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I had the Nikon 17-35mm f2.8 and the Nikon 14-24mm f2.8 lenses but in all honesty the Nikon 14-24mm was rarely used due its heavy weight and less useful zoom range. At 24mm its still pretty wide.So the 17-35mm became the one I took with me for landscape photography. Its a very good lens - sharp and contrasty.When the 16-35mm came out I decided to sell the other 2 lenses and just have this one. However for a week I had all 3 lenses and was able to compare them.Now personally I'm not in to shooting brick walls so I shot the landscape at the bottom of my garden - which does have a few large gardens and houses in it.At f8 - f11 - the f-stop I most commonly use - I really couldn't tell the difference between the 14-24mm and the 16-35mm.Both produced shots with sharpness from edge to edge - even in extreme corners. The 17-35mm is just as sharp in the centre and edges but goes very slightly mushy in extreme corners. Not a big deal really but does show how good the 16-35mm and 14-24mm lenses are. Overall the 14-24mm does seem to the sharper of the 3 lenses though not by a massive amount. The 17-35 and 16-35mm are very similar in sharpness except in extreme corners where the 16-35mm wins out.A comparison at f4 / 24mm showed the 16-35mm outperformed the 17-35mm and got very close to the sharpness of the 14-24mm. I'd expected to see a lot of softness wide open so delighted to see it remained acceptably sharp even in the corners.I also compared the 17-35mm and 16-35mm in terms of contrast and colours and the 16-35mm was a subtle but clear winner. It just looks more colourful. I couldn't measure it but when you flick between identical photos with identical settings the 16-35mm has a slightly more pleasing colour - punchier and somehow brighter despite both shots being identical and both f11 at 1/200 of a second. Again the differences are not massive.With the extra 1mm at the wider end and having vibration reduction the 16-35mm is a clear winner for me. However if you already have the 17-35mm the difference is not so massive you need to rush out and buy the 16-35mm - in fact the differences are fairly subtle. Ok the 16-35mm has sharper extreme corners but honestly how important are the extreme corners to most photographs?The only downside to the 16-35mm is its slightly longer in length than the 17-35mm. I can just about squeeze in my D700 + 17-35mm in a small camera case but the 16-35mm requires the larger case I normally use for my D700 + telephoto lens. Weight wise the 16-35mm is 50g lighter than the 17-35mm.I suspect in real life photography the 16-35mm and 17-35mm are so close in sharpness and quality no one will tell the difference unless you do 10 foot by 20 foot posters and they look hard at the far corners! The 14-24mm is the sharper lens but again in most cases you won't tell the difference without close examination on high magnification. Its downside is weight and limited zoom range.I've had chance to test the VR ( vibration reduction ) feature of the lens. At home I can easily get sharp shots handheld at 1/4 of a second. Below that has improved impossible but 1/4 is pretty good for hand held. A visit to Lydford Gorge waterfall allowed me to test the VR in the real world and it worked pretty well. However at 1/4 second the number of blurred shots was about 60% - in part due to being rushed by people behind me trying to get past or simply being on unstable ground. I did however manage to get a few good and sharp shots of the rushing water - with the 1/4 ensuring the fast flowing water had a nice smooth look. Without VR it'd required a tripod to get any sharp shots - which would be pretty tricky on parts of Lydford Gorge due to its narrow paths and quantities of people
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I spent a long time wondering if buying the Nikon 16-35mm was going to be a wise choice.I had intended going for the Nikon 14-24mm f2.8, I already own the Nikon 24-70mm f2.8 so it seemed at first to be a no brainer given the 14-24mm's reputation for image quality.Then I did some online research, a whole day in the end, and the choice became increasingly less obvious. Opinion was pretty much divided, no one argued the quality of the 14-24mm but in other areas the choice was less clear cut.I decided to go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate how I would be using the lens.The lens was for intended for landscape so the 16-35mm on an FX body was a good focal length for this.I like to shoot in inclement weather,the Nikon 14-24mm's inability to accept filters so having the front element exposed to wind, sand, sea spray and rain without the protection of a UV filter would have been a major concern.The 16-35mm is an f4, so down a stop on the 14-24mm, and unlike many landscape photographers I rarely use a tripod as I find it gets in the way. Photographing whilst standing on slippery wet boulders can be tricky enough without a tripod to send you flying, so I tend to opt for a monopod or hand hold. So the Vibration