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It’s that time again, I’ve been looking through my collection and as a huge Metal Gear Solid series fan, I own the HD collection, IV and V are in there too, and they’re all really cool for various reasons, I thought I’d finally share my opinion on Guns Of the Patriots having played through it multiple times over the years.Being somewhat the first next gen game in the series when it launched in 2008, I found that compared to late ps3, early Ps4 titles, the game still holds its own fairly well in terms of graphics and gameplay, it’s got everything you’d expect from a Metal Gear story, cool characters, great fourth wall interactions, a mix of stealth and shooter gameplay, I could go on,but fans will understand.It also has some fun tributes to the original game, one can be in the form of the Beauty And The Beast Corps boss unit, a group of sultry femme fatales you face throughout the story at various points, who have similar traits to original characters. (Raging Raven, Vulcan raven anyone?) They’re a tough bunch, but if you play around with them, you can find a very amusing mini game.Remember the VR missions where you could take pictures and play around with characters? That’s exactly what this is like; they pose for your camera and even dance around to your Ipod, which I found very funny. It’s a nice touch that takes the edge off for a little while, ever wanted to take a selfie with your favorite femme fatale? Now you can. This adds to the fourth wall breaks trait of the MGS series, I like it a lot.However there is a huge problem here. Guns Of The Patriots is a great game in its own right, plus it has enough lore and epic scale drama to rival a million dollar blockbuster movie, which leads me onto my exact thoughts as I write this review. Why am I feeling so somber?MGS4 has it all, your favorite characters, award winning soundtracks and enough action to rival almost any action based series, but what went wrong?I’ll try and explain. This game is far darker than any other entry in the series, possibly even Phantom Pain, because it has so many shocking moments you weren’t expecting, the series as a whole is famous for this trait, but Guns Of The Patriots, especially in the later sections, goes crazy on the emotional drama scale. This is bad, because it takes what you remember about memorable characters, and literally at some points rips your heart out by making them do unthinkably dark stuff. It happens way too often, just when you thought you might get a happy ending, something horrible happens, and on a personal note, I couldn’t stand it after a couple of playthroughs.Snake for example, is on his last legs at some points, being somewhat older in this entry, it’s downright depressing to see him suffer, when you know how he used to be, and wish he still was, and when you thought the drama was finally over… ding! Another tragic twist, they went way over the top with this, and it sours my enjoyment of the game as a whole. I know it came out 12 years ago, but I need to say this.Konami, this is Metal Gear. It’s not Game Of Thrones, there was no need to rip our hearts out in nearly every chapter in some way. I do like MGS4 a lot on its own, but my top entry is Phantom Pain, for the reasons listed above, it ranks higher on my list. I want to enjoy the whole game, not be having a blast then get depressed half way through it.Despite its flaws, and to an extent its age, Guns Of the Patriots is still very fun, which is why I’m going to award it an 8/10, I do enjoy it a lot, but it was far to overdramatic late on.I’m fond of the game, and always will be for everything it gets right, I just wish it hadn’t gone down the darkest path of them all.Fair play, Konami, in 2008 this was amazing, in 2020, it’s still hanging on.Let me go and play one final time.
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Normally I'm not emotional at all when it comes to video games. I've always been a PlayStation gamer ever since I got my first PS1 in 1997. From then on until now, I've lost count a rather long time ago how many epic exclusives I've had the immense pleasure of experiencing.People will sometimes ask me, what was your favorite gaming experience on the PS1, or the PS2, and now the PS3? Considering that I love me a good story when playing a game such as the Resident Evil series, the Devil May Cry quadrilogy, Splinter Cell, etc. - I obviously always answer with the one that had the biggest impact on me (immersively, emotionally and entertainingly).For the PS1, it was and always will be Metal Gear Solid.For the PS2, it was and always will be Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater. And for the PS3... As of this review - for me personally, nothing beats Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of the Patriots.Words cannot describe how utterly awesome this game is. You have to experience it for yourself. However, if you do choose to pick it up, I highly recommend that you play either Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 and 3 first - or - Metal Gear Solid 3, 1 and 2 in that order. This way, you'll be able to understand much more of the game ranging from certain plot points to characters and so forth.I will not spoil it, but if you do play the first 3 parts and then number 4 - by the end of the game you'll probably be in tears. Not because of the incredibly long cut scenes, but because how powerful the story, the music, the voice acting and the immersiveness of the game is (not to mention the beautiful graphics which run at 1080p - even by 2011 standards).Long story short, If you like your video games to have a good storyline and you don't mind long cutscenes (to properly further the story of the game), you NEED to get this game.I bought it when it was $69.99 and feel it was worth every penny. Now you can get it for $10-$20 online.Cheers :-)
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