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For Purina Gourmet Perle Mini Fillets With Chicken (85 g x 24), 947 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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My cat is a very fussy eater. It took me long time to find acceptable biscuits for her, but she was never a big fan of 'wet' food. I tried all available options, really! Pate' is too dry, canned fish is too fishy, meat is too 'meaty' and there was always too many chunks and never enough sous in the cans. I gave up and fed her with dry food only until the day I had to give her medications. Cleo is rescued and doesn't like to be touched (she nearly killed the vet) so the only option was mixing meds with food. Liquid painkiller and powdered antibiotic needed some solution to be mixed with to mask the taste and smell. In desperation I bought samples of every wet food available at my shop and Cleo has gracefully chosen the gourmet Perle.We went through medications period without any problems whatsoever and she is demanding this food ever since. I give her 1-2 sachets a day and there are never any leftovers! I think Cleo would give Perle 5* without hesitation, I would give 3* as I'm not sure the quality of meat is that good (from the product description I understand it only has 4% of proper meat and the rest are scary sounding animal and fish derivatives, some vegetables and sugars), and therefore I think is too expensive for what it is. Between me and my cat the score is then solid 4*. I think I will have to buy this food until Cleo decides it's time for a change :)
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My beautiful Siamese cats adore their Gourmet. Real Fish & Meat in large natural chunks in a juicy sauce. A good amount in each sachie (unlike some) smells quite nice (for a change) A good variety. I keep a months supply on 'Amazon Monthly Order' so I do not need to carry the heavy boxes which are delivered straight into my kitchen. Comes with a good selection from Fish to Meat or they do a good Mixed variety. Contains vegatables like carrot tommies & peas which luckily both mine like to eat from our plates (probably the rich gravey or the sauce I cook them in) they are good ruffage and vitamins. Both my Siamese are in very good health, have lovely bright happy eyes and personalities,their coats are so glossy the hair shines. They are both full of energy and love to play each and every day. I say this, because I have a friend who feeds her Siamese on another catfood brand and the poor things coat looked dull & it was too lethargic not playing just looking glum and sleeping. I gave my friend a box of Fish Gourmet and within days her Siamese was transformed! Bright eyes much more active and loving and seems a lot happier and healthier like all Siamese. So she now has put in an order.
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Our cats are not particularly fussy eaters so would be happy with anything vaguely edible, but it's nice to give them something different for a treat. We like all of the Gourmet Perle range, though the jelly is easier to dish up than the gravy pouches. The peices of meat tend to get stuck in the gravy pouches, and we have to use a knife to scrape them out. As we divide one sachet between two cats we also tend to get a lot of gravy in one half and a lot of meat in the other.Having loads of different flavours to pick from is great, as the cats are fed mostly on biscuits and we rarely change the flavour of those. We also use wet food to dose tablets and medicine (one of our cats is on daily supplements),the gourmet has always covered up any medicine flavours so far!The price is quite high, especially as the sachets are smaller than many other brands (85g rather than 100g). As our cats are not fussy eaters we don't plan on using Gourmet Perle exclusively, only as a treat. However, for a fussy eater I would recommend trying this food.Being able to buy in bulk reduces the price, and is appropriate for multi-cat households! And delivery is always quick.
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Bought this because it was as cheap online as my usual cat food, and it saved me hauling heavy stuff home from the shops.BIG MISTAKE - the greedy little buggers now refuse to scoff anything else except Gourmet Perle - the look of disgust when I offered a bowl of their previous grub (I will mention no names, as there was nothin wrong with the other stuff - they just like this better) was comical! Ollie (half-persian, and therefore with a face that could grump for England, even when she's in a (rare) good mood) just stalked off in a huff. Grace and Sophie had a half-hearted lick but then went in to watch telly. I nipped down to the local supermarket to buy overpriced gourmet perle (I know,I know - I'm weak - I've made a rod for my own back etc etc etc - I've heard it all before).It looks and smells delicious, and obviously tastes fantastic. They are all in superb condition so nutritionally it must be ace as well. I've ordered more online, but there does tend to be a bit of a delay in delivery - I'll have to allow for that in future and get my orders in regularly,
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Mitzie the Cat, appears to enjoy this food more than the hundreds of different ones I've tried her with.She told me she thinks the portions are rather mean though. I have more recently bought her the DELICATE MEATS DUO'S which I think look and smell rather more appetising than the MINI FILLLETS IN GRAVY. I have however, examined the back of the packets for the contents as listed. I am somewhat appalled to see that despitethe blurbs you advertise, the actual named meat contents, are as little as 4%. I think you or rather your Scientific Staff, consider this adequate nourishment, but as a housewife it seems to me, despite the cat's enjoyment, thatthe meat/fish content is amazingly low,and I wonder how nourishing your products are?? I think probably you are no better/nor worse than all the other animal foodstuff Manufacturers in he U.K. By the way, Mitzie is a very smallAdult Cat, but manages to eat 3/4 sachets a day plus a constant supply of dried foods and water. She looks vry fit an lean and is very very active.
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I got this when it was on a good offer especially with subscribe and save.However - I've discovered what turns it from okay to must have for the resident felines. Unlike the gravied versions which need hoicking out with a fork to get every last piece, the block of jellied meat slides easily and cleanly out of the packet.If I break up the block with a fork, this is eaten appreciatively - but if I just leave it in its big jellied block, it is savagely and voraciously engaged with. The thought occurred that leaving it large might be a 'wilder' experience as it would be a bit more unruly and move as those sharp canines tried to get purchase and might make for more enjoymentWe aim to please our feline companion animals,and, oh my gosh, my 'I wonder if' experiment hit the inner hunter of the fireside fluffies. The lip smacking, the noisy voracious eating, the clean bowls and the maintenance of interest until the bowls were empty told a happy story
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Well, I don't love these but my cat, Alfie, does! He loves licking all the gravy and munching through the fishy chunks and often licks his bowl clean at mealtimes. I know this because he ignores his biscuits and throws the fridge magnets on the floor until I give him a pouch. He then purrs so loud that it almost masks the noise of his munching, licking and general nom nom-ing to the bottom of his bowl. The pouches are easy to open, push the side seals together (to make a round opening of the pouch) and the food simply falls out into the bowl. These Ocean Delicacies boxes contain shrimps which can be seen clearly in the food, just like in the picture. The only negative point I can think of is that these pouches,by far, provide my cat with the noisiest mealtime I've ever heard him have, which I credit to the silky gravy. Oh and the smell...
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We were starting to despair when our elderly cat became very fussy about what she would eat. For years she was very happy to eat Felix and Whiskas, but then suddenly went off both brands and all varieties. She would just lick the gravy or jelly off and leave all the meat -- so roughly three-quarters of each pack was wasted, and she was not getting any kind of balanced meal.We then tried Perle Gourmet and were delighted with the results -- the cat loves all the varieties and her appetite has returned. There's hardly any wastage, so even though this brand of food often retails for more in the supermarket than the mainstream types, it works out cheaper.And we have been able to buy in bulk at discount prices and be reasonably certain that it'll all be eaten -- result all round.Very pleased with the product.8/10
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My cats Harrison and Cassie love it, I haven't tried it yet......My two have been so picky lately that I've literally tried all brands of cat food and this one is 1 of 3 that they will eat. It comes in a really handy pouch of 85g which is easy to open and dispense the food. The chunks of meat are in proportion to the amount of gravy a good ratio. I must admit that it does smell appealing.It's pleasing to see a wet cat food that actually looks appealing and not plastic looking like a few brands that I've purchased in the past. Considering the cost for a pack of 24 pouches I'm really happy that my cats like this and I have it on Subscribe and Save which is a fabulous service from Amazon and Iknow I'll never run out.If you have picky cats who like gravy then I'll recommend giving this a try.
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Yummy, said the happy cat, more please Mr Man who I rely on for pretty much everything.I bought this from Amazon, I replied, just to make conversation, it was a bit cheaper than in the shops and as I paid on my credit card I had enough pennies left in my pocket to buy you this.Well, the cat said, looking slightly less happy, what the hell is it?It's a stick with a feather on the end of it, I said, it's for working off those extra few pounds.Great idea, Mrs Whiskers agreed, I didn't like to say but that little bit of spare tyre around your middle bit isn't impressing the girls as much as you might think.Cats aren't very good fighters if you avoid the teeth and claws.I won the ensuing tussle on a technical knockout.(NB no actaul cats were hurt during the course of this review)
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Really pleased with this purchase.My neighbour/friend has another neighbours cat come visit her everyday.They share his wellbeing and he knows exactly how to get everyone rolling out the red carpet for him!She now buys food for him even though he doesn't officially live with her and he has the cheek to be fussy. (He actually eats anything but he knows how to work it).When this came up on offer I figured he would be getting some really good cat food and my friend would be saving some pennies.Lovely selection of flavours and a good quality food in my opinion.The deal breaker was that it wasn't all fishy as he does like to plant a big kiss on her after.


