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Ok, so you've probably read loads of other reviews saying "yeah good game but nothing special." This attitude seems to focus on the visuals and constant FMV 'interruptions'.Let's put a few things straight - the graphics are taken straight from PS2, given that and the age of the game (one of the first showcased for PS2) it is pretty damn impressive. Lip sync could be better but facial movements and expressions along with hair and clothing are a pleasure to look at.Secondly as you progress into the game you will find the cut scenes an integral part of the story as the twisting and often surprising plot unfolds.MGS2 steers clear of the predictable storylines and character relationships that plague most games these days and concentrates on keeping the player enthralled in a bedroom sized bubble of pure gaming genius.OK, the game lacks the gritty atmosphere and to die for realistic environments of splinter cell but you have to remember they are entirley different games and designed with different experiences in mind, they cannot really be compared because they are so different (i believe it is an injustice to both games to pit one against the other in a popularity contest) - i think the only similarity (and why people compare them) is the stealth aspect.One of the very few gripes about the game i have is the fact that for a stealth em up - light and dark dont play a particularly big role - i found that you still get discovered even when cowering in what is seemingly a dark corner but this does add to the suspense - am i going to get caught, will they walk straight by? what should i do if i get seen? in fact what should i do if i dont?!!Yeah i agree some of the codec messgaes are absolutely pointless and yes it did annoy me but you dont always have to answer it and you can always skip the interruptions - but that simply strips the game of all that Hideo Kojima wanted us to experience. On the other hand there are subtle messages which can be very clever hints that at the the time you dont realise or just amusing sub texts - or both.The plot exceeds that of Hollywood and it is like watching an interactive movie, but thats the point of it.To fully appreciate the plot and character development you have to be fairly open minded but by the end of the game my eyes were opened to a whole new way of thinking, especially the way i felt about the first installment. I think that Kojima has portrayed his story so well that the player (if they are actually interested in the story and not just there to pop necks) actually feels deep emotions similar to those that the character in the story must be feeling - such as relief, confusion a sense of betrayal or regret etc.The whole adventure is full of secrets and hidden aspects - some have a function others are purley there for fun - to be discovered by the gamer - meaning that the 5th time you play it something might surprise you that you hadn't seen/realised before.During the game certain characters get very philosophical and it is actually a breath of fresh air as opposed to the usual point and blitz games with cheesy and repetitive catch phrases, the plot is something you can discuss with your mates (well the ones who have cleared the game) and is something to really think about. Towards the end, Snake talks about legacies and what people want to be remembered by -I believe this is Hideo Kojima's legacy, the man is a genius.Roll on MGS3!!
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Unlike many people on amazon (its true) they dont always own stuff before before they play it. I do. I got this game straight from America (i have a modchip- to play imports you need a freeloader or a chip).This game is the same as metal gear solid 'sons of liberty' for the PS2 except has loads of extra VR missions and features plus better graphics. it includes the sons of liberty game.For previos metal gear solid for the psx fans, this is A MUST BUY GAME! So far, there has been a come back of revolver ocelot, liquid (but he's not all there-hint) and i think the ninja aswell (and a selection of cardboard boxes ;) )Some of the coolest of the features on this game are the tranquiliser pistol that puts guards to sleep for hours,the first person view when in gun fights and for better accuracy and the fact that you can drag bodies! (tip: shoot them in head with tranquiliser, then throw body off a ledge or shoot it in the hgead with usp and hide it). You can also (once they are dead or asleep) shake items out of their body snd if they are patrolling, go up behind them and aim for their head, you say 'freeze!' and they put their hands up- aim for the head, groin or heart and they will shake items out in a funny dance like move!On a down side, people who have never played the origonal metal gear solid may get confused with the story line and on the first level, getting through the infra red lasers with your 'usual method' (but their is another way round them). The graphics are lazy, not taking the xboxes full power at all and are very bad on the first level in the rain. The sounds are very good but not really inpressive (but this isnt halo so you dont really need true dolby digital 5.1 :) )Overall, if you played metal gear solid and liked it, GET THIS GAME, PURCHASE IS OBLIGATORY.
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This game rules! I have been waiting for this for about 4 years now, scince the original metal gear on psone came out and I was not disappointed.The main games is split into two chapters, the tanker and the big shell plant, the latter being longer. Without spoiling the story, solid snake and otacon have now set up there own anti-metal gear organization known as philanthropy. Everyone thinks snake died after the tanker incident, but then Raiden, the main character of the plant chapter meets a guy there called pliskin, who mysteriously looks, sounds and acts iddentical to snake...The actual gameplay isnt as good as splinter cell, but the main strong point of this game is the storyline, its fantastic,just like the first. You get to use many different guns and gadgets aswell.There are some bad points about this game though, the graphics have ps2 written all over them, they could have, and should have been improved for xbox. Also there is some noticable slow down in places aswell. The other main complaint could be about the fact that for a lot of the game you are sitting listening and watching them talking and video clips.The "substance" part is the 300+ VR missions and the 150+ alternative missions. Also, there are 5 new snake tales which you get to play as snake in. These should make up for his playable absense during the plant chapter.So all in all buy MGS2: Substance becuase it is a fantastic game and certianly a worthy addition to the ever growing collection of xbox games. Buy it, and you wont be disapointed...