Reduction had appeal.Also the for me focal length had an advantage, 16-35mm covers a good spectrum of wide angle use. I try to plan for the lens I need before I go out and shoot. Changing lenses in rough weather is not a good idea to me, not only the risk of unwanted debris entering the camera or rear of the lens, but also the risk of dropping it.On this basis I opted for the 16-35mm f4. So how have I found performance?I ran some tests as far as I was able against my Nikon 24-70 f2.8, I took some shots at 24mm and 35mm on both lenses at the same f-stops, f4 and f8 with my Nikon D800 mounted on a tripod. I then blew these up to 300% in PhotoshopCC on a 27 inch monitor. This way exceeded what I would require of the lens.At 35mm the Nikon 24-70mm appeared to have the advantage in terms of edge to edge sharpness, also for some unknown reason the the 16-35mm seemed to loose colour saturation compared to the 24-70mm. At f8 the 16-35mm was better though not the colour. This was simply adjusted in Photoshop.At 24mm the situation reversed and the results were very noticeably better than those from the 24-70mm at both f stops. The colour saturation problem also disappeared.I also ran some tests at 16mm, though I could not make any direct comparisons, the shots were taken in a conservatory with white chairs that had a wicker pattern on them. At f4 there was no real detail on the chairs at the image edges, at f8 the image improved very dramatically with good detail across the entire frame. This improved still further at f11.All images taken at on the Nikon 16-35mm at f8 and viewed at 100% in Photoshop were impeccable.In the field.If I was still having doubts about my choice these did disappear once out in the wilds. This is a lovely lens to use. At first I thought it felt bit light and plastic for a pro Nikon lens, but once on the D800 it felt very well balanced and a very comfortable weight. It is fully weather sealed and suffered no mishaps when shooting close up to water falls despite getting fairly wet.The quality of the images has not disappointed in any way. I think what counts are the results you get in the field, and this lens really delivers, also I experienced no issues at 35mm.Also there is a significant price difference between the 14-24mm and the 16-35mm, large enough in fact to buy another piece of kit.Perhaps if I ever take up interior photography I will take another look at the 14-24mm.
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I've been considering buying Nikon's 14-24mm f2.8 for a few months to fit my D700 that I bought last November. However, I was concerned about the lack of protection afforded to the somewhat bulbous front element due to the inability to fit filters. Nikon's 14mm prime at least allows filters to be fitted to the rear but has an equally unprotected front element.The new 16-35mm loses a few degrees coverage at the wide end, is a stop slower but takes 77mm filters. Nikon suggests 4 stops extra shutter speed from v2 of their anti-vibration system for this lens. Lets be conservative & say only 3 stops - that's still very significant & translates into being able to shoot down to 1/4" if you have steady hands.Many of my shots taken in a crowded part of London show blurry people against a sharp background. The loss of a stop in aperture is compensated by the VR but still allows you to have backgrounds out of focus.Although the results are fair at f4 at the widest zoom setting - stopping down helps the edge sharpness. 16mm also suffers from far more barrel distortion & vignetting than the 14-16mm lens & is (from what I've read) not as sharp but much lighter & still well made.I do love this lens & although it duplicates part of the range covered by my amazing 24-70mm f2.8. 16-35mm is perfect for architectural use & internal shots but fairly useless for portraiture unless you want to lose friends!If like me, you have wanted a very wide angle lens for ages but have never used anything under 24mm - do take care with composition - looking through endless shots of a triangular shaped world where all verticals converge has a limited novelty factor after a while. One viable solution is to hold the camera straight, therefore forgetting about filling the foreground & crop it out instead during post-processing.I bought a mid-price lowish profile UV filter at the time of purchase & fitted a Hoya HD CIR-PL low profile on top. There is a small but sharp amount of vignetting at 16mm f4 but none with just either filter fitted. Care is needed using polarising filters on such wide angle lenses due to uneven &/or unnatural variations in the brightness of blue skies. One significant thing missing on this lens is chromatic aberations (purple fringing).The most significant weaknesses of this lens can be addressed with any decent photo-editing s/w & although my only Nikon VR lenses, the vibration reduction is far from being a gimmick, even on such a wide angle lens. If you have a DX format Nikon, there are more appropriate lenses than this one that is designed for FX format cameras.
