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For Montenegro Select Aperitivo Pilla 17,5% 0,7l, 29 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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I’m not a great liqueur drinker, and I was hoping that this liqueur was going to change my mind. In the full knowledge that my parents would drink if I didn’t like it. They like that sort of drink.Things didn’t go too well when I tried to open the bottle. The black outer seal on the top of the bottle is actually made of metal. Thinking it was a screw cap underneath I tried to unscrew it. No way! I ended up having to use a Stanley knife to get it open. It ended up that it’s a plastic popper under the seal.As I suspected I didn’t like it. My parents sort of did but not with a great load of enthusiasm. To be honest the blurb on the bottle does suggest using it as a spritz. In other words,adding some prosecco and soda water. This may help sweeten things up as it’s very bitter in my opinion. Unfortunately, I have neither of these at the moment.The drink has a good pedigree originating in Venice. I’m sure many people will like it. Alcoholic drinks have an acquired taste with different drinks having their lover and haters. For me, rum and whiskey are my loves. So, although I don’t like this liqueur doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with it.Overall, a low-cost liqueur with a good pedigree but not for me. Hope that helps.
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I'd not heard of Select before so given it's been around 100 years I was interested in trying it.It is blood red in colour and the bottle has a no spill plastic pouring insert.Trying it straight over ice, it tastes quite medicinal and has a bitter after taste to it. I wouldn't recommend drinking it this way and I'm sure it is not intended to be.We then tried it mixed with Prosecco, and soda water as per the suggestion in the Amazon listing and I'm pleased to report it was much nicer and far less bitter. We could clearly taste and smell the citrus flavours it had imparted to the Prosecco. It did make the Prosecco taste much more alcoholic than normal which is why the Soda water is required (youare after all adding something that is 17.5%).Overall I enjoyed it more than my wife who liked it but concluded she prefers her Prosecco as nature intended, finding it too strong when mixed with Select. I however would definitely drink Prosecco with Select in the future as I found the citrus flavours and smell very refreshing.So it might not be for everyone but I would say it's worth trying.
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I like cocktails a lot, especially fizzy ones. I normally go for a nice Le Fizz or a classic Champagne Cocktail. So thought this might move me into new territory...This is Select Aspertivo, all the way from Venice and is a red mixer. On its own, it is bitter and really dry, but this is a mixer than contains numerous botanicals including juniper berries and rhubarb root which gives it a fruity dry flavour to any cocktail.I ignored the main cocktail due to lack of ingredients so used 1 part grey goose, 2 parts champagne, 2 parts Select, a dash of spring water and ice. It was VERY more-ish! My new favourite? Maybe, but not quite Le Fizz.If you looking for something different to add to your prosecco or champers,then I fully recommend this product.
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This is my first time trying liqueur, and sorry the taste is not for me.I initially tried to mix a bit of it with soda and the taste is really weird. It actually tastes like medicine or cough syrup. May be I mixed it wrongly as I saw people suggested to mix it with prosecco and soda water, so I did. And sorry, I still didn't like it.I think it is the original taste of the liqueur that I don't like, so mixing it with Prosecco and soda water doesn't really change the taste of the liqueur itself. what I will do is buy mixing small amount of it with other types of alcohol and juice to make it into cocktail and see if I will like it then. But before I am able to get the other drinks,I will leave it in the cupboard for the moment.
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I don't like prosecco, champagne or any of the other fizzy wines, which is annoying on New Years. However, this has come in really useful because with this Select Aperitif in the glass, it transforms it into a drink that I could easy drink.It can, of course, be used as a mixer for many things. I've tried it with gin and vodka as well and both taste good with this fruity botanical mix. though it adds even more alcohol content that way. You can just add soda or tonic to it as well but it's a fairly dry drink without prosecco.Overall, though, it's a great mixer with its own unique flavour and well worth a try


I love to look of this bottle and colour of the drink is very rich red.I added a measure to a glass of Prosecco as suggested on the bottle and it was very tasty.I am a coeliac so looked online to see whether it was suitable for a gluten free diet and couldn’t find any information, I decided that as it didn’t say it contained gluten I would give it a try and it was ok, no gluten in it.This is a lovely addition to a glass of sparkling wine and I’m looking forward to trying it in other types of drink.I am a gin lover and one of the botanicals in this is juniper so if you like gin I would give this a try.


