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SelectGames, who shipped this out, were great. It was estimated to come 5-9 days after I had ordered it, it came within 3 days instead which was great. Excellent condition (as a new and sealed game should be) and the PlayStation codes used to unlock the DLC were legit (again as they should be). So delivery wise, brilliant. The game itself is a fantastic new breed of stealth games. An open world in a stealth game is a great concept although the maps, once fully explored can feel a bit repetitive. The story is detailed which can be its best asset and its biggest let down. The amount of time cut scenes utilise to introduce a character gives the player enough detail to just coast through the story but just in case you want to learn more,as was the case in MGSV: Ground Zeroes, there are extra ways to learn more about each character. Then on the other hand someone coming into the franchise at this late stage may be confused by all that is going on. One thing that I didn't like particularly was when I went to do a side mission I hit a location connected to a main mission, that then confused me as I didn't know why I was up against a character that I wasn't supposed to meet quite yet. Also it meant the missions in between the ones I had completed and the one that I was forced to do thanks to going into a certain area, their build up for that mission would now be less effective and hindered the story a bit whether Konami meant it to or not. A welcome addition to the game is in the form of the iDroid, which essentially acts as you tour guide and on the go amazon arms package deliverer. You can mark things on your map with it, it will tell you when a certain useful item is close and also you can call in a support helicopter or supply drop. One of the best parts of the iDroid is you can use it to develop new weapons and tools and you can also use it when at Mother Base, your own in the middle of the ocean HQ. For Mother Base you can develop new platforms which will allow you to acquire new staff and weapons that require a higher level to develop. You will start of with some staff and some will volunteer at the end of each mission/ side mission or you could use the Fulton Recovery System. Basically knock out an enemy or a sheep (yes, a sheep) and then hold triangle and a massive birthday balloon will attach to said person/ sheep and they will ignore the laws of physics and rather humorously get transported back to your own Mother base. You can also do this with artillery and vehicles once you fully upgrade your Fulton balloons. Each soldier has different ratings which can be seen through the goggles once upgraded.Like Mother Base, you also have an FOB or Forward Operating Base. These can be invaded by other players and you can invade theirs' too. they hold staff and resources and can be a challenging and interesting way to gain some more items/ recruits. The online, MGS Online 3, I feel as though is a disappointment. While skilled players may enjoy this mode, the game does nothing for inexperienced players. I found it tedious trying to rack up enough points during multiple online rounds just to try to get to the next level. which unlocks new loadouts and weapons/ items.Overall the single player is a great experience with an immersive story and strong new game play mechanics. Players of previous MGS games will feel right at home while new players are guided through the use of tips on the pause screen and someone on your team explaining how to do things. The single player is good enough that, despite the multiplayer being a let down, it doesn't ruin it for the rest of the game. There is plenty to do in MGSV: The Phantom Pain (a title surprisingly not as bad as The Phantom Menace) in the single player alone and if you are brave enough to dive into the multiplayer then be warned that it is not easy at all at the early levels, especially as this game has been out for over a year and a half now. The only downside to Hideo Kojima making a game this good and giving Konami the fox engine is that it saved Konami's PES series and has kept them going so now that they have kicked Kojima to the curb they are still able to release MGS games and, by the looks of things, are headed down a boring and money grabbing path of online zombie shoot-em ups.
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Generally it is a really good game but it feels very much like the assassins creed game series to me... at least in the first half of the game, but really its just how the game feels with the horseback riding / methods of sneaking in comparison to the previous games that makes me think that way.Unlike previous MGS titles this is a game based on small segment missions, be them the "side OPs" which are just subquests, or the main quest line which for the first chapter of the game are well put together are structured.However it really doesn't feel like a MGS game due to that (and pointless credits at the start / end of each primary quest... i really dont care what helicopter is going to be starring in this mission).It also lacks the potent comedy that previous titles held, no longer will you be experiencing a shower of kinds on the edge of a giant oil spill cleanup facility and ring your colonel for a laugh about it, nor will you ring up the paramedic claiming that russian glowcap mushrooms recharge your batteries (BUT THEY REALLY DID!). And the game as a whole seems too serious to be a MGS game in those regards...Some content does feel easier to understand to those who have been long fans of the series, especially snake eater and ground zeroes... but it is generally a game that anyone can pick up and play, and enjoy.I cant give a general review of the game as a whole due to a fatal bug (that has been resolved for everyone but myself apparently), that causes game progressions to halt on missions 29 (i passed) and 42 (which superglued my progression in one place), but what i experienced so far was a great game but a below average game in the MGS franchise due to lack of familiarity and comedy to the game series as a whole. Also just a little warning is that the second chapter generally has about 85% of the missions as repeats of the first chapter but with increased difficulty / a larger need to be stealth, so it does become repeatative quickly, as do the side ops, which as they progress are just the same thing over and over in different catagories of missions, some just start to get a little tougher... usually the ones that already seem to take a long time.Also a personal note, if anyone wishes to progress passed missions 29 / 42, i'd recommend using no buddies at all, the fatal save game bug was supposed to only happen if you used Quiet, but i got it using DDog, anyone who can point me to Konami's bug reports page would be very appreciated haha.But either way, it is a good game, perhaps not what a hardcore MGS fan would be interested in, but i'd still reccomend trying it, and if you love the Assassins Creed game series and MGS series, maybe you may feel the same about this game as i do.
