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OUTDOOR LIGHT (Door LED Up Down LED): See photo. It has taken the dark spot of my front door (no street light, no outdoor light) and made it welcoming for visitors and, more importantly, I can see the two locks to get my keys in without needing my phone torch! It is held on the wall with the supplied sticker, and I have had no issues (previous purchases from other brands fell off the wall when it got cold!). Worth noting, my door is sheltered by a porch - I imagine you would need to use the supplied screws to hang it if the light was going to be exposed to rain.INDOOR LIGHT (Nightlux Silver Ceiling LED): With three-way split-stairs at the top of the house, I have LOTS of motion-activated lights upstairs.I did this initially to ensure that guests didn't fall down the stairs, but then I discovered I liked not having to turn lights on for middle-of-the-night bathroom trips. So I have ended up with motion lights running all along the hallway at 2m intervals and also sited in both bathrooms, which is brilliant. One can maintain ones half-asleep zombie status, rather than turning on normal lights and suddenly being wide awake or setting off the bathroom fan. It's a genius concept. If you don't have one, I truly recommend you consider trying one. Four sets of neighbours have seen mine, and all have been converted instantly!This Osram Nightux silver ceiling version is really good. Slightly kooky in design ( would probably be more suited to a modern house, than my 1930's one) with a silver base and a golf-ball sized "bulb". i confess, I haven't attached it to a ceiling yet as I was testing out where best to place it. The one thing I did notice was that the packaging says this is cold white (I even dug it back out of the recycling bin to double check) as I thought the light was very warm. In comparison with other variants, it is the warmest white of all my "cold" white lights. And I really like the light it emits.As a ceiling light, rather than a walkway light, the light is quite bright (akin to a plug-in night light) and therefore I have put this in my bathroom as it sufficiently lights the whole room.The light itself is very light in weight, and therefore I don't see any issue with suspending it via the supplied 3M double-sided sticker. However, I would suggest that if you feel you may want to move it around over time, then perhaps the 3M removable Command strips (cut to size) will be a better option for indoors. (I'm not keen on attaching the light with screws, even though these are also provided in the pack). TIP: When positioning it, think about the direction from where people will approach it, and point the motion-sensor accordingly.The light stays on for about a minute - if you need longer, you just need to move slightly and it will come back on. The range in which it picks up movement is good - about 4 metres, so for me the light comes on before I've even reached the bathroom door, which is very handy.Both lights are excellent. Well done Osram!PS. I notice "expert installation" is offered - You don't need it! There is no wiring. They all run on batteries, which are supplied. You either use the sticker (2 minute job), or you need to drill two holes (10 minute job).
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The Osram Nightlux Stair Light is pretty good at the task it's designed for, illuminating dark stairwells or passages, but there are some limitations and a slightly ill-judged way of fixing it in place. It's a simple device in silver metal-looking plastic and it seems reasonably tough though I doubt it's very waterproof, the back seems like it would probably allow water to seep in quite easily. You need 3 AAA cells to power it and the first set is already fitted. There's an infrared sensor pointing upwards which sees an approaching person and switches on the light and that works well if you approach the light from higher up the stairs, but less well if you're climbing up the stairs.For that reason you might need a few of these to successfully light the full length of a gloomy staircase. The light is not that bright but it's certainly enough to light your way and it shouldn't disturb any sleeping neighbours overlooking the staircase when it illuminates. It switches off automatically about 20 seconds after you've passed by to save batteries.Fixing the light to the wall or skirting board should be easy but there's an odd arrangement on the rear of this light. You get a round metal plate with a self-adhesive pad on one side and a screw-hole through the middle and the instructions suggest using either to fix that plate to your wall. The single screw you need is stored screwed into the body of the light itself, which is thoughtful. Magnets fitted inside the light's body should then hold the whole thing onto the metal plate but they're really not very strong and can only hold it in one precise position and even then it doesn't take much to dislodge it. If you can make the magnet fixing work then it makes changing depleted batteries easy, you simply lift it off and swap a new set in. I suspect many people will probably screw the plate to the wall and then use the self-adhesive pad to fix the light to it, but attached that way you'll probably need a new sticky pad every time the batteries need changing.There's a switch inside the back cover to set the light off/on or to auto setting so that the infrared sensor takes control, but it's awkward to access the switch because you have to open up the light itself - most people will probably leave it on auto. On auto the sensor switches the light on as soon as light levels drop, it doesn't wait for darkness and comes on at the light levels probably equivalent to early dusk, so in some dimly lit stairwells will probably always be active. Overall it's a neat and well-made item that accomplishes its task well enough but it could have a better method of fixing it to the wall.
