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For Mastrad F38201, 3 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.

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Last year I invested considerable time and effort in order to learn how to make French style macarons. I began using disposable piping bags to form the outer shells for the macarons but when I saw this for sale via Amazon I thought it might be better to have something reusable. Unfortunately I had no success whatsoever with the device. Amongst the accessories is a clip which is supposed to seal the wide end of the bag so that whatever you are piping doesn't squirt out of the wrong end. The silicone walls of the bag are too thick to twist, as you would a disposable piping bag, to seal the mixture within.In fact the bag is also quite small; had it worked it would have been necessary to refill on a number of occasions to achieve the same quantity of macaron shells that I had previously piped out with a disposable bag.I did persevere having paid the not inconsiderable price for this set but it was simply impossible to achieve the mixture coming out of the tip of the bag rather than through the clip and wider end. Eventually I set it aside and went back to the disposable plastic bags, also available via Amazon.Perhaps this set might be better for other baking applications, it is sold as an 'icing bag set' and of course I didn't try it for icing. I can only say that in my experience it is absolutely no good for making macarons.
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As I was a begginer in using piping bags I thought this set was all I needed. Even though I found it was quite expensive I bought it since the bags were reusable. The set contains a number of nozzles and a base which helps filling the piping bags. I was excited until I used the set. The silicone bags are quite stiff and can not be twisted in order to avoid the cream coming out from the back end of the bag. The special clip included for thiw job does not work at all. A mess in my kitchen!!!Furthermore the nozzles do not actually result in different icing styles. I will not use it again. Using disposable bags is quite easier.

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