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For Project Snowblind (Xbox), 7 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.7.

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Talk about a crowded genre. The near-future combat-shooting section of your average game shop is rammed to breaking point, creaking under the weight of terror, counter-terror, team-based, solo infiltration and military paranoia blasters set in grey versions of the world a few years from now. So why on present-day Earth do we need another one? What can Project: Snowblind offer that we haven't seen a million times before?It's got enthusiasm and excitement smeared all over it, that's what. It wants to impress you. And boy, does it ever. Snowblind has the most action-packed opening I've ever seen, leading you through a pretty Hong Kong base as enemy forces attack and everyone's shouting,dying and shooting at you, each other and anything that looks vaguely unfriendly. "Go there!" your leader shouts, very excitedly, so you go. Things whizz down on zip lines, you shoot them, robot walkers stomp in, you take their heads off with grenades. All the while friendly troopers surround you, firing their weapons blindly as a whole world of panic erupts. That's just the first five minutes.When it comes to setting stalls out, Project: Snowblind does a remarkable job. And it never lets up, either. You'd think it would, but it doesn't. You'd think it would have a few bland sections, but it doesn't. Right the way though it's fast, furious and incredibly well directed. We were expecting another by-numbers shooter, but we didn't get one. Not only is Snowblind more action-packed than most, it's also better looking. Bland realism has been ditched in favour of a vibrant sci-fi movie look (part Robocop, part Starship Troopers), with colour, light, fire and extremely fashionable effects oozing and flashing out of the screen. It looks like a $100m Hollywood blockbuster.Once you've got the balls-in-a-vice terror of the opening section out of the way, a Spider-Man-style thoughtful voiceover pondering the whys and hows of the situation kicks in, as our hero - Lieutenant Nathan Frost - comes to terms with his bio-mechanical enhancements and emerges as a true hero and upholder of the law. Think Master Chief with a less gruff voice and more techno toys and you're on the right track.THEY CAN MAKE YOU WHOLE AGAINEvents in level one transpire to leave you dead, before military experimenters bring you back to life again - in a techno-warrior, ultra-enhanced fashion. The Y-button triggers your 'augmentations' - futuristic superpowers, if you will, an extremely wide and creative range of upgradeable, downloadable and clever-clever techniques that have been built into your enhanced body to assist you in the art of killing. Your super-soldier augmentations are the shields, heat vision options, reflex boosts, invisibility specials and so on that your engineered new self has wired into it - opening up a world of new methods to protect yourself and slaughter others in numerous creative ways.You have access to a 'Reflex boost' that kicks in a kind of bullet time, while retinal enhancements let you see heat enemy signatures through walls. New features come online as you play, with Lieutenant Frost gradually upgrading his machinery as the adventure unfolds.And these gadgets actually work. Your Energy gauge lets you use augmentations for a good 30 seconds or so, really helping you steer Nathan through the harder sections. Also, these special skills are interesting and new. How's that for a shock? The riot shields that fold out and form a transparent barrier for you to hide behind are completely fantastic toys, with each additional augmentation that comes online offering equally clever play options.The weapons are even better than the augmentations. The shotgun - always an action banker - has a secondary shot that attaches sticky bombs to enemies that detonate a few seconds later. It's unbelievably cool. The H.E.R.F. leaves mines on the floor that electrocute passing enemies - that is also unbelievably cool. There isn't a duff weapon in the game, with Snowblind having the best and most versatile array of shooters a game has ever featured.But all this technical, dual-use, augmentation stuff leads to a bit of a button-pressing logjam. Snowblind uses both triggers as primary and secondary fire, meaning you're stuck with using the black button to chuck grenades. It's never fun being forced to use the black and white buttons. Pressing left on the D-pad switches between augmentations and pressing right flips between grenade types. And, right, you press up and down to cycle through weapons. It's kind of awkward, especially if your brain is wired to the Halo 2 style of play and can lead to a fair bit of accidental switching during Snowblind's many hectic moments.But make that effort to break your programming and reach for the black button, because Snowblind's grenades are smart - a second press of the chuck button detonates the thing as it flies through the air, letting you pull off some extremely precise and well-aimed grenade attacks. It's like a normal grenade, but cooler. Which is also how Snowblind relates to other shooters - it's just plain cooler.
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What was developed as the next Deus Ex game became so dumbed down (but in a good way) that it got a whole new name - Project Snowblind. The problem solving is replaced with non-stop action, that mostly pays off. Some set pieces are fantastic and any first person action fan will love this.There are a few drawbacks though that stop this being the classic it so nearly is. Graphically, and especially the many cut scenes, seem designed to cater for PS2 hardware and can't help but look a little pants on the X-Box. It is still a fine blast though and hits many high points simply by the number of foes you face all at the same time. The bio implants need to be used to crack many tough situations.It's also a nice surprise when you find driveable vehicles - just a pity the handling and execution of this falls short of that shown in Halo. Physics in the game is limited, such as the unsatisfactory slump to the ground seen from far too many toasted bad guys. Gun emplacements are liberally scattered for you to overpower and use, much like the recent PS2 Killzone, but they are bland in their execution - seems a "me too" feature. More fun is taking control of the Robocop style robots and heading off for some stomping action.So, a loud and action packed blaster that is recommended. As enjoyable for me as the recent Psi-Ops: Mindgate Conspiracy. Thing is, if anything comes along with the quality of a Halo/Halo2, it'll be soon forgotten. Close...but no cigar.
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Project Snowblind is a solid FPS. It's selling points (bio-mods, pilotable vehicles and fellow NPC soldiers) have been taken straight out of other games, but it doesn't hinder the experience.A fun, engrossing shooter that should be considered by action fans, especially those who'll enjoy the near-future sci-fi setting.


thanks for the item it was great thanks

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