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This is the sort of emergency torch you need when there are power cuts. Or when you're on holiday and there's no street-lighting on the road back to your villa, Or when you want a light to come on to highlight a trip-hazard when you have friends visiting and you haven't got around to fitting a permanent light yet.It runs on 3 x AAA batteries, which go in a funny little holder thing (see the photo). Two cells go one way round; the last one goes in upside-down (they're connected in series, so make up 4.5 V). They power a bright white LED (or two) hidden behind a diffusing screen on the side of the torch. The placement of the light seems a bit weird at first,but in fact it means you can walk along holding it comfortably and it illuminates the ground where you're about to walk.Alternatively, you can put it into its clip-in holder, which can be screwed to a wall, and use as a motion-sensor light. It turns on for about 30 seconds if it detects motion and the ambient lighting is dim or it's dark.Or you can simply leave it in its holder (perhaps somewhere near the stairs?) so you have emergency lighting if the power goes out unexpectedly. It clips into the holder very easily. The easiest way to get it out of the holder is to put finger and thumb top and bottom and slide it down.Despite the diffusing screen, the white light is harsh. Not good for mood lighting, but very good for finding your way about. The body of the torch seems to be made of quite cheap plastic, but there's structural ribbing inside that makes it strong. It's rated at 10 lumens, which doesn't sound like a lot, but is probably a good compromise for battery life. It seems pretty bright when you're using it. It's also rated as splash-resistant and dust-proof, so it should be fairly robust in normal use.The only thing I'd be a bit worried about would be the battery life when it's in "auto" mode, with the motion sensor active. This must drain the battery, although as yet I haven't used up the cells that came with the torch. If you fit Duracells with a long shelf-life, and leave the switch in the "off" position when you're not using it, and if you're only using it occasionally, you may get up to ten years of use from this torch on a single set of batteries.Note that it's relatively chunky: it's a comfortable size to hold in your palm, but you can get much smaller torches that fit on keychains, if tiny size is what's important.
