is very noticeable, his annoying habits and quirky humour always light up the screen. The pirate theme throughout the game is a great distraction away from the more futuristic feel of previous games. There are no twists or turns to the story; everything is kept straightforward and simple despite the game’s short length.GRAPHICS & SOUNDRatchet & Clank: Quest For Booty is on par with its predecessor,in terms of visual and audio quality. You forget you are playing a downloadable game, the presentation is spot on and it’s what you’d expect from any other game in the series. The art direction can fluctuate between bright environments and suddenly switch to darker themes This works well as it represents how the odds are stacked against the Ratchet and how far he’ll go to get Clank back. This is a pirate adventure so you should expect a lot of gloomy treasure filled with all manners of beasties and fearsome foes.The lighting is i absolutely incredible; it bounces off surfaces very accurately and renders shadows just as beautifully. It may come across as a simple method, but the illustrated cut scenes add to the overall charm of the game. Sound design is excellent, environments feel alive and mysterious, weapons sound meaty and there are some wonderful special effects incorporated into some of the more large scale battles.I believe there could have been some greater variation to the enemy types; taking on waves of similar enemies does nothing to keep the gameplay fresh and engrossing.GAMEPLAYFor those thinking you will have a ridiculous amount of weapons, you can clear that thought right now. Insomniac The weapons count is kept to a reasonable number. There are no customisation options for the weapons, but they do upgrade from regular usage. Another great thing is that the weapons don’t really share any similarities with one another, they are all diverse and you are constantly thinking of how to effectively apply them. The Omni-wrench now has the function to kinetically move certain objects or items, this will help solve puzzles and navigate the environment.The gameplay is fairly well balanced throughout, a majority of the time you will take on hordes of enemies, the grind-rails still provide amazing fun and there a few puzzles thrown in to give your brain a workout The grind-rail sections have been manipulated to bring greater challenge, having to open up gates to progress is an excellent way to notch up the tension. Ratchet controls very smoothly and as acrobatically as ever, it’s a beautiful cocktail of ballet and destruction! The boss battles are clever in design and provide a suitable challenge. The final battle was a real treat to play through; it was done in stages, so it really felt like an almighty encounter.The targeting system can still feel wonky at times when shooting from the hip, especially when encountering enemies in darkened environments. The camera performs well as a whole, though occasionally it can set itself to awkward angles.OVERALLAll of the production values of an AAA title rolled up into one neat little package. The campaign should clock in at around 3-4 hours, this may seem disappointing, but the quality of the experience is second to none.
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Ratchet and Clank : quest for booty is the episodic style add on to follow on from the previous game Tools of destruction. The game is heralded more as DLC and not a fully fledged sequel, so the game only brings 4 hours of gameplay to the table and strips back everything which usually pads out the game.The story picks up where we left off in TOD, Clank has been kidnapped by the Zoni and Ratchet is on a quest to find both him and treasure. Unfortunatley in his way are a host of evil Pirates who will stop at nothing to get rid of Ratchet.The story isn't great but it does it's job as a nice addition, dont expect character depth and twists to comoe out of it ,but what you can expect is heaps of action and comedy.The gameplay has been slightly refined with the game now concentrating a bit more on puzzles and platforming, although still keeping a big amount of 3rd person shooting and collecting.One reason why the puzzles and platforming has been reworked is Ratchet having a new wrench, this allows him to do 2 new abilities , lift and tether. Lift is pretty straight forawrd , it lets you lift heavy objects into place and this is used quite a bit in platforming to get up to the next area. Tether is used by a laser on the wrench, this lets you tie things together or pull them from a distance, handy with pesky levers which are just out of reach.But certain sections of gameplay have been pulled back, there are no vehicle sections or arena battles which usually buff up the gameplay and variety in the games, even though this is DLC I don't see why these staple areas of the game were forgotten.The game difficulty has been increased slightly with these new puzzles as well as the new enemies the pirates, this may have been done to increase the game by an hour or so but it is a welcome change for the game to be a little more challenging.The pirates are the main antagonists and come in a few styles but the most common are Robot and Ghost, not only do these look cool but they are also very worthy adversaries. Drones and drones will attack you making the platform areas a real battleground and can really feel you with a sense of panic.Thankfully a lot of weapons have returned from TOD although not the gizmo's meaning no Groovitron. Thanfully the rocket launchers and tornado gun have made it here and that way you can still blast away the enemies in great fashion.The graphics are still very good with lighting and textures having the bulk of work put into them. An example of where this is strongest is in the city where shadows and light bounce of the shiny metropolis your flying through, or at one point where you have to walk through a dark cave , holding on to little pixies which illuminate a few feet with a beauitfil flourescent green light.The sound is what makes the games comedy, the game is narrated by Rusty and Captain Slag. These two are constanly arguing whilst the cut scenes are playing and this is where most of the humour comes through.Controls also keep their simplicity and I am happy to report the push on sixasis has been dropped although the vibration function has stayed which is nice. Wether you are new to the series or not you will be able to get to grips with the controls in no time, although the tether gun is slightly tempremental to begin with.4 hours of gameplay total but they are fun.You will not need to have played this to understand the next game Crack in time , which is also good from the players view. However the game does fill in the big cliffhanger of TOD , so if you want to know then by all means play this good but short title.
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Despite not playing a Ratchet and Clank game since the mid 00s I still decided to pick Quest for Booty when Sony offered it as part of their "Welcome Back" package for the Playstation Network being down.The story begins in somewhat of an awkward time where we find out that Clank has been kidnapped by those only known as the "Zoni", and Ratchet naturally goes on a quest to find him. Despite this, however, the game manages to make things clear pretty well even to someone who hasn't played Tools of Destruction like myself. Unfortunately, the story doesn't do much in way of progression throughout the game.The whole game is around three to four hours long, which is easily it's biggest criticism.However, the story is still good nonetheless. The dialogue tends to be interesting and the events that take place within the game definitely maintain your attention throughout. In addition, the price is also much lower than regular games to reflect that this is somewhat of a filler game.Visually it looks pretty good. Things such as buildings, shading, water etcetera all look pretty nice given that this is expected to look cartoony. There are a few times when the lip sync on the characters is noticeably off but it's generally nice regardless of where you are. Similarly, the audio is also done well and the sounds in addition to the soundtrack all compliment the game.There are about a dozen weapons ranging from the standard Combustor (gun) to the Fusion Grenade to the Predator Launcher and others. Each are quite fun to use and prevent the fighting sequences from being mindless fighting.The game also features more puzzle-solving and platforming. The most notable one for me was moving pieces together to create a shadow in to a wall in order to gain access to an area; that alone was great. But there are others too, such as finding your way to the top of a building to turn on wind turbines, making drinks to fool someone in to thinking you were someone else, and so on. None of these are really hard, but that doesn't suck the joy out of it.All in all, while it's a short game that doesn't progress the story much it's still polished enough to be worth playing the few hours it gives you.
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I bought "A Crack in Time" first without realising it was the last in a trilogy until I read another review on Amazon. I have a PS3 and my great grandsons now play the Games when they visit me and are hooked on it. My Grandson is also now a fan.With this in mind I then bought from Amazon the other two games."Tools of Destruction (first in the trilogy) and this game"Quest for Booty" is the second game of the three. The boys (and great grand daughter) have started from scratch with game number one.Really good entertainment,lots iof action and very good graphics and having seen the games in action, when my tribe have finished playing the games I am going to play them myself,cannot do that as yet as they have saved their progress till the next visit.I paid a very good price on Amaszon for all three games and found the money was very well spent.Another aspect is when they visit now the home is much quieter and saner.An all round win win .
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Ratchet is back, but this time without Clank. After being kidnapped by the Zoni at the end of Tools of Destruction, Clank is missing and Ratchet is looking for him.When Ratchet & Talwyn encounter Rusty Pete again who brings back Captain Slag, who angers the ghost of Captain Darkwter and so Ratchet must fight an army of robot pirates in order to continue his search for Clank.A short and fun Ratchet adventure to bridge the gap between Tools of Destruction & Crack in Time.


