

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for NBA Live 2009 (PSP) reviews.
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For NBA Live 2009 (PSP), 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 1.

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now being a basketball player, obviously had to have one game to play. I am a nba 2k fan on ps3, but obviously without them releasing 2k9 on psp, i thought what could be so bad about nba live, having owned previous versions on this platform and others before. Its an hour after getting it, and i am returning it. Graphics sluggish, gameplay slow and unrealistic, data unreal, i dont agree with a single attribute on this game, its like they just assigned random numbers to players, and anyway it doesnt seem to matter when playing it. The dynamic dna addition does nothing, especially as on psp many dont have the online capabilities to be updated...all in all, i hate this game, i think they have just taken basketball,a psp, and thought how bad could we make something.... i am returning mine this very second....i just hope that no one buys my copy, because this will drive u mad...
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