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Item arrived after 4 working days, amazon packaging looks a bit flimsy but item was intact. Instructions are all on the manufacturer's packaging and are simple to understand. I placed it somewhere to overlook the stairscase and to light up the steps when we need to use the bathroom during the night. To get the right fixing spot, i had to do many trials and errors using blutack to stick item to the wall and walk up and down the stairs before i was fully pleased with its detection and performance.It works beautifully for couple of days eventhough it is not supposed to light up during day light as advertised.If it keeps uselessly doing so, then the battery life will be considerably reduced.I checked whether it is possible to correct and adjust the sensitivity of the photocell detector to enable item to operate only when it gets dark, unfortunately nothing could be done. I was left with only one option, is to dismantle item, analyse and check the electronic board itself. No adjustment could be done there too. I need to say, in the process, that item is very solidly built and its waterproofing is very reliable too. My idea now is to remove the photocell detector from the electronic board, from the casing and soldered it to 1m of wire where i can place the detector, using blutack again, on the window sill in direct day light and test the whole unit again. To my satisfaction, the leds do not light up when photocell is exposed to day light, but when i covered the photocell unit with my hand, creating a darkness around it, the leds light up when movement is detected. Great! so, this is how the Osram Nightlux overlooking the staircase now works, only illuminating the steps when it gets dark outside, thus prolonging the battery life wisely.As advertised, being waterproof, item can also be used externally,thus, being exposed directly to the outside daylight, meaning the photocell detector detects better the change between day and night as compared to when operating inside the house where it lacks detection between indoor ambient shade and darkness.According to the title of my review,For outdoor use, item outperforms but for indoor performance, the user should have been able to adjust the sensitivity of the photocell detector, making it more sensitive to differentiate between indoor ambient shade and darkness...but for its price tag...I'm loving it! :-)
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I spent a long time looking for the perfect nightlight for our bathroom. What I was looking for was a simple, efficient nightlight which had a light sensor to stop it coming on during the day, and had a variable timer, so that it would actually illuminate the bathroom for more than 10 seconds at a time when you need to use the toilet during the night and don't want to turn on the main light.This does everything I need and has been a fantastic purchase. The sensor range if perfect for our needs, it isn't too sensitive so it won't activate if you're passing the bathroom but not entering it, but once in the bathroom it's sensitive enough to pick up the slightest movement.The amount of light it emits when the batteries are fully charged is just right,not so bright enough as to force your eyes to adjust too quickly, but allowing plenty of light to illuminate the room and let you see what you're doing. The adjustable angle of the light beam is a very handy feature, especially if you have the light placed on a flat horizontal surface.Most importantly for me, you can change the settings for the length of the timer to either 10 seconds (useful if you just want to use it in hallways as you pass) or 60 seconds which is ideal when you want the light to stay on slightly longer, like when using the bathroom during the night. There are all sorts of reasons why you don't want a light to suddenly go out and plunge you into total darkness in that scenario!Overall I've been really happy with this purchase. Battery life seems good, although my boys tend to re-appropriate the light as a 'rescue torch' and so I don't have a reliable indication of how long batteries would last under 'normal use' - but I've no reason to suspect that it's anything less than good.You can mount the device to a surface using supplied double-sided sticky foam, or just screws - but it's worth noting that the back of the device is slightly magnetic as well.Lastly the overall build quality and finish is fantastic. Often these sort of devices can end up looking cheap and plasticky, but this looks very well designed and would blend nicely into any modern home.Overall a great product from a reliable manufacturer.
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I do like this light, but at the same time I can't help feeling the design is a compromise solution.So, why do I use the word 'compromise'? Well, it's neither bright enough to be fully useful in a shed or remote garage, nor dim enough to avoid waking you up during a night time loo visit. At such times, when you have full night vision, a faint glow is all you want. The most suitable placement for this light then, would be either in a cupboard or an unlit corridor or stair - somewhere you need to transit safely but won't be actually needing a particularly bright light to search for anything. The light is rated at IP54, meaning it's protected from splashes of water from all directions and I have therefore placed mine by some unlit garden steps where it works rather well.Looking at the sliding end switch I'm slightly dubious about it resisting rain, so I mounted that pointing down. The light is made of moulded plastic and encouragingly, the screw down battery cap has a rubber O ring.Could it be improved? Yes. My suggestion to the manufacturers is a selectable high and low setting, with high being twice the current brightness and low set at about a fifth of the current output. That would earn it five stars from me.On receipt I was surprised by how small this light is, at 108mm length and 32mm diameter. It's neat, but not a thing of great beauty, and could easily be mistaken for a home security motion detector. My test sample was silver and shiny, unlike the product image that suggests a matt finish. If you intend buying one and using it indoors I suggest the white option would be more discreet and elegant. Sunlight would turn the plastic yellow though, so for outdoors choose the silver option. It takes three AAA batteries (included) and comes with a detachable wall mount and screws. The power rating is 0.35W and the light output is 10 lumens. The two selectable modes are "On" and "Auto" which swiches on the light until 20 seconds after the last motion has been detected, thereby giving you enough time to transit the area.
