

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Quercetti Classic Gears: Georello Tool Box reviews.
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For Quercetti Classic Gears: Georello Tool Box, 9 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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I bought this when my older son was about 3 and a half and we've had it for just over six months now. Now we are past the 'novelty of a new toy' stage, It gets played with semi-regularly - it's no competition for lego, but if I get it out, there's a fair chance that it will get played with for a while, and I like the fact that it's a very different type of construction toy from the others that we have. The green gear chain in particular is a main source of fascination (not as a gear chain but as an object in itself). My son hasn't had any problems playing with it independently on the whole although once in a while has had to ask me to take pieces apart for him.In terms of quality,we have had one or two of the prongs snap off, but I don't regard it as a major problem. It's quite nice chunky plastic and feels like a decent product. My main criticism is that it takes a bit of effort to fit all the pieces into the toolbox so that it shuts (although I guess if there were lots of space then I'd be complaining that I was expecting more pieces in it!). You certainly couldn't get one of the expansion sets and also fit it in which is a shame.
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I bought this for my 2 year old nephew for christmas as he loves wheels and gears. However, on christmas morning it was mayhem - my other 2 nephews (3 years old and 8 months old) wanted to play with it, my brothers in law want to play with it, my sisters wanted to play with it, my 60 year old Dad kept trying to sneak off with it and well everyone else would play with it inbetween. My boyfriend & I played with it on Christmas Eve - just couldn't wait!This toy is great fun for literally any age. The 3-D constructions are intersting to build - the toolbox comes with a booklet with pictures of designs to follow,there are stickers to put on the gears to make it look more appealing to the younger crowd and we all thought the adjustable plastic chain to interact with the gears is genius!The only thing I could fault this toy on would be the small pegs that secure the gears / scaffolding onto the board snap off if the anchor pieces are taken off roughly, but hey, what toy isn't indistructable by a 2 year old?Overall, great piece of kit! I want one for myself!
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We bought this for my son's 4th birthday, and he and his brother have been playing with it non-stop ever since! We've bought another one, as like typical brothers, they've been fighting over the wonderful toy.It has provided hours of fun so far, and even Dad and I are amazed at how entertaining it is.Next on the list is the big bucket of gears, as I somehow don't think you can ever have enough!10/10 :)


I bought this as a summer project and I,ve already checked the set and know I will have a great deal of fun.


Brilliant for our niece - she loves it!


Good stuff. Lots of possibilities



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