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The bad points of the game!Overall this is a nice progression on the previous Metal Gear and Metal Ger Solid (MGS) games (Yes, I do me the original games before MG Solid). However there are some issues that exist in Playstation 3 and from what I understand the Playstation 4 editions of the game.Whilst in previous MGS games, the story has progressed in a fluid motion. In this vertion of the story of Snake, 9 years after the events of MGS V Ground Zero's (I own but haven't yet played). Is set in the 1980's with the normal comm-chat, present in earlier versions. Apparently absent from the game, putting extra effort into listening to the cassette Walkman,briefings and extra parts of the story that you can and will miss out on.Separate to this the missions and Side OP missions, play a important role in the progression of the story and in gaining access to avoid certain main missions!One area of major criticism, are the forced replay missions. That not only are forced onto you, but are placed in such a way as to cause confusion and let down this compelling story. I do understand why certain missions are available to replay, it's a nice feature of previous MGS games. But esentially preventing you from progressing in the game, by having to complete missions again. The fun innthe game deminshed.Regarding the online features, the micro purchases do get annoying, where you are steered to buy insurance and forced actions that again deminshed the games play ability, when compared to the previous games. But after a while it's more of an announce and maintenance, than anything else.The world it's self, looks amazing on the PS3 in the open world game. The total map size is very similar to GTA IV at a stretch. Where like Just Cause and Red Dead Redemption (Similar size map, maybe a touch bigger). The locations are spaced out, as opposed to the higher density maps like in GTA V, Saints Arow and GTA IV. I enjoy just causing hassle in the side op challenges, as it's relaxing to me.Longevity.The main story, around 50 missions (About 44, if you don't include the forced replay missions). Is complimented with many more side OP missions (160 at max I believe), that allow you to freely roam the maps in Africa and Afganistan, practicing and homing your skills. A particular favorite of mine, SPOILER! (is the Fulton device).Overall I really have enjoyed the game, and even today, I am still playing it, doing missions again and side ops. Whilst trying to improve my stealth tactics, for better scores.So a four star, seems justified overall.
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While some will rightfully critique the incomplete story and its perceived lack of story, this is the best playing MGS by some distance, with much more meat to its story than many will have you believe.To come clean, yes, there is significant decrease in cutscenes per action ratio...but that’s not really a bad thing considering MGS4 easily being around 50% cutscenes and little to no action, if anything, it makes you appreciate and enjoy the cutscenes when they do appear. Those saying that there isn’t any story really need to play the cassettes - there’s a ton of story there!The gameplay is incredible.Those thinking what you could do in the previous MGS4 was amazing are going to have their jaws detach at the sheer variety of ways you can play this game as well as thing you can do with some not so obvious items. I had to YouTube a lot of things, let’s just say the water pistol can be incredibly useful in some scenarios...! Stealth is still probably the best option most of the time, at least until you’ve maximised some weapons, armour and other items at least, but despite being extremely difficult and challenging to not get caught at all, when you have to go all guns blazing; it’s just as much fun, and if you’re not one of the games’ devs - you WILL get caught sometimes! What I pressed me was the enemy AI adapted to my playing style. I initially tried the non-lethal approach of headshots with tranquilizers and using the quite barmy Fullton Recovery System (the game will explain), a few missions later...all the guards have tranquilizer proof helmets, making you think of alternative methods as well as even throwing up the moral in game of issue of ‘is killing easier?’ something that, deliberately or not, ties in perfectly with the games’ narrative.Multiplayer carries the gameplay superiority from the main game seemlessly, allowing for almost limitless customisation of your own base and an enthralling gaming experience, which has a little variety to it for good measure.Overall, with the supposed incomplete storyline (and a lack of interaction / things to on the base (apart from comically tranquilizing Ocelot and ... ahem ... ‘looking’ at Quiet) being the only blemishes and surprisingly a pretty small one in the grand scheme of things, (considering this IS a Metal Gear game) the best playing Metal Gear Solid game and an absolute classic game full stop. Play this twice and avoid MGS : Survive!
