

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Millennium Series Championship Paintball 2009 (Wii) reviews.
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For Millennium Series Championship Paintball 2009 (Wii), 3 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.7.

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My rating of this game is based on my son's enjoyment - not my own experience of playing it. I was alarmed when my son was asking for War/shooting/killing games (Call of Duty) - firstly because I object to them for young kids, but also because he was way too young for the age classification anyway. I was not willing to concede and get the game for him, but he could not understand why. My husband cleverly came up with this game option as a compromise. I am delighted because I could see that my son was upset and didn't understand why friends his age could have the other game and I would not allow it. He is delighted with this compromise because he enjoys the game, enjoys making up his own paintball courses,his friends (who do have Call of Duty) enjoy playing this with him. If you are a parent looking for an alternative to a shooting/killing type game this one has worked for us as a compromise.
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I think ths game is great fun.I must adnit its not the longest game i have played but it is quite a challange.I dont know much about the gear that is used in paintball but the upgrades are fun and fairly easy to understand even for someone like me.Its quite good to be able to set up the positions of your team and try to stick with it yourself!! You have to follow the action quite close to be able to find your opponent as there is a lot of obstacles to hide behind and the computer will as much as you do.all in all i think this is a good game, Its no COD but its fun.

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