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For Mastrad Crisp Maker Set, 40 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.6.

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I bought the Mastrad after considering other, cheaper, crisp-makers, and I'm glad that I did.The cheaper versions stack the crisp slices vertically, which sounds OK, but in practice isn't (reviews stated that you had to use alternate vertical slots, so half the unit was redundant).The good thing about the Mastrad is that all the slices are laid flat and, importantly, your can fill the entire circular base with all the slices of potato. You have to remember that when you slice a potato you start with smaller discs until you get to the centre, with the Mastrad, you can fill all the spaces with the smaller discs of potato.I'm using mine with a rather old, lower-powered Microwave,so it takes about 7 minutes for a full platter (about half a potatoes worth) to cook, but the crisps come out nice and crunchy, and as I don't bother to peel them, rather like Kettle Chips.I experimented with Sweet Potatoes, that was a bit hit-and-miss, but I will try 'crisping' a few other vegetables.I'm really pleased with my Mastrad, it makes what is a rather unhealthy snack, more healthy, which can't be bad.
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I read the instructions carefully and tried different potatoes cooked at different time periods. My microwave was a lower powered one so I found that longer times were better than shorter ones. It seems that you cant overcook the crisps too easily but of course undercooking is a no no. For here in the UK I think its best to try starting out at 5 mins and then work from there either up or down by 1 minute. Also I sliced my potato straight onto some kitchen roll and patted the starch from them before placing in the microwave which really helped. Anyway it makes you realise how much fat is in other crisps and also how only one potato can easily make the equivalent of a couple of bags of crisps so in the long run this will work out very economical indeed.Also you can just add your own seasoning, a great talking point at parties.
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Theres really nothing to it, you slice the potato, lay the slices on the mat, bung it in the microwave and after a few minutes you have crisps.You dont even need flavours we have found as they taste just fine on their own and lets be honest how many people have dried cheese powder, onion powder, in the cupboard or whatever it takes to make salt and vinegar, bacon etc flavours. Dont expect walkers , but they are fun to make, fat and salt free, taste good and have to be better for you that bought crisps.


I bought a black topchips make, with a mandolin and was quite disappointed with it - as it didn't cut the shapes very well. however I thought I'd buy more so I could cook more at a time (otherwise it takes ages). When this one arrived the mandolin cuts so well my crips look like the demo photo. Already this week we've had pear, mango, sweet potato, apple and potato crips


have used this for some 3 years now . very goodpreparation ... peel and slice potatoes dry between 2 layers of kitchen paper and very lightly salti use 3 " silicon " plates together 8 minutes in microwave then 1.5 min each seperatelybut please do not try carrots or beetroot , they catch fire .ok the process is a bit long , but , who cares , the result is good


If this fitted in my microwave, I'd have given it five stars. As it is, it was just a little too big for my microwave, meaning it didn't turn on the turntable and therefore didn't cook as it should have done. I thought my microwave was standard size, so bit disappointed, but gave it to my mum and she does fab potato and vegetable chips for my children with it.


This is a good set, have made some great snacks with the kids tried apple, potato, sweet pot even beetroot BUT it didnt fit into my microwave! It was too big. I thought we had an average microwave but obviosuly not. We ended up using it at parents house. But all in all we enjoy using it and will ourchase a few for christmas pressents im sure


I had reservations about purchasing yhis product after reading certain reviews but I love it! It does exactly what it is meant to! It makes very thin and crispy crisps, you do have to turn them after the 3mins if they have not gone slightly brown and cooked for another minute, great for a healthy,tasty treat! Xxx


Couldnt see how this could produce much, but when used it it does actually makes crisps! You need to experiment a bit with timings and flavours. The main difference for us was made by putting the flavour on before cooking, not after, or it didnt stick. good fun :)


Bought on a special deal; have not tried it yet; might turn out to be a five minute wonder - much easier to open a bag of crisps than make our own! Or we may love it1


Makes nice crisps. Not as many at a time as we'd like as they didn't last long. We're experimenting with different flavours so definately a winner here.


does what it says on the tin.perfect crisps every time,you cant tell the difference between these and walkers.plus you can make your own flavours


Like the idea, unfortunately it touches the sides of my microwave so can't revolve, I'm tempted to buy a 23cm microwave so I can use it.


This worked for me, you don't get many crisps to each plate, but the crisps are really good & I have a very modest microwave.


very good device ...seen on the French Tv and it works !!!! just use the right potatoes and here you go !!! EXCELLENT !!!!

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