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This dinky little torch is an ideal addition to any home or indeed purse etc, Standing 5 inches or so tall it's a bit smaller than I figured (not having bothered to read the description properly!!) but it packs a fair punch light wise so long as you use decent batteries (power in gives you power out sort of thing).I personally found getting the battery cap off with arthritic hands somewhat difficult just because there's little purchase on a shiny surface. It takes 3 x AAA batteries which slot in the base once you gain access. Then you have a choice of where to site it for maximal benefit. I'm using it as a night light but it has a swivel holder that can be screwed to a wall etc.The torch then slots into the holder so can easily be removed for handheld use.It has 3 settings - On, Off & Auto (with further settings inside the battery cap) and for most purposes Auto will be the most likely setting and on that setting it has an automatic sensor for movement and light so that it becomes primed at dusk.Ideally it's best sited somewhere it isn't being continually activated by motion to save the batteries, e.g. not low down if you own a dog! It will suffice as a lightweight PIR for outside use but I don't figure the lights bright enough for that purpose. I find it much better in the bathroom for those times I don't want to put the light on through the night. The light is good enough to illuminate a 10' square bathroom such that you can read by it but the light level is low at best and penetrates probably about 2 metres clearly. The sensor has operated from as far as 3 metres which is good. Once activated it will remain lit so long as movement continues within its range - something to be aware of if using it as your sole lighting source for a bathroom in the middle of the night.There are plenty of options on this little torch to make it a worthwhile addition to any family - especially if you're looking for a children's night light.
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Yes,, my only gripe is i wish the light emitted from the unit was a softer yellow colour instead of that horrid white light so common with these types of motion sensors but never mind... let's move onto the job in hand. The exterior look and feels of quality so not pound shop cheap looking or feel at all (also i wish it came in a range of colours such as black or grey). The manufacturers are very clever because to attach onto your chosen surface, you need to simply stick the round disk at the back onto its own magnetic section and it holds the weight of itself. Now that is genius! You can pivot the light up and down so direct it to where you like. personally,i've positioned it at the top of the stairs but directed the light towards the floor as you don't want the bright light to blind you at night or erase that lovely dream you had but the other one i bought, I've placed it up the stairs at its default or straight on angle. I really do like this light as it does not switch itself on in the daytime but only when it gets towards dusk. Bizzarely enough, even if it is a bit darker in the daytime than normal, it still does not switch itself on (OK, a few times it did but it's like it knows when it's day and when it's creeping towards dusk - OK, that's not true but it acts as thought it does!). The light switches on when you are about 2 metres away from it although i think the descriptions claims something else. It comes with its own batteries and only time will tell when they run low. There is no on or off switches but inside the battery cover, you can select whether you prefer to have the light on for 10 seconds or for 60 seconds until it turns itself off.... of course, it'll ignite again once it senses more movement. But if only it was a warmer light, think what i would save on leccie bills from the corridor alone! Before I go, quick delivery too but prime doesn't always seem to be prime delivery anymore!
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This is a neat and smartly-designed dual-function light which can operate either as a hand-held torch, PIR lamp or both.The 11x3cm cylindrical lamp unit can be hand-held as a torch providing a frontal bright LED light which is ideal for lighting a few feet ahead. Alternatively it can be slotted into its semi-cylindrical holder which can be either screwed or stuck onto a flat surface (self-adhesive foam pad supplied)such as a wall or fence and used as a pir lamp. Set into 'auto' mode the pir is triggered by human or animal movement activating the sensor and switches on the lamp for 20 seconds or until the trigger has passed by. This makes it ideal for use inside a cupboard or wardrobe where it will illuminate as the facing door is opened,inside a loft access hatch to provide immediate illumination as the loft is entered, inside a shed or even in an en-suite bathroom to provide a gentle light for nocturnal trips to the loo without waking or disturbing a sleeping partner. It's also handy at the top of a stairwell or near any trip hazards to provide instant illumination in dark conditions.It is battery powered by 3 x AAA batteries (supplied) and also works well using rechargeable batteries for even greater energy efficiency and economy.I already use several LED pir lamps around our home but this is the neatest design, most compact and produces a similar light level despite being only a third of the size of the others. Its pir is highly effective up to about 3m away and it has a wide angle of detection picking up movement to its sides, not just in front. I also like its portability and the fact it can double as a highly portable torch due to its 3-position on/off/auto power switch. Build quality is good and with its IP54 rating, it's also splashproof so can be used outdoors in light rain.
