

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Palit XpertVision GeForce RTX 2080 Super reviews.
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For Palit XpertVision GeForce RTX 2080 Super, 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 5.

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Amazon has 1 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.


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I have just upgraded from GTX970 Palit cards in an SLI arrangement which was giving a superb performance on most games, but I was finding that some newer games just didn't see the SLI set up (RDR2 being one of them). In some cases there were work arounds, but I decided to upgrade my card. I did plenty of research and opted to stick with Palit overclocked and went with the 2080s. I was able to get it for £711 with Amazon as the seller, so it may be worth monitoring for price fluctuations.I was able to play RDR2 online 4k with most settings at high or ultra and I was able to hit 60fps consistently with no noticable spin up on case fans (the card is pretty much silent, even with 3 fans). Unfortunately,this is the max refresh rate for my monitor so I can't say if I could have gone beyond this. I would guess that if I could get 4k@144hz, it would probably struggle, but I am fairly confident that you should be able to get 1440@144hz with ultra/high settings. I was considering getting a new monitor to get 144hz, but the game play at 4k@60hz is pretty smooth to me, so I am staying as I am.Bottom line: No regrets on the purchase and if my 970 cards are to go by, I should be furture proofed for a good few years. The 2080Ti was considered, but the performance gains did not outweigh the additioanl cost.
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