

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Nikon 35mm f/1.4G AF-S Nikkor reviews.
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For Nikon 35mm f/1.4G AF-S Nikkor, 4 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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After reading a tons of reviews I was a little doubtful about this lens.Some said, sharp and fast, othere said not so sharp and nothing special.But, after I tried this lens on my d610 and d810 camera, all I can said, it is amazing (at least my copy).Have several nikon lenses; 24,35,58,85.. and neither is better than the other - they are all extremely sharp, very fast, with excellent rendition.35G from all of them for me personally has most beautiful colors. It is very compact and well balanced on camera. Weight is also optimal - not so heavy, not so light.If you prefer this focal lenght, this is absolutelly lens to go.


After sigma shocked the world with the 35 mm art, I was one of them who tried it and yes...it's awesome...But Nikkor is always nikkor and canon always canon...Found a great deal and i decided to pay the price...You get what you pay for, is th saying and it's true... I feel the price in this lens...It's astonishing...Love the bokeh, it's immense. Downside was the focus... a tad slower and in my case I had to correct the focus quite a bit, calibrate it...wasn't expecting... But when it's sharp where you want, it's amazing... Still recomend


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