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The Nikkor 16-35mm f4G VR is the second widest and second cheapest of Nikons ultra wide zoom lenses, the others being the Nikkor 14-24 f/2.8G, Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D and finally the Nikkor 18-35mm f/3.5-5.6G.The build of the Nikkor 16-35mm f/4G VR is good but not great. It is made from plastic and isn't of the same quality as older Nikkor lenses or the Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 but it does feel generally well made and is also weather sealed.It is slightly smaller than the Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G (900g) but considerably lighter (685g). It feels good in the hand and the zoom ring works smoothly. Unlike the Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8 (and Tamron 15-30mm f/2.8 VC) the 16-35mm has a 77mm filter thread,which allows fro circular filters to easily be fitted to the lens.The VR gives around 2.5 stops of stabilisation and works pretty well. The VR is useful when shooting at slower shutter speeds when you want to shoot at higher apertures. The 16-35mm has a silent wave motor, which does work well it isn't the fastest AF but it really doesn't need to be.Optically the lens isn't perfect and is one of the weaker performing ultra-wides made by Nikon. At 16mm the lens suffers from distortion, which isn't surpising and generally can be corrected in post production. The lens is generally sharp in the centre up to around 30mm but it gets slightly soft at 35mm. Corner sharpness is not one of the lenses strengths and it isn't particularly sharp in the corners, even stopped down to f/8. At f/4 the lens does suffer from vignetting but by f/8 it isn't an issue. Chromatic aberration is generally handled very well and there wasn't too much flare,when shooting into the sun.The 16-35mm isn't a great lens for bokah but it doesn't look too bad.Compared to the Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8 and Tamron 15-35mm f/2.8 optically to the 16-35mm f/4G both the f/2.8 lenses are considerably better and if optics are everything the 16-35mm isn't the way to go but the 16-35mm is a far more practical lens, being lighter, having the filter thread and the VR.
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I've had this lens for a while now. Initially I wasn't sure and nearly sent it back, but the more I use it the more I appreciate it. It was a toss up between this lens and the Nikon 14-24 2.8. I decided that the 14-24 was just too bulky and heavy to carry around all day, and that bulbous front glass was way too exposed to damage for my liking, not to say that it isn't an amazing lens - it is - but perhaps a bit too specialised for my tastes as a keen amateur rather than a pro. Having recently tried the 14-24 on my camera it has confirmed that I made the right choice as the other issue with the 14-24 is that although it is 2.8, taking sharp handheld shots in low light was very much hit and miss,whereas with the 16-35 VR I can nail a sharp shot more often than I could with the 2.8. At the end of the day it's horses for courses, if I could afford both, I'd probably have both as they both have slightly different uses - as a pure landscape lens the 14-24 on a tripod would edge ahead in image quality and the extra 2mm is always useful, but as I could only buy one, I'm glad I chose the 16-35 f/4 VR as it is a much more portable lens, takes filters and fits easily in a regular sized camera bag. Being approximately the same size a the 24-70 and 70-300, I don't need to buy another 'day' bag, whereas the 2.8 is huge at one end and simply does not fit into most bags. I'd suggest you try both out on your camera if you can't decide which to choose.Results are sharp across the frame, and images show great colour reproduction and excellent contrast. If you go out of your way to create it, you can get flare but it is extremely good in that respect. It is a heavy lens if you are not used to the Nikon pro range of lenses but is one of the lighter pro lenses and does not become uncomfortable to carry around all day, even on a D300s with grip, or a D3s.