Before buy this food I was giving fresh food every morning when I wake up. After start this, my cat start to came to my bed at 3:30 to wake me up to feed him. He didn't stop doing that until I get up and feed him. Sometimes with kisses and when it doesn't work he start to bit me.It turns him smarter: To avoid this situation I've closed my bedroom's door and he learnt how to open. Because of that now I'm keeping the door locked with keys, but It is very uncomfortable when I need to run to the toilet in the middle of the night and could cause me problems like peeing in my clothes.I really not recommend that for whom want to sleep during the night.


I have two cats called iggy and mo, both of them are incredibly fussy. I have tried all the brands you can think of named and otherwise and they will not touch any of them even if they have not been fed for a day! This cat food is gone within minutes of putting it out, it's flaky with some bits of veg and they absolutely love it.There are negatives, I hate gravy and find that it's hard to get out of the pouches that mean I end up with fingers that smell of cat food. Sometimes the tear along edge does not do it's job and I find that it only opens a bit of the pouch. They are expensive but I have no choice my cats would not eat otherwise!


Both my girls are fans of the Purina ranges over other brands - my old girl (coming up to 17 in two weeks) loves this & the pate in particular. Plenty of rich gravy and the chunky bits aren't too big (some brands have large chewy bits which she doesn't like). Price was better than supermarket and got free delivery - happy customer and cat. HOWEVER it appears Amazon are not doing cat food like this anymore and the third party sellers prices for some of the food is ludicrously high - cheaper to buy from any supermarket and pay their delivery charge than buy here, so I will ensure I do a proper comparison before buying in future.


I have no idea what any of it tastes like. Unfortunately my cat has been very ill. So I am trying to tempt him with everything. I don't know if he is ill or is grieving as his sister who died a month ago as they had never been apart. He is eating some of it but has no particular appetite at present, but I don't care as long as he tries. He seems to like all of it but eats so sparingly I wonder if he tastes any of it. I'm very grateful that the box showed up so quickly as I am in lockdown at present due to C-19 and am unable to shop and 60 pouches for the price is very good. I am pleased with my buy and will buy it again.

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