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For Michelin CrossClimate 205/55 R16 94V, 2 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 5.

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This is the second update, eight months after the initial review. I am adding the following in addition to increasing the stars from four to five.We had heavy snow from 31.12.2015 to 02.01.2016. Our garage entrance is on a steep hill which stayed covered with about six inches of softish snow. Driving 90 feet up the hill, one gets to a level street but then has to climb another steep narrow street about 300 feet to get to the main street which was cleared by the municipality.We managed to clear most of the snow up to the sloping street in front. I had to back out downhill and then climb out to get to freedom. I must admit that I was excited as a child, even at 71 years.I really did not have to do this and my wife was torn between fear for me and the Impreza and the wish to drive to see our grandson.Two janitors of neighboring buildings, our own and three passersby gathered to tell me that I would never make it. They said, they saw a Freelander giove up and just barely managed to go back down. Inwards, smiled knowingly but put on a worried countenance, reminding them to get to places of safety, and started to press on the gas pedal in second gear......And, I was away and moving in a straight line with no sliding, swaying, or slipping. There was another small group of spectators at the next hill who may have been busy betting fivers on whether the car would make it up or clog all possible traffic up the hill till the snow fully cleared out. I did not know who won but we had a good two hours with our daughter and eight month old grandson, making it back to the garage with no mishap.The Michelins worked perfectly. The car (and my mastery ?) did the rest.It probably helped that I had upped the road clearance with one size larger tyres, because 6 inches or more snow could have caused some problems due to friction with the undercarriage.For those readers who know Istanbul and live in a similar setting or have frequent wet and snowy weather, I will recommend an AWDvehicle with the Michelin Crossclimate for ease of mind as well as ease and comfort of driving.I am writing after only 3K miles. So the stars may not mean muchI waited till the first week in May for the new Michelin Crossclimate to become available in Turkey before I could change the winter tyres on my 2008 older style 2.0 Subaru Impreza automatic.The tyres I purchased are just slightly larger than the recommended 205/50 to give more road clearance when driving on badly paved mountain roads in Western Turkey where I and my wife take frequent discovery trips from our Nicaea (Iznik) home.This review may not help readers who do not drive AWDs in terms of cornering and road holding or aquaplaning but it may give some ideas on breaking, comfort and noise.I actually found that I did not feel as comfortable entering sharp corners as I did with my rather standar old Winter tyres or the original Michelin Summer tyres the car had. It can be my age or the higher profile of the new tyres or even the shock absorbers getting older after being subjected to atrocious conditions last year in Iznik where the town streets were in the worst shape imaginable due to renovation of the whole sewage network and the new natural gas pipe laying during 14 months or so.On the other hand, the Crossclimates are very comfortable. Much more so that the Goodyears on my supposedly more luxurious and newer VWPassat Variant.I have been driving mostly in dry weather except at slower speeds in the wet within Istanbul, but in both cases, breaking felt quite secure and the stopping distance very comfortable. The tyres seem to have enough surface contact with the paving and the tread discards the water well despite not having wide straight line grooves.I did not notice any roadway noise but, then again, the Subaru is not a quiet car itself and the exhaust delivers enough to please you and mask any possible noise from the tyres. Even at speeds reaching 100-110 mph on the motorway, there was no uncomfortable roadway noise. (Note: these speeds are not recommended in Turkey or anywhere else. There are not only mobile radar equipped vehicles but also Electronic Surveillance Devices which calculate your speed between toll booths in Turkey.)My daughter has been driving the Impreza to and from work the last three months, It is a 50 minute trip in the morning but twice that long coming back. She is very pleased with the performance of the tyres in wet weather and continues to enjoy the car.We have the season's first snow today and she may not be able to get the car out to go to work if the forecast of 8-10 inches tonight and tomorrow materializes. In any case I shall have a better idea of usung the Cross Climates in the snow and write about that in a few days, because My wife and I are planninhg a snowy trip to our tiny/cozy Nicaea (Iznik) home for another romantic tryst on he first day of the New Year.
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I purchased a set of 4 Michellin crossclimate 215/55/16 XL about 2 weeks ago from a main dealer (not Amazon). I've become a walking talking advert for these tyres ie. crossclimate (which I refer too here as XCL). I should say this is not the first time I've driven on Michelin tyres. But I usually would purchases other brands based on price mainly. I'd been researching XCL for 6 months previously before the recent purchase, as I knew my tyres were coming up for a change.So what happened?1. I got a good deal at my main dealer that matched prices on the web.2. the set of four were twice the price of the cheapest highly rated brand.3.I went for XCL based on lots of Youtube reviews of testing and other sites testing XCL.The dealer advised me to go carefully as new tyres tended to be a bit slippery on the road. Of course I knew about this from long experience. This was not the case with this new set of XCL - they gripped the road better than any new set I've had put on!! This is hard to explain in text on a forum. All I can say is that I felt it - and this was not something psychological, cuz I've been driving now for over 30 years on a range of vehicles and sets of tyres.My dealer is 8.5 miles away and 20 mins drive (so that's a pretty slow drive). I left home with 410 miles left on the tank. On the way back I immediately noticed the car was less effortful in acceleration around town and after roundabouts. At first I had wondered if this was psychological but what happened next couldn't be psychological. I get home with 435 miles on the clock.It gets better!! After 3 days of driving around town (probably 25 miles of slow traffic), there is now 460 miles on the tank!!! [I've never seen this in my car which is now 4 years old]. Just to be clear I have not filled up or partially filled up and I have not changed my driving habits which is usually slow accelerations and foot off the pedal (and gearing down) on approach to roundabouts. At this point you may think that I've got shares or some other pecuniary interest in Michelin. I DON'T. My experience is so good that I just have to shout about it.In the corners I definitely feel that tiny bit less lateral drift - I think it's called understeer. And I'm not talking sharp corners. I have to compensate less when on the straight on a motorway and this is quite different to other sets of new tyres I've had in the past. My car is a semi-automatic and normally at 30 mph it won't stay in 5th gear - now it does, even on slight inclines!! This must mean that there is less rolling friction - and that's consistent with the mileage gains above. I've not tested these tyres in winter or wet conditions and I haven't done a panic stop test. But do check Youtube where the majority of test show gains in those. [I did say 'majority' because not all tests agree on these tyres].Nonetheless, these tyres are working for me. I love them and I'd be surprised if others who purchase don't have a similar experience. I'd say buy XCL.
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