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Date of purchase: 03/08/2015There are far more detailed reviews here as well as on the net; so I'll keep it simple:1) the 16-35mm is lighter (680g versus 1000g) than the 14-24mm. One can argue that if you're shooting landscape and the lens is mounted on a tripod, the weight doesn't matter. Well, who's going to carry it there? :)2) the 16-35mm is cheaper (£829 versus approx. £1200) than the 14-24mm. That's highly subjective to your budget, but £370 is a considerable sum which can be invested back in your photography gear.3) As if the 14-24mm isn't bulky enough, please Google pictures of the 14-24mm with the Lee filter system; it's an absolute behemoth.4)The 16-35mm range on this is far more practical allowing it to act as a landscape/street photography hybrid. The 2mm loss on the wide end is considerable but at 16mm you are already quite wide. If you are going to lose sleep over the 2mm, then get the 14-24mm, simple as.5) F2.8 to F4 is a full one stop reduction... that's definitely a big deal if you're considering this for night sky photography; if that's the primary use then by all means grab the 14-24mm! However my hypothesis is this is a primarily a landescape lens in which case you'll have a lot more in focus wide open at F4 than at F2.8. It terms of light loss, given that both are likely to be mounted on a tripod (see point above), then really the F2.8 is no longer as a big loss at it first appears (no pun intended).6)The addition of VR may encourage you to use this handheld, a far more enjoyable experience than a tripod/cable release combo.I hope I have convinced you to save yourself and your wallet some serious cash which you can spend on some filters, etcI'll be posting some sample photos following the bank holiday weekend so you can judge the lens sharpness, distortion for yourselves etc
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This 16-35 Nikon lens is a bit special in my books.Obviously only being F4 it isn't quite as useful in the dark as its predecessor - the 17-35mm - not to be confused with the DX only Nikon 17-55mm F2.8G\AF-S DX IF-ED lens but other than that it blows it out the water.The joys of this lens are many.The AF-S drive is fast and silent as you'd expect. The Nano Crystal coating and ED glass works. Ghosting is pretty much never an issue with this lens which is brilliant on something as wide as 16mm.The VR also has turned out to be surprisingly useful. I didn't think it would be but there have been many situation where it has allowed me to get images not otherwise possible.Also it provides a certain level of stability when hand holding which may just help you get a few more 'keepers' than you would have done otherwise.But the party piece of this lens is how well it controls distortion - and sharpness and its colour reproduction. I love being able to shoot this wide open all the time and things to be tack sharp. The fact that distortion is non existent at 20mm was also a lovely surprise.There is just so much to love about this lens. One thing I found to be a lovely surprise was the bokeh you get if you go close up. Sometimes it almost strikes me as if this is a Macro lens as you can get so close to things - and when you do the bokeh is gorgeous. Almost as good as the 50mm 1.8.So all in all this is a fantastic lens. Coupled with brilliant build quality, VR, super fast AF as well as optical performance that is sublime this is a serious winner!
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Hello there,As a full time professional photographer lens purchases are something I do after lots of research and after trying them out first. As a Nikon shooter I have owned 2 copies of the 14-24mm lens which is a truly stunning lens but very heavy and the bulbous end makes it a bit of a pain.A few weeks ago a friend of mine lent me the 16-35mm F4 Nikon Lens, I was dubious at first as its an F4 lens but with the VR I can easily hand hold this lens to around 1/5th of a second hand held, this means I can get amazing tac sharp images even in poor light (I am mainly a wedding photographer) and having used this lens for 3 weddings since owning it, I cant get over how great it is.I have also found that I use this lens a lot more than the 14-24.The 14-24 was great but I only ever used it during the church service or the occasional bridal preparation shot for speeches. The 16-35 stays one of my cameras and gets used throughout the whole day.Let me now address the doubters there, although this lens is an F4, which is in theory a lot slower than a 1.4 or 2.8 lens, at this focal length its not an issue, and at F4 the lens is super sharp, at 5.6 its amazing. The clarity and contrast of the images this lens produces is equal to at the very least my 24-70, 70-200 VR2 and my 85 1.4This is a truly beautiful lens, light compared to other pro lenses it produces really great images and has a more versatile range than the 14-24mmA great lens. I am trying to find something bad to say about the lens but in all honesty I cannot.