Quest for booty basically continues where tools of destruction has ended, it doesn't really offer any new features besides being able to hook the wrench onto something to pull it in. There are no new weapons. If you like the rachet and clank series like i do this one is OK, I certainly enjoyed Tools for destruction more than this one


Bought as a gift for my nephews & they love it. Haven't played it myself personally but the kids say it's a good game :) One of them is 8 years old & described it as like a modern version of Crash Bandicoot lol.


i dont really know this game as it was for my girlfriend but she said it was good and shes not a hardcore gamer like me so it should be for everyone not just for gamers but for amateursaswell


Recommended to anyone who is a fan of Ratchet and Clank. Excellent graphics and very good gameplay.This is another one in the long list of Ratchet and Clank games. Very good.


Loved it shame that is so few places to go , hoped for more.Was excited and by the time I calmed down game was finished and everything was done . what a shame!!


not played it yet, bought for birthday present in february, packaging was in excellent condition as was the disc.hope it plays ok in february.


Came quick does what it says great fun for kids but i had it for about 2 days and its now completed lol so it must be gr8 lol


A great sequal for our two heroes - and buying it on Amazon is still cheaper than downloading it from the Playstation Store!


i have always loved rachet & clank so was pleased to see that these where great cant put the games down once iv started


It’s a very good game keeps you gripped on every level +also as puzzles to work out to I love playing ratchet +klank .

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