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Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, is just truly an excellent game. First, I'll tell you the features. it starts of with the basic original game of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. In this the plot is a new FoxHound agent codenamed Raiden must infiltrate the oil rig named "Big Shell", in which he must rescue the president from a group of terrorists led by a man who claims to be the Solid Snake, a legendary FoxHound agent. It's a great plot and good game with twists, lots of action and diferent rules. the only difference in Substance then from the original game is that you are aloowed to change characters between Solid Snake, Raiden, the Ninja and Navy SEAL soldier Pliskin.Added to this are 5 whole new mini games, appropriatly called "Snake Tales" when you assume the control of character Solid Snake, which take place in the maps of Sons of Liberty, featuring 5 mini stories. In the first one you must come in to contact with Richard Ames at Big Shell. Its purely a sneaking mission, a nice healthy start to the Snake Tales. In number 2, Big Shell Evil, the aim is to rescue Emma in the event of knowing many hostages and Navy SEALs have been murdered. Number 3, Confidential Legacy, Snake must go back to the Tanker in Sons of Liberty, where he must crack the mystery of general Gurlukovich building an army of mercenaries and slaughtering Marines. In number 4, Snake has a rescue mission to retrieve and discover the happenings to his fellow marines. The final Snake Tale is a kick back and relax mission, where you have to photograph the comical overgrown soldier named the Gurlogon monster. It's not allowed to be harmed. In this package is a further 200 VR Missions, with new virtual reality maps based on the original idea from Metal Gear Solid Integral. You use these maps and missions to increase your stealth and strength in the game at whole. Then there's a FURTHER 100 missions, which again take place on maps in Sons of Liberty which use different tactics such as bomb disposal, first person view, sneaking missions and missions where the objective is to shoot anything that lives (save for the cute virtual seabirds). This pack is guranteed to keep ypu entertained for HOURS on end. And once you've finished it, you'll want to pla it yet again to uncover other things such as trying to collect all the dog tags or complete the game without being seen. All I can say is, buy it. Yes of course now. Come on I haven't got all day!......You're still here? geez, some people....
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I had only played MGS on the PS1 many years ago and fell in love with the format. There were so many shoot-em-ups at the time is was refreshing to play one where skill and stealth were integral to the game and complex plot-line. So now, with the many advances in graphics, sound and gameplay I was looking forward to Metal Gear Solid: Substance. This being the follow-up title to Sons of Liberty there was much to live up to. The good news is, it's better.Again you take on the role of Solid Snake. Your mission is to raise public awareness of the different Metal Gears and prevent the US Marines from developing a new Metal Gear. Each level has a new machine and in order to progress you must stop them.This is an updated version of MGS2 but with many extras. It is very story based and the scripting is brilliant which means at times you feel it could well be the next blockbuster movie.As with the original this game offers a perfectly balanced blend of stealth and action. The radar helps you at every turn. If you are spotted the calls for 'back-up' from the enemy send shivers down your spine and the adrenaline pumping through you. Snake's movement is also much improved and very impressive.Much of the games story is told through skilfully directed scenes which add to the atmosphere. Anyone who has MGS2 will be comforted to know that Substance has many extras. There are over 300 VR missions which add to the longevity of the game.There is also an alternate missions mode. These take place in the game's own levels rather than the specifically designed arenas. A Snake Tales mode uses characters and environments from Sons of Liberty, and a mini skateboarding game imitates Tony Hawk but the controls are a little trickier.The graphics are amazing and the animation is stunning. This game is a must and the best of its genre.5/5
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I had briefly played MGS2:Sons Of Liberty on the PS2 but had found the control method hugely frustrating. However, I am a PC gamer and I really enjoyed the original Metal Gear Solid on the PC version. As a result I decided to buy this game.At first I was dissapointed. The controls were difficult to get used to on a PC keyboard, and the sneaking mode was at first really quite frustrating. However, after four or five hours of being hooked by the games awesome atmoshpere and cinematics, you find yourself getting to grips with the controls. The hours you put in are rewarded by the skill at which you can now control Snake and Raiden through the game.The graphics are really top notch and the sound and voice acting is superb.The soundtrack is amongst the best I have ever heard on a computer game and the story is typically japanese with multiple integrated storylines and this is pulled off in a particularly polished way. The story has me hooked and even when you have completed the original Sons of Liberty game, the Snake Tales add at least another 15 hours of tough gameplay, by which time you are an absolute master of stealth.The game has its faults, and these become apparent when you start to play the game, but it is easy to overlook them because of the sheer playabilty and replayability of the game.Some of the main game bosses are amazing and really are eye openers. The game looks beatifull and can be very fast paced and this is all the more apparent in the boss sections.If you like stealth games or japanese storylines, then this game is for you.