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Im sorry but ive never liked splinter cell the enemy characters look like fat blocky rectangles and Tom Clancys scenarios are like the sad old goverment conspiracy films my dad watches.Metal Gear is a great great game the control system is perfect. I know people dont like the replacement of snake in the main chapter with raiden but lets face it this is snakes fourth computer game and he must be in his mid thirtys by now it wouldn't be plausible for him to be still working for foxhound and raidens allowed the designers to make a young agile character who can flip to dodge bullets, hang on to rails etc. Snakes a middle aged man it would be stupid if he done that sort of thing.The cut scences are varied most are very good but one of the sub story lines concerning otacon and his sister is just plain stupid. Saying that though Hideo Kojima always refernces hollywood and japanese film narrative snd im sure he recognises the indulgence of the story. This is a very interesting game its is to video games what pulp fiction is to films. To me this is the one of the first games to be as relevant as a book. If a film was ever made of this game it would be disasterous just like when films are made of great books.I think this is a historically important game. This game real depth I have even tracked down copys of the original MSX metal gear games because of it.
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This is just a simple review to tell anyone looking, NOT to buy this game if you fail one of two reasons, you don't own HALO or you don't own SPLINTER CELL. Don't get me wrong, this is an amazing game, thats why i gave it 5 stars, I've got the original on the PS2 and completed it plenty of times and for about half a year was my favourate game of all time, on any console. But now the times have changed, HALO is not a mindless blast-em-up kind of game (like Quake III for example) that many reviews would lead you to believe, it is as tactical as MGS2: SUBSTANCE but comes with the extra fun of blasting aliens (it doesnt sound that interesting but it is, trust me and thousands [maybe millions]of other devoted fans) and then theres SPLINTER CELL, as tactical as you get and with graphics that kick solid snakes ass. I know you'll probably be thinking that this should be a review on the HALO game page but as I said I am just warning you that you should buy HALO and SPLINTER CELL first, if you trust youself with £35 that you will like MGS2: SUBSTANCE if you havent played it before, honestly you will get much more value for money and enjoyment from playing co-operative with a mate on HALO or sniping a terrorist from a rooftop on SPLINTER CELL than you would playing a buffed up version of MGS2 from the PS2.
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Metal Gear Solid Substance is a mighty game and well deserves the title of Metal Gear the way the game works is that it is split into two the tanker and plant the tanker is were you play as Solid Snake and you are trying to find and photograph the new model of METAL GEAR. METAL GEAR "RAY" named after the manta ray it is fast furious and it is very heart thumping stuff literaly if you hide in a cupboard and a gaurd come near you hear the thump thump the closer the gaurd gets the tanker lvl is quite short and can be completed in about 4-5 hours maybe less if you know wat you are doingThe second part of the game is the plant but you don't play as snake but as "RAIDEN" a young rookie at first iwas disgusted with the idea for playing as sum1 other than solid snake but he grows on you the gameplay becomes extremely tense and can become frustrating on some parts eg the bomb disposale but that is only a short term thing can be done quite fast well in about 30- 60 mins roughly maybe more but thats how long it took me i don't wanna give away to much about this but it takes about 13hours if your just playin it for first time so all together the game is about 17-18 hours depends
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After owning Metal Gear Solid for the PS1, I drooled over the next installment when I found it. Great, I thought, the game I loved with better graphics, AI, features, and options. Was I right? Oh yes.Forget work. You'll bother to call in sick the first couple of days, then you'll forget as the days blur into one. Each time you get to a cut scene you think "I'll just do this" or "I'll just find that guy" as the plot thickens, and sleep will be a long forgotton memory.Splinter cell wished it was as good as this game. This game has better camara angles, a better story, better graphics, better enemy AI, better . . . you get the idea.The only bad point (if you can call it that)is that the story does has too many twists and you may end up trying to work out who knows about who and who wants to do what to which country. Doubled with a lack of sleep, this can be very confusing.If you owned any other Metal Gears, get it. If you haven't, get it anyway. It's that good.
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First Thing's First this game is not as good as the original Metal Gear Solid,but it is much better than the original Metal Gear Solid 2 Because it Has LOTS of VR missions (Youll recognize them from the first game)and plenty of different characters to play as (in training) like Solid Snake in a Tux and Snake in his old MGS1 Costume also there is a chance to use a sword in the game too (very nasty). I reccomend this game to anyone who Likes Splinter cell or has played the original, By the way this game is a 15 (to anybody whoes kids have been nagging them to get this) Allthough there is a option to turn the gore off. BEST GAME IVE PLAYED.


I wouldn't have considered buying Sons of Liberty but now Substance has been released I bought it, mostly for the main game which is amazing. But the thing that clinches it are the hundreds of VR missions with Snake, Raiden, Ninja Raiden, Tuxedo Snake and MGS1 Snake. Plus some Snake Tales where the story gets really weird in some parts, but still good.Once you have played the main came once you can go over it again collecting things like dog-tags, and moving up in the difficulty levels. All over a great game and the same as Splinter Cell but with more extras.


Excellent in the delivery and in the quality product we've got a little problem:When it comes to me there's a little hole in the box.That's all, nice work!


Snake and Raiden work together to slow down the patriots attempt at world domination.Gameplay is Solid and the story has Substance.


An AWESOME game.


Works great.

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