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This is a very good wide-angle zoom lens. I know people contrast it with the 14-24mm f2.8 which is a bit unfair - given the price difference. The latter is very expensive and does not have VR, has a bulbous front element and costs a wad a loot. The 16-35mm f4 is a lot more affordable and no protruding front element. To be honest, I have tried both lenses and have found they perform somewhat similarly. Reading online reviews some are against the 16-35mm but many more are for this lens - perhaps they got bad copies. The original lenses where made in Japan, the one I now have is made in Thailand - none issue as they are made to Nikon's exacting standards.At 16mm wide the lens is fine.There's some barrel distortion there but that's easily fixed with Photoshop or LIghtroom or whatever and disappears at longer lengths. Aside form that, the image is sharp at f4 across the image. Next claimed issue is soft at 35mm f4. Mine is not. I have quite a few macro lenses Sigma and Nikon which are sharp. This 16-35mm is as sharp esepcially at f5.6 but clearly can't get as close. Throughout its range it performs very well - sharp, contrasty, occasional flare, CA non-existent... As with all lenses there can be variation in performance bertween samples. If so, it's worth trying another.A decent copy will perform as well as the heavy bulbous 14-24mm f2.8. With hi-ISO cameras being the norm, eg ISO 3200 is clean on a D750, there's no pressing need for f2.8. The 16-35mm f4 overall is a better more useful lens.
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They call this lens the "Landscaper Lens" and they do this for one reason. It is insanely sharp and brings out all the best colours!As an aspiring Photographer I upgraded my Body last year to a D810 and with the upgrade I thought I could do with some new glass. After much consideration and debating to get the 24-70mm f/2.8, I decided to go for this lens; the 16-35mm f/4 VR.Although this lens doesn't have much of a focal length difference (19mm) the stunning 16mm is breathtaking on a full frame sensor and is wide enough to get a lovely shot WITHOUT warping or any sign of vignetting or fish-eye effect. Furthermore I sometimes like to shoot at full zoom, 35mm,and then this lens works very well in diverse situations almost like a prime 35mm would be without super wide aperture.Lastly I would have to say the VR feature on this lens is a killer! Not only does it perform extremely well in stills but when recording video tripod or no tripod, this lens gives the footage just a little bit more smoother feel than shooting with a non VR lens.Overall I am thoroughly impressed with this lens and it lives on my camera almost all the time. Build quality is solid and images are sharp as anything.• Pros.Sharpness, Image qualityBuild QualityVR StabilityNice Wide AnglePerfect for Landscapes• Cons.Quite a heavy LensFocus ring takes several rotations for follow focussing
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I bought this lens from Dales in Leeds new for £795 on 2 years finance as that makes Nikon gear affordable for me. Make no mistake this is a pro grade lens. Half the weight and price of the 14-24. It is plastic but it feels solid, well made and every bit a quality product. I use it primarily on a D600 / D750. In use it focuses fast and accurately in all modes and feels perfectly balanced on the camera. The zoom ring is behind the focus ring and can be a little fiddly to use but is a minor inconvenience. I always shoot with distortion control and vignette control on because that's what they are for. The results that this lens produces are extremely sharp and I mean sharp at the centre and this continues to the edges too.At 16mm there are pronounced converging verticals (to be expected). Contrast and colour fidelity seem good. No real negatives what's not to like. The F4 isn't an issue as VR makes it hand holdable at what was once considered crazy low shutter speeds. Bokeh doesn't really apply to wide angles due to depth of field. I tried it with square filters (Cokin Xpro size and there was no noticeable vignetting), a huge plus in my book.So to conclude, affordable thanks to Dales in Leeds. Great build, good handling and great results, what's not to like.