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First off you have to ignore all you've heard about this game, whether good or bad to understand my review. If you're looking to buy this game just for the reputation of MGS (just like i did)and not hoping for the greatest game ever that's a good start. The first shocking thing is the 7.4 gb full installation! It shocked me and my 16gb hard drive! This is because of the several hours worth of clips and movies during the game. These films themselves can be quite tedious but often provide much of the gripping storyline and provide many twists to the plot. They do make the game quite linear though, restricting the players freedom.Okay, the graphics of the game are pretty good during play,smooth and well-textured. They mostly ran smoothly on my AMD Duron 700 but you may need more to be safe. As for the movies, in my view they are meant to be slightly blurred, it isn't slowdown!! Being a japanese game it is a manga/anime thing.The camera can take some getting used to, but if you work it all out you CAN see where you need to and check around corners!The actual gameplay is pretty good with gadgets aplenty and varied weapons. The main drawback is the key configuration which boggled me at first and shows that this game really isn't meant for the PC. If you need to buy this game for the PC buy a pad too to make it easier. You will enjoy this game, once you get used to it but if you can, buy it on a console!
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Metal Gear Solid 2 on the PC is indeed nothing more then a port of MGS2 on the PS2 (or more acurately of the xbox, which ports from the ps2).If you already own the game on either of the other formats there really is no point getting it...but if you don't (as I didn't) it is a chance to play this spectacular game without having to buy a console for the priveledge.As it is a console game it is much more natural to play it with a decent joypad (well worth the investment for maximum ease of play) but the keyboard is still playable (it just takes some getting used to).Yes the install is large (though not much more then most recent games - and hard drive sapce has never been cheaper),yes its on one DVD rather then multiple CDs (a blessing or bane depending on whether you own a dvd-rom yet) and yes there were some early graphics compatability problems with the radeon chipsets (a patch to fix all that is now available from the american website).But once you get past initial difficulties you have MGS2 on the PC almost exactly as it was on the console - a very very faithful port of this excellent game.If you have a PS2 or xbox then I'd recomend getting it on that instead - but for those of us that don't this is really too good an opportunity to find out just what all the MGS fuss is about.And boy is it worth finding out - roll on MGS3!!
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I was really looking forward to the release of this after hearing so much from my friends with the PS2 version. It's true, it does require a huge amount of disc space, and the control system needs work to say the least. It is, however, geared around using a control pad, particularly the Microsoft Sidewinder range, so if you have one of these control pads, you should find no problem with the control method. On the higher resolution settings, the graphics really stand out, easily beating the PS2 version, although I would recommend quite a powerful PC.Technical issues aside, this is the best game of it's genre by far and possibly one of the greatest games ever. The level of realism in enemy AI has to be seen to be believed,especially on the harder difficulty settings. This is, of course, the Substance version of the game, which is the original Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty, plus hundreds of extra VR missions, alternate missions, stories and artwork.In conclusion, once you've delt with the technical issues you will find that this is one of the best single player games to hit the PC and definitely worth it considering it's low price tag.
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Well played the first metal gear on the playstation one and was blown away by the graphics, gameplay and the interaction between the characters and the player (remember my tv being turned off and on and memory card being read) so after a few years i missed out on the playstation 2 release of mgs2 so when i saw it for the pc jumped at the chance! again a great story presented in over the top hollywood blockbuster fashion and was a joy to play through. on the negative side the control system did feel quite a bit restrictive compared with other third person games especially the likes of the splinter cell games.being an older game it runs with highest graphic settings and high frames with nographical anomolies on my 4 year old systems which are:-2ghz & 3ghz p41gb ramx1950 pro and 9800 pro ati graphics cardsWindows Xp service pack 3logitech joypadword of warning, install the version 2 patch for the game, irons out most bugs. Also its pretty much a direct port from ps2 so the games best played with a playstation 2-esc game padoverall great game, fun and thrilling as the first one. 4 stars
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you'll need to do a bit of tweaking to get it working on windows7/8 but it's relatively simple, there are guides on what to do online. It's not the best port in the world but it's certainly playable and I would argue better than the ps2/xbox versions. I highly recommend using a controller with it (may need to use third-party program such as DS3 to get one to work) as it was intended to be played on a ps2 controller, make sure not too mess around with the graphics options if there are some display issues and you should be fine


A brilliant game, however it must be said that to run on Windows 7 a simple patch and fix is needed. Here is the link -[...]Also, playing it with a keyboard is doable, but I would suggest using a game controller to make things simpler.All in all, a brilliant game with a simple fix for Windows 7 users.


This game is really good but i think the producers could have done better to either disguise the fact that it is a port or remade it for the pc. I enjoy the VR Missions, its a good game and the VR Missions top it off. The VR is a new concept and is really enjoyable.


If you have a one-in-a-million graphics card, it's fine.If not, it'll either crash, have a black screen or everything will be white-ish.Buy it on PS2 or Xbox. NOT on PC.I have exactly what it says on the back of the case, and it still doesn't work.


Good game almost impossible to play it with a keyboard,tried it was so not easy or well ported,used a old PlayStation controller to get it to play well,with a good deal of side missions and such,but now starting to feel a bit dated.


I think that this game rocks although you have to have a large hard drive, a good graphics card and a half-decent joypad. The first person view is fantastic with the option of looking around corners and looking over boxes etc.


The PC port is pretty bad - graphical bugs/glitches, terrible controls on keyboard - but once you get it working it's an amazing game.

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