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It comes with batteries installed, 3 AAA size. The first thing I noticed was that it's very bright. It's a warm-ish light and doesn't seem cold to me, even though it's described as cold. This impressed me straight away but it remains to be seen how much time the batteries get. It's kind of tube-shaped and can stand easily upright on a flat surface. The bottom unscrews enabling access to the battery holder which slides out in one piece.There is no way to change the light focus, which is for illuminating an area rather than a beam, but it's bright enough to light a whole room. At first sight it looks metallic, but it's grey plastic. In the hand it has a cheap feel to it sadly, but it's sufficiently well-built.Were it weather-proof it would have more potential uses. It doesn't really have the design of a torch, though in an emergency can of course be used as such.There are 3 settings on the top: On, Off and Auto. On and Off should be self explanatory. Auto uses the motion sensor to turn on the light and this works well, even from a distance across the room. It stays on mostly the whole time, even if I stand almost still, so it seems to be sensitive.It also comes with a curved clip that the light can snap or slide into, and two screws for attaching the clip to a wall or door if desired. Mine's going inside the shed.Overall this is impressive for the price, in particular the amount of light it puts out for its size and that it achieves this through batteries. But I guess LED technology has really advanced in the last 15 years or so; I have a similarly impressive head-torch. Its performance is far more than its physical look and feel would suggest.
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This is a battery powers (no wiring required) nightlight, which has three light settings (being, on, off and automatic). It's primary purpose is to provide enough light to be able to safely move around at night, without flooding the room with so much light that everyone else wakes up. It comes with a self adhesive pad, so that you have the flexibility to position it exactly where you want it.I suspect its very self explanatory as to what the "off" and "on" settings do and so I'll just mention the "automatic" setting. As the light comes equipped with a motion sensor, the automatic mode enables it to automatically turn on when it senses movement and will turn off again once that movement has stopped.However,the key downside I see to this is that your choice is reasonably permanent. The switch to change between modes is located inside the light itself and therefore, it is not particularly easy to access, once the light has been affixed to the wall. It is therefore likely that the automatic mode is the one which is most frequently used as even though it is LED powered, I can't see the batteries lasting very long if it is left on all the time.Finally, the colour temperature of this light is 4000K, which is quite a cold light and contains an element of blue light - traditional incandescent bulbs had a colour temperature of 2700K and I'm not sure why this wasn't manufactured with the same colour temperature, especially when there is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that blue light can interfere with sleeping patterns.
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Brilliant light. Motion sensor also has a light sensor hidden inside so it only triggers when it is dark enough. Motion detection range is good and, because the sensor sits at a slight angle, you can increase/decrease the detection a little be changing the orientation of the light. The light is very bright in some respects but by placing it at the correct height or orientation you can prevent it pointing in your face.We have two at the moment and plan on getting more. Acts as a brilliant night light for the bathroom - bright enough to see clearly without hurting tired eyes or waking you up in the night. Currently use the second one near the kettle to brighten up that area without having to switch the main kitchen lights on.Will get at least 3 more - to go above light switches at top and bottom of stairs so that it lights up that space most of the time without needing mains lights, plus another to take away on holiday (just place across top of cistern on back of toilet or near doorway to be able to find light switch).Comes with batteries that have yet to be changed (have had first one for about a year). Have not stuck down the lights using provided sticky pad as we also use the lights like a torch so can't comment on that, hence 3 stars for adhesion.The only downside we see is you cannot change the time the light comes on for, but this would be nit-picking.We use ours indoors so it is ok to point the sensor upwards, I am not sure if this would affect it's waterproof rating if mounted outside.