Rich red colour, kinda strong -17.5%, smells good but on its own taste bitter.It supposed to be mixed with soda water and i must say that it tastes pretty good.I have also tried to mix this with a bloody orange juice, add some sweetener and a slice of orange and must say that this is my fav version as it kills the bitterness well and becomes more fruity and sweet.Good price, great taste (if you know what to mix with and how to prepare your drink).On weekend I will try to find more recipes for this kind of alcohol and surely my weekend will be very relaxing and happy:)Would recommend.


Having drunk and enjoyed better-known Italian liqueurs as a spritz, I was interested to try this, and followed the instructions for drinking (mix with Prosecco and soda water) to the letter. Colour wise I was expecting strawberry - it’s not; what you get is a quite bitter, grown up and interesting drink with layers of juniper and rhubarb. It’s best served chilled in my opinion. I really like it - but would have to say that the bottle was hard to open - so it’s lucky that it was worth the effort! A good addition to my cocktail cabinet and very much a weekend treat.


I really enjoy this drink, especially before dinner. As it is supposed to be drinked mixed with prosecco and soda. However, sometimes, I just have a glass or two on hot summer days as it just refreshes me.The liqueur itself is in beautiful ruby colour. The smell has a distinct orange smell which I really like. The taste is really good it has a strawberry, orange hints in it, with a bitter aftertaste. Which makes it perfect right before dinner so the stomach would start work. Overall, it is a really good apiritivo to make a real Venetian spritz.


I thought by now I might have tried or heard of most alcoholic beverages, but this is a new one for me.I guess it's a bit like "bitters" in that you are supposed to add it to a drink rather than drink it on its own or with a mixer.It is obviously bitter - it is described as such, but they aren't kidding. You need to mix it with something.I guess if you have a cocktail cabinet then this has a place with all the other mystery bottles of random blue or green liquids - this one is a very vibrant red so it will fit in well!


This is meant to be mixed with prosecco and soda water.On its own its too bitter but its not meant to be drank on its own.I mixed with prosecco but had no soda water, It was quite strong!! I tried lemonade added to the mixture , Its very nice actually, I think id choose to have select in the mix from now on.MY other half didnt like it though so i think its going to be a type of marmite situation!


Select is only good for one thing and that is making a Spritz just like you will taste in Venice. We can't go to Venice anymore so Venice can come to us. It is great drink.If you don't like Spritz then this is the bottle that ends up in a tombola at the school fete (I know, they don't exist anymore either).And if you try to invent you own drinks using Select... well, it didn't work for me!


This is bitter, although I mix it with some cold prosecco and ice, I think this drink is not for me.It is made with 30 botanical ingredients, has a bittersweet taste and is originally from Venice with a very nice bottle that can be given as a gift.In general, this drink was not to my liking but it may be liked by other people who like botanical drinks with more bitter flavours.


I have tried this neat out of the bottle and to be honest I was expecting some lethal concoction like campari, I was pleasantly surprised at how it actually tastes pretty good. There is a bitterness but the sweetness seems to balance it out well. I think this is best served as per the suggestion, Prosecco, Ice and a splash of soda.Nice stuff would recommend it if you like mixers.


Yes, it’s similar to Aperol, bittersweet if you taste it neat, but where Aperol is orange-based, this is strawberry-based.I’m not a massive fan of Prosecco so I drink it with basic unflavoured gin and it makes a really delicious drink in my opinion. I’ve also made a long drink with it, a bit Pimms-like, with fruit, soda and sparkling wine and that’s pretty good too.

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