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I've played a SOLID 20 hours of this game, and so far I have only completed 10 missions, it isn't to do with difficulty, or because of a un-interesting story. It's because there is so much freedom in this game! There are hundreds of side missions available to unlock, just as many cassette tapes to listen to, some containing important information for the story. Nothing feels pointless and it all comes together perfectly to give a huge sense of freedom and flexibility in each mission. YOU ARE BIG BOSS.The story begins to gather momentum from Episode 10 (each mission is called an episode, and after completion credits roll every time), there are side missions which seamlessly blend into the main story,and sometimes simple missions end up becoming huge and pivotal moments in gameplay. I went on a side mission to meet up with someone, only to be surprised by an unexpected main character. The mission objective then changed and I was in a completely different mission, it all flows so well and none of it seems scripted in the slightest.The gameplay is ultra responsive, very fun, and as everything else in this game, it allows you to make your own fun and go your own way. The world seems living (although there are only soldiers and bases occupying the map, which there are 3 of, Mother Base, Afghanistan, and Africa), and never stops moving. each and every aspect of this game, be it story, gameplay, managing mother base, collectables, side missions, and music, are all so enthralling and deep. One thing that I feel Is a bit unusual (and by that i mean still pretty amazing, just different) is the story campaign, much of it is diluted by a few simple missions put into the MAIN CAMPAIGN MISSIONS. This is only a minor fault, and the gameplay prevents it from becoming annoying.Amazing game, addictive, fun, gives you freedom, tons of content, and graphics that are beautifully crafted, and I'm playing on PS3! Each cinematic is amazingly 'shot', and it sucks you in with its many features/items. AND IT ONLY COST ME £35! Cheapest new game I've bought and one of the very best....11/10....
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Say goodbye to your social life. This is a true gamers game. Current gen games are catered to a basic audience, with focus about story with holding your hand through linear gameplay.These have big wow moments but in the end the feeling is like the other games out there already. examples being uncharted and tomb raider. Both move similar bringing new stories but nothing genre breaking almost like dlc in a way, upon completion giving you no reason to play through again.The Metal Gear Solid series however, have all played differently from one another. With mgs3 being my original favourite based on survival in a jungle, hunting for food etc while evading enemies.MGSV is hard to compare to 3 because they are both defined in their own ways separately,however 20+ hours into the game, it has easily become one of my all time favourites not just among metal gear, or stealth games. but Games in general!I've barely even played the story missions focusing more on the side ops and exploring, recruiting, gathering resources and expanding my mother base. what I have played of the story, the cutscenes are amazingly composed including the missions themselves.one particular mission saw me having to retrieve a secret weapon for the C.I.A. but find a hostage to garner the weapons location, so I chose to deploy under cover of darkness and saw said hostage getting battered as I was scoping the area. I could have easily sniped the OPFOR but as I was playing for stealth, he got taken away further into the map. I made it to his location but got discovered and broke out into a huge firefight to secure the hostage and then the weapon. None of it was scripted. I could have deployed in the day and sniped the enemies. and perfectly sneak my way to the weapon.I'm waffling now but basically what I am saying is this game is a MUST OWN. I can't even imagine how addicted I'm going to get when I start invading other peoples bases and play MGO.
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This game is absolutely stunning to look at and having put in about 5 hours I'm 5% through the game. There are some 150+ missions so it says in the missions list (could have been looking at the Side Ops for which there are probably a similar number.I started off playing this game 4 days ago after buying it on release day. I had a lot going on and I'm grateful I didn't start it last month as I would not haveachieved what I had to. This game is very immersive and you will be glued to it from the word go. It does start a little slow but when yo get to Afghanistan it's your choice what is done and when.I would suggest getting as many Specialists extracted after the Fulton recovery is unlocked and upgrade the Fulton to Vehicle & Armaments extraction level as soon as possible - Mission 10 seems to be the earliest opportunity if you have expanded MotherBase.There is so much attention to detail it's crazy. For instance if you incapacitate a guard with a melee attack or tranq gun and they fall into a puddle they drown, if you get your horse to crap in the road it can cause enemy vehicles to crash, and on the birth date you enter during the start of the game you get a cake and a cigar on that day in the game, if you play most missions at night the enemies will start to wear night vision goggles in future mission, if you get a lot of headshots enemies start wearing helmets so you have to be more accurate. Thats just a few things. If you search "100 things in MGS TPP that will blow your mind" you will see a lot more stuff like this.This game sets the standard for future sandbox games and Hideo Kojima put the video in video game! I haven't played MGS since the 1st one and I can't stop playing this game there are so many ways to play a mission and there is a lot of replay value to improve your rating.