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This is a very neat and helpful household light. It has given me only two ‘problems’, both pre-installation and one at least rather embarrassing: I couldn’t understand the instructions, and I also had to think a bit to identify a suitable spot in the house to mount it. I am happy to recommend the light to other householders, and to pass on my advice how to ignore the well-meant instructions. Just look at it for a moment – having decided on on a spot to hang the device, you attach the disc to the chosen spot by means of its adhesive pad, and you attach the unit proper by clicking it on to the reverse of that. Bye-bye hard instructions. I suppose it’s likely that the adhesive pad may not adhere indefinitely,but most of us surely have enough DIY skill to cope with that challenge.Where it scores for me over other lights, either mains lights on the ceiling or small battery lights on the wall, is that it shines very conveniently on to the bottom two steps of my stairs, which are fairly steep. These have been in a kind of permanent shadow whatever lights I have been using. Now they are nice and clear, and I am not likely to miss a step, or two steps, on my way down again. This new approach light turns on automatically (using the ‘auto’ setting obviously) and turns off after a suitable short interval.A minor but welcome safety item, and I expect it will be as helpful and reassuring to others as I am finding it. Batteries (3xAAA) are supplied on delivery.
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This is an excellent outdoor light. Purchased 6th of December 2016 so had a very good run in. I attached this light directly to the UPVC door frame above our front door using the enclosed sticky pad. Stuck firm and is still stuck firm after near to a year. It looks like it's part of the door frame. Very neat indeed.The batteries haven't been changed since I installed the light unit and the light beam is still nice and bright. The white light beam is just perfect as it only lights up the doorway and the ground in front of it rather than the whole street...unlike some of my neighbours' crazy security lights which go off when a hydrogen molecule is detected.The motion sensor detects motion as we get to the top of our drive so about 3 metres away. But as the light doesn't illuminate that far it is very useful and doesn't bother neighbours.My next door neighbour asked me where I got mine from shortly after I got mine and he promptly purchased one for himself. His crazily bright front outdoor light now doesn't come on, just this door light so he must have switched the other light off. Yay!Excellent. Highly recommended.October 14th 2018 update:Thought I'd give an update on this door light. Very happy to say that it's still working brilliantly and still firmly stuck to the frame with original adhesive pads. And yesterday I replaced the 4 AA batteries...so about a year's worth of light from one set of 4.
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Osram night light with motion sensor..............This is a palm sized (11cm long by 3.5cm wide roughly) light which can be used as a torch or a wall mounted night light.Light........The light is a small section on top of the unit- roughly 4cm long and across the body of the torch. It emits a white light, which is 0.35w or 10 lumens, so very subdued and quite dim...best for a gentle night light rather than a torch to use to search with.It has a standard on/off function and an “auto” mode. You simply slide a switch on the top of the body of the unit to choose which you want.The torch is separate to the hanging casing and slides in and out for use, or to change the batteries.The casing is wall mountable with two small screws ( provided) or a small sticky pad ( provided).It takes 3AAA Batteries , which are provided .Use......I am using this in my bathroom on the auto mode, it is great for my children who often wake in the night to use the bathroom, it picks up the movement and on it comes, giving a gentle light that doesn’t hurt sleepy eyes, however it is strong enough to allow them to see what they are doing.It would also work well in bedrooms where there is a distance between the light switch and the bed, as this allows you around a minute to get into bed before it switches off, more than enough time.It makes a great night light, especially good for little ones in my opinion.
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