

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Nexen Winguard Sport 2 215/45 R17 91V reviews.
You can find all Nexen Winguard Sport 2 215/45 R17 91V reviews and ratings on this page.

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For Nexen Winguard Sport 2 215/45 R17 91V, 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 5.

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Ebay has 1 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.


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Been looking for a winter tyres that are quiet and has a good grip in all winter conditions but doesn’t cost a lot, so here I found Nexen winguard sport 2 just does all that. Done already 2k miles in dry, cold, rain and slightly icy roads and they perform well enough to recommend them. They are very quiet indeed and has positive steering feel, good grip and corners very well. Can’t wait to try them on snow but I think there would be no problems at all. Great tyres for motorway driving too. First 300 miles were extremely grippy and my hybrid felt the grip but after that they are settled and so far I am very happy. My auris hybrid loves them too.

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