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The more I've played through this the more I've come to realise - I'm playing Final Fantasy VII. Not a re-make - this is, very definitely, Metal Gear. But more than simply a nod to a classic PS1 game.Everything about this - the scale, the ever expanding side-quests, the free-roaming - the choices having consequences - it's all gloriously FFVII. And there's more - from the hero not being the man he thinks he is to the lean, dark and deadly companion assassin you can actually play the whole game through and never hook up with - it's all FFVII.You can play MGS V through without encountering Quiet - and I remember, the first time I ever played FFVII there that shtick was,the same thing with a character called Vincent - a major character in all the promo-art who (unless you know the trick of meeting him) you can play the entire game through without ever having him as part of your band. And it's a real boon that you do.And it's exactly the same with Quiet. You can beat the entire game without ever recruiting her, except you'd miss one mission (the game will just skip over it) and you get her after beating the game through playing the (now) unlocked the missed mission and then officially finished the game.Pure Final Fantasy VII.It's an impressive, immersive game. have to say - I'm impressed. Different to the previous games in the franchise, MGS V provides a welcome change. I wouldn't want every MGS game in the franchise - and sure it WILL continue in some form or other - to be like The Phantom Pain - but it's a great experience, one that (to complete) will take you some serious game-hours.Well worth the purchase - and living up to the hype - buy it. 10/10
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As usual the product was dispatched and delivered without any problems, thanks Amazon.Having only played 4 missions (the prologue and episodes 1-3 in chapter 1) and one side mission In 4 hours this game seems action packed and worth every pound spent on it.Now I'm no metal gear fan boy and don't claim to know everything about every metal gear game (which is not a criticism at all) but I have enjoyed every main entry in the franchise, having only completed sons of Liberty and snake eater, basically I'm just saying this review is not biased!I just can't pick any flaws with this game at the minute, the visuals are stunning, the gameplay is addictive and leaving you wanting to carry on playing which is a bit of a bugger seeing as I have work in the morning.But this game, like every metal gear is no walk in the park, you have to be patient and plan your every move, unless you just go in guns blazing and don't care about the ranking system for missions which now has a purpose, you see, every mission you complete gives you a ranking system, the higher the rank, the better trained soldiers volunteer to join and defend mother base.I will return to this review in the future as there's nothing more for me to say about this game until I play a few more hours of it.The only downside is not having multiplayer as an option for day one, I believe it will be released in October time, this is no worry of mine because who really would've baught this game only to go straight online?! Well maybe some people which is great but not the way most people would've chose to start the game out of the box, but it still would've been nice to have the option on day one still.
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First let me start off by saying Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain is completely different to the rest of the franchise, and for a while that bothered me, I am an individual that enjoyed Guns Of The Patriots thoroughly and I am a great admirer of story telling, and at first glance you can be mistaken to think this game has little to no story, and that is what I also thought when I read the reviews and early play throughs so let me clarify, do not worry, Metal Gear Solid V still has a fantastic story just this time Kojima has given the players more freedom to be Snake, you craft your own narrative in a way, I am only 12% complete so far and from what I have seen Metal Gear Solid V still has that Metal Gear charm,now just with better controls, slicker gunplay and semi-RPG elements in the shape of mother base, creating your own Diamond Dogs army has never been more fun. So my review, Metal Gear Solid V is still faithful to the Metal Gear lore, but now also welcomes new people to the series, this game has something for everyone, from following the main story arch to sending your diamond dogs on missions across the globe to earn income for your mother base operating costs, lets not forget your buddies D .D your dog and D-Horse your trusty steed, my only issue is that some side missions can feel repetitive, but that's to be expected with the open world design choice for this game.I highly recommend, this is a more mainstream friendly Metal Gear game but you will still need to have a certain love for Metal Gear games and what they bring to the gaming world to fully appreciate the world Kojima has created, well done Kojima-San.
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First discovered this game when it was reported on by sky news, as "the best game, ever"Subsequently I ordered this and got it in good time, ready for it's release. I have never been an avid fan of the Metal gear games but thought I would at least give this a try.It started off slow, sneaking around in games is not my favorite genre, I find low profile gaming to be not too distant from reality, not offering the distraction it should but persevered. finding the game itself difficult only added to my frustration, offering multiple ways to complete a mission is a bit like saying you don't have to eat a meal with a knife and fork, we all know that but it inevitably goes in the same hole,essentially kill maim everything is the end goal , but as the game progress' it only improves offering you the opportunity to manage a big oil rig looking base, capturing enemy soldiers to man the fort and sending them off on covert missions.There is lot's of fun to be had with the management side of this game but how new is this third person shooter, I would argue not very.I have given this 4/5 stars, while I don't personally believe that there is anything new with the core mechanics of the game, the base management, look feel and diverse missions kept me interested though out.referring back to the food theme, It's like a tasty doughnut with a new filling, I love doughnuts they're a safe bet, as are shooters but the filling has been changed to peanut butter, offering something different in a clogged up world of doughnuts.
