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For NBA Live 10, 7 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.7.

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Ah... NBA Live.If this will ultimately be the final installment at least they went out swinging (based on their absence the past few years I can only assume it is the last one).There's a lot to love here if you can get past the fact that the presentation, in general, of the 2k series is simply superior.** Visuals **The graphics are more than acceptable. Faces look spot on for all the stars and almost all the starters throughout the league. My only gripe here is that some of the scrawnier guys look a bit on the thick side; an example off the top of my head would be Pau Gasol.Other than that small complaint the details are spot on from tats and headgear down to the various footwear guys wear throughout the season.The crowd is VERY captivating,especially if you set your game up for a Playoff or NBA Finals atmosphere. The noise from the fans can literally drown out all other sound at high points of runs - it's pretty amazing. Along with the sound I'd say EA did a better than average job on making the crowd come to life and look realistic (although they obviously pale in comparison to the player models you'll see on the court).** General Presentation **As I stated in my opening there's just no point in trying to compare EA's product to the 2k series. If you're looking for a game that looks EXACTLY like what you'd see on TNT or NBC from the pre-game presentations, to the in-game replays, and all the way to the post-game wrap up 2k is just on a level all to its own. For me, personally, I'm quite "ok" with EA's efforts here though.The pre-game shoot around is brief and sufficient. Afterwards you are greeted by a player introduction screen that shows all 5 starters standing side by side (some will do random things based on personality, such as Lebron or Dwight Howard). I actually prefer this player intro compared to the one seen in 2k.What ever happened to showing the players run out under spotlights with their names announced? I'd like to see that back in a basketball game at some point. Maybe it's already happened considering the last one I purchased was NBA 2k11...Getting back on topic; the in game replays are nothing spectacular but they're also not horrible. I do want to note that I cannot understand what justifies a replay. It seems that anytime a foul is called there's a replay but if I split the D with a pin move and slam on Roy Hibbert there is zero % chance I'll see a replay lol. You get over it pretty fast but I still wanted to note I find the replays much more satisfying in the 2k series; especially the Sprite Slam Cam.There's a very bare bones halftime show and post-game wrap up. The halftime show doesn't feature any video clips that I can recall seeing. It will list the team stats and their highest individual scorer thus far in the game - pretty forgettable.The post-game show is the same stat board you'll see at halftime along with a brief highlight clip of the Player of the Game; I believe it's limited to 3 random highlights of the player.Before moving on I want to at least say a bit about the commentary; I found it repetitive by the end of my very first game. Hearing Marv Albert is nice, in general, though. Something about that makes up for it to me since I've associated his voice with watching real games for so long.Beyond that is on par with pretty much any play by play you'll hear in any basketball you play - they all get too repetitive quickly in my opinion.** Gameplay **The usual findings for b-ball games are here; signature shots/free throw routines, on the fly playcalling options. As far as the overall flow of the game I think it's pretty close to the speed of the real thing, assuming you have the default settings on. Is the D still a bit too soft most of the time compared to the 2k series? Definitely. However, you need to qualify that statement by saying that the D is greatly improved over the previous titles in the series (especially dating back to the ps2 titles they released).Shots look great from their point of release up until the time they splash through the net. Offenses and defenses seem to be in constant motion with players making cuts and setting screensControls are very simple to learn although many have stated they dislike the fact the same button is used to shoot as you use to steal (square), however you can elect to shoot with square instead of the shoot stick in the 2k series as well and they also use the same button for swiping at the ball for s teal - so I don't see why people only complained about this with the NBA Live franchise. I did find it interesting that EA elected to dedicate one of the face buttons just to the alley-oop (triangle). Which leads me to say that the oop is one of the few gripes I have about the gameplay; there are times it almost seems that the animation pauses to wait for the ball to reach the player going up for the dunk. It's more noticeable sometimes than others but if you do enough attempts you'll certainly notice what I'm talking about.Crossovers look very slick, assuming you're using someone with high skill ratings for ball handling. I also find them much simpler and reliable to execute than I do in the 2k games; R2 along with right analog up will having you breaking ankles all day - especially on the lower 2 difficulty options.In general I find the gameplay very solid and right on par with what the competitors offer.** Closing Thoughts **I'm personally surprised how much I enjoyed this title; previously I owned 2k9 and 2k11 for my Playstation 3 and have logged many hours on both of those titles. I was actually just browsing random games and stumbled onto NBA Live 10 a few months ago (this is 2013 and I just realized EA had stopped making titles for the series, lol). Overall, I'm very happy with the game and actually play it more than my other 2 basketball games at this point. There's a lot of things you could pick apart if you play it after you've already experienced what 2k has to offer but if you enter into it with the approach that despite it's also a basketball it's still different game coming from a completely different developer and judge it accordingly. For me I think I favor this game due to the fact I'm not a diehard simulation fan and that's what 2k has mastered. If you want to play a game that's completely on point with how the real thing plays out 2k is probably what you'd enjoy more. If you like a bit looser defense and more chances for those "WOW" plays, even with non-superstars, this is probably a game you should check out - especially at its current price 3 years after its release.I'll end with some quick grades and to give you a baseline to compare it with I'll show the grade I would put on NBA 2k11 as well in each category:NBA Live 2010 NBA 2k11Graphics 8/10 9.5/10Gameplay 8/10 8/10Presentation 7.5/10 9/10Realism 7/10 10/10Ease to Learn 10/10 7/10Composite Score 40.5/50 (81%) 43.5/50 (87%)You really cannot go wrong with either title but your personal taste in games will determine which you ultimately enjoy more.My suggestions:Casual Gamer/Fan = LiveDiehard Sim Fan/Gamer = 2k
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I believe the product was everything I expected it to be and it was in great condition.


Great game, no problems at all.





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