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For Midway Arcade Treasures (Xbox), 17 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.5.

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Admittedly I approached this package with some trepidation. Could a compilation of seemingly archaic status possibly take pride of place among a contemporary crop of games fuelled by the next big graphical enhancement? Of course for these games have this very package to answer for.It may be the opinion of a few that these games are now obsolete relics, merely collecting dust on the bottom shelf. This is simply not the case. Even after all these years they offer ultimate enjoyment, unquestionable entertainment and above all are downright fun. I use the word they as a collective for some 24 games, each a glittering jewel in the impressive crown Midway has created.Modern gamers,and I include myself in that bracket, owe it to them-selves to discover where it all began. This, in essence, is the birth of video gaming. Defender the inspiration for Halo, Super Sprint the afflatus for Gran Turismo, you bet. And for the elder gamer out there, what better chance to invoke old memories and to rekindle the passion once shared for games such as these?These games have been compelled to rely solely and utterly upon sheer playability and wow does it deliver in this respect. From the frenetic mayhem that is Super Smash TV, which induced me to a state of panic stricken frenzy, to the gripping complexity that can be Klax. The diversity of genres on offer is astounding; there really is something here for everyone, young or old.Presentation is not this packages' strong point but when the fundamentals of the game play are so well constructed as this, who cares, you are simply having to much fun and are immersed to deeply in the absorbing action to even notice any rough edges or glitches of which there are few.So for anyone who shares my old caution I urge you to lay your prejudice aside and to unearth that special enjoyment to be found in this package. It bought so much to gaming then and can now be bought back to life once more to fondle the memories of old or even to entrance a whole new generation.
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Being a 20-something gamer, I jumped at the chance to pick thiscompilation up, and I'm glad I did.Defender, Smash TV, Paperboy, Marble Madness, all bringing back memoriesof pumping 10p pieces into arcade machines or waiting 10 minutes for theSpectrum tapes to load. Nostalgia....at its best.This title is also a chance to play some classics that may have passed youby. Personally, I'd never played Root Beer Tapper....and it is quitefrankly the most addictive game I have played in a long time.You're asking, "Graham, why only 4 stars?". The simple answer is a few ofthese games really are best confined to history for ever. Rampart isfiddly rubbish, Splat! is literally a mess,and Rampage is a great ideaexecuted in a tedious and boring fashion.Is it worth picking up? Definitely. There will be more than enough here tokeep you entertained. It's also worth showing this to the kids....showthem that games weren't always style over substance.
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Nice little number this one if your interested in or curious about retro gaming.I first experienced most of these babies either in the arcades of the early eighties,usually at 10p a play,or on the home computers of the time such as Commodore 16&64,Acorn Electron,Dragon 32,Oric,bbc micro,Amstrad cpc464 and of course the then mighty Sinclair 16&48k -to name some of the big selling "games pc's" of the time,all of which helped to open up the world of video games as it was being formed.Games like Joust,Paperboy,Gauntlet,Rampage,Rootbeer Tapper,Satan's Hollow and of course the still brilliant Defender 1&2 to name but a few of the titles available on this compilation are retro gaming gold and a solid trip down memory lane for some of us too!!Overall,I recommend this title to anyone into or curious about retro video games.Enjoy :-)
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this is a great game if you want to go back in time to the days of classics like gauntlet, paper boy and marble madness, but it lacks something that doesnt go away (except for gauntlet!!!) and it does spoil the games sometimes. when you first get the game it really brings back good memories but it gets boring after a while only on a 1 player. with a friend now thats fun. it gets conversations going and brings people together (awwwwwww!!!) and makes time fly. the price as well is great for this game. it doesnt take a great deal out of hand and for what you get its really amazing. i would give this a 5 stars but that little feeling takes a little bit away, but if you want some good memories and some good fun from the 80s,then this is a great game to get.
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If like me you remember (vaguely!) the start of the videogame revolution, then this is a collection of games that has a worthy place in your collection. The fond memories of school holidays when you had nothing better to do than while away the hours in the local arcade flood back when you play the likes of Spyhunter, Paperboy and my personal favorite of the collection Gauntlet. (Which I still consider worthy of the value of the whole collection on it's own). Granted, it is not a 5 star review, as some of this collection are best kept as fond memories and have not stood the test of time as well as others, but most is forgiven when you hear the words, "Valkyrie is about to die".Well done midway for this nostalgic gem.
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It is a very good collection of games, for such a very reasonable price. It includes the very fast and frantic pace of Smash TV. It brings back the golden memories of the charismatic count down from 10 to zero, fumbling in the arcades furiously looking for 10 pence pieces in my pocket so I could continue the game .But now at home you get the added advantage of unlimited credits .The best games on the collection in my opinion are Klax rampartSmash TV root beer tapper. The only bad point of the collection is the fact that the games are sooooooo hard.


I just got an Xbox 360 and I'm new to Xbox. I saw these packs of classic games I used to love and thought it would be awesome but you can't play them on the 360 they aren't backwards compatable :(


Turned up on time, works absolutely fine - thank you!


I like most of the games brings back memories


Retro Midway gold.



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