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This is the first Metal Gear I have ever played and I love it. I literally cannot think of anything I do not like about it. The graphics are gorgeous, the locations and sandbox environments are full of things to do. There are so many different main missions and side missions to choose from and many ways I can approach each mission. I can either go full stealth and try and sneak my way past all the soldiers and helicopters etc, or I can go in all guns blazing. I can call down ammo drops and allies to help me out during my missions. There is literally hundreds of different weapons and equipment for me to use for each mission.You develop all these different techs from your Mother Base.Mother Base is a really interesting part of the game for me as its a base management "mini" game that isn't mini at all. Whilst you are out in the field you can Fulton (attached a parachute for pick up) weapons, people, animals, pretty much anything you find back to your base and use them to develop and grow Mother Base. The bigger MB gets, the more toys you get.If this game doesn't get game of the year then there is something very wrong with gamers this year. I literally cannot pick a flaw in this game. Its captivating, engaging, very easy to pick up and play and just a class A game that you would expect from Kojima. Also the prologue was some of the best story telling and engaging game play I have ever experienced in my video gaming life.
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I initially bought and hated this, I've played the previous games but always on very easy or easy mode where permitted so I could appreciate the story. After getting through the long intro I was thrown into the open world, I got spotted, I got into gunfights, I wandered aimless trying not to get spotted. And then I quit, sold my copy, decided I would never be good at this game.....I watched people playing on youtube and the game doesn't necessarily rely on stealth (ti just helps get you those big rankings)In the span of a week I had re-bought it, determined not to get worked up, I did the mission that was bugging me, and I upgraded my tech. I'm not currently overly far into the game but I am enjoying it a great deal,the point is you are supposed to struggle a bit near the start, once you get diamond dog going with you on missions the game gets a little easier, you can research better tech and then replay missions to get better rankings. Eventually you will have a super sized base with many soldiers (i'm nearly at around an army of 300) and even stealing tanks.This is the best gameplay the franchise has had to offer and you would be stupid to pass it up as I nearly did. Story isn't that great but it's unimportant on something so engaging. I get the feeling this is going to be my game of the year.
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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the new entry into a highly successful and critically acclaimed Metal Gear Solid series. I have played it for quite a while now and I believe undoubtedly this is my favourite game. Packed full of missions ranging from assisting a rebel guerrilla assault, to a hunt for a POW, to even find someone who can translate languages for you! The Phantom Pain never ceases to amaze me with how every action has a different consequence depending on the time of day, what you have done before and even where you have shot someone; I personally found that while it may be tempting to treat this game as a casual shoot-em-up every person you kill,every vehicle you blow up is one less you could have taken for future use. I highly recommend this to anyone to enjoy casually, for a competition game when friends come around (who gets the higher rank/ score etc.) or for anything. This game, in general, I believe to be a masterpiece as by listening to the "Afghanistan Today" tapes provide facts on the war in which you're fighting in, also the 80's music sounds pretty good or "Ride of The Valkyries" can even be set to blare out of your helicopter's speakers, maybe whilst blowing somewhere to bits, all in all this is a must buy.
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This is a beautiful, immense and enjoyable game; a worthy capstone to the Metal Gear Solid franchise, if Konami do indeed decide to end the series here. The total number of missions in The Phantom Pain exceeds that of Peace Walker, whilst the gameplay is very much a refinement of Ground Zeroes, with the vast Mother Base system providing as much (or as little) assistance as the player desires, from developing new weapons and delivering ammunition to bombarding foes with artillery and controlling the weather itself. For anyone who enjoys the thrill of stealth-based gameplay, I would recommend this game highly; the only quibble I have is that the auto-save system does not have many checkpoints in the main missions,some of which can take a stealth-loving completionist such as myself over one or two hours. Due to the vast number of options inherent within the game, an auto-save every five minutes might have been a bad thing on certain time-sensitive missions, 'trapping' players in situations where they have no chance of getting to where they need to be on time; however, a quick-save function (a rare feature in console games, I know, but it has been known) would have been a great boon to cautious players / nervous wrecks such as myself.
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