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I bought this to replace the 20-35mm f2.8 that has served me since film days. This is a stunning sharp lens for high resolution FX cameras, like the D800. It would be wasted on DX cameras. It would not be good for film as it does have a lot of complex distortion (only partially corrected with straightforward barrel/pincushion plug-ins), the only ultra-wide zoom for film is the old 20-35, which is just too soft for D800 or D800E.I did try the 14-24mm f2.8 which would have 2 advantages. An extra stop brighter for manual focusing or AF in very dim light and the extra angle of view at the wide end. However, although not much bigger than the 16-35mm f4, the 14-24mm is a much more awkward shape.In a studio the 14-24 might be better (nearly as sharp and with slightly less distortion) but in the field that bulging front element is asking for disaster. The flat front of the 16-35mm allows filters and is less vulnerable to damage.The Nikkor 16-35 doesn't draw like a Zeiss prime, but it seems as sharp and for a zoom very resistant to ghosting. It's punchy too.Always buy officially imported Nikkors from specialist camera shops; they usually understand the importance of your gear for your livelihood and want to maintain their reputations.Read full review...
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I have seen many detailed reports on the differences between the 12-24 and the 16-35. I am a pro landscape photographer and I can tell you that dispite the 16-35 being an excellent lens and having VR it is nowhere near as sharp at all focal lengths than the 14-24.Yes, the 14-24 is heavier, will only accept Lee filters and has no VR. BUT here's the thing, PRO landscape photographers don't use VR (images are softer with VR on) we accept heavy lenes because of the quality of the glass, they are faster and we will buy and use Lee filters because they are the best filters in the world.I actually own both Lenes. If I need to travel light on a fun day out and carry everything like on a hike up a mountain,I might take the 16-35. For everything else I'll take the 12-24.Don't get me wrong the 16-35 is a great lens. If you're on a budget or your not selling your pictures and need every advantage (like VR and the ability to use standard filters) then this lens will not dissipoint. But if you want the best wide angle lens there is and your happy to spend £400 on the starter Lee filter system kit then this lens is the best lens currently avalible anywhere.
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I purchased this lens after much deliberation over which wide angle to go with for my D800. The list included this, the 14-24, 17-35 and the 24 1.4. It has proven to be an excellent choice. The 14-24 is of course fantastic but I use a lot of filters. The 17-35 has a great rep but the newer 16-35 has been shown to be sharper across the frame and it has VR. The 24 1.4 was very tempting but at nearly twice the price I did not see the benefit when I do very few low light hand held wide shots.The lens is sharp as hell on the D800 and is a nice weight as well, if a little long. It's build quality is solid, although a bit beneath the mighty 14-24.The VR has been handy for some handheld stuff and the zoom range is actually very useful on FX.I wouldnt recommend this at all for DX cameras as the zoom range doesnt make all that much sense, but for FX shooters who want to use regular 77mm filters on their wide angle, this is the lens for you.My only slight gripe would be the frankly heinous distortion at its widest settings. However as long as you have Lightroom or PS, the distortion is a one click process to correct.Thanks Nikon!
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Though I also have the Nikkor 14~24mm lens, I often grab this lens when I need to have a filter - be the filter a neutral density or a polarizer for scenery - or simply a protective skylight filter when I'm in potentially dodgy situations, such as photographing political demonstrations "close up and personal" or where there could be sand and debris blowing in the wind. Be aware that beyond thin skylight filters, thicker filters will cause minor vignetting at the wider focal lengths, but that can be remedied in post processing.The VR function is interesting in that it's amazing how slow of a shutter speed can be used handheld if one is carefully braced at the 16mm setting.But possibly of longer-term interest is that having VR on a wide angle lens may make greater sense when used while shooting video - which may be more in the futures of many photographers who are today shooting stills exclusively.In any case, this is a truly sharp lens and supposedly even sharper than the Nikkor 14~24mm lens, but I honestly can't see the difference in images from the two lenses.
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