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For Profiler (PC/Mac), 6 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 1.

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If your ready to be disappointed then go ahead and buy this game.When I first came across this game I thought it looked good and the description really sold it to me. I read a few reviews on here and they weren't very happy with the game either but it was cheap enough so I thought I'd decide for myself.So bascially you put the CD in and the game runs from the CD with no installation which I wasn't keen on. I soon got over that and started playing. I was lead from a very quick and basic tutorial on whats what. As the other reviews have said you really don't have much input in the game. You get told what pieces of evidence you need to collect on the bar at the bottom of the screen as a list appears.You have to do this within a time period and you are allowed clues (which to be honest you don't really need!).The game is generally disappointing. You have to solve a few simple puzzles and that's it. I must also point out that whilst it is a short game I had to pop out for a moment while playing it and when I game back my computer had gone into sleep mode and I then found that when I got my machine out of sleep that the actual screen for the game had sunk so I couldn't click anything. I did imagine this to be a problem assuming that something somewhere was being saved for me but how wrong was I. Once I closed the game and opened it again I had to change Profile A to my name again and start again from the beginning. There is no save function in this game either so it's all or nothing in terms of time to play it.I really would advise against purchasing this game.
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Seriously I don't even know how they can sell this! I bought it from a local supermarket today on impulse, wanted one of those CSI type adventure games, and the box looked positive. However it was nothing like this. As someone else said you just sit there clicking on objects it lists on screen, not even hidden. It took less than half an hour to complete without even trying. Although I was actually glad it was completed soon as I was so bored already. How can they charge money for this seriously... I've played better demo games in the past that have lasted longer. Please please please noone else waste their money on this. I wouldn't even bother with it if they gave it away for free,it really is that awful. I never leave reviews ever, but I felt that strongly on this one that I did.
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This is truly awful.As others have reviewed, its not a hidden object game as all objects are clearly in view. There is only one puzzle - deciphering a code which was as easy as anything. No thought was needed - to 'solve' the murders you had to find the 'hidden' clues and then went on to the next murder. Incredibly boring and it took me less than 45 minutes with a coffee break in between.I feel very cheated with this. Honestly, don't waste your money.Interesting - I've just noticed that the other 1 out of 5 review I've given is for Secrets of the Vatican - also by the same people. So I won't be buying anymore of their games


This game was not worth the money.I finished it in 35 minutes (it tells you your time at the end) and I wasn't even playing it quickly.The game is not a hidden object game, because the objects are in clear sight right in front of you.The murder isn't even a good one, it's boring and has a rubbish ending.On the game case it says there are puzzles for you to solve. There was only one puzzle that was so simple, all you had to do was click on the symbols.I really don't like to be negative, but this game is a joke.Please don't buy it, because i wish i hadn't bothered.


I wish i had read the reviews before buying this "game". My boyfriend always tells me to read reviews first but i never bother. Finished it in 20 minutes. In the end I didn't even solve the case anyways, a witness identifies the murderer! Its like they started making it and then couldn't be bothered taking it any further. DON'T BUY


This game is not what it seems, it's more of a 'where's Wally' type game. Each crime scene has words at the bottom of your screen that say things like torch, lighter, banana, apple, donut.... You have find and click on each item, when you have found them all it's on to the next crime. Not challenging